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Day 1 Character : Nemo Character Overview: Curious and Impressionable.

Living a sheltered life, Nemo brims with the excitement of starting school and finally seeing the wonders of the Great Barrier Reef. He yearns for adventure, and as fate takes him far from home, he learns he is capable of doing great things. Bible Point of the Day: Take a Chance Bible Story Time : Jesus Tells Peter to Follow Him (Mark 1:16-1:20) Something to think about: There was a time when Peter thought he was ready for anything. He wasn't. Jesus told him so. Peter argued with Jesus. Jesus was right, of course. But Peter has been humbled by his own failure and now realizes that the course of discipleship begins with humility. He is ready to follow, even if his path will lead to his own death in a way similar to Jesus. In fact, Jesus lets Peter know that his future is directly tied to the crucifixion of his Lord. Yet Jesus still says to him, "Follow me!" You and I don't know exactly what the future holds, but Jesus looks at us and asks us to follow, even if it means a Cross. Let's follow! Crafts: Sailboat Craft? Like Peter and Nemo, the sailboat represents the start to a journey untold. With the wind in your sails you never know where youll end up. Decorating the sail in the theme of taking a chance to start a new adventure. Games: Bobbing for Nemo Even though Nemo has gone on an adventure, lets see if we can find him in this kiddy pool. Needed: Small kiddy pool with water, sponges with cut outs or something that wont get soggy in water: see link : http://family.go.com/crafts/craft-927616-bobbing-for-nemo-t/?cmp=SYNDIS_Dcom_FindingNemo_Activities_BobbingForNemo_Fcom Snack: Blue Jello with fish on top : see link: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://babyology.com.au/wpcontent/uploads/2011/08/finding-nemo-party3.jpg&imgrefurl=http://babyology.com.au/miscellaneous/show-us-your-partyhaydens-under-the-sea-birthday.html&h=487&w=600&sz=99&tbnid=ceP6pRaXERGFM:&tbnh=90&tbnw=111&zoom=1&usg=__YW9P6_Wu5RTY2T6tlf7MuJY0 IAM=&docid=52yEFQ-7_SKQ4M&sa=X&ei=_C_KUbLOIfI4AP52oHwBg&ved=0CDkQ9QEwAg&dur=41 Music: Hymn: I will Follow Him

Day 2 Characters: Marlin and Dory Character Overviews: Marlin struggles with his inability to let go of Nemo as his son begins school. He must try to find in himself the courage, wisdom, and faith needed to search the unpredictable ocean to bring his boy home - the very characteristics he needs to allow his son to learn and grow. Only when will he truly find Nemo. Dory is the aquatic Good Samaritan who offers to help Marlin on his journey to find his son. She is certainly an odd partner for such a quest, but her optimism proves an invaluable quality to help Father overcome the impossible. To Dory, the glass is always half-full. Bible Point of the Day: Have Faith in Others Bible Story Time: Upon this Rock (Matthew 16:17-19) Things to think about: We trust the apostles' witness, not just because they were eyewitnesses of Jesus' life and resurrection, but also because God has revealed the truth about Jesus to them. In a world of authority and opinions, we are called to obey these teachings and recognize their authority because they are from God. So like the early Christians, we look to the authoritative word of Scripture to be our basis for authority as we are guided by the Holy Spirit to use it appropriately in our lives. Crafts: Rock Painting: Jesus is our rock, by painting a small rock we can use it as a reminder we are always grounded and have a solid foundation. Games: Seaweed Tangle: Spin on Red Rover where the teams must be strong like a rock and not break apart. Just like Peter, who was Jesus rock. Snacks: Pudding with Crushed Cookies: The crushed cookies represent broken rocks and the pudding represents the Holy Spirit that binds us and the rocks together to keep us strong. Music: Continue learning I will Follow Him. Start learning You Are My All And All

Day 3 Character: Bruce Character Overview: A shark that is willing to turn on the knick of a cut of blood. Bible Point of the Day: Do The Right Thing Bible Story Time: Deny me Three times (Matthew 26: 31-35)(Matthew 26: 69-75) Something to think about: Confessing Jesus as Lord and pledging our allegiance to him is not difficult when we are around church people in church settings doing church things. But loyalty is a little more difficult to come by when the world around you is antagonistic and hostile. Our intentions and commitments may be clothed in valor, but in the face of cruel opposition, commitment of any kind may be hard to find. Such is the way of fickle humans. Such is the way sometimes; I am ashamed to admit, for me. Just as Jesus had warned, Peter's resolve melts under pressure, hostility, and misunderstanding. Would mine? When the true test comes, Peter denies him, Judas betrays him, and all the other apostles forsake him and run away in fear. Would I do the same? Crafts: Games: Snacks: Music:

Day 4 Characters: Crush and Nigel Character Overviews: Crush encounters Marlin and Dory, he's more than happy to help them find their way, provided they can hold on for the wildest ride of their lives. Nigel helps Marlin and Dory to find Nemo. Both Crush and Nigel are good Samaritans. Bible Point of the Day: Help Others in Need? Bible Story Time: Who Will Carry His Cross? - Matthew 27:32-34 Something to Think About: Forced to carry his cross! Simon was forced to carry Jesus' cross. But what about us? Are we forced to carry Jesus' cross? Is it something we have to do? Didn't Jesus say, "Unless you take up your cross and follow me you cannot be my disciple"? I don't know about you, but I don't feel forced to carry Jesus' cross. It is an honor. Yes, sometimes it is difficult to be his disciple. Yes, sometimes it is hard to carry his cross when those around me don't believe and belittle my faith. Yes, sometimes it would be easier if I didn't hear his call in my heart. But when I think of all that he went through for me, when I think that it was on the cross that he suffered for my sins, when I realize that he felt the blows from the rod and the sting of the thorns and the indignity of his mocking so that my sin and my shame could be banished, then it is an honor to be identified with his cross. So whether it's dying with Christ in baptism, or dying to my flesh each day, or it's putting to death the misdeeds in my body, I gladly take up his cross and follow him. Crafts: Snacks: Games: Music:

Day 5 Character: Gill Character Overview: He is the leader of an eclectic gang of tropical fish, who hang on his every word and are drawn to his magnetic personality. This tough, scarred, one-finned fish was raised in the ocean, but was taken at a young age to live in a tank. Surrounded by fish that have spent their entire lives in the box, Gill alone feels the pull to be free. Though he dreams of one day breaking out and returning to the ocean, his failed escape attempts have broken his spirit. With Nemo's arrival to the tank, Gill is inspired again to find a way back to the sea. Bible Point of the Day: We Must Have Hope Bible Story Time: A Great Gift, A New Day - Matthew 28: 1-6 Something to Think About: "Don't be afraid!" Aren't those beautiful words? Remember what it was like when you were a child and a parent would tell you those words, tuck you into bed, pull the covers up, and kiss you goodnight. Wouldn't it be great if you could hear those words again? The message of Jesus' resurrection is this: "Don't be afraid!" "Don't be afraid; I've been there and come out on the other side victoriously!" "Don't be afraid; the sting has been taken out of death and it cannot defeat you!" "Don't be afraid; your life matters and what you do counts!" Listen closely and you can hear our Father say, "Don't be afraid; my Son and your older brother Jesus has conquered death. All death can do is bring you home!" "Don't be afraid; Jesus has risen from the dead just as he said he would!" Crafts: Snacks: Games: Music:

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