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Unleash the High Mind's Power within You The Real Secret Behind the Mind's Frontier

In 1997 many former Western psy operatives and scientists were now sharing some insight on the recently declassified very mechanical protocols favored by the intelligence establishment. Many news organizations, radio shows, and TV documentaries extensively reported on what appeared to the general public to be a very exotic topic formerly reserved to the realm of science fiction and X-Files shows We then came out also in the open, and revealed in 1997 a totally different approach. We openly declared that the "secret" to Remote Viewing lies in the ability of successfully positioning one's mind at the border of sleep in a very deep Theta 4.5 cycle per second brain state. At that level of reduced brainwave activity the 'conscious' human mind can access information originating from the Cosmic Collective Unconscious Mind. Our Remote Viewing course trains anyone to do so. We were also the first mind science institute ever to push the mind frontier further and introduce in 2002 Remote Influencing training protocols which allow any trainee to enter with FULL AWARENESS (remaining aware) the sleep state (Delta state with brainwaves below 4 Hz) for advanced Remote Viewing and powerful Remote Influencing. At that level of mind operation, one merges the sleeping world (Universal mind) and the waking world as one stays awake and conscious while one's body rests and sleeps. We and many very advanced mind labs have shown that the brain - man's electrical thought expression machine, operates above and superimposes over a much deeper and far more intelligent and wiser Greater Reality: THE UNIVERSAL ONE MIND. It is by learning to quiet down as much a possible our electrical brain electrical frequency while still remaining aware that we can connect to that interconnected reality which links all things and beings, and learn to collect information and Influence perceptually disconnected realities through Its linking processes. More than just writing and speculating about this, we taught our students how to easily reach on command these very states of mind using very powerful and effective training protocols. The revelation of this inner portal to Higher Mind which we all carry became our goal, and we knew that nothing we said could prove it short of directly experiencing it by our trainees. In 1997 there were only 7 sites worldwide speaking of Remote Viewing, including ours. We were the first Remote Viewing institute to introduce the term "Remote Influencing," speak about it and explain it. Today millions exist and more spring out in the open as we write.

We also wrote that the lower and very deep unconscious state of our brain was the domain of the Unifying Mind of ALL of mankind: The level of One, and that at that level we were entering the deep mysterious Spiritual level of the Universal Mind, which we all revisit every night and permanently do so when we re-enter It at perceptual death. We are all individual expressions of It. The response from the former military and intelligence community was to first scoff at such a notion, since this notion of the Unity of all men was very difficult for them to swallow. Why provoke peace when conflict is what you are all about? Soon enough, nevertheless, many mind level organizations seeing experimentally that a theta brain state was synonymous with supposed "psychic" powers were training many, often using special sound or light techniques to achieve the theta state of relaxed mind.

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