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Bioenergetic Medicine

How Bioenergetic Medicine gets you healthy

mind and body are two parallel aspects of reality. The process that runs through mind
[psyche] and body [soma] generating a disease is known as a psychosomatic process
from health to disease...
Disease is an end result of a psychosomatic process. The process starts on a psychological level
with a lack of awareness and a mismanagement of beliefs and emotions. Lack of awareness and
faulty perception triggers an initial blockage of inner freedom and vitality.
The next stage of a disease process is on a bioenergetic level. Bioenergy is the quantum energy
system of a living organism, where thought and matter are interchangeable. A continual and
smooth flow of bioenergy is necessary for an adequate response to rapid changes in our inner and
outer environment. Conversely, disassociation with its natural flow will bring about bioenergetic
disturbances and blockages. A disease process in this early stage cannot be diagnosed
conventionally by your GP or in hospital since there will be no organic changes discernible.
Initial symptoms are very mild and therefore usually remain unnoticed. Further progression of
the psychosomatic process will bring about a myriad of common symptoms of dysfunction. They
are usually considered as being stress related; insomnia, anxiety, headaches, backache, digestive
disturbances and many others. With these symptoms various medical disciplines will endevour to
give them a label and a disease is created so that a prescription can be made. Therefore profound
scientific stress release is needed for long term preventative care.
Finally, a psychosomatic process becomes manifested on the physical level as a disease. This
evolves further by doing progressive damage to cells, tissues and organs with its spectrum of
specific changes such as inflammation, degeneration or pathological growth. Only then will
laboratory investigations prove the existence of a specific disease and official medical diagnosis
will follow. This will enable orthodox colleagues to undertake various allopathic procedures to
alter the symptoms of a disease.
... and back to health
The symptoms of disease are the end result of a developed psychosomatic process. So disease is
the effect, not the cause. To re-create health we now have a new medical paradigm based on
biofeedback between body and mind. Bioenergetic Medicine transforms disease into health by a
treatment process capable of reversing the morbid psychosomatic process. It preempts changes
on all three aspects of a disease process encompassing body, mind and psyche. In this way,
Bioenergetic Medicine facilitates what Hippocrates called ‘Vis medicatrix naturae’ meaning the
healing power of nature.

Mr. Fernando Branco LCPH MARH FBIH

Baseler Straße 12
12205 Berlin Deutschland
Tel +49 30 30101163 email sciosubspace@hotmail.com

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