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One Sided By Jack Hunt

INT. APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - AFTERNOON A small apartment. The room is almost empty, save the necessities. Two men occupy the room - ROB (27) and MARK (30). Rob is blocking the front door with his body and points a gun to Mark, who raises his hands in submission. Rob is a stoner, who has a great fondness for the color black and likes to keep his hair long. Mark is the normal looking of the two. Holds a job, loved by his parents, overall nice guy. How these two ever agreed to share an apartment is beyond comprehension. MARK Rob, man, put the gun downROB Fuck you. I loved her, man. I fucking loved her. The gun begins to quiver in Robs hand. MARK Look, Im sorry. I truly am. I didnt know things would end up this way. ROB (Yelling) I fucking trusted you! Rob cocks the hammer back. Marks eyes grow wider. MARK Listen: lets talk this out. Ill tell you everything between me and Jennifer if you just...calm down. Rob considers Marks offer, gun still pointed. His eyes shift to one of the walls of the room before glancing back at Mark. ROB Okay. No bullshit. He ushers Mark to the faded couch with his pistol before taking a seat on the La-Z-Boy.




Both men stare in silence. Rob is still pointing the gun at Mark. ROB Ready when you are, Mark. MARK Okay...so this started a couple weeks ago. I was just coming out of a relationship with Stephanie. You remember that? ROB That annoying blonde bitch? Yeah, I remember her. MARK Right. So I came home one day and it was just me and Jennifer. I asked where you were and she told me you left to meet your dealer. I didnt think of it and we just...started talking. I dont remember what about, but it lasted a while. Rob grows visibly angry. His fingers clench the butt of the gun. MARK (CON.) One thing led to another and...we kissed. ROB (Through clenched teeth) So what happened? MARK She said she still loved you. The kiss meant nothing to herRob hops out of his chair. ROB (Growing agravated) Why did you fucking do it?! Silence. Mark looks away from Rob. ROB (Yelling) TELL ME!




MARK (Low) ...If I couldnt have her, you couldnt eitherFlesh flies as a bullet is unleashed from its chamber. Marks corpse slumps onto its side. Blood gushes into every crevice of the sofa. Rob drops the gun onto the floor and stares at Marks body before calmly walks through the door to his bedroom. INT. APARTMENT - BED ROOM - AFTERNOON A small bedroom covered in blood spatters and specks. A womans corpse lies in the center in a pool of blood. She is stripped to her underwear. Rob towers over the corpse. Tears begin to form. He then collapses onto the bed, head buried into his arms. ROB (Extremely sad) Im so sorry. I didnt know he would do this to you. I should have been here....I should have been here... He continues to sob. FADE TO BLACK.

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