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Resurrection and Reincarnation

Not everything God lets clear to his sons. The knowledge is always given as the maturity of each one. By that reason, the ancients had vague notion of how to get along resurrection and reencarnation.Knowledge revealed with the emergence of Spirit Doctrine. Here religion establishes communion with Science in clarifying divine things .Oriented by the light of Spiritualism, reading the New Testament will become much more revealing and significant.

Patience The living being feels pain, as the stone feels nothing, so blessed are the pains. The pains are because of our imperfection and to encourage us to walk towards what is healthy. And until that goal is reached, a long time should have to pass. Thats why we should have patience. How patience is linked to the law of charity, we should practice it. In the place of resentment, we seek forgiveness, to go through such an ordeal in a way more brand. So our love is being tested and each hurdle crossed, we will be closer to the ultimate happiness.

Limits of the Incarnation The limits of Incarnation are the limits of the body. When we live in the earthly world, we have the body as a kind of prison that greatly reduces our sensibility. When he incarnates the spirit gets a body appropriate to the nature of the world we will inhabit. A skin may be thicker or thinner. More porous or smooth. However, the evolution makes that this coating along the existences goes debugging until it becomes transparent, almost fluid.

Various categories of inhabited worlds Spirits taught that there are many worlds beyond Earth. Each one different one another. There are worlds for the good spirits and there are worlds to the bad ones. All according to their degree of evolution. Nobody stays forever in one world. The more as we evolve, both in intelligence and feelings, we change worlds. We start changing to another, then another, until we are together with the pure spirits and we need no longer to reincarnate.

Advent of the Spirit of truth Above us there is only God. We must try to approach Him, fulfilling its laws. If we suffer, we find beside the Father love to reconfort us. Now, if spirituality above us has infinite affection, we should try to imitate them by loving our neighbors. Therefore, it is expected of Being Human, which is faithful, the practice of fraternity living life both earthly and spiritual, and the spirits should help men, how men should help the Spirits

Pride and humility

There is much poverty in the world. Therefore it is quite common to see people who have lots of money thinking up better than others. But I ask you: "Do you know someone who is richer than God?" If the Lord loves everyone equally, what should we think that they are judged more proud? The answer is only one: "It's a pity that lurks behind wealth, weakened soul." Rich is that most desired in any existing world. The currency used by God is Love. It is the only asset of real value that we carry in our hearts existence apart.

The Melancholy You know why sometimes we feel very sad for no apparent reason? It is because the Spirit cries at being in prison: his own body. He who enjoys the freedom to travel the different worlds, away from the chains of earthly desires, however, sees that his efforts to try to escape this organic dungeon are useless. So, feels the tiredness of unhappiness. We must not be discouraged by such sentiment. We have a mission here on Earth. Task that will mature in love and brotherhood. Therefore, when approaching dismay, lift, and find the strength to overcome. Have the courage to live a dignified life.

The real disgrace For the Human disgrace is present in misery, hunger, hatred, violence and disaffection. But the real disgrace is the irresponsibility of the attitudes that make others suffer. Misfortune is to hit on a weaker person. Offend someone because she is ugly (in their eyes), poor, talks wrong, thinks or has a religion different from yours. The disgrace is in the act of acting prejudicially, the desire for revenge, jealousy, envy and pride. The disgrace is also the insensitivity of judging each other as if we did not have any error.

If were a good man would have died

When a good man dies, always tend to think as follows: "So many bad people in this world and dies soon the good one. Why didnt God take the malefactor? "The answer to that question is:" The evildoer still has a lot to do in this world to redeem his sins, while the good man has fulfilled his divine task ". The fact that we should have in mind is: "God is just and does what must be done, whether we understand it or not. And in our limited vision, we are unaware of the workings of the Laws of God. ".

Loss of beloved relatives. Premature death.

It hurts a lot for a father to have to bury his child. The youngest to die before the older one looks like divine injustice. Such thought is ignorance. The sufferer does not know that earthly death is nothing more than a fragment of an eternal existence, where living and dying occur all the time. The Spirit incarnates in a body for a while to then abandon it. Instructed with new tasks, reincarnates again to a new period of learning. Understanding this fact greatly relieves our suffering, before an untimely death. What we must avoid is judging God, because, do we know the divine plan?

The indulgencie

The indulgent does not notice the faults of others, he is more concerned to look into the bottom of people's hearts, seeking goodness gathered here. Is not he the propagator of gossip that cause so much suffering. Before him a person who only sees evil, prefers to speak of the good that we all have, because everything in life has two sides. If, for example, you were stolen, thank God for giving him the strength to get what he lost again. If you got sick, thank God for still being alive. Why should we grieve for what we lost, if a lot has still left?

The afterlife Jesus tells us about the future life and teaches that we are imortal.The life we live, this material life is a ticket to get to the spiritual life that is eternal. This enables us to evaluate our interests here on Earth. Sure that if we are here there is something to understand and enjoy the material stuff, since we do not do this our only objective. When we disincarnate (die), we wont take anything unless our moral achievements (good deeds, good thoughts, etc.). Currently humans are evolving, but the day will come that we will become pure spirits, like Jesus. For this to be possible we must follow the laws of God.

To sin by thoughts. Adultery

We must learn to control our thoughts, often thoughts that plague us, can turn into action. So if you want to nip it in the bud, have domain about the thought that pass through your head. For spirits, the act of thinking is synonymous with action. Let us not forget that only those who are imperfect have bad thoughts. Now who evolves in loving kindness, will purify the thoughts, not wanting anything that does not belong him. He isnt jealous, not selfish, jealous much less.

The affability and sweetness The love to the neighbor has two benevolent children called affability and sweetness. But man is naughty as often mean, pretends to be kind and sweet, deceiving us. For this reason we must be very careful. Do not just believe in the friendly smile and gentle words. Let us be attentive to the attitudes one. A loving gesture is worth a thousand words. The sincere love comes from the heart and overflows in practical day-to-day, and not simply manifested in words thrown to the wind.

Destiny of Earth and causes of human misery

We hear news that is shown by the media many evils, diseases and misfortunes. This leads us to conclude that the Human Being is bad. When we do that, we will be making a hasty judgment. It is certain that we will always find problems, but there are good people in the world. And there will be more, so our planet will become a better world. Let us not forget also that is on earth a tiny part of both people who inhabit the Universe. People spread over several worlds, beyond our imagination. There are more evolved and intelligent beings on other planets.

The point of view

When man understands that despite the material life being important, the spiritual life is the destiny of all, he changes his point of view about the values of earthly life. He is slowly realizing that life's difficulties are, in most cases, opportunities for upgrading. Although should seize material opportunities, even to help others, he learns that these things are not the most important. Who doesnt know about a life beyond this world, runs the risk of only thinking about winning money. Just thinks about himself.He doesnt care about those who are in larger need.

Family Ties strengthened by reincarnation and broken by the existence uniqueness Love crosses earthly borders. Parents and friends in one life will be it in others. Meetings will be in different worlds.Famlies remain united in friendly affection that units them. They will reencounter themselves over reincarnations as friends who meet after a long trip. The father can return son from the current son. The mother, granddaughter from the grandma. The friend, wife of the aunt. And those who are distant yet are united by fraternal thought.

Chapter 7 What is meant by the poor in spirit Jesus said: "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." For Jesus, the poor in spirit are the humble people, in other words, human beings who are aware that their talent is a divine gift. The handsome should thank his beauty. The intelligent should thank his intelligence. The rich should thank his richness. Also the poor should thank for being alive and that despite poverty has the chance to learn that most of the wealth is the love. Its nonsense to get sad by not having material goods that will stay here on Earth after your death and that will have no usefulness in the spiritual world. The one who thinks is superior, better than the others for being beautiful, or rich, is a fool.

Superior and inferior worlds What is superior to one can be inferior to another and vice versa. We must not forget that God is fair. He makes the most appropriate for each of us. We are apprentices. Before learning how to speak we must learn to babble words. We need to crawl before walking and so on. In one world we may suffer for acting selfishly. In another learn to be tolerant, step by step, towards wisdom. By this reason, I ask them: "what is superior and what is inferior? "Depends on the capacity of each one. It is like the rungs of a stair. No step is more important than other. All are, because without them we can never reach the top, that is, raising our spirits.

He who rises will be downgraded Humility is synonymous with respect. We get life as a gift, for that reason, we must honor it, fulfilling the laws of God. We should keep in mind that we are very little. One grain of sand lost in the beach. But if we become aware our smallness depositing faith in the Lord, at his eyes we will become giants. Let's throw in the trash pride and ambition for, like ants, do our part. The personal effort of brotherly love, plus the one of many, has the power to change the world, making it a better place to live.

Necessity of the Incarnation The body imposes limits to the Spirit, and the limits are a powerful tool for evolution. The Spirit does not feel hunger. The body does. Therefore, controlling gluttony is an achievement. As it is an achievement learning to control violence, hatred, jealousy, selfishness and prejudice. For this reason, God gave us this challenge. Allowing us to learn in imperfection to seek the virtues instead of vices, treading the path of growth that will lead us to perfection. No matter whether you are rich or poor. Its worth every life is to love and be loved. That money cannot buy, quite the contrary, it has a great power to attract people-serving and ambitious. For this reason, Jesus only had, like equity, his deep love for humanity.

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