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California Citrus Growers Tackle Multiple Pests

California accounts for 32 percent of the U.S. citrus crop production, making citrus production a vital
part of the California economy, and an important commodity to protect. There are many pests that
threaten the large citrus growing operations of California and it is important for growers to have
comprehensive solutions to protect their crops.

One solution that growers have come to trust is Movento insecticide from Bayer CropScience. Movento
has a unique two-way systemic action and offers growers several benefits including longer control and
suppression of multiple pest populations, easy foliar application and protection against resistance.

Effective Multi-Pest Control and Slowed Resistance
David Holden is in his 36
year as a California PCA. He is now the owner of Holden Research and
Consulting in Ventura County, California,
Another California PCA, Craig Harris is in his 37
year consulting. He currently consults with Crop
Production Services in the Oxnard area of California, where he works for more than 30 growers,
managing 1,000 acres of citrus crop.

Holden and Harris both find themselves in an are W P

essentially year-round. With a year-round growing season, Holden and Harris have seen many pests
threaten the citrus crop over their years working as PCAs in California. Currently, Citrus Bud Mite and
California Red Scale are the largest threat to the growers Holden and Harris consult. Recently, they have
been offering Movento as an answer for their growers.

P W with Movento than with other products

Harris explained that the growers he consults are pleased by Movento the desired pests.

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Movento has a unique mode of action that fits well into an integrated pest management program. A
rotation that includes Movento helps to slow the growing insecticide resistance problem.

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An Effective Tool for Asian Citrus Psyllid
The presence of Asian Citrus Psyllid (ACP) has been documented in the Ventura County area. Holden is
unaware of any reproducing populations in areas of California outside of the urban Los Angeles area,
however, both Holden and Harris see the potential threat that ACP poses to the livelihood of the
growers they consult.

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Movento has been available to Florida growers for four years now, and they have seen success using the
product to control ACP. If Asian Citrus Psyllids begin infesting commercial citrus groves in California,
growers will be able to rely on the experience of their Floridian counterparts and trust that Movento is a
reliable solution.

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Both Holden and Harris believe being educated about the materials for controlling ACP is critical. Harris
believes Movento will be a good tool if ACP becomes a problem in his groves. Holden explained that the
product will be good to use as a rotational material for control.

The California citrus growing industry is a major contributor to the farm economy of California,
accounting for $2 billion each year. It will be a major concern if ACP becomes established in California
commercial citrus. Being aware of ACP threat is important for growers and PCAs. Having answers to the
ACP threat available before the pest creeps its way into commercial citrus groves can provide growers
with some peace of mind.

When citrus is a vital part of the state economy, as it is in California, it is important that growers have
solutions that will ensure a strong crop. Movento is a highly effective foliar systemic tool for the
management of multiple citrus pests, which allows growers to see enhanced vigor in their crops and
protect their yields.

To learn more about Movento please contact your local Bayer CropScience representative or visit

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