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|or addltlona| lnformatlon S rlsk factors |ease refer to the Prosectus

5hrIram Transpnrt FInancc Cnmpany Ltd
Cnmpany PrnfI!c
Shiiian Tianspoil Iinance Conpany Lld (STIC) is one of lhe Iaigesl
assels financing NIC in India. The conpanys piinaiy focus is on
financing pie-ovned conneiciaI vehicIes (CV), They aIso piovide
financing foi passengei vehicIes, nuIli-uliIily vehicIes, 3 vheeIeis
and liaclois.
5a!Icnt fcaturcs nf thc NCD Issuc
The Issue is in lhe foin of sccurcd, rcdccmab!c, nnn-cnnvcrtIb!c
dcbcnturcs having oplions, suiling lhe needs of diffeienl calegoiies of
Ciedil ialing agency CARE has ialed lhe issue 'CARE AA+' and
CRI5IL has ialed lhe NCDs "CRI5IL AA/5tab!c" fnr an amnunt nf
uptn Rs. 750 Cr. Insliunenls vilh lhis ialing aie consideied lo have
hIgh dcgrcc nf safcty rcgardIng tImc!y scrvIcIng nf fInancIa!
nb!IgatInns. Such insliunenls caiiy vcry !nw crcdIt rIsk.
An AppIicanls has lhe oplion lo appIy foi NCDs in lhe physicaI foin oi
in lhe denaleiiaIised foin excepl foi lhe Seiies III NCDs vhich is
issued in DenaleiiaIised oplion onIy.
Alliaclive cnupnn nf 10.90% fnr 3 ycars and 11.15% fnr 5 ycars fnr
"IndIvIdua!" hn!dcrs nn rccnrd datc (IncIudes addilionaI incenlive on
coupon foi IndividuaI )
Theie is no Iul /CaII oplions foi lhe NCDs.
The piincipaI anounl of lhe NCDs logelhei vilh aII inleiesl due on lhe
NCDs shaII le secuied ly adequale assels lo ensuie 100% assct cnvcr
whIch sha!! bc frcc frnm any cncumbranccs. NCD hoIdeis shaII le
secuied ly vay of fiisl and excIusive chaige in favoi of lhe Delenluie
Tiuslee on an IdcntIfIcd Immnvab!c prnpcrty and spccIfIcd futurc
rcccIvab!cs nf thc Cnmpany as decided ly lhe Conpany & Delenluie
STIC shaII pay Intcrcst nn app!IcatInn mnncy on lhe anounl aIIolled lo
lhe appIicanl olhei lhan ASA AppIicanls, al lhe iale of 9.00%p.a. and
Intcrcst nn app!IcatInn mnncy whIch Is !Iab!c tn bc rcfundcd lo
appIicanls al lhe iale of 2.50%p.a., suljecl lo deduclion of incone lax
undei lhe piovisions of lhe Incone Tax Acl, 1961, as anended.
A!!ntmcnts shaII le nade nn a fIrst-cnmc fIrst scrvc basIs, lased on lhe
upIoad of each AppIicalion inlo lhe eIeclionic look of lhe Slock
Lxchange, in each Ioilion suljecl lo lhe AIIocalion Ralio.
The NCDs viII le Iisled on N5E & B5E and viII le avaiIalIe in Denal
foin faciIilaling liading of lhese NCDs.
As pei cIause (ix) of Seclion 193 of lhe I.T. Acl, NO TAX wI!! bc
dcductcd at snurcc frnm thc Intcrcst nn !Istcd NCDs heId in lhe
denaleiiaIized foin.
IndividuaI Inveslors (RelaiI & HNI ) hoIding lhe NCDs on any record
dale, shaII be eIigibIe lo addilionaI incenlive in lerms of inleresl in case
of Series I , II and III and redemlion remium amounl in case of Series
IV and V resecliveIy.

Issuc hIgh!Ights
Issuc sIzc: Rs.750 Crs
*Issue of Rs 375 cioies vilh an oplion
lo ielain ovei sulsciiplion uplo Rs.
375 cioies.
Facc va!uc: Rs 1,000
MInImum App!IcatInn: Rs 1O,OOO
oi 1O NCDs.
Issuc summary
Issuc npcns: 16
Ju!y 2013
Issuc c!nscs: 29
Ju!y 2013^
`Tnc |ssuc naq c|csc cn sucn car|icr da|c
cr cx|cndcd da|c as naq oc dccidcd oq |nc

Lcad managcrs: }M IinanciaI, AK
CapilaI Seivices Lld., and ICICI
Secuiilies, HDIC ank,
RcgIstrar: Inlegialed Lnleipiises
(India) Liniled.
Dcbcnturc Trustccs: IDI
Tiusleeship Seivices Liniled.

CrcdIt ratIng by CARE
RatIng Issuc Typc

CrcdIt ratIng by CRI5IL
RatIng Issuc Typc
CRI5IL AA /5tab!c

The ialing of CARL and CRISIL
indicales high degiee of safely and
veiy Iov ciedil iisk. The ialings
piovided ly CARL and CRISIL nay
le suspended, vilhdiavn oi ievised
al any line ly lhe assigning ialing
agency and shouId le evaIualed
independenlIy of any olhei ialing.

|or addltlona| lnformatlon S rlsk factors |ease refer to the Prosectus

BusIncss OvcrvIcw
Thc busIncss Is brnad!y c!assIfIcd Intn thc fn!!nwIng twn busIncss p!atfnrms:
Iinancing pie-ovned conneiciaI vehicIes.
Iinancing foi passengei conneiciaI vehicIes, nuIli-uliIily vehicIes, 3 vheeIeis and liaclois.

As on Maich 31, 2O13, lhey had 539 lianches acioss India, incIuding nosl of lhe najoi conneiciaI vehicIe huls aIong vaiious
ioad lianspoilalion ioules in India. Conpany has aIso eslalIished piesence in 35O RuiaI Cenlies vilh a viev of deepei
penelialion in lhe used conneiciaI vehicIe naikel and ieaching oul lo ieIaliveIy a nevei cuslonei segnenl.

The Assels undei Managenenl has giovn ly CACR of 21.O4 fion Rs.23,354.24 Cioies as of 31
Maich 2OO9 lo Rs.5O,119.87
Cioies as on 31
Maich 2O13 on an unconsoIidaled lasis.

The TolaI Incone incieased fion Rs.3,737.63 Cioies in fiscaI yeai 2OO9 lo Rs.6,563.59 Cioies in fiscaI yeai 2O13 vhiIe Iiofil aflei
Tax incieased fion Rs.612.4O Cioies in fiscaI yeai 2OO9 lo Rs.1,36O.62 Cioies in fiscaI yeai 2O13 al a CACR of 22.O9.
5trcngths and cnmpctItIvc advantagcs
The Iaigesl assel financing NIC in India
Access lo a iange of cosl effeclive funding souices
Unique lusiness nodeI and a liack iecoid of sliong financiaI peifoinance
Sliong liand nane
Lxlensive expeiience and expeilise in ciedil appiaisaI and coIIeclion piocesses
Lxpeiienced senioi nanagenenl lean
5tratcgy gnIng fnrward
Iuilhei expand opeialions ly gioving lianch nelvoik and incieasing pailneiship and co-financing aiiangenenls
vilh piivale financieis.
Conlinue lo deveIop AulonaII lusiness lhiough vhoIIy-ovned sulsidiaiy Shiiian AulonaII India Liniled
ConsoIidale and expand consliuclion and equipnenl finance lusiness lhiough vhoIIy-ovned sulsidiaiy, Shiiian
Lquipnenl Iinance Conpany Liniled.
ConsoIidale pioducl poilfoIio
Conlinue lo inpIenenl advanced piocesses and syslens.

Key growth and efficiency indicators for the last three Fiscals

CcrtaIn Kcy OpcratInna! IndIcatnrs FIsca! 2011 FIsca! 2012 FIsca! 2013
Grnss NPAs (Rs. crnrcs) 528.58 693.79 1O25.37
Nct NPAs (Rs. crnrcs) 74.46 97.22 227.64
Tnta! Lnan Asscts (Rs. crnrcs) 19865.61 22O8O.48 31967.99
Nct Lnan Asscts (Rs. crnrcs) 19411.49 21484.42 3117O.26
% nf Grnss NPAs tn Tnta! Lnan Asscts 2.66 3.14 3.21
% nf Nct NPAs tn Tnta! Lnan Asscts O.38 O.45 O.73
Souice: Iiospeclus
BusIncss HIgh!Ights (Uncnnsn!Idatcd FInancIa!s) (Rs In Crs)
PartIcu!ars FY11 FY12 FY13
Tnta! Incnmc 5,4O1.O5 5,893.88 6,563.59
PAT 1,229.88 1,257.45 1,36O.62
5harc capIta! 226.18 226.32 226.89
Dcbt EquIty RatIn (numbcr nf tImcs) prInr tn thc Issuc =4.57

|or addltlona| lnformatlon S rlsk factors |ease refer to the Prosectus

Catcgnry nf Invcstnrs

Catcgnry I Catcgnry II Catcgnry III Catcgnry IV
InstItutInna! Nnn InstItutInna! HNI RctaI!
fnr cach
Up tn 10%
nf Issuc sIzc
Up tn 10%
nf Issuc sIzc
Up tn 30%
nf Issuc sIzc
Up tn 50%
nf Issuc sIzc
Rs.75 ci foi aIIolnenl
lo QI assuning Issue
size of Rs.75O ci
Rs.75 ci foi aIIolnenl lo Non
InslilulionaI Ioilion assuning
Issue size of Rs.75O ci
Rs.225 ci foi
aIIolnenl lo HNI
Ioilion assuning
Issue size of
Rs.75O ci
(Invcstnrs app!yIng
fnr an amt
aggrcgatIng tn
abnvc Rs 5 !akh)
Rs.375ci foi aIIolnenl
lo RelaiI Ioilion
assuning Issue size of
Rs.75O ci
(Invcstnrs app!yIng fnr
an amt aggrcgatIng
uptn and Inc!udIng Rs
5 !akh)
Whn can
Residenl IulIic
IinanciaI Inslilulions,
Slaluloiy Coipoialions,
ConneiciaI anks, Co-
opeialive anks,
RegionaI RuiaI anks
incoipoialed in India
and aulhoiized lo
invesl in lhe NCDs,
Indian Iiovidenl
Iunds, Iension Iunds,
Supeiannualion Iunds
and Cialuily Iunds,
aulhoiized lo invesl in
lhe NCDs,
Indian aIleinalive
Inveslnenl funds
iegisleied vilh SLI,
Indian Insuiance
Conpanies iegisleied
vilh lhe IRDA,
NalionaI Inveslnenl
Iund, and Indian
MuluaI Iunds
iegisleied vilh SLI
Conpanies, lodies coipoiale
and socielies iegisleied undei
lhe appIicalIe Iavs in India and
aulhoiized lo invesl in lhe
Tiusls sellIed undei lhe Indian
Tiusls Acl, 1882, pulIic/
piivale chaiilalIe/ ieIigious
liusls sellIed and/oi iegisleied
in India undei appIicalIe Iavs,
vhich aie aulhoiized lo invesl
in lhe NCDs,
Residenl Indian scienlific
and/oi indusliiaI ieseaich
oiganizalions, aulhoiized lo
invesl in lhe NCDs,
Iailneiship fiins foined
undei appIicalIe Iavs in India
in lhe nane of lhe pailneis,
aulhoiized lo invesl in lhe
NCDs, and
Liniled IialiIily pailneiships
foined and iegisleied undei
lhe piovisions of lhe Liniled
LialiIily Iailneiship Acl, 2OO8
(No. 6 of 2OO9), aulhoiized lo
invesl in lhe NCDs
Residenl Indian
individuaIs vho
appIy foi NCDs
aggiegaling lo a
vaIue noie lhan Rs.
5 Lacs, acioss aII
Seiies of NCDs, and
Hindu Undivided
IaniIies lhiough lhe
Kaila vho appIy foi
NCDs aggiegaling lo
a vaIue noie lhan
Rs. 5 Lacs, acioss aII
Seiies of NCDs.
Residenl Indian
individuaIs vho appIy
foi NCDs aggiegaling lo
a vaIue nol noie lhan
Rs 5 Lacs, acioss aII
Seiies of NCDs and
Hindu Undivided
IaniIies lhiough lhe
Kaila vho appIy foi
NCDs aggiegaling lo a
vaIue nol noie lhan Rs.
5 Lacs, acioss aII Seiies
of NCDs.
Whn cannnt
Minois vilhoul a guaidian nane (guardian is competent to contract under Indian Contract Act, 1872), Ioieign
nalionaIs inlei-aIia incIuding any NRIs vho aie (i) lased in lhe USA, and/oi, (ii) doniciIed in lhe USA, and/oi, (iii)
iesidenls/cilizens of lhe USA, and/oi, (iv) suljecl lo any laxalion Iavs of lhe USA, Ieisons iesidenl oulside India,
Ioieign InslilulionaI Inveslois, QuaIified IinanciaI Inslilulions, Oveiseas Coipoiale odies and Ieisons ineIigilIe lo
conliacl undei appIicalIe slaluloiy/ ieguIaloiy iequiienenls aie nol eIigilIe lo invesl in lhe issue.

Nntc : AII calegoiies of peisons vho aie individuaIs oi naluiaI peisons (inc|uding HU| ac|ing |nrcugn |ncir Kar|a) incIuding
vilhoul Iinilalion HNI & RelaiI IndividuaI Inveslois vho aie eIigilIe undei appIicalIe Iavs lo hoId lhe NCDs aie
coIIecliveIy iefeiied lo as IndIvIdua!s.
AII calegoiies of enlilies, associalions, oiganizalions, socielies, liusls, funds, pailneiship fiins, Liniled LialiIily
Iailneiships, lodies coipoiale, slaluloiy and/oi ieguIaloiy lodies and aulhoiilies and olhei foins of IegaI enlilies vho
aie NOT individuaIs oi naluiaI peisons and aie eIigilIe undei appIicalIe Iavs lo hoId lhe NCDs incIuding vilhoul
Iinilalion InslilulionaI Inveslois and Non InslilulionaI Inveslois aie coIIecliveIy iefeiied lo as Nnn IndIvIdua!s.

|or addltlona| lnformatlon S rlsk factors |ease refer to the Prosectus

Investment Options:
Souice: Iiospeclus
OptInns 5crIcs I 5crIcs II 5crIcs III 5crIcs IV 5crIcs V
AnnuaI AnnuaI MonlhIy N.A. N.A.
Facc Va!uc nf
Rs. 1000
Tcnnr 36 Mnnths 60 Mnnths 60 Mnnths 36 Mnnths 60 Mnnths
Put /Ca!!
Theie is nn put/ca!! nptInn foi lhe NCDs
Cnupnn (%)
9.65% 9.80% 9.40% N.A. N.A.
InccntIvc nn
N.A. N.A.
1.25% NIL 1.35% NIL 1.23% NIL
Cnupnn Ratc
N.A. N.A.
1O.9O 9.65 11.15 9.8O 1O.63 9.4O
YIc!d (% p.a.)
10.90% 9.65% 11.15% 9.80% 11.15% 9.80% 10.90% 9.65% 11.15% 9.80%
Rs. 10,000/- (1O NCDs) (foi aII Seiies of NCDs,
naneIy Seiies I, Seiies II, Seiies III, Seiies IV and Seiies V eilhei laken individuaIIy oi coIIecliveIy)
In Mu!tIp!cs
Rs. 1000 (1 NCD)
Paymcnt Datc

The fiisl inleiesl paynenl viII le nade on 01 AprI!
2014 foi lhe peiiod connencing fion lhe Deened
Dale of AIIolnenl liII 31 March 2014.
The Iasl inleiesl paynenl viII le nade al lhe line of
iedenplion of lhe NCD on a pio iala lasis.
The fiisl inleiesl
paynenl viII le nade
on 01 5cptcmbcr 2013
foi lhe peiiod
connencing fion lhe
Deened Dale of
AIIolnenl uplo lhe
afoienenlioned dale.
The Iasl inleiesl
paynenl viII le nade
al lhe line of
iedenplion of lhe NCD
on a pio iala lasis
N.A. N.A.

Iace VaIue
+ any acciued inleiesl al
lhe Redenplion Dale +
AddilionaI Incenlive as
nay le appIicalIe foi
IndividuaI NCD HoIdeis
50% nf Facc Va!uc at thc
cnd nf 48 Mnnths & 50%
nf Facc va!uc at thc cnd nf
60 Mnnths
+ any acciued inleiesl al lhe
Redenplion Dale +
AddilionaI Incenlive as nay
le appIicalIe foi IndividuaI
NCD HoIdeis
Iace VaIue
+ any acciued inleiesl al
lhe Redenplion Dale +
AddilionaI Incenlive as
nay le appIicalIe foi
IndividuaI NCD

1364.33 pei
1318.67 pei
763.37 pei
NCD al lhe
end of 48
848.48 pei
NCD al lhe
end of 6O
726.93 pei
NCD al lhe
end of 48
798.17 pei
NCD al
lhe end of
6O Monlhs
The piincipaI anounl of lhe NCDs lo le issued logelhei vilh aII inleiesl due on lhe NCDs, as veII as aII cosls, chaiges, aII fees,
ienuneialion of Delenluie Tiuslee and expenses payalIe in iespecl lheieof shaII le secuied ly vay of fiisl and excIusive chaige
in favoui of lhe Delenluie Tiuslee on an idenlified innovalIe piopeily and specified fuluie ieceivalIes of lhe Conpany as nay
le decided nuluaIIy ly lhe Conpany and lhe Delenluie Tiuslee. The Conpany viII cieale appiopiiale secuiily in favoui of lhe
Delenluie Tiuslee foi lhe NCD HoIdeis on lhe assels adequale lo ensuie 1OO assel covei foi lhe NCDs, vhich shaII le fiee fion
any encunliances.
Senioi, (lo cIaiify, lhe cIains of lhe NCD HoIdeis shaII le supeiioi lo lhe cIains of any unsecuied ciedilois, suljecl lo appIicalIe
slaluloiy and/oi ieguIaloiy iequiienenls). The NCDs vouId conslilule diiecl and secuied olIigalions of ouis and shaII iank paii
passu inlei se, and suljecl lo any olIigalions undei appIicalIe slaluloiy and/oi ieguIaloiy iequiienenls, shaII aIso, vilh iegaid
lo lhe anounl invesled, le secuied ly vay of fiisl and excIusive chaige on lhe idenlified innovalIe piopeily and lhe specified
fuluie Ioan ieceivalIes of lhe Conpany.

|or addltlona| lnformatlon S rlsk factors |ease refer to the Prosectus

RcgIstcrcd nffIcc: Axis House, 8lh IIooi, Wadia InleinalionaI Cenlei, Ianduiang udhkai Maig, WoiIi, Munlai 4OO O25.
TeI: +91 22 4325 2525, Iax: +91 22 4325 3OOO

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