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We all know that the first commandment is one of the most crucial commandment among the whole decalogue

stating that You Shall have no other go ds before me. This research discusses about four acts that would disobey and break the law of the first commandment.

Simony It is an offence against the law of the church. In the canon law, the word bears a more extended meaning than in English law. Simony according to the canonists, says John Ayliffe in his Parergon, defined to be a deliberate act or a premeditated will and desire of selling such things as are spiritual, or of anything annexed unto spirituals, by giving something of a temporal nature for the purchase thereof; or in other terms it is defined to be a commutation of a thing spiritual or annexed unto spirituals by giving something that is temporal. Simony is the act of paying to receive sacraments, including those for ordination to a holy office or other position in the hierarchy of a church. The practice is named after Simon Magus, who is described in the Acts of the Apostles 8:9-24 as having offered two disciples of Jesus, Peter and John, payment in exchange for their empowering him to impart the power of the Holy Spirit to anyone on whom he would place his hands. This is the origin of the term simony. Simony was also one of the important issues during the Investiture Controversy since a group within the church decided to rebel against the rule of simony by forcefully taking the power of investiture from the ruling secular power. One example such as human sacrificial to appease gods, these acts shows that in order to be saved one or more must sacrifice himself/herself so that the gods will not devour their land. Another good example is when the church receives money from the people who attends mass, and then the priest used these for his own wealth and benefit which is an act of simonism.

Idolatry Idolatry is the worship of a physical object as a god. This crosses the first commandment that is "You Shall have no other god before me. We should always Worship God because there is no other God. Objects and other things cannot be God cause they cant give blessing. When Moses got the ten commandments, his people worship the golden calf. There is some people in the Philippines that worship Jose Rizal. They are called Rizalista. This is form of idolatry because they worship the statue of Jose Rizal in Luneta. Offering to Molech. Caption: "This is an idol named Molech. A great many people used to pray to this idol. It had the head of a calf, and was made of brass, and it was hollow inside. There was a place in the side to make a fire in it. When it got very hot the wicked people used to put their little children in its arms. The little children were burned to death there. This man in the picture is just going to put a little child in the idol's arms. Other men are blowing on trumpets and beating on drums, and making a great noise, so that no one can hear the poor little child cry."

Sacrilege This occurs when we use something sacred in the wrong way, with irreverence or contempt. This something can include an object, a person, a place or even a sacred

action itself. Some examples may help. Having a rock concert in a Church, using the chalice as a normal drinking glasses, performing the sacraments in a comical and disrespectful manner. This sin is most grave when it is committed against the Eucharist, which is the Body and Blood of Christ. The Eucharist can never be simply thrown out or left on the floor, or treated like any other object. The proper place for the Eucharist is our bodies, the Tabernacle, the monstrance, or another holy dwelling place For us we think that committing this mistake cannot only violates God but also defies the first two commandments. It may be hard for us to connect but we must think of it. Why do we commit this mistake? Its because we dont respect our God. If we think critically we wont commit this mistake if we have true faith and great respect on our God. And it does not only violate God but violate our religion. Our beliefs. Our faith from the start we were born.

Superstition Superstition is known as the wrong excess of religion or faith. Our superstition becomes active and we act on those feelings when we experience the incorrect religious feelings. It is a certain idea that which comes to our mind when we encounter the said events that would cause specific outcomes. Like a lucky penny, walking past a black cat, fortune telling, or breaking glass. People unconsciously worship other gods. Which falls in the first commandment, thou shall have one God and him alone. We start to depend our future on these superstitions. The way of thinking that a good or bad outcome has happened because of a certain event in your life which is said or rumoured to be affecting our lives respectively. We end up worshiping other gods, when we bring more value and importance to these superstitions. These superstitions are hindrances or traps us from loving the one and Pure God. Most importantly in the second commandment it was stated that God will not tolerate us from loving idols or any other thing that we worship in earth besides him. These superstitions make us unconscious that we depend everything on them, believe and trust them more than God, and drag us away further from God. For example, when a picture is taken with 3 people it is said that the middle one will die first. We cannot state our own time of death. Only God knows the end of our time and the world. We then think like gods which violates the first commandment. When you walk under a ladder, pass by a cat, or break glass you will have bad luck. Up to now we must know that God would never plan anything even into our future. When we encounter these unfortunate sequence of events, we automatically think that it is because of the said phenomenon. We start to think that there is a force that pushes "bad luck", which also violates the first commandment. Last but not the least, fortune telling and horoscopes. We again are not godlike. Only the one true God knows everything. These horoscopes which will state you're future is a violation to the first and second commandment. These actions make people feel godly because they "predict" or "foretell" the happenings of the future. Like how people have stated the exact date of the end of the world but never happened, because only God knows. There are a whole lot more of superstitions in the Philippines such as the one that you should not plant sour fruits near a house or else it will bring bad luck, you should spin your plate if you are going to leave while others are not done eating or else you can never marry; while blessing a house/ building, you should throw change

around the house for good fortune, if you eat fish egg you will have memory problems, when you take home foods from a dead perso n after the ceremony youll have bad luck, and last but not least a well-known charm in the country called the Anting-Anting where in people could buy these products believing that it will give them supernatural powers.

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