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5 Principles for How to Build a Sales Success Attitude, Make Genuine Connections and Earn Customer Loyalty to Achieve Personal and Professional Success


Dedicate yourself to the way you think and act.

1.  Believe in yourself so others believe in you, trust you, and buy from you. 2.  Choose to be around positive people. Remember: people will rain on your parade, because they have no parade of their own. 3. 4. 5. 6. Picture past successes and sales victories. Be a life-long learner. Celebrate effort as well as victory. View change as opportunity.

7.  Build a personal brand that is so compelling it gives direction to your personal and professional life. Build it in both the business social media and the non-social media world. 8. 9. Give value first to attract prospects. Uncover buying motives by asking previous customers.

10.  Put yourself in the prospects shoes and recognize that what they are looking for is proof.


Engage with prospects and earn their trust so they want to buy from you.
11.  Connect with prospects and customers personally and they will have confidence in you. 12. Have ideas for prospects and customers, not a sales pitch. 13.  Engage prospects with power questions that make them stop, think, and respond in terms of you. 14. Go where your prospects and customers go, or are likely to be. 15.  Take a genuine interest in other people before you ask them to take a genuine interest in you. 16. Help prospects grow and profit to earn loyalty. 17.  Present unique solutions that differentiate you from the competition. 18.  Present in a way that is so compelling and memorable that customers will say yes and tell others. 19.  Be creative and present a WOW! idea for the prospect or customer. 20. Earn the next sale during and between transactions.


Serve customers memorably and keep them loyal.

21.  Uncover the reason behind the perceived risk or objection, have it expressed and understood, then eliminate it. 22.  Earn testimonials from loyal customers as one of the most powerful ways to prevent objections. 23.  Ensure there is a perceived fit between what you are selling and what the customer needs or wants to buy. 24.  Get rid of any fear of rejection by deepening your belief and creating tangible value. 25.  Accept and respect customers and they will accept and respect you. 26.  Appeal to the emotional need and supply enough information to justify the emotional decision. 27.  Serve a role in the delivery of the product or service as an opportunity to build the relationship, earn another sale, and earn a referral.


Serve customers memorably and keep them loyal.

28.  When mistakes happen (and they will!) apply The Recovery Formula respond, react, recover + 1. 29.  Take customers complaints seriously, but dont take them personally. 30. Stay in touch to keep you at the forefront of the customers mind. 30.5 C  ommit to consistently exceptional service to ensure customers remain loyal and are your ultimate competitive differentiator.

Copyright 2012 Jeffrey Gitomer All rights reserved. Secrets of Sale Success Copyright 2012 Dale Carnegie & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Secrets of Sale Success 032712

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