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"THIS NEWS will be a surprise to some; a disappointment toothers, but incom

pliance with what we feel to be the will of our Lord we are shifting our mission field goal from Okinawa to Korea."So
read a letter from Dick and Mrs. Melba

LosiB late in January.

The L^h family had been making^

plans to go to Okinawa this year, but a combination of circumstances, plus a "growing impression that what the Lord wants you to do is different than what you have chosen to do^ied to this change in goals. , While the Lashes have'Been taking additional schooling at Lincoln Bible Institute and telling of their desires to serve the Lord in the mission field, they have worked closely with Harold and Mrs. Ada Taylor who are in Koreamain taining their mailing list, and taking
care of the distribution of their mission

publication. In addition to this, Taylor's forward

ing ^ent, Denton Wheeler, is a member

of the Lash's chief sv^porting churchEast 38th Street Christian Church,

Indianapolis, Indiana.
Brother Lash wrote: "This hasn't

been a snap decision. We'd started for Okinawa in good faith, and I guess the Lord found us like a careasier to guide when going. However, the need in Oki nawa is still great. With the Carl Fish family on furlough, the Gerald Doumeys in Japan studying language, and the Cloyd Cbristmans moved back north. Communistic influences beginning to kick iq> some disturbances there now, it is more needy than ever. But have you ever had the growing impression that
what the Lord wants you to do is dif ferent than what you have chosen to do? That's what happened to us about this. I haven't been quick to change. In fact I will probably be teased about my ap parent stubbornness in giving in for a long time to come by those involved. I don't like instability or anything that flavors of it. But gradually I was over whelmed imtil I felt like not heeding this call would be doing wrong. Taylors said that they have been praying for us to come since shortly after they had ar rived in Korea (The Harold Taylors ai^
rived in Korea November 13, 1955, Hori

zons February 11, 1956)." Supporting churches and groups have been contacted about this change in plan, and are agreeable. Less than $100 a month is still needed for their personal support. They may be contacted at Box 155, Lincoln, Illinois.

f^operty cf .Jli IS H ^ ^ V

listic meetingJojjiil;ithj|.phurches with

special emphasis on reaching Jewish people, and have sought to integrate
the Jewish converts with Christian Church congregations in the area where
the convert lives.

"nySe^ $Q^IiE^;;;hold evange

homes, and dis-

They may be contacted for meetings

or to tell of the possibilities in reach

ing Jewish people, and about their own ministry by writing to them at Box 85,
Bell Gardens, California. To illustrate their desire to be free
of denominational ties and New Testa

ment Christians only: Horizons had a letter recently from someone who saw
the Tan-Ditter's name listed in an As

sembly of God publication. It said that they were missionaries of that church

and were available for meetings. We

asked Brother Tan-Ditter to eaqjlain.

His letter follows;

*Wife and I were with that group for

a good many years and we have carried

life insurance with them throughout all

these years. This insurance consists of $2,500 plus $500 death benefit for each of us, and the premium for these bene

fits is very smdl. But, in order to keep

this insurance, we must have member ship and allow oiir names to be on that membership...

"Many of our Christian preachers

have known about this. We have informed

them and we have not kept it a secret.

We are NOT one of their missionaries.

We are NOT supported by them at all.

And we have NEVER sought meetings among them. There was a time many
years ago when we tried to be one of their missionaries, but it was a failure

and we resigned and since then we have

devoted our full time with the Christian

On January 14th, Brother Tan-Ditter

wrote again: "Since writing to you be

foreto prevent any further misunder

standings that would cause misrepre

sentation in the future, wife and I have dropped our insurance so that we would

no longer be listed with a group that we do not believe in. We have belonged to
our wonderful Christian church brother

hood and fellowship for nearly 18 years. And in all of that period of time, we havebeen in only three Assembly of God groups. Our only connection with them was for the sake and upkeep of our in surance. We have been willing to cancel even that. We are not sorry because we
believe that God led us into the Christian

church, and we want nothing to hinder or mar the blessings of this wonderful fellowship. We have been faith mission aries for nearly 18 5^ years now and God
will not fail us. We believe that our wonderful Lord is more than able to take care of us. He has so far."

February 23, 1957

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