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Review Quiz 1 MLA Format I-Connect Alley Cat Tutorial

1. ______ E 2. ______ B 3. ______ D 4. ______ H 5. ______ J

start a new paragraph make letter lowercase

delete or take out

insert space capitalize letter

6. ______ C 7. ______ G 8. ______ F 9. ______ I 10. ______ A

insert (comma, apostrophe, etc.) close up

misspelled or spell out

period needed switch order or transposed letters

11. Which of the following sentences applies all rules of capitalization? A. Assistant dean Shirin Ahmadi recommended offering more world language courses. B. Assistant Dean Shirin Ahmadi recommended offering more World Language Courses. C. Assistant Dean Shirin Ahmadi recommended offering more world language courses. D. None of the above. C. Assistant Dean Shirin Ahmadi recommended offering more world language courses.

12. Which of the following sentences applies all rules of capitalization? A. Kalinai has an ambitious semester, studying differential calculus, classical Hebrew, brochure design, and Greek literature. B. Kalinai has an ambitious semester, studying Differential Calculus, Classical Hebrew, Brochure Design, and Greek Literature. C. Kalinai has an ambitious semester, studying differential calculus, classical Hebrew, brochure design, and greek literature. D. None of the above. A. Kalinai has an ambitious semester, studying differential calculus, classical Hebrew, brochure design, and Greek literature.

13. One way to correct a run-on sentence is to A. add a semicolon. B. create a fused sentence. C. add a comma. D. None of the above.

A. add a semicolon.

14. Which of the following is NOT a run-on sentence? A. The city had one public swimming pool, it stayed packed with children all summer long. B. The building is being renovated, therefore at times we have no heat, water, or electricity. C. All those gnarled equations looked like toxic insects; maybe I was going to have to rethink my major. D. None of the above. C. All those gnarled equations looked like toxic insects; maybe I was going to have to rethink my major.

15. Which of the following IS a run-on sentence? A. The view was not what the travel agent had described. Where were the rolling hills and the shimmering rivers? B. City officials had good reason to fear a major earthquake, most of the business district was built on landfill. C. Wind power for the home is a supplementary source of energy: it can be combined with electricity, gas, or solar energy. D. None of the above. B. City officials had good reason to fear a major earthquake, most of the business district was built on landfill.

16. Adding what is missing and attaching it to the sentence before or after it are two ways to correct A. capitalization errors. B. a sentence fragment. C. a run-on sentence D. None of the above. B. a sentence fragment.

17. Which of the following does NOT contain a sentence fragment? A. Listening to the CD her sister had sent, Mia was overcome with a mix of emotions such as happiness, homesickness, and nostalgia. B. Cortes and his soldiers were astonished when they looked down from the mountains and saw Tenochtitlan. The magnificent capital of the Aztecs. C. Although my spoken Spanish is not very good. I can read the language with ease. D. None of the above. A. Listening to the CD her sister had sent, Mia was overcome with a mix of emotions such as happiness, homesickness, and nostalgia.

18. Which of the following DOES contain a sentence fragment? A. There are several reasons for not eating meat. One reason is due to the dangerous chemicals that are used throughout the various stages of meat production. B. To learn how to sculpt beauty from everyday life. This is my intention in studying art and archaeology. C. Digital technology has revolutionized information delivery. It has forever blurred the lines between information and entertainment. D. None of the above. B. To learn how to sculpt beauty from everyday life. This is my intention in studying art and archaeology.

19. Choose the correct statement. A. MLA requires a title page. B. MLA requires a heading containing your name, instructors name, course title, and due date. C. MLA requires a half-inch margin on all sides. D. None of the above. B. MLA requires a heading containing your name, instructors name, course title, and due date.

20. The writing process consists of A. prewriting, drafting, revising, and publishing. B. planning, drafting, revising, and publishing. C. prewriting, planning, drafting, revising, and publishing. D. None of the above. C. prewriting, planning, drafting, revising, and publishing.


be specific Should cover only what will be discussed in essay Usually appears at the end of the first paragraph Topic may change as essay is written, so revision might be necessary


will this analytical essay cover?

An analysis of the college admission process reveals one challenge facing counselors: accepting students with high test scores or students with strong extracurricular backgrounds.


will this argumentative essay cover?

High school graduates should be required to take a year off to pursue community service projects before entering college in order to increase their maturity and global awareness.

1. B. Residents of the District of Columbia should be given voting representation in Congress because they pay federal income taxes. Explanation: This sentence makes an assertion that can be developed in the paper. The other version merely states facts.

2. B. When a woman suffering from postpartum psychosis injures or kills her child, she should be treated for mental illness rather than charged as a criminal. Explanation: This sentence makes a clear and focused assertion that can be argued in the paper. The other sentence is too vague.

3. A. Political and economic conditions in the early twentieth century help explain the popularity of Marcus Garveys Back to Africa movement. Explanation: This sentence makes an assertion leading to a historical analysis.

4. A. Because fighting terrorists who plan their activities online is a high priority for the US government, Congress should enact stricter computer privacy laws that allow for wiretapping and other forms of surveillance. Explanation: This thesis limits itself to a narrow topic stricter computer privacy rights and it focuses on a way the government might restrict those rights. The other version is too broad and too vague.

5. B. Online grocery shopping benefits American families because it saves money, saves time, and lowers exposure to marketing gimmicks. Explanation: This sentence focuses clearly on the benefits of online grocery shopping. The sentence also suggests an organizational plan for the paper.

What is it? The uncredited use (both intentional and unintentional) of somebody elses words or ideas 3 acts Failing to cite quotations and borrowed ideas Failing to enclose borrowed language in quotation marks Failing to put summaries and paraphrases in your own words (and cite)

Do not simply replace authors words with synonyms its still plagiarism!

1. The sheer number of occasions on which people cry in The Wizard of Oz is astounding. Plagiarized. Why? The student uses language borrowed from the original source without quotation marks and without crediting the author. The following is an acceptable revision: Rushdie points out that the sheer number of occasions on which people cry in The Wizard of Oz is astounding (223).

2. Rushdie notes that so many characters cry in The Wizard of Oz that its surprising the Wicked Witch did not get wet and melt away earlier in the film (223-24). Ok. Why? The student has paraphrased without using language or structure from the source. The student also cites the authors name and gives the page numbers for the source in parentheses.

3. Rushdie points out the number of characters who weep in The Wizard of Oz: Dorothy cries tears of frustration before being allowed to enter the Wizards palace, the guard at the palace becomes sodden with tears, the Cowardly Lion cries when Dorothy hits him on the nose, the Tin Man nearly rusts up again from crying, and Dorothy cries again when captured by the Witch (223). Plagiarized. Why? The student has borrowed words from the source without putting them in quotation marks (tears of frustration, sodden with tears, rusts up again) and has plugged in synonyms for other language from the source (cries/bawls, hits/bops).

4. Pointing out how many times characters cry in The Wizard of Oz, Rushdie observes that if the hydrophobic Witch could only have been closer at hand on one of these occasions the movie might have been much shorter (22324). Ok. Why? The student has correctly placed borrowed language in quotation marks and given the authors name and the page numbers on which the quotation can be found.

5. Rushdie notes that Dorothys weeping makes other characters cry, as when her tears undam a quite alarming reservoir of liquid from the guard in an extreme performance outside the Wizards palace (223). Plagiarized. Why? The student has used the words extreme performance from the source without putting them in quotation marks.

1. Many of William Faulkners novels are set in Yoknapatawpha County, a fictional part of Mississippi. Common knowledge 2. William Faulkner may have gotten the word Yoknapatawpha from a 1915 dictionary of the Choctaw language. Needs citation The writer and folklorist Zora Neale Hurston died in poverty in 1960. Common knowledge

4. William Shakespeare was the only playwright of his generation known to have a longstanding relationship with a single theater company. Needs citation 5. Walt Disney fired and blacklisted all of his animators who went on strike in 1941. Needs citation 6. William Wordsworth and Percy Bysshe Shelley were poets of the Romantic era. Common knowledge 7. As of 2002, the film Titanic had earned more than $600 million in the United States alone.

7. As of 2002, the film Titanic had earned more than $600 million in the United States alone. Needs citation 8. Heroic couplets are rhyming pairs of lines written in iambic pentameter. Common knowledge 9. Iris Murdoch wrote many sophisticated and complex novels before she succumbed to Alzheimers disease. Common knowledge 10. George Lucas made a larger fortune by selling Star Wars toys than he made by selling tickets to Star Wars.

10. George Lucas made a larger fortune by selling Star Wars toys than he made by selling tickets to Star Wars. Needs citation

Use quotations appropriately Limit use of quotations Vivid or expressive language Exact wording needed for technical accuracy Words of an authority lend weight to argument Integrate language to reduce reliance on words of others

Kizza and Ssanyu observe that technology in the workplace has been accompanied by an array of problems that needed quick answers, such as electronic monitoring to prevent security breaches (4).

Use ellipsis mark and brackets Set off long quotations Four or more typed lines of prose, double indent Should be introduced by an informative sentence, usually followed by a colon Quotation marks unnecessary because double indent tells readers passage is taken word-forword from source See Hacker pg. 471

Use signal phrases to integrate sources Marking boundaries Establishing authority Introducing summaries and paraphrases Using signal phrases with statistics and other facts Putting source material in context Synthesize sources

1.Malcolm Gladwell points out that drivers feel safer in an SUV than in a sports car because they think that the SUV drivers chances of surviving a collision with a hypothetical tractor-trailer in the other lane are greater (31). Ok. Explanation: The student has put quotation marks around the exact words from the source and has handled the MLA citation correctly, putting the name of the author in a signal phrase and the page number in parentheses.

2. Gladwell argues that active safety is every bit as important as a vehicles ability to withstand a collision (31). The sentence is unacceptable. Explanation: The phrase active safety is enclosed in quotation marks in the source; single quotation marks are required for a quotation within a quotation. In addition, the student has failed to use an ellipsis mark to indicate that the word which is omitted from the quotation. The following is an acceptable revision: Gladwell argues that active safetyis every bit as important as a vehicles ability to withstand a collision (31).

3. A majority of drivers can, indeed, be wrong. Most of us think that S.U.V.s are much safer than sports cars (Gladwell 31). This passage is unacceptable. Explanation: The second sentence is a dropped quotation. Quotations should be introduced with a signal phrase, usually naming the author. The following is an acceptable revision: A majority of drivers can, indeed, be wrong. As Malcolm Gladwell points out, Most of us think that S.U.V.s are much safer than sports cars (31).

4. According to Gladwell, American SUVs are more likely to be involved in collisions than other vehicles because [they] cant get out of the way in time (31). Ok. Explanation: The student has introduced the quotation with a signal phrase and used brackets to indicate the change from you to they fit the grammar of the sentence.

5. Gladwell explains that most people expect an SUV to survive a collision with a hypothetical tractor-trailer in the other lane (31). This sentence is unacceptable. Explanation: The student has changed the wording of the source (of surviving) to fit the grammar of the sentence (to survive) but has not indicated the change with brackets. The following is an acceptable revision: Gladwell explains that most people expect an SUV [to survive] a collision with a hypothetical tractor-trailer in the other lane (31).


Language Association System to avoid plagiarism

In-text citations contain two elements Last name of author Page number of quoted or paraphrased passage Information can be placed in parentheses immediately after the material being cited

The Spanish tried to reduce the status of Filipina women, who had been able to do business, get divorced, and sometimes become village chiefs (Karnow 41).

Or place authors name in an attributive tag at the beginning of the source material and the page number in parentheses at the end
According to Karnow, the Spanish tried to reduce the status of Filipina women, who had been able to do business, get divorced, and sometimes become village chiefs (41).

1. A. Richard A. Hawley reports that although the ancient Chinese used marijuana for medical purposes, there is no record of the Chinese using it as a pleasure-producing drug (26). Explanation: In MLA style, the sentence period comes after the parenthetical citation.

2. B. Drugs classified as Schedule I by the Drug Enforcement Administration are illegal, even for medical purposes, but they are allowed in authorized experiments (Henninfield and Ator 63). Explanation: When a work has two or three authors, all authors must be named either in a signal phrase or in the parenthetical citation.

3. B. Nearly half of 1,035 oncologists surveyed in 1991 said that if smokable marijuana were legal for cancer patients, they would prescribe it (Cross-Eyed 89). Explanation: When the author of an article is unknown, a short form of the title is given in the parenthetical citation.

4. A. Marshall explains that marijuana can be dangerous for people with heart conditions because its use can dramatically increase heart rate and blood pressure (Legalization 79). Explanation: A short form of the title of the work appears in the parenthetical citation because two works by Marshall are given in the works cited list.

5. B. The US Drug Enforcement Administration has allowed marijuana to be used in experiments with patients suffering from glaucoma. According to one expert, Several studies since 1971 have shown that smoking marijuana causes the pressure within the eye to decrease and to remain at a lowered level for about five hours (Marshall, Legalization 67). Explanation: The authors name is not given in the signal phrase (According to one expert)so it appears in the parenthetical citation along with a short form of the title of the work and the page number on which the quotation may be found.

6. A. The Drug Enforcement Administration of the US Department of Justice reports that marijuana use among young people aged twelve to seventeen in the United States nearly doubled in the 1990s from 4.3% to 8.3%. Explanation: For an unpaginated online source, a signal phrase giving the author of the source is sufficient. The abbreviation n. pag.is not necessary.

7. A. According to a report by the United States Justice Departments Drug Enforcement Administration, marijuana in the 1990s was about five times more potent than the marijuana of the 1960s. Explanation: The signal phrase gives the complete name of the author of the source, in this case a government agency. If the student uses a parenthetical citation, it must include the complete name under which the work is given in the list of works cited: (United States, Dept. of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration).

8. A. I consider this [alleviating acute pain and nausea] a need that has to be filled, says Rabbi Isaac P. Fried of New York of his administration of marijuana to suffering patients. Should I buckle under the fear of an archaic law that doesnt deal with the present needs of the 1990s? (qtd. In Treaster 38). Explanation: When a source is quoted in another source, MLA style requires the abbreviation qtd. in (for quoted in).

9. B. Brian Hecht sums up the debate over the medical use of marijuana in three questions: (1) Is the drug safe? (2) does it work? And (3) How does it compare with other available drugs? (8). Explanation: Because the question mark is in the original source, it appears inside the quotation mark and before the parenthetical citation. A period follows the parentheses.

10. A. Fiona A. Campbell et al. present the results of scientific studies on the effectiveness and safety of using marijuana for medical purposes. Explanation: In MLA style for a work with more than three authors, the in-text citation matches the entry in the list of works cited. In this cate, et al. appears after the first authors name. Alternatively, the student could use all the authors names in the works cited list and the in-text citation.

Every source on Works Cited must be mentioned in body of paper Every source cited in an in-text citation must be included on Works Cited page First word in each entry of Works Cited must also appear in the in-text citation


to document sources to avoid plagiarism Consult OWL at Purdue for up-to-date formulas http://owl.english.purdue.edu/ Bibliography generators are like Word and dont always catch errors Entries are arranged alphabetically by author, or by title if there is no author

Each entry includes medium of publication of source (Print, Web, DVD, etc) It there is more than one entry per author, works are arranged alphabetically by title For second and all additional entries, type three hyphens and a period in place of the authors name Link to example on Owl at Purdue http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/12/

1. A. Al Capone. The History Files. Chicago Hist. Soc., 1999. Web. 9 Oct. 2002. Explanation: For a work without an author, a works cited entry begins with the title of the source, not with Anonymous.

2. A. Roark, James L., et al. The American Promise: A History of the United States. 2nd compact ed. Boston: Bedford, 2003. Print.

Explanation: In MLA style, a work with four or more authors is listed by the name of the first author followed by et al. Alternatively, a work can be listed by the names of all the authors as they are given in the source.

3. A. Biskind, Peter. Easy Riders, Raging Bulls. New York: Touchstone-Simon, 1998. Print. Explanation: In MLA style, the city of publication precedes the name of the publisher and the date of publication.

4. B. The Godfather. Dir. Francis Ford Coppola. Perf. Marlon Brando and Al Pacino. Paramount, 1972. Film.

Explanation: Because the student has used dialogue from the film and has not emphasized one persons contribution, the MLA works cited entry begins with the title of the film, not the directors name.

5. B. Hamill, Pete. Dapper Dons Time Gone. nydailynews.com. Daily News, 18 June 2001. Web. 7 Oct. 2002. Explanation: Both the date of publication and the date of access are given for an online source.

6. A. Biskind, Peter. Easy Riders, Raging Bulls. New York: Touchstone-Simon, 1998. Print. Explanation: Although the student has quoted Townes words, the book in which the words appear was written by Biskind, not Towne.

7. A. Mobilio, Albert. Why Organized Crime Isnt What It Used to Be. Rev. of Gotham Unbound: How New York City Was Liberated from the Grip of Organized Crime, by James B. Jacobs. Village Voice. Village Voice, 29 Sept. 1999. Web. 30 Sept. 2002. Explanation: The works cited entry for a review should include the words Rev. of and the title and author of the work reviewed.

8. B. Millman, Joyce. Sympathy for the (Jersey) Devil. Salon. Com. Salon Media Group, 27 Feb. 2001. Web. 1 Oct. 2002.

Explanation: In MLA style for dates, the day precedes the month, and the day and the month are not separated from the year with a comma.

9. B. Agins, Teri, and Joe Flint. Mobster Chic: Its Menswear a la Sopranos, Wall Street Journal 10 Mar. 2003: B1. Print.

Explanation: In MLA style, the authors names are followed by the title of the article and then the name of the newspaper, the date, and the page number.


of 2-3 people Use MLA Format to create a Works Cited page in Word There are 9 sources

Cite OWL at Purdue (perform a google search to find website) Cite http://www.steelers.com/

Go to news, to press releases, to Steelers Cruise

Behrens text page 291

6 modules to complete

Starting smart, choosing a topic, searching Alleycat, Finding articles, using the web, citing sources

Take each quiz Print results Results do not include your name so when you print, you must retrieve it from the printer immediately! Access at



Weebly, 7/16


Rough Draft Quiz appropriate language, using exact words, active verbs, MLA Hacker readings and selected exercises about apostrophes, quotation marks, commas, semicolons, & colons

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