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1. What are the types of neurons according to function?

Human are made up of billions of cells, 1011 of which make up the human brain, approximating the number of stars in the galaxy. These cells, specialized to function in the nervous system, are called neurons. Neurons carry information from one part of body to another by electrical impulses. They communicate through miniscule gaps called synaptic junctions. The way to distinguish the types of neuron cells is by counting the number of processes extending from its cell body. There are three types of neuron cells: Bipolar, Pseudounipolar and Multipolar. Bipolar neurons can be found in cells such as retinal cells and olfactory epitheliumcells. It has two processes extending from its cell body: a dendrite and an axon. Pseudounipolar neurons can be found in cells such as dorsal root and in ganglion. It has two axons rather than one axon and one dendrite, which extend from the spinal cord to connect it to skin or muscle cells. Multipolar neurons can be found in the spinal cord motor system and Purkinje cells, which are also multipolar. It has multiple processes extending from its cell body; one of the extensions would be an axon and the rest would be dendrites.

According to structure? (awan mt specific) :/ The nervous system contains a complex network of nerve cells, or neurons. Neurons are specialized cells that transmit information throughout the body. Neurons enable many important functions, such as movement, perception, thought, emotion, and learning. Structure of Neurons Neurons consist of three important parts: 1. Dendrites 2. Cell Body 3. Axons Dendrites which extend from the cell body of the neuron, are the antennae of the neuron. Dendrites receive information from other cells. Cell bodies are enlarged parts of the neurons from which dendrites and axons project. They contain the nuclei of the cells. An axon is a long membrane-covered extension of the cytoplasm that conducts nerve impulses. The ends of an axon are called axon terminals. Bundles of axons are called nerves. Insulated Neurons Many neurons have a layer of insulation on their axon called a myelin sheath formed by the cell membrane of Schwann cells. Tiny gaps among myelin sheath are called Nodes of Ranvier. The presence of myelin causes nerve impulses to move faster down the axon. The speed of impulse conduction is also related to axon diameter. A large-diameter axon conducts impulses faster than a small-diameter axon, assuming both axons are either myelinated or unmyelinated. Types of Neurons

Neurons can be grouped according to their projections and functions. Types of neurons according to their projections from the cell body 1. Unipolar neuron: Only one short projection 2. Bipolar neuron: One axon and one dendrite 3. Multipolar neuron: Numerous dendrites and usually one axon Types of Neurons according to their function 1. Sensory neurons send information from sense organs to CNS (Central nervous system, brain and spinal cord) 2. Motor Neurons send commands from CNS to muscles or glands 3. Inter neurons are between sensory neurons and motor neurons

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