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Sounf in Ayurveda Its name shatapushpa means one hundred flowers .

Its other name Madhurika- means the sweet one . This is another member of the Umbelliferae family that aromatically warms digestion. Like its flower head it spreads and moves outwards, thus preventing congestion and stagnation in the centre. ENERGETICS Rasa (taste) Sweet, pungent, bitter Vi-rya (energy) Heating (a little) Vipa-ka (post-digestive effect) Sweet Gun.a (quality) Light, dry Dos.a effect Tridoshic, VPK= Dha-tu (tissue) Plasma, blood, muscles, nerve Srotas (channel) Digestive, respiratory, nervous, urinary, reproductive, lactation CONSTITUENTS Essential oils Anethole, estragole, fenchone Flavonoids Organic acids Sterols -sitosterol AYURVEDIC ACTION Di-pana Enkindles the digestive fire Pa-cana Digestive Su-laprasamana Alleviates intestinal spasms Anuloma Redirects the flow of vata downwards Chardinigrahan.a Antiemetic Ka-sa Benefits coughs S va-sa Antiasthmatic Sattva Increases clarity of consciousness BIOMEDICAL ACTION Carminative, aromatic, diuretic, antispasmodic, galactagogue, expectorant, antitussive INDICATIONS Digestion Digestive discomfort; flatulence, borborygmus, cramps, nausea and low agni. Although a heating herb, it benefits digestion without aggravating pitta. In fact its sweet post-digestive action leaves a residual cooling effect. A specific herb for inguinal hernias and lower abdominal pain. It relaxes the

smooth muscles and is a specific herb for lower abdominal pain from lower bowel tension. Fennel water is used for colic in babies. Urinary Cystitis, difficult urination, burning and dark yellow urine, cloudy urine. Its diuretic properties clear pitta from mutravahasrotas. Nerves Use fennel when nervous tension in mamsa dhatu and contraction in the smooth muscle system restricts the flow of vata. All spasms are relieved by fennel, especially in the GIT, lungs and uterus (Bhavaprakasa). Its nourishing effect on majja dhatu tonifies the brain and nervous system. Lungs Useful in vata kapha obstruction type cough. Helps to clear phlegm by reducing aggravated avalambaka kapha that congests the alveoli and bronchioles. Gynaecology Its specific effect on rasadhatu can increase the flow of milk in lactating mothers. Useful in menstrual difficulty caused by vata and kapha obstruction in the lower abdomen with pain, cramps and a dragging sensation (Bhavaprakasa). COMBINATIONS * Cumin, peppermint for GIT disturbance. * Ginger, chitraka, cinnamon for low agni. * Coriander, gokshura in urinary problems with aggravated vata and kapha. * Pippali, anthrapachaka, licorice in vata kapha type coughs. * Brahmi, gotu kola for mental tension relief and to enhance antispasmodic activity. * Shatavari, ajmoda for lactation. FENNEL Common name Fennel (E), Sounf (H) Sanskrit Sata-pus vulgare Fructus (Umbelliferae) Chapter 6 PLANT PROFILES CONTRAINDICATIONS None known. Fennel is a very safe herb. SAFETY There is some theoretical concern that ciprofloxacin is cleared from the body at twice the normal rate

pa, Madhurika Latin Foeniculum

when taken with fennel. DOSAGE 500mg 9g per day dried or 3 15ml per day of a 1:3 @ 45% tincture.

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