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Special Occasions to Celebrate

July 21 July 27
21 Alexus Downing 23 Ben Cohoon 23 Lynn Radford 24 Travis Musto

July 21, 2013
Please remember to turn your cell phones off during the worship service. Reminder to parents with nursery pagers, please keep pager on your person to feel the vibration if our nursery staff or your child needs you. Large Print Bibles are available on the table in the Narthex. Transceivers are available in the sanctuary for the hearing impaired during the worship service. Shirl King will be available on Sunday mornings for details. Please, everyone wear a name tag, take time to fill out the Friendship Register, and join us for fellowship after worship in the Fellowship Hall. Want a copy of the sermon? Request forms are located on the sign up board and on the office desk to get a CD. Sermons are available on-line at our website 8 to 10 days after the sermon is given: www.sneadsferrypresbyterian.com Holy Communion is observed every first Sunday of the month. If you are interested in joining our church family, please contact Pastor Bill at 910-327-0166 or email him at revbillyoung@yahoo.com. CAPITAL FUNDS CAMPAIGN! Our formal campaign has ended but we continue to receive pledges. Please be praying for this campaign as we seek to reach out to our children, youth, and adults through our Christian Education program. If you are interested in receiving Building Fund envelopes, please sign up on the sheet in the Narthex. 2 3 SUMMER FELLOWSHIP TIME: During July and August, the congregation is asked to help provide refreshments each Sunday for the Fellowship time; on third Sundays, a Ministry Team will provide refreshments (today is Outreach Ministry). Please bring a small plate of goodies to share. We also need volunteers to help with the cleanup each week. Please see Sherry Walton or Marcia Hamilton if you have any questions. FALL SUNDAY SCHOOL REGISTRATION: Fall Sunday School Registration has begun. Someone will be in the Narthex before and after worship to help register children. We have classes from Nursery, Toddlers, Preschoolers, K-2nd grade, 3rd 5th, 6th 8th, Teens, to Adults. We are always looking for volunteers. Please look for us and Get Registered. Martha Ward, ward2129@embarqmail.com or Betsy McKinney, betsymckinney8@gmail.com BABY SHOWER INVITATION: A baby shower for Elizabeth Erquitt will be held TODAY right after church in the classroom across from the kitchen. All the women of the church are invited.


23 Ed & Sandy Minnich 23 Fred Cicero & Lynn Radford


A Look at the Week Ahead & Beyond

10:00 Worship Erquitt Baby Shower after worship

9:005:00 Fellowship Hall reserved 7:00 Al-Anon



9:30 Quilting 12:00 Ladies Luncheon 1:00 VBS Volunteer Mtg. 7:00 Choir practice Bulletin Announce Deadline

2:00 Annual Crafters Mtg. 4:30 Prayer Circle 6:45 Bible In A Year Class



10:00 Worship




9:30 Quilting 7:00 Choir practice Bulletin Announce Deadline

4:30 Prayer Circle 6:45 Bible In A Year Class

7:00 Al-Anon

Mission Statement We are a community of faith seeking to know Christ and make Him known in all we say and do.
The Pastoral Staff DR. BILL YOUNG, Pastor - revbillyoung@yahoo.com BILLIE HAYDEN, Music Director ANGELA OWINGS, Secretary - sfpcsecretary@yahoo.com REV. DUSTIN AND SHERRI ELLINGTON- Our Mission Workers to Zambia


Contact Information: Pastor Bill Young Church: (910) 327-0166 Website: www.sneadsferrypresbyterian.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/Sneadsferrypresbyterianchurch

SFPC LADIES LUNCHEON: The ladies will meet on Wednesday, July 24, 12:00 (Noon) at Ts Cafe. Contact Judy Orr (910-329-7641) for more information VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL VOLUNTEERS MEETING: Wednesday, July 24, 1:00 p.m. ANNUAL CRAFTERS MEETING will take place Thursday, July 25 at 2:00 p.m. Anyone who would like to take part in the Christmas Fair is invited to attend this meeting here at the church.

PRAYER CIRCLE: A short prayer time is held every Thursday at 4:30 p.m. in the Narthex. BIBLE IN A YEAR CLASS: Meets on Thursdays from 6:45 to 7:45 pm in the room across from the kitchen. Participation is open to the whole congregation. Read Ephesians for this week. ADOPT A HIGHWAY: More help is needed with our next litter pickup on a stretch of Route 210 in front of our church. We have adopted this section through the Adopt A Highway program and our sign is on both ends of the section. We dont want litter to say we are not doing the job. Please email Linda Schneider, linschneider43@gmail.com, and tell her you can be at the church Saturday, July 27 at 9:00 am. Pick sticks and litter clippers are available so there is no need to bend. You can also leave a message at 910-327-2248. A special signup sheet is in the Fellowship Hall this morning. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL: Its that time again and we are gearing up for another great Vacation Bible School. This years theme is Jammin With Jesus and we are so excited to put on this show. Tickets are free but we need your reservation. The dates are, Tuesday -Friday, August 6th - 9th from 9:30 to Noon. Kids from K-5th grades are invited and the G-Force will be helping. Seating is limited so reserve your tickets soon. If you would like to be part of the stage hands please let Dolores know at islandtraders@charter.net. Get ready for the show of your life. Prayers needed! V. B. S. SUPPLIES URGENTLY NEEDED: VBS will be using coffee cans with lids...any size...and other cans also like soup cans or vegetable cans. They need not have a lid but need a smooth cutting surface. If you could bring any of these items to church and put them on the kitchen counter it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you from Martha Ward and Lynn Radford! BOOK CLUB MEETING: The August Book Club selection is The Widow Spy by Martha Peterson. Mrs. Peterson lives in Wilmington and will attend the meeting. She has written about her CIA journey from the jungles in Laos to a prison in Moscow. We will meet at the home of Martha Ward on Thursday, August 22, at 10:30 a.m. for a discussion of the book. If you wish, bring a salad or dessert for a light lunch to share. A signup sheet is on the bulletin board under Christian Education. SFPCs LEMONAID BRIGADE: We are a group of old Boy Scouts who feel the urge to do good deeds. We can do minor electrical and plumbing repairs. We can do some yard work and haul trash to the recycle yard. Volunteer work request forms are in the church office. Turn the forms into the office or give them to Fred Cicero. SITTERS FOR SHUT-INS: Pastoral Care is developing a list of volunteer sitters (both men and women) to sit with shut-ins who are a part of our church family. Physical care is NOT an expectation. Sitters would provide an opportunity for caregivers to go shopping, go to appointments, etc. Please contact Jan Ladd for further information and/or sign up on the bulletin board. TURNING THE AIR/HEAT ON/OFF & SECURING THE BUILDING: Please be mindful if you are in charge of a meeting, etc. and have adjusted the air/heat, to please reset it prior to your exit. The thermostat should be set to 60 in the winter and 80 in the summer. Also, please be sure all doors are locked and secured.

THANK YOU: Thank you and Thank you to our church family for helping us get to camp this year. We had a great time and will never forget the good times we shared with other kids. Thank you again, Kaleb, Matthew, Dory, Ryann, Alexus, Emily, Savannah, Matthew S. and Ayden OUTREACH OPPORTUNITIES ADOPT A HIGHWAY: As a community project, Outreach has adopted Highway 210 from McDonalds to Stone Bay Rifle Range (2 miles both sides). A signup sheet is posted on the bulletin board. Contact Linda Schneider (Linschneider43@gmail.com). SUPPLIES FOR THE TROOPS: If you would like to give to our troops, a donation basket is available in the Kitchen hallway for donated items. The items in need are: Phone cards, small sewing kits, tooth brushes and paste, small bottles of shampoo, soap, sun screen, and any kind of snacks. SNEADS FERRY FOOD PANTRY: A collection bin has been placed in the Kitchen hallway for your food donations to the Sneads Ferry Food Pantry. The donations help people in the community. The S. F. F. P. is located at 2205 Hwy. 172, operating 5 days a week, 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. Meat, canned goods, baby items, including diapers, will be available. Volunteers are needed to help fold and display clothing and pass out food. MASTERS TOUCH RESALE STORE: Masters Touch of Sneads Ferry, located at 1056 Highway 210, is a cooperative ministry of the churches of Sneads Ferry established for the purpose of demonstrating the love of Jesus by providing emergency assistance, Christian guidance, and other forms of assistance to the people of our community. To volunteer contact Sarah Ames at 717-9793308 or to donate items contact Jane Moore at 910-289-1077.
OFFERINGS FOR THE COMMUNITY AL-ANON MEETINGS: Every Monday at 7:00 p.m. in the Conference room behind the Sanctuary - Use the outside entrance to that room. H2O: Hope 2 Offer/Help 2 Overcome: A local, faith based not for profit drug and alcohol rehabilitation program offered to men and women. H2O meets weekly on Thursdays at Salem Baptist Church, 6:00 p.m. with supper, program, and small groups. Confidentiality is required!! For more information contact Tommy Yopp 910-375-0093 or Dane Yates 910-330-7060. Presbyterian Counseling Center: Professional CounselingHope and Healing for All. The Presbyterian Counseling Center is a nonprofit organization providing high quality counseling and psychotherapy by licensed professionals for the entire community. Contact information: Main Office 910-452-7370, www.presbyteriancounselingcenter.org, and www.smhealing.org. Cancer/Chronic Illness Support Group: The Presbyterian Counseling Center has begun a Cancer Support Group for individuals with cancer or chronic illness, and their caregivers/family. The Group is open to all and there is no charge to participate. Meeting time is Weds. at 4 p.m. at the Center (4810 Wrightsville Avenue, Wilmington). For more information, call the Center at 452-7370.

Please Remember in Your Prayers This Week Names put on prayer list will remain for 3 weeks, unless a request is made for longer
Carol Ann Wagner, Gayann Pope, Bob Yost, Bob Benson, Nancy Newsted, Blake & Mary Kate Harrison, Al & Carol Gurganus, El Presbiterio del Golfo de Mexico, the Partnership Committee and the churches of El Presbiterio, Rev. Dustin and Sherri Ellington, Shane Beaver, Ken Honeycutt, Doug & Dot King, Hazel Hamilton and family, Nancy Pearson, Helen Milliken, Nicole Phipps, Monk Walton, Frances Edwards, Robby Hall, Gladys Charter, Jim & Margie Coker, George Contreras, Kelly Jerden, Maria Nesgood, Don Hodgen, Bob Masi, Donna Fairbairn, Rose Peters, Lee Eggers, Eveyln Kerr, Bill & Wanda Boaz, Logan Campbell, Mike Love. David Cantrell, Adam Shirley, Iain Pedden, Benjamin Price, James Lambertsen, Joshua Layton, Bill Duttweiler, Trevor Hunt, Mitchell Guard, Henry Luke Dodson, Michael Ross, Michael Friedman, Keely Shereano, Travis Raney, Ben Cohoon, Cameron Waggoner, Zachary Francis, Christopher Tripodi, Adam Brooks, Theodore Rapach, JP Carter, Brett Erquitt, Dave Staneck, Kyle Sharp, Joe Elseroad, Suzy Ghurani, Ben Eskridge, Matt Parente, Todd Spencer, Ben Wagner, Valerie Strang, and their families. (Bold Names = Deployed Military Personnel)

Our Church, Our Men and Women serving in the Armed Forces

Have a prayer request? Provide a FULL NAME to sfpcprayerchain@gmail.com

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