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Mata kuliah : Bahasa Inggris Sifat Ujian : Buka Buku Jurusan / Dosen : Kepanditaan/Dharma Acariya Ferry Tjandra, BA

Semester Hari / Tanggal Pukul

: III (Tiga) 2012/2013 : Rabu / 21 Nov 2012 : 19.15 - 21.15 WIB


Simple Past Tense Complete the text. Use the past simple form of the verbs in brackets.

I (go) went (1) to London last weekend to visit my friend, --End-Zack. I (arrive) arrived (2) at Paddington station at seven oclock in the evening. Zack (come) came (3) to the station with his parents and after we (have) had (4) dinner in a Chinese restaurant, in a place in London called Chinatown. It(be) was (5) fun! On Saturday we (meet) met (6) some of Zacks friends in the centre of London and Zack (buy) bought (7) some new boots. On Sunday it (rain) rained (8) so we (go) went (9) to a famous museum, The Natural History Museum. It (be) was (10) brilliant!


PRESENT PERFECT AND PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS Order the words to make sentences in Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous Example: had- yet -breakfast -Nick -hasnt Answer : Nick hasnt had breakfast yet.

1. tidied -Jenny -already -has -her bedroom Jenny has already tidied her bedroom 2. a Doctor working been - thirty years He as for -has He has been working as a Doctor for thirty years 3. eaten -Chip -the -already -has pudding Chip has already eaten the pudding 4. They for waiting Sarah have since been 7 oclock. They have been waiting for Sarah since 7oclock 5. havent -We -homework -done -yet our We havent done our homework yet III. Out in the verbs in brackets in the Simple Present or the Simple Present Continuous. Example : Steve always ____ his bike in the afternoon. (ride) Answer : Steve always rides his bike in the afternoon.

1) Andy sometimes reads comics. (read) 2) We never watch TV in the morning. (watch) 3) Listen! Sandy is singing in the bathroom. (sing) 4) My sister usually helps in the kitchen. (help) 5) My mother is making breakfast now. (make) 6) They often clean the bathroom. (clean) 7) Look! The boys are coming home. (come) 8) Every day his grandfather goes for a walk. (go) 9) I am chatting with my friend at the moment. (chat) 10) My friend, Sandy and Tony are nice and friendly. (be) IV. Complete the sentences in Present Perfect Tense (Positive, Negative or Interrogative) Example Answer : ________________ you_________ the car ___? (clean/yet) : Have you cleaned the car yet?

1) Emma has not seen this film on TV yet. (not/ see/yet) 2) How often has she phoned the office? (phone)

3) Have the Millers arrived yet? (arrive) 4) John has already gone on a trip through Alaska. (go/already) 5) Have they ever been to New York. (be) ---End---

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