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Sidney A. Boudrcaux
Marjorie R. Boudreaux

January 22, 1972

p. o. Box 49
Aporri, Coiayan A-305 Philippines

Lord's Reapers Ozark Bible College Joplin, Missouri

Dear Brethi^n,

January means that the rainy season is coming to an end, and we feel like turning cartwheels! The roads, which have been really terrible since

two bad floods in November and December, are being worked on. Any improve ment will be welcomed so that our preachers can travel without time-consuming
delays; better roads, for example, will mean that they can make the 60-mile

trip from here to Tuguegarao in 5 hours instead of the present 4-^! We rejoice that it will be possible to have more evangelistic meetings now, too.
Seminary students continue to amaze me, Jose and Loreto missed Choir

Wednesday night, and I was ready to inquire, indignantly, into their activities.
Fortunately, they told me before I could ask. They had been invited to discuss

the Bible with our neighbors Wednesday night (and previous nights), and had had
a four hoxir discussion with them. One neighbor boy, Cesar Ramos, accepted Christ at our chapel services ThuMday night; his sister, Lina, is "almost persuaded," Other families have been coming' to these Bible discussions; pray
especially for the three Manalo families, Scott had an interesting talk one Sunday after church with a fellow at

the "Cozy Comer cafe, where they were having a Coke, He started asking Scott questions about his Bible: "Do you know about that book? Is it just like any book?" he wanted to know, "Well, it has many books in it," Scott
replied, "They tell about God sending Christ to save us," That brought up another question, "How many are in the Godhead anyway?" Scott answered, "There*s God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit." Their discussion con tinued on, but I don't have space to tell you all of it. You can imagine our joy in Scott's ability to give an account of his faith, "Our God is a ji^t God and we can trust that whatever He does with those who have never heard of Jesus will be fair. No person will be condemned for rejecting Jesus of whom he has never heard; instead, he will be condemned

for violating his own moral standard. See Romans 2:12~16," We're proud to say that this is the opening paragraph of an A+ essay Berta wrote at Faith Academy,
She came home December 19 and we had a wonderful Christmas together with the Selby family, Marj and Jamie accompanied Berta back to ?fenila December

and had a wonderful five days there with Lorrita McKinney: shopping, talki^,
visiting with other friends, and just jaunting around.

Last Staiday at our first Christian Ebdeavor meeting, the students them
selves decided that our goal should be to reach out to the lost in Aparri, ^Diis is just one of the ways your prayers for us are being answeredin renewed zeal and opportunities for evangelism. Money has been coming in for the children's schoolinganother answer to your prayers. We rejoice and

give thanks for the gifts and prayes of the Lord's Reapers,
In Christ,

Sid and Marj Bo&reaux



August 17, 1972

Dear Christian Brethren:

Several weeks ago, July 26th, I learned that my father was critically ill with cancer throughout his body and being the only child I felt it the right thing to come to be with my father and mother during this time
and help out. I talked this over with Marj and the decision was made to

fly to the United States.

^ arrived in Houston on August 6th.

I believe the Lord has blessed in this situation, because my arrival pre ceded Dad's death by three and one half days, therefore that gave us some

time together before his passing. My family here in Texas and members of Mom's church have given enough money to cover my round trip fare. I am ready now to begin a speaking schedule in our congregations, and where I receive an invitation. I want to express my regret that I wasn't able to contact you and explain this trip earlier; I trust the Lord will give me an opportunity to tell you personally about this and especially
of the work in the Philippines.

I do not want to be away from Aparri very long, so will strive to schedule many speaking appointments in as short a time as I can, and as can be
worked into your calendar,

I plan to be here with my mother until August 24, and then on to Fairfield, Nebraska by the 25th, If you would like to phone me here, the number is 713-447-4270. I can be reached in Faifrield at Mrs. Roy Ridgway's - Phone

number 402-726-4187. I do not plan to stay in Fairfield with Marj's Mom beyond August 28th, so if you wish to reach me after this date, I think
it best to write to our forwarding agent. Bob Olson, R Rl, Howard, Ohio, 43028. I will keep in touch with Bob,

"I can do all things in Him that strengtheneth me,"

Phil, 4:13.
In Christ,

(Mailing address in Houston is:

Sid Boudreaux

12003 Aggie Lane, Houston, Texas



Sid and Marj Boudreaux

P.O. Box 49, i^parri, Cagayan A-305


v/hat really great opportunities we havSchad this Christmas season to witness for Christ. Thursday, December 14, the Apsrri

Bible Serainary choir was invited to sing at the Aparri School of

Arts and Trades--500 students and teachers v,'ere present for our

prograiii of Christmas music. The next evening Vi/e sang again^ ?t the aparri church of Christ, and had..an overflow crowd.

On Monday, Dec. 1S, 2^ students selected from our ^0-voice

choir left with I^iarj and Roberta and me for Roxas, Isabela, at -waTmly-welcomedr-by the church^membeTrsv Thair-ni.-^ht^e-sang to a crowd of over 1,000 people ga'thered at vhe Coniniunity Center.
4:15 a.m. on a bus. vvo arrived in Roxas a rout 10:15, and were

Leoncirdo Doniirico, an f^3S faculty member, brought a stirring

Christmas message. We rejoice in the opportunity to sing for che praise and glory of our Lord.
The aBS student pre5chers ^nd faculty members who go out each weekend report an increasing interest in the gospel.

can sc-e a new determination for self-discipline and integrity^

under the "New oociety" which in turn is producing an increasing desire for spiritual things V/e believe all of this is contributing towards the expansion of the Lord^s Kingdom here* Continue to pray with us, 35^ baptisms July - middle of DecemberI
How thankful we are for your warm letters of encouragement,

your backing; and support throughout tne past year. agngina - iifiay God himself repay you."

"Dios ti

AS thankful as we are for uhe help we have received, we rmist. arirm't. atp -in H<=..ctp<a-rat.p fi nanoi g"l nfipH nf fnrthpr hfilp for Scott*s c.7500 a month boarding school expenses. The need
is N-O-V/i' Our faith is steadfast that our needs will be met."

Ivlay the Lord shower the rich treasures of His grace upon each of you - may your hearts be filled with his blessings."
In Christian Love,

Sid - Marj - Robert

bcott Jamie - Sh^on Boudreaux

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