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QffaKK. BIBUE JopUn, COLLE^^ I^g LalitpiiT Read

, T ^

February 22, 1949

Jhansi, Uj P* india

Doar Christian Frionds:

In tho past throo months wo havo brought another semoster of school work to a oloso and havo busiod oursolvos in a short season of oamping along with other mission activities- Wo havo started giving all of our timo in working hero in this side of tho city rather than in trying to attend tho Gl^rria Patak church on the othor side. Wo are now holding throo sorvicos oaoh

Sunday in our bungalow and one during tho wook. One room is boing turned into a ohapol. Yifo aro getting folding ohairs and othor furnishings to irake it improssivo and fitting for its purpose. Frank Rompol, now on routo to India with his family, is bringing a small "chaplain*s" folding organ to us v;hioh will
further onhanco our offorts.

A fine oyo specialist, Dr Langor, has bocomQ a vory good friond of mino*

For his benefit I conduct an English Bible class each Sunday. Dr langor is highly intolligent and an open-minded student. I liko tho way in which ho asks questions and weighs things. I know you will Join us in tho hopo and prayer that ono day ho will namo tho only namo "whoroin mon must bo saved"

tho British Methodists this fino property which wo aro now occupying.

In tho last nov;3 lottor I told you of tho possibility of purchasing from

I havo

boon nogotiating with tho Mathodists during theso months and I can now mako a

dofinlto report. Thoy havo agrood to transfer to us tho compound of ovor two
acres and to soli us tho largo brick bungalow and othor improvononts along with

tho f^arnishings and oquipmont of tho house and office.

a good buy and if wo should ii^ant to soli it wo could easily got our money back out of it. Tho Mothodists aro very dooont to deal with and aro willing to give
us somo months to complete tho payments duo

plus about $300.00 for furnituro and oquipmontc I can say that this is dofinitoly

Tho prico is |6083%65

I have nado a down payment, and tho legal transfer into our hands only awaits permission from tho military estates authority* Such is always nooossary in purchasing property in military contonmonts in India. This permission Is usually given and wo trust it v/ill bo in this caso, so that tho logal transactions can bo complotod before many more wooks havo passod. Howovor, in caso this should not work out tho Mothodists agroo to loaso us tho place at a reasonable

first I folt it would bo impossiblo for mo to loavo and I still regrot having to loavo India before my regular furlough is duo. Kowovor, upon going into tho matter it soomod that ovorything could be handlod hero in my absonco of a fow months and that tho whole cause could bo greatly bonofittod by my putting in a fow months^at homo. Brother Tom Rash of Kulpahar has kindly agrood to tako gen eral oversight of tho work and wo boliovo that Samuel and Adina, Frody, and Dorshon can handlo tho bungalow sorvicos and tho rural preaching work*' BrotJior. Rash^^ll come in at least onoo a month, ho will oporato our bank account, and
tiO will havo powor to act in my- place in all logal ana bur.inoss mattors.

spring for a few months in order to got our work and program linod up moro stably on that ond, and to perhaps spood up our schedule by a yoar or so At

For a numbor of reasons it has boon doomed wise that I fly homo this


As far as tho tlmo Is concorned I am ontitled to a good threo months

against moation loavo* last yoar I ror^inod hore during the hot season and this yoar shall plan taking no additioml loavo. Generally India missionaries take 6 weeks to 2 months hill leave during the hot season each year# Thus most of my time amy can be fairly counted against hill leave time and the mission
will pay ny faro home and back

Plainly this is not a regular furlough. I shall spend only a little time visiting my parents and tho rest of the time will be spent in promotional work
I know that I will not bo able to go to all the places or to visit all of the people that I should like to. However, I shall do my best Groups desiring speaking dates can write to: Tho Christian Missionary Fellowship
Box 734

and mission business#

Ma^nhattan^ Kansas

I think most of you know from a previous writing that I much favor a certain amount of organization in doing foreign missionary work# I with several other home brethren have been working and praying tovrd tho establishment of an organized missionary society that might employ what I consider are the best features of both the mission board and the direct-support methods* It is lay hope and prayer that if this be within tho Lord's will, tho Christian Missionary

Fellowship may bo such an agency and that it nay render a needed service to tho advancement of tho kingdom of Christ and to many fine would-be-missionaries who
may go out to various unovangelizod fields of the world in association with it# If all goes woll^ the small work which I've started here and the pro perty we expoct to buy will become the India Mission of She Christian Missionary Fellowship, and I will become one of its affiliated missionaries If this new cause is as right as I believe it is-, I hope I can use ny influonoo as fully as possible to help it off to a good start* But if I should bo mistaken in tho

matter, I trust the Lord will mako it plain to me so that His will, not mine^ may be done. I should want to mako it plain that in taking this position I do not desire to be disparaging the many fine direct-support missionaries of our pooplo. I simply ask of them and tho brethren tho liberty to work by and to promote the method vfliich I prefer and I am willing to grant them tho same liberty# In my thinking, as long as wo are loyal to Christ and tho word, then the methods we use are a maljtor of liberty, not a tost of fellowship. Of course, in the case

of missionaries and agencies which are definitely disloyal to tho authority of Chx'ist and to tho word, then a matter of fellowship is most definitely involved. Let no one think that I advocate a middle-of-the-road position with roforonco to
radical liberalism. To me, that sort of middle-of-the-road-isem is neither consistent, nor, in fact, Christian.

A convention is being planned by the churches of Christ in the United

Provinces for Mirch 13-15th. It will be hold at Kulpahar. Wo expect to have brethren from Jhansi, Kulpahar, Ragaul, Himirpurj, and Kanpur# This should bo a historic milestone in tho history of our people in this area. I believe it will be the first convention hold by the U P. churches. Tho entertaining ohurchj
Kulpahar^ has planned a promising program and wo look formrd to a season of real
blessing and doctrinal instruction#


Jfy piano rosor*TO.tion is mado; visas have boon proourodj innooulations aro

According to prosont plans I shall bo loa-d.ng a fow days after oonvontion*

finished} the Mxgistrato is roady to issue my ^'no objootion permit** for my re-ontry into the country I shall be home by the end of H/hrch, spend a couplo of weeks with my parents, briefly visit my living link church, and proceed to
l&nhattan for conforoncos and to start field work

in shouldering responsibility and I believe it is possible that they can prove themselves as novor before in carrying on alone for a while. Let us pray that these plans may bo pleasing in His sight and that Ho will bring me home safely
for a few months of profitable service there#
Sincerely yours,

up the work and in putting it into other hands for a while I know that you Join me in appreciation to the Rashes and the Kulpahar folk whose help and cooperation in my absence will be invaluable* The boys are doing very well

With loss than a month before I leave I am busy these days In catching


Personal Deposit for Missionary (checked out in India)

y# Po Class; Greenfield, Mo Christian Ghiirch; Fostor, Mo Chotster Mircy; Mllford, Ea.nso Christian Endeavor; Barnsdal, Okla

80,00 5o00 8o^S lOoOO lOoOO 10 .00 500 6c00 3o00 11.77 12 #00 19e00 lOcOO 5*00 5.00 10.00 25.00 19.50 11.00 13.50

Mr & Mrs Ede Bi-idwell; ll&.nhattan, Kans* Mi'So Effio Ash3.oy; Ploasanton, Eansas Now Eogo Clajssj Pleosanton^ Kansas - -Rito Yv'^ilscnj Ploasanton^ Kan.s^ l&xhLo Offutt; Pioasanton, Karso Mr^ i Tifrsa Leo Offutt; Pleasc.n^;on, Kans. Mr> & MrSf. Tfp Cr Kay; Pioasanton, Kans* Mr,. Bfrsr. Jack Rader; Conway, Mo, Wop.:ri3 Councili Cartorvillo" Mo.> Mr-s^ Ida Vonto^-; ElDorado Springs, Mo* Mr3o Roy Duhy; Emporia, Kans Street C'nvistian Church; Mound City, Kans.

Driftwood Caristian SS; Vallonf.a, Ind

Christian Churoh; Courbland, iiins. Christian SS; Noaaha, Nebraska

Chi istian C:..uroh} Milq Mb,

50-50 Class; Christian Church; Butler, Mo

Chriiitian Churoh; Adrian, Mo.

Chi'istian Church; Foster., Moo

Christian Church; Junction City, Kans.

&Mrs* Leonard Vfymoro, Roachdale, Ind# Mr^ and Mrs* Kenneth Storor; Manhattan, Kar.sas
Y K Clasis. Grooufiold, Mb#

Bethel Parks; V/ood Rivor, Nebraska Christian Churoh; Roachdale, Ind

10.25 10.00 25.25 371.15 20.0/^ 10.00 10.00 15#00




Christian Endoavor, Central City Ch.j Joplin, Mq Elm Parks; Wood Rivor, Nobr# Christian Church; Chaso, Kansas Wcmons* Council; lamar, Mc. Mr & Mrs. H^urico Strator; Lamar, Mo Loyal Womons* Class; Junction City, Kans. Mr- & Ilfrs, W Ft Lotwi; Minhattan, Kans. Christian Church; Monrovia, Ind# Christian Church; Conmy,
Villa Heights Christian Church; Foster, Christian Church; Foster, Mo* & Mrs Wallaco Schreibor; Studloy, I^nsas

1500 15^00 1700 30.00 55tOO 5o09 20<00 46o50 700

7500 1000 25.00

''.^11 Stroot Christian Church; Mound City,

Blancho Burk; Mill Grovo, Mo.


Missionary Society; Groenloaf, Kans. W* and !frs. V. C. Burris; Connorsvillo, Ind. Virp;il J^rshall; V.^ymoro, Hobr. Charles Grosham; Clay Center, Ifensas C. E.; Red Rock, Okla. Mrs. Yhlph '/.'aldo Emerson; Skidmoro, Mo, Mr. & lUrs* Ronald Schroinor; larnod, Kans. Christian Church; Ash Grove, Mo. C. S. IVilson; lurner, Kansas Mr. & Mrs. Oscar D. Grovor; Smith Centor, Kansas

4.64 5#00 1000.00 2.50 '

29.00 20.00 35.00 5.00 1000 10>00

Povsonal Deposit for Missionary (chockod out in India)

Mr^ & Bfrs. Chester ilarcy; Mlford, iQxnsas
Mr. & Mrs Daniol -Johnson

10 jOO
20 GO

15irvin Parks; iVood River, ^obr. Garnor Parks; Wood River, Nobr. Mr. & Gilbert ^erlan; Smithvillo, Mo. Wall Stroot Christian Church; Meund City, Kansas Doiiblo Branch Christian Cjiurch; Butler, Mo. V/anla Swoveland & Mrsc Swovoland; Wymoro, Nobr Vfomons* Council; Webb City, Mo Yo ?. Claas; Groonfiold, Mo. Eo+;-';e BarUi; Manhattan, Kansas Oh;-istian Church; Foster, Mo. 50-b0 Class; Bur-lor, Mo '
Mtj Floyd Forknor; Richards, Mo

25 /JO 25.00 2000 lOr-GO 50r00 20.?00 10.00 500 2.00 15.00 5:00

Miss Elm Parks; Vfood Rivor, Nobr. Brady Fo-'.vlor; Louisburg, Kans. Christian Church; Chaso, Kansas Woincns' Council; Mirysvillo, Kans. Christian Church; Brumright, Okla. Chrietinn Church; Y/ost Frankfort, Illinois

50#00 10.00 15.36 lO^^OO 50.00 240.00

Christian Church; Morrowvillo, Kans. Wo thank all of tho&o O'jnti-lbutors for their part in tho Lord's
ondoavorin^; to do. Your offerings should all be sent to: Tho. Hhrlstian H^issionar^ Pollf>wship
Box 734

g 664-62

wo aro

Ifonhattp n ^ Kijipas

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