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Perpetual War War has shaped humanity for as long as recorded history, but in an era of increa sing military

strength and capabilities, national and military leaders are placi ng enormous undue stress on the rare state of peace enjoyed by many today. With continued conflict by the economic superpowers of the world against small nation s and rouge organisations, perpetual small scale war has become a commonality ac cepted often without thought by populations around the globe. If humanity is to rise above its animal beginnings into a state of complete and unwavering peace, military establishments need more transparency, national leaders need more accou ntability and more questions need to be raised about the much to common tragic d isasters that preface these military interventions. For a little over a decade, the world has been witness to nearly half a dozen wa rs under pretexts such as searching for weapons of mass destruction, overthrowin g a corrupted government leader or fighting the evasive 'War on Terror'. These p retexts are too often clouded in doubt, raise many red flags which few dare ques tion, and in some cases many years later have been shown to be highly fabricated , such as the justification used to depose of Saddam Hussein by NATO nearly 10 y ears ago. This trend of incompetence and unaccountability by government official s in charge of powerful militaries has been globally destructive and is a major threat facing humanity in the twenty first century. It needlessly endangers the lives of so many, creates and fuels corporations who profit from war, and wastes vast sums of money better spend in so many other areas of life. Money has the ability to lift nations out of poverty, yet with hundreds of billi ons of dollars spend yearly on military expenses by big governments, little is l eft over to go towards the sickest and poorest people on the planet. Much of thi s money goes into the profits of already rich multinational defence contractors, which only further exasperates the vast inequality of wealth among citizens of the world. These multi billion dollar contracts buy military equipment on a scal e akin to that seen during WWII, with many billions lost due to wasteful spendin g, money which could work so positively for humanity had it been used wisely in other areas of government spending. To combat this destructive path, more awaren ess needs to be raised about the real issues in the world. Far too long have peo ple become accustomed to hearing about their countries involvement in foreign wa rs on the television or radio, accepting it without questioning the use of the m ilitary in attempting to dictate change. People must wake up to the harsh realit y that the path of large government is not in the best interest humanity, and un til they do no one will be able to rise out of this harmful state of living. As humanity as a species and a culture continues to evolve, it must overcome the negative influences of big government and big military alike. People in poor co untries starve to death daily while others reap the benefits of war through prof itable corporations. Not only is the world faced with dire economic inequality, but also social and moral inequality. It no longer is okay to sit back while par ts of humanity starve and others are getting bombed. Everyone must stand up and demand change in this aging, power hungry government of today.

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