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including the lyrical dramatic poem Eolaus

by James Allen

Eolaus. A Lyrical - Dramatic Poem MISCELLANEOUS POEMS Buddha If Me o ly U derstood Practice a d Perce!tio Li"erty Lo # I sou#ht $hee %eality $o-morro& a d $o-day Star of 'isdom 'ould you scale the (i#hest (ea)e $o them that see* the (i#hest +ood O e $hi # Lac*i # ,ashas $he lo&ly 'ay $he Music of the Sea Lo)e-s Co .uest $o my Dau#hter Nora o her $e th Birthday $he I &ard Purity Self-Sacrifice I ta*e %efu#e i $ruth I $ruth/ am thy %edeemer $he 'hite %o"e $he %i#hteous Ma Choice $ruth $rium!ha t O thou &ho &ould-st teach 0 If thou &ould-st ri#ht the 'orld 'hat of the Ni#ht1 2 o&led#e $he E d of E)il Ma Di)i e Patie ce %estored O releasi # a Ca!ti)e Bird Art thou i Sorro& 1 'he I am Pure Immortality Are you Searchi #1

Eolaus A lyrical dramatic poem

Dramatis Personae
Eolaus. The Prophet. Earth. Heaven. Cosmos. oices o! "ature. oices o! Truth. Echoes. Scene# $ A %eauti!ul &sland' (ooded. Eolaus sittin) on a !allen tree near the sea*shore.

Eolaus. +nto this lonely &sland & repair To search !or peace. A!ter lon)' days and ni)hts +pon the (aters' storm*tossed and !ati)ued' My s,i!! Touched thy !air har%our' %lessed &sle. "o( on thy !ra)rant %osom & (ill rest' And in thy spiritual ecstasy S(eetly participate # thy loveliness Entrances me- thy rest!ulness en(eaves My thou)hts (ith peace imperisha%le - thou Art silent' solitary' %eauti!ul' And & am lonely - yet thy solitude Perchance (ill com!ort me' and ta,e a(ay My loneliness and pain. O Solitude . Thou ha%itation o! aspirin) hearts Thou li)ht and %eacon o! the pure - thou )uide O! them that cry in dar,ness - thou s(eet !riend O! sorro( stric,en (anderers- thou sta!! And stay o! the stron) clim%er up the hills' Trac,less and stran)e' o! Truth- instructor thou' And teacher o! the teacha%le and true' /eloved o! the lo(ly' (ise and )ood' /e my companion no(' and ta,e a(ay The (orld0s ache !rom my %osom. & am tired O! the vain Hi)h(ays' (here the noise and din Dro(ns all %ut sad remem%rance - tired o! all The tumult and the terror and the tears That rule discordant in the House o! 1i!e' Sha,in) %ut not destroyin)' as the storms'

Con!ederate (ith the oceans' sha,e the shores And roc,*%o0und mar)ins o! the continents. & see, the peace that does not chan)e - the calm That ,no(s no storm - the Silence that remains. Pleasure distur%s' and does not satis!y # 2hen the e3citements o! the senses !ade' Sorro( and pain return' and leave the heart 4emorse!ul' desolate. As o0er the (aste And %arren moor the lonely curle( cries. So (ails the %ird o! an)uish o0er the mind Sated (ith pleasure- 2oe and 2ant repair To the a%ode o! Sel!ishness' and ta,e 1e)ions o! miseries (ith them. & (ould !ind 2here 2isdom is' (here Peace a%ides' (here Truth' Ma5estic' Chan)eless' and eternal' stands +ntouched %y the illusions o! the (orld# For surely there is 6no(led)e' Truth' and Peace For him (ho see,s' seein) that i)norance And error and a!!liction are- these prove The unseen truths o%versely# dar,ness ma,es 1i)ht sure and certain' thou)h (e see it not. 2e sleep and (a,e' and' (a,in)' ,no( the dream That trou%led us in sleep - ho( it arose' Phantasmal and chaotic' in the mind 1e!t all un)overned - even so perchance This li!e o! passion and o! (ild desire 7Trou%led' chaotic' and not understood8' May %e' as 0t(ere' a dream - and i! a dream O! the unmastered mind' (e shall a(a,e Out o! the ni)htmare o! our miseries' And ,no( the )ladness o! 4eality. /ut ho( shall one a(a,e 9 Ho(' i! not %y /ridlin) his passions' cur%in) his desires /y master!ul dominion o! the (ill 9 &! passions %e the trou%led dreams o! li!e' And not its su%stance and reality' Then he (ho sha,es o!! passion shall a(a,e And ,no( the Truth - surely this must %e so . There!ore unto this un!re:uented place Have & addressed mysel!' that & may )ain' /y purity and stron) sel!*mastery' Th0 a(a,ened vision that doth set men !ree From pain!ul slum%er and the ni)ht o! )rie!. Here uno%served and solitary' & 2ill puri!y my heart and train my mind

&n the true (ays o! s(eet unsel!ishness' Su%duin) sel! and passion - so perchance The chan)eless Truth (ill %e revealed to me' And & shall move' (herever Duty calls' Serene and sorro(less. Moreover' here An a)ed Prophet d(ells' so & am told' 2ho (ill instruct me in the Silent 2ay 2hich (inds throu)h the morasses o! the mind +nto the !irm hei)hts o! accomplished Truth. Him (ill & see, (hen & have slept a(hile' For (eariness no( ur)es me to rest.

1ies do(n.
Thou ;ephyrus. thou s(eet and coolin) %reath That tempercst the %roilin) mid*day rays O! June0s e3tremest heat' %lo( o0er me no(' And !an me into s(eet !or)et!ulness . & am a*(earied' %attlin) (ith the (aves. "o( (ill & sleep # a!ter my lon)' lon) search +pon the (aters' & am spent (ith toil. 2atch o0er me. "ature' & am sa!e (ith thee.

oices o! "ature.

First oice.
1isten' O Eolaus . 2oven o! passion is the +niverseain is thy puny stren)th to %rea, its (e%. Su%mit thysel! to that (hich in thee cries <rati!y nature- do not !ly deli)ht. Eolaus' come . 1et me lead thee' Eolaus. 1et me )uide thee' Eolaus. Come' Eolaus. Eolaus' come.

Eolaus' come .

Second oice.
There is s(eet into3ication &n the Pleasure * house o! Earth Aye * rene(ed e3hilaration'

1ove and happiness and mirth.

First oice.
Come' Eolaus. Eolaus' come .

Eolaus' come .

Third oice.
2hat is seen is sure 2hat is !elt is ,no(n Pleasure is secureJoy is li!e alone.

First oice.
Come' Eolaus . Eolaus' come.

Eolaus' come.

Second oice.
Come and drin, the (ine o! li!e Pleasure0s vinta)e come and taste 1eave thy !ruitless search and stri!eHoly vi)ils (ear and (aste =outh' !or love and revels !ramed# "ature thus is %lindly %lamed.

First oice.
Come' Eolaus . Eolaus' come .

Eolaus' come .

Third oice.
Thin, no more o! lo( and hi)h 1eave thy clim%in)s' and !or)et Aim and stru))le' dou%t and si)h 1evel is the path(ay set O! en5oyment# see, no more 4est thou here' thy (oe is o0er

First oice.
Eolaus come. 1et me lead thee' Eolaus . 1et me )uide thee' Eolaus . Come' Eolaus. Eolaus' come.

Eolaus' come . Earth. +nnum%ered a)es have & rolled Throu)h the a%ysmal spaces -And eons ne( !rom eons old Th0 Eternal Fin)er traces -And & must !ollo( (here it moves "o rest . no rest. 2ith hopes and !ears and hates and loves +n%lest . un%lest.

Fourth oice.
1isten' O Eolaus . Sorro( doth dar,en all the universe &ts creatures are involved in pain and (oe Helpless they cry' and no one hears or aids Dar,' dar, is li!e' and none its meanin) ,no(. Eolaus' hear . "one can lead thee' Eolaus . "one can )uide thee' Eolaus . Hear' Eolaus. Eolaus' hear.

Eolaus' hear.

Fi!th oice.
There is pain and (oe and sorro( &n the hospital o! Earth Every ni)ht and morn and morro( /rin)eth drou)ht and death and dearth.

Fourth oice.
Hear' Eolaus . Eolaus' hear .

Eolaus' hear.

Si3th oice.
2hat is Sean0s unsure2hat is !elt is %lo(nSel! is insecure1i!e is pain alone.

Fourth oice.

Hear' Eolaus . Eolaus' hear .

Eolaus' hear .

Several oices.
2e moan and si)h 2e so% and cry 2e (ander' li,e the (ind upon the stream' ainly !or peace' See,in) release From the ,een pain o! our unendin) dream.

Fourth oice.
Eolaus' hear. "one can lead thee' Eolaus . one can )uide thee' Eolaus . Hear' Eolaus . Eolaus' hear.

Eolaus' hear. oices o! Truth.

First oice.
A(a,e' O Eolaus. Arise . Sha,e o!! the dreams o! "i)ht' Open thine eyes' and sec the 1i)htPassionless 2isdom (aits !or thee &n sorro(less serenity. 1eave thou the !leetin) shapes o! Time' The ru))ed 2ay o! Truth su%lime 2al, thou - nor !ear' nor )rieve' nor lust' Scornin) the sel! (hose end is dust. 2a,e' Eolaus. Eolaus' (a,e .

Chorus o! oices.
Eolaus' (a,e.

Second oice.
6no(led)e is !or him (ho see,s 2isdom cro(neth him (ho strivesPeace in sinless silence spea,sAll thin)s perish' Truth survives

First oice.
2a,e' Eolaus . Eolaus' (a,e .

Eolaus' (a,e.

Third oice.
Follo( (here irtue leads' Hi)h and still hi)her1isten (hen Pureness pleads' >uench not her !ire. 1o . he shall see 4eality' 2ho cometh up(ard' cleansed !rom all desire.

First oice.
2a,e' Eolaus . Eolaus' (a,e .

Eolaus' (a,e.

Fourth oice.
He (ho attaineth unto Purity The !aultless Parthenon o! Truth doth see. A(a,e. disperse the dreams o! sel! and sin . /ehold the Shinin) <ate(ay . enter in.

First oice.
2a,e' Eolaus . Eolaus' (a,e .

Eolaus' (a,e .

Fi!th oice.
Con:uer thysel!' Then thou shalt ,no(Clim% to the hi)h' 1eave thou the lo(. Deliverance Shall him entrance 2ho strives (ith sins and sorro(s' tears and pains Till he attains.

First oice.
2a,e' Eolaus . Eolaus' (a,e .

Eolaus' (a,e. Heaven.

&n the visions o! the a)es & am evermore re!lected &n the precepts o! the Sa)es & am spo,en and re5ected. & can su!!er no distortion' Sin and sorro( cannot stain me Fi3ed and !aultless in proportion' He must %end (ho (ould attain me. Eolaus' (a,in). 2ho (ill lead me' (ho (ill )uide me &n my deep perple3ity9 Heaven. &n the middle o! the &sland 2aits the sa)e (hom you are see,in)On the 4oc, (hich cannot crum%le Sits the Prophet (ho (ill )uide you. Eolaus (a,es.

Eolaus. 0Mid the con!lictin) visions o! the mind & dar,ly )rope' and nevermore can !ind The stead!astness and surety that & see, 2here clamour rei)ns the Silence connot spea,So many voices and so many (ays . So many (and0rin)s the ni)hts and days. One (ay & see,' one voice & lon) to hear' /ut Truth eludes me and does not appear' "o( to this &sland0s centre & repair To see, the Prophet (ho a%ideth there. The scene chan)es to the centre o! the &sland. An a)ed and venera%le man appears' sittin) upon a roc,. Eolaus. Art thou the Prophet (hom & see, 9 Prophet. & am. Eolaus. /e thou my )uide' !or thou art (ise' and & Am i)norant- spea, thou' and & (ill hearTeach me' and & (ill %e instructed - ma,e Me to %ehold the Path (hich leads to Truth' And & (ill (al, i! thou)h it %e o0erstre(n 2ith !lints and %urrs- and i! it needs must come 2ithin the round o! holy discipline That one shall (al, that (ay (ith na,ed !eet' Or else !ore)o the end and vie( o! Truth'

Then %are!oot & (ill (al, it' and account /leedin)s and (ounds and lacerations As aids unto my (ill and !ortitude' As tas,s (isely ordained' and so to %e <ladly encountered in my pil)rima)e. Mine ears are open' open thou mine eyes' For & am %lind' and cannot !ind my (ay.

Prophet. He (ho (ould see (ith the all*seein) eye Sin)le o! Truth' must !irst his %lindness ,no(. He cannot see (ho does not (ish to see' Thin,in) he sees already' (hile his acts Proclaim his spiritual %lindness. Truth 2aits on the 1o(ly * hearted. He (ho ,no(s That %ein) passion * %ound' he yet is %lind' Has )roped his (ay to 2isdom. Thou dost see. Eolaus. & see nau)ht %ut the dar,ness o! my mind' And in that dar,ness ever * chan)in) shapes O! thin)s phantasmal that perple3 and haunt' Eludin) ,no(led)e - & am i)norant' =et strive to ,no( - nor (ill & cease to strive Till & attain. Prophet. Seein) thy dar,ness' thou So !ar dost see - ,no(in) thine i)norance' So !ar hast thou attained to ,no(led)e # see,' And thou shalt surely !ind. Eolaus. Ho( shall & see, 9 Prophet. &ncrease thy stren)th and sel!*reliance- ma,e The spectres o! thy mind o%ey thy (ill # See thou command thysel!- nor let no mood' "o su%tle passion nor so s(i!t desire Hurl thee to %aseness- %ut' should0st thou %e hurled' 4ise and re)ain thy manhood' ta,in) )ain O! lo(liness and (isdom !rom thy !all. Strive ever !or the mastery o! thy mind' And )lean some )ood !rom every circumstance That shall con!ront thee- ma,e thy store o! stren)th 4icher !or ills encountered and o0ercome. Su%mit to nau)ht %ut no%leness- re5oice 1i,e a stron) athlete strainin) !or the pri?e' 2hen thy !ull stren)th is tried- %e not the slave O! lusts and cravin)s and indul)ences' O! disappointments' miseries and )rie!s' Fears' dou%ts' and lamentations' %ut control

Thysel! (ith calmness- master that in thee # 2hich masters others' and (hich hereto!ore Has mastered thee# let not thy passions rule' /ut rule thy passions- su%5u)ate thysel! Till passion is transmuted into peace' And (isdom cro(n thee- so shalt thou attain And' %y attainin)' ,no(.

Eolaus. Hard is the path. 2hich thou hast set %e!ore me- steep and stran)e &ts ascent- un!amiliar and un,no(n The Place (hereto it leads# & see it rise Precipitous %ut yet accessi%le' /eyond the reach o! vision# (hat a(aits The clim%er' none %ut he (ho clim%s may ,no(For i! one as,' and' (ith %elievin) ears Attend the spiritual Mountaineer &n his depicture o! the un,no(n hei)hts' 2hat ,no(s he more' thou)h more %elievin) 9 2hat <ains he %ut (ords' and (onderin)s' and dreams' +nless he also clim% 9 & (ould o0ermount Faith' and ascend to ,no(led)e- & (ould not 4est idly in the valleys o! %elie!' Content (ith speculation - & (ould %e The Mountaineer' and ,no(. Prophet.The Mountaineer &s he (ho' dauntless' clim%s. Eolaus. /ut yet the (ay'$ 2here leads it 9 All %eyond the reach o! si)ht &s dar,' un,no(n' mysterious. 2hat avails The strenuous ascent' i! some precipice The darin) clim%er claim' or loosened roc, Dash him to death' or cold and hun)er ma,e 4ava)e upon his stren)th 9 Passion is s(eet' And 0tis en5oyed and ,no(n- and round a%out The ha%itations at the mountain0s %ase' &n the !amiliar valleys o! the mind' T(ine the s(eet !lo(ers o! so!t a!!ections' Fillin) the air (ith !ra)rance and deli)ht' And mello( !ruits o! love and la%our han) 4ipe !or the pluc,in)- shall & these renounce' The sure and ,no(n' !or the unsure' un,no(n 9 Are these not sa!e' su%stantial and possessed 9 2hile that & see,'$2here is it 9 &s this Truth' This idea o! 4eality (hich haunts

My mind' and drives me (hither & ,no( not' &tsel! a speculation 9 2hat a%ides 9 Alas. all that (e have and ,no( is cau)ht &n transiency- chan)es that never end 4oll (ave * li,e o0er the restless universe .And man is tossed therein- so it %e!alls That everythin) (hich comes into his )rasp$ /earin) the !ace o! an endurin) 5oy$ A!ter a little !ever o! deli)ht&s torn a(ay a)ain# nothin) endures # All thin)s are dyin) even (hile they liveAnd li!e is passin) (hile it seems to (ait. There is no s(eet possession' no rare 5oy' "o cherished circumstance' no pri?ed deli)ht "o lovely thin)' o! (hich it can %e said'$ @There is no time (hen this (ill never %e.@ 2hat comes to pass' passes' and conies no more2hat )ro(s' decays- (hat rises' !alls- (hat lives And !lourishes' dies and doth !ade a(ay# 2here then is surety- 2here is ,no(led)e9 2here &s rest and re!u)e9

Prophet. There is rest in Truth. Eolaus. &s there no rest in death 9 Prophet. There is no rest &n death. Eolaus. "o rest in death nor li!e 9 Prophet. "o rest &n death nor li!e- yet or in death or li!e' 2here Truth is' there is rest. Eolaus. Prophet o! <ood 1ead me to the A%idin)- set my !eet +pon the austere Hi)h(ay (hich doth lead To the Eternal City - & (ould !ind The rest and re!u)e o! undyin) Truth. Prophet. 1oo, thou (ithin. 1o' in the midst o! chan)e A%ides the Chan)eless- at the heart o! stri!e The Per!ect Peace reposes. At the root O! all the restless strivin) o! the (orld &s passion' and at passion0s heart is stored Truth- yea' the 1a( o! la(s is in thy mind' And (ritten on the ta%let o! thy heart Are its eternal edicts# su%5u)ate Thy passions' and the truth (ill %e revealed'

For (hoso !ollo(s passion !indeth pain' /ut (hoso con:uers passion !indeth peace.

Eolaus. "ot to %e su%5ect unto passion' %ut To su%5ect passion'$is this then the (ay 9 Prophet. Thou hast (ell said. As the s(eet nut is held. &n the hard shell' and cannot %e en5oyed /ut %y destruction o! the hus,' so Truth &n passsion is preserved' %ut is not ,no(n Till passion %e destroyed and cast a(ay. He (ho preserveth passion' dreadin) loss O! s(eetness and en5oyment' cannot ,no( The %liss o! Truth' nor !ind (here (isdom is# He is a prodi)al' !eedin) upon The hus,s o! li!e' the empty sho(s o! thin)s. And ,no(in) not its ,ernel' seein) not The chan)eless su%stance o! 4eality. He only ,no(s (ho con:uers evil- he' 2ho masters sel!' passes %eyond the dim +ncertain li)ht o! !aith' and on him %rea,s The li)ht o! Per!ect 6no(led)e (hich en!olds Emancipation' )ladness' per!ect peace. Eolaus. & ,no( that sorro( !ollo(s passion- ,no( That )rie! and emptiness and heartaches (ait +pon all earthly 5oys - so am & sad =et Truth must %e' and' %ein)' can %e !oundAnd thou)h & am in sorro(' this & ,no($ & shall %e )lad (hen & have !ound the Truth. Prophet. There is no )ladness li,e the 5oy o! Truth. The pure in heart s(im in a sea o! %liss That evermore nor sorro( ,no(s' nor pain For (ho can see the Cosmos and %e sad 9 To ,no( is to %e happy- they re5oice 2ho have attained Per!ection- these are they 2ho live' and ,no(' and reali?e the Truth. Eolaus. & strive !or that Per!ection- shall & reach The Hei)hts o! /lessed ision 9 Prophet. Com!ort ye' The Hei)hts o! /lessed ision ye shall reach. Eolaus. =et ho(' and (hen' and (here 9 & am con!used. The 2ay is near' and yet & see it not. Prophet. He must %e !riendly (ith the (orm and toad 2ho (ould %e the companion o! the (ise'

And ,no( the Cosmic Splendour- he must stoop 2ho see,s to stand- must !all (ho !ain (ould rise Must ,no( the lo(' ascendin) to the hi)h # He (ho (ould ,no( the <reat' must not disdain To dili)ently (ait upon the small# He (isdom !inds (ho !inds humility.

Eolaus. Spea, on' O Prophet. & attend thy (ords' Prophet. The %easts can neither %end nor stand erect /ein) %easts'$a%andon %estial tendencies/ut man can %end' and man can stand erect' /ein) man'$ em%race pure thou)hts and stainless deeds Here is deliverance. Man0s redemption lies &n man himsel!' yet is not %orn o! sel!' /ut ta,es its rise in Truth# man can achieve He !indeth Truth (ho !indeth sel!*control. Eolaus. 2hen & have !ound the meanin) o! thy (ords'& ,no( & shall %e (ise as thou art (ise /ut no( & hear thee' and yet hear thee not. Prophet. Thou (ilt perceive the su%stance o! my (ords' And understand their meanin)' (hen they stir That meanin) in thysel!' and in thy mind Stand clear and (ell*re!lected- thou canst ,no( Only %y su%5u)ation o! thysel!' And practice o! the hi)hest# all that0s real &s in(ard- out(ard thin)s are !leetin) sho(s' ain and illusory' holdin) nor rest "or re!u)e !or the (ise # o%ey the 4i)ht' And (ron) shall ne0er a)ain assail thy peace' "or error hurt thee more# attune thy heart To Purity' and thou shalt reach the Place 2here sorro( is not' and all evil ends. The Holy Ones ,no( not the name o! sin <oodness and Truth ma,e )lad the )ood and true # The Per!ect Ones %ehold the Per!ect 1a(Stru))le and stri!e are ended in the Truth. All thin)s are holy to the holy mind' All uses are le)itimate and pure' All occupations %lest arid sancti!ied' And every day a Sa%%ath. Eolaus. & perceive Some )limmerin) o! a 1i)ht transcendin) li)ht' Some outline o! a mi)hty Principle More %eauti!ul than %eauty- see some dim

Appearin) o! the vision o! a 1i!e aster than li!e # the Cosmos is su%lime . My eyes (ill open' & shall see the Truth' And' seein)' shall %e )lad !or evermore .

Prophet. /e mind!ul' or the thou)ht that soars (ill sin, # /e lo(ly' patient' (ell*instructed- hold Thysel! in chec,*' %y many sin)le steps All 5ourneys reach completion# as the tree That rears its stately head to(ard the s,y$ /esto(in) shade and shelter$issued !rom A tiny seed' and' (aitin) patiently +pon the la( o! )ro(th' it came to %e The thin) ma5estic that it no( appears'$ So (isdom !rom a sin)le act o! )ood 2ell*planted' (atched' and (atered' comes at last To its su%lime proportions. Eolaus. & (ill tend The plant o! (isdom (ith all dili)ence' And (atch its )ro(th to(ard per!ection. Sho( me the uno%served and lo(ly 2ay 1et praise' re(ard' and popularity /e no more s(eet to me' and no more sou)ht1et sel! %e %lotted out' & see, the Truth. Prophet. "o( listen' and attend#$the pi)eons pic, Holes in the %uildin)s' and the storm o0erturns That they had (ea,ened# little !ailin)s eat Holes in the citadel o! Character 2hich' (ea,ened thus' cannot (ithstand the storms O! circumstance' %ut (ea,ly !alls %e!ore Tempestuous temptations. As the %ee /uildeth the honeycom%' the %ird its nest' The %uilder his stron) house' e0en %it %y %it' Stra( unto stra(' and stone laid upon stone' +ntil the !inished thin) and per!ect (hole Cro(ns e!!ort (ith success'$so the (ise man. /y addin) thou)ht to thou)ht and deed to deed &n (ays o! )ood' %uildeth his character. 1ittle %y little he accomplishes His no%le ends- in :uiet patience (or,s Dili)ently' (hile others sleep' or sla,e Their hot desires in riot- no(ise moved From his main purpose %y perple3ities' Falls' errors' !ailures' di!!iculties' pains' Daily he %uilds into his heart and mind

Pure thou)hts' hi)h aspirations' sel!less deeds' +ntil at last the edi!ice o! Truth &s !inished' and %ehold. there rises and appears The Temple o! Per!ection.

Eolaus. & have !ound The little <ate mean and moss*)ro(n (hich leads &nto a dar,' despised' ne)lected 2ay 2hich' !urther' leads to )lorious esplanades And hei)hts o! Splendour- !oolish men avoid The lo(ly' and there%y the lo!ty loseDespise the small' and the ma5estical Miss' and see not. Prophet o! <ood and Truth' 2isely and (ell hast thou instructed me Thou hast revealed to me the Path o! Peace My eyes are opened' and at last & see Thy lo(ly 2ay' and & (ill enter in. Prophet. The Per!ect 2ay a(aits thy strenuous tread /ehold (here rise' precipitous' yet )rand' The Hills o! irtue - hi)her' and %eyond' The Pea,s o! /lessedness - and yet a)ain' +pon the lo!ty Summits o! the Truth' 2here clouds and dar,ness are not' and (here rests Eternal Splendour- there' a%idin) Joy A(aits thy comin). On(ard' and disperse The dar, delusions o! thy sel!. Evil &s <ood denied' is dar,ness and no more. 1et sel! %e nothin)' and the Truth %e all Thus con:uer pain# ac:uire serenity2isdom accompanies tran:uillityThe sel!*su%dued the !adeless <lory ,no( # /e (atch!ul' !earless' !aith!ul' patient' pure # /y earnest meditation sound0the depths Pro!ound o! li!e' and scale the hei)hts su%lime O! 1ove and 2isdom. He (ho does not !ind The 2ay o! Meditation' cannot reach Emancipation and enli)htenment. /ut thou (ilt !ind the 2ay o! Holy Thou)ht2ith mind made calm and stead!ast' thou (ilt see The Permanent amid the muta%le' The Truth eternal in the thin)s that chan)e # Thou (ilt %ehold the Per!ect 1a(# Cosmos From Chaos rises (hen the con:uered sel! 1ies underneath man0s heel# 1ove %e thy stren)th1oo, on the passion*tortured multitudes'

And have compassion on them - ,no( their pain /y thy lon) sorro( ended. Thou (ilt come To per!ect peace' and so (ilt %less the (orld' 1eadin) unto the Hi)h and Holy 2ay The !eet o! them that see,.$And no( & )o To my A%ode- )o thou unto thy (or,.

Eolaus. Prophet o! Peace' & )o# and unto Thee' Spirit o! Truth' & come. To all the (orld' And all that lives' !or evermore %e peace.
Cosmos & am- Per!ection is' and Peace Evil is )one' %eholdin) Me And they !rom sin and sorro( cease 2ho loo, upon my Symmetry. 2hen !ault and !ailure !ind my Form' 1o' !ault and !ailure are no more . & am the sunshine and the storm' The (hisper' and the ocean0s roar . The creepin) action that deceives' The lie' the the!t' the murderer0s ire' All these my Cruci%le receive' They %urn in my Celestial Fire. All superstitions' errors' (iles' The cra(lin) cra!t' the cruel lust' All that de%ases and de!iles & )rind' and scatter in in the dust. The "ations rise' the Empires !all' And & eternally rehearse' To scene and strain ma5estical' The Drama o! the +niverse. The Eons pass' the systems pale' +nchan)ed their chan)es %ehold They listen' and & tell my Tale& all their !leetin) !orms en!old. 2ho ,no(eth Me' %ecometh Me2ho hath my ision !inds release From Dar,ness and Captivity. & am - Per!ection is' and Peace.

Miscellaneous poems
+nder Mount 4atna)ira0s (estern shade' 2eary and (orn (ith his lon) search !or Truth' Sorro(in)' unsatis!ied' disconsolate' Sat /uddha' ,no(in) not (here he should turn To !ind the Truth that he had so lon) sou)ht$ The Truth that ma,eth stead!ast' stron)' and pure' The Truth that %rin)eth peace and %lessed rest. The Schools had !ailed him- the philosophies' Hoary and ancient' had not stilled the cry O! passion in his heart- and passion0s child' Sorro(' (as (ith him still- the scriptures' creeds' Proud pillars o! the State' had !ailed to %ear The (ei)ht o! his )reat (oe' crum%lin) a(ay +nder temptation' leavin) him the prey Still o! desire and pain and clouded mind. Morti!ications he had tried' and they Had le!t him stren)thless' (an' (antin) the TruthAnd no( he seemed as one de!eated' %orne +pon the stream o! Fate' helpless' alone. /ut (hile the /uddha %rooded in the shade' Suddenly on his ear there !ell a cry' A so% o! pain' a piti!ul stran)e si)h 2hereat he rose' and le!t the shade' and sou)ht 7He scarce ,ne( (hy' %ut that there leaped (ithin His sorro(in) heart a mi)hty un,no(n love8 2hence came the cry- and presently he sa(' +pon the road' 0mid thirsty clouds o! dust' +nder the !ierce %la?e o! the &ndian sun' A shepherd' drivin) hard a !loc, o! sheepAnd in the rear there la))ed a little lam% 2ith (ounded !eet' %leatin) most piteously' The (hile the e(e' (ith an)uish deep and sore' Cried o0er her little one' ,no(in) that she 2as helpless to relieve her. 2hen /uddha sa( The piteous spectacle' compassion sle( His o(n deep sorro(- and he strai)ht(ay too, The (ounded &am%' and %ore it in his arms' Sayin)' 0 ain are the strivin)s o! the soul

A!ter vain ,no(led)e- vain the learned lore That hath not pity in it- vain is li!e That hath not love- and (hatsoe0er is !alse' And (hat uncertain' thou)h it seemeth true' This thin) is true' that & should pity thee. The priests (ho pray and read' and read and pray' Die in their sins at last' and do not !ind The 1ove & mourn !or' the deep Truth & see, And %etter (here it that & ease thy pain Than pray (ith them' and see, and never !ind. Thee (ill & love- yea' & (ill pity thee 2hom none (ill pity- thee (ill & relieve Tired o! the soulless theories o! men' &' /uddh' (ill stoop to thee' thou dum%' (ea, thin)' 2hom men despise' ,no(in) that this is true' 2hate0er is dou%t!ul' and (hate0er unsure' Pity and 1ove are ri)ht- (hat ever !ades And perishes' Compassion (ill not !ade' And 1ove (ill never perish.00 So he too, &nto his arms the (eary' (ounded thin) 2hich nestled in his %osom' and %ecame >uiet and peace!ul- and the an3ious e(e 2al,ed %y his side' loo,in) into his !ace' <lad that her lam% had !ound those %lessed arms # And so she (al,ed' and dum%ly (orshipped him' 6no(in) him /uddha' the compassionate. And /uddha in that hour entered the 2ay 2hich he had vainly sou)ht in schools and creedsEntered the Path (hich no philosophy 1eads unto' and (hich none shall ever !ind /ut %y s(eet deeds o! 1ove' !or)ettin) sel!And in his heart there )re( a holy 1ove And in his mind a ,no(led)e ne( and stran)e And his (hole %ein) !elt a painless peace Sorro( and pain (ere not - and then he ,ne( hat he had !ound the holy Truth at last. And !rom thence!or(ard /uddha lived the Truth' And tau)ht its practice- and !rom !ar and near Came men and (omen (ho had sou)ht the Truth' And at his !eet they sat and (orshipped him' 1earnin) o! love and pity - !indin) %liss And peace that cannot !ail- and him they called Deliverer' 4edeemer' /lessed 1ord. And even they (ho understood not' sensed

Faintly this truth (hich one day they should ,no( #$ /etter than learnin) is a lovin) heartAnd to )ive com!ort to one (ounded lam% &s hi)her than the (isdom o! the schools' And )reater than the (orld0s philosophy.

&! men only understood

&! men only understood That the (ron) act o! a /rother Should not call !rom them another' /ut should %e annulled (ith ,indness' That their eyes should aid his %lindness' They (ould !ind the Heavenly Portal 1eadin) on to 1ove immortal$ &! they only understood. &! men only understood That their (ron) can never smother The (ron)*doin) o! another That %y hatred hate increases' And %y <ood all evil ceases' They (ould cleanse their hearts and actions. /anish thence all vile detractions$ &! they only understood. &! men only understood That the heart that sins must sorro(' That the hate!ul mind to*morro( 4eaps its %arren harvest' (eepin)' Starvin)' restin) not' nor sleepin)Tenderness (ould !ill their %ein). They (ould see (ith Pity0s seein)$ &! they only understood. &! men only understood All the emptiness and achin) O! the sleepin) mid the (a,in) O! the souls they 5ud)e so %lindly' O! the hearts they pierce un,indly. They' (ith )entler (ords and !eelin)' 2ould apply the %alm o! healin)$ &! they only understood. &! men only understood That their hatred and resentment Slays their peace and s(eet contentment Hurts themselves' helps not another'

Does not cheer one lonely /rother' They (ould see, the %etter doin) O! )ood deeds (hich leaves no ruein)*$ &! they only understood. &! men only understood Ho( 1ove con:uers - ho( prevailin) &s its mi)ht' )rim hate assailin)Ho( Compassion endeth sorro(' Ma,eth (ise' and doth not %orro( Pain o! passion- they (ould ever 1ive in 1ove' in hatred never$ &! they only understood.

Practice and perception

>uestionin) 1i!e and Destiny and Truth' & sou)ht the dar, and la%yrinthine Sphin3' 2ho spa,e to me this stran)e and (ondrous thin) #$ @ Concealment only lies in %linded eyes' And <od alone can see the Form o! <od.@ & sou)ht to solve this hidden mystery ainly %y paths o! %lindness and o! pain' /ut (hen & !ound the 2ay o! 1ove and Peace' Concealment ceased' and & (as %lind no more # Then sa( & <od e0en (ith the eyes o! <od.

The un(ise say' @ Our su!!erin)s are un5ust' Our pains and (oes rise !rom the scattered dust O! sin!ul ancestors - (e are not !ree Our !athers ro%%ed us o! our li%erty /y (hat they did - and (e are (ea, and !rail /ecause they erred- they !ell' and (e must !ail. @ Our drun,enness comes !rom their love o! (ine Our lusts their revels made - and (e divine Our mani!old diseases %y the (ays &n (hich they (al,ed- and as they trod the ma?e Made %y their !eet' so (e must li,e(ise tread' For (e are %ound and driven %y the dead.@ Thy sins are thine' O man . and !rom thy deeds Thy li!e' (ith all its (eal and (oe' proceeds /y sel!' and not %y others' thou art %ound &n thine o(n (ill and heart the root is !ound

O! all thy lac, o! peace- ope thou thine eyes' 1eave the dead past' and loo, (ithin - %e (ise. Ma,e pure thy heart' and thou (ilt ma,e thy li!e 4ich' s(eet' and %eauti!ul' unmarred %y stri!e <uard (ell thy mind' and' no%le' stron)' and !ree' "othin) shall harm' distur% or con:uer thee For all thy !oes are in thy heart and mind There also thy salvation thou (ilt !ind. Mind is the Master*po(er that moulds and ma,es. And Man is Mind and evermore he ta,es The Tool o! Thou)ht' and' shapin) (hat he (ills' /rin)s !orth a thousand 5oys' a thousand ills #$ He thin,s in secret' and it comes to pass Environment is %ut his loo,in)*)lass. &n his o(n heart he !osters dar, desires' Or strives !or )ood' or lo!tily aspires &n his o(n li!e he reaps (hat he has so(n' Or pain or peace' he )arners in his o(n. Thou man' that %o(est to heredity' 6no( this$the 1a( o! li!e is 1i%erty' /y Thou)ht (e rise - %y Thou)ht (e !all - %y Thou)ht 2e stand or )o# all destiny is (rou)ht /y its s(i!t potency- and he (ho stands Master o! Thou)ht' and his desires commands' 2illin) and (eavin) thou)hts o! 1ove and Mi)ht' Shapes his hi)h end in Truth0s unerrin) 1i)ht.

1on) & sou)ht thee

1on) & sou)ht thee' Spirit holy' Master Spirit' mee, and lo(lySou)ht thee (ith a silent sorro(' %roodin) o0er the (oes o! men ainly sou)ht thy yo,e o! mee,ness 0"eath the (ei)ht o! (oe and (ea,nessFindin) not' yet in my !ailin)' see,in) o0er and o0er a)ain. &n unrest and dou%t and sadness D(elt &' yet & ,ne( thy <ladness 2aited some(here - some(here )reeted torn and sorro(in) hearts li,e mine 6ne( that someho( & should !ind thee' 1eavin) sin and (oe %ehind me' And at last thy 1ove (ould %id me enter into 4est divine. Hatred' moc,ery' and revilin) Scorched my see,in) soul' de!ilin)

That (hich should have %een thy Temple' (herein thou should0st move and d(ell Prayin)' strivin)' hopin)' callin) Su!!erin)' sorro(in) in my !allin)' Still & sou)ht thee' )ropin) %lindly in the )loomy depths o! hell. And & sou)ht thee till & !ound theeAnd the dar, Po(ers all around me Fled and le!t me silent' peace!ul' %roodin) o0er thy holy themes From (ithin me and (ithout me Fled they (hen & ceased to dou%t thee And & !ound thee in thy <lory' mi)hty Master o! my dreams . =ea' & !ound thee' Spirit holy' /eauti!ul and pure and lo(lyFound thy Joy and Peace and <ladness - !ound thee in thy House o! 4estFound thy stren)th in 1ove and Mee,ness' And my pain and (oe and (ea,ness 1e!t me' and & (al,ed the Path(ay trodden only %y the %lest.

& see men )a?e upon the distant s,ies O! ideals inaccessi%le and vainAnd miss the Holy 2ay (hich near them lies$ The hourly con:uest over sin and pain. & see upli!ted and implorin) hands Achin) (ith emptiness- & see the cause' Sel!*made' o! man0s lon) sorro(- see his %ands Sel!*(rou)ht' sel!*%ound- & see the %ro,en la(s. 2isdom lies hidden in our common li!e' And he (ill !ind it (ho shall ri)htly as, 2here sprin)s the !ret!ul !ever and the stri!e There Truth a%ides$e0en in the daily tas,. /ehold (here 1ove Eternal rests concealed . 7The deathless 1ove that seemed so !ar a(ay.8 E0en in the lo(ly heart- it stands revealed To him (ho lives the sinless li!e to*day. 2rapped in our nearest duty is the 6ey 2hich shall unloc, !or us the Heavenly <ate +nveiled' the Heavenly ision he shall sec' 2ho cometh not too early nor too late. The )lory o! the Truth no Future veils From tear * stained eyes- no Past o%literates'

For toil * (orn !eet' the narro(' (eed * )ro(n trails 2hich (ind throu)h common (ays to 5oy!ul <ates. 2here0er (e )o immortal splendour )oes /ut eyes' sel!*%linded' loo, and cannot see Th0 Eternal <lory shines upon man0s (oes' Piercin) the dar, ni)ht o! his misery. 1o . (here the shado(less E!!ul)ence )leams$ &n tas,s (ell done' in stainless thou)hts and deeds' &n (ords o! love and pity' not in dreams O! s,y * %ound )lories holdin) !uture meeds. Peace cometh only to the peace!ul soul1ove' painless' nestles in the 1ove*%orn heart Joy sprin)s (here sel! is sun,en !or the (holeFrom con:uered sins immortal %eauties start. Our tas, is (ith us' and the Path Su%lime' 4isin) !rom s(amps o! sel!' throu)h Duty0s (ay' Cuts its clear course up the steep hills o! Time +nto the splendour o! the Per!ect Day.

To*morro( and to*day

&n the dar, land o! To*morro( & d(elt (ith pain and sorro(' And & si)hed !or 5oys and %lessin)s that escaped me as & ran And the dar,ness )athered round me' For the morro( ever !ound me 1ivin) in @2hat & ou)ht to do'@ and not in (hat & can. And & sou)ht !or lovin)*,indness &n the dim' dar, haunts o! %lindness &n the li)htless caves o! sel! & searched !or %lessedness and restAnd & reached out hands appealin)' Sadly )roped !or li)ht and healin)' Strivin) !or @ (hat & (ant to have' @ not (hat is true and %est. Then & !ound that sel!ish hopin)' Dar,ly see,in)' %lindly )ropin) &n vain (ishin) and re)rettin) chased li!e0s )lory !rommy %ro(So & ceased !rom sel!ish !rettin)' Turned to 1ove' and' sel!*!or)ettin)' 1e!t @ (hat & hope to )et and ,eep'@ !or (hat & (ill %e no(. So & !led !rom sel! and sorro(' 1e!t the dar, land o! To*morro(' And thou)ht o! (hat ,ind deeds to do' (hat lovin) (ords to say-

And the li)ht o! peace and )ladness Chased a(ay the clouds o! sadness' For & lost the past and !uture in the %ri)ht (orld o! To*day.

Star o! (isdom
Star that o! the %irth o! ishnu' /irth o! 6rishna' /uddha' Jesus' Told the (ise ones' Heaven(ard loo,in)' 2aitin)' (atchin) !or thy )leamin). &n the dar,ness o! the ni)ht*time. &n the starless )loom o! midni)htShinin) Herald o! the comin) O! the ,in)dom o! the ri)hteous# Teller o! the mystic story O! the lo(ly %irth o! <odhead &n the sta%le o! the passions' &n the man)er o! the mind*soul Silent sin)er o! the secret O! compassion deep and holy To the heart (ith sorro( %urdened' To the soul (ith (aitin) (eary#$ Star o! all*surpassin) %ri)htness' Thou a)ain dost dec, the midni)ht Thou a)ain dost cheer the (ise ones 2atchin) in the creedal dar,ness' 2eary o! the endless %attle 2ith the )rindin) %lades o! error Tired o! li!eless' useless idols' O! the dead !orms o! reli)ions Spent (ith (atchin) !or thy shinin) Thou hast ended their despairin)Thou hast li)hted up their path(ay Thou hast %rou)ht a)ain the old Truths To the hearts o! all thy 2atchers To the souls o! them that love thee Thou dust spea, o! Joy and <ladness' O! the Peace that endeth sorro(. /lessed are they that can see thee' 2eary (anderers in the "i)ht*time /lessed they (ho !eel the thro%%in)' &n their %osoms !eel the pulsin) O! a deep 1ove stirred (ithin them /y the )reat po(er o! thy shinin). 1et us learn thy lesson truly -

1earn it !aith!ully and hum%ly1earn it mee,ly' (isely' )ladly' Ancient star o! holy ishnu' 1i)ht o! 6rishna' /uddha' Jesus.

2ould you scale the hi)hest heaven

2ould you scale the hi)hest heaven' 2ould you pierce the lo(est hell'$ 1ive in dreams o! constant %eauty' Or in %asest thin,in)s d(ell. For your thou)hts are heaven a%ove you' And your thou)hts are hell %elo( /liss is not' e3cept in thin,in)' Torment nau)ht %ut thou)ht can ,no(. 2orlds (ould vanish %ut !or thin,in) <lory is not %ut in dreams And the Drama o! the a)es From the Thou)ht Eternal streams. Di)nity and shame and sorro(' Pain and an)uish' love and hate Are %ut mas,in)s o! the mi)hty Pulsin) Thou)ht that )overns Fate. As the colours o! the rain%o( Ma,e the one uncoloured %eam' So the universal chan)es Ma,e the One Eternal Dream. And the Dream is all (ithin you' And the Dreamer (aileth lon) For the Mornin) to a(a,e him To the livin) thou)ht and stron). That shall ma,e the ideal real' Ma,e to vanish dreams o! hell &n the hi)hest' holiest heaven 2here the pure and per!ect d(ell. Evil is the thou)ht that thin,s it <ood' the thou)ht that ma,es it so 1i)ht and dar,ness' sin and pureness 1i,e(ise out o! thin,in) )ro(. D(ell in thou)ht upon the <randest' And the <randest you shall seeFi3 your mind upon the Hi)hest'

And the Hi)hest you shall %e.

To them that see, the hi)hest )ood

To them that see, the hi)hest <ood All thin)s su%serve the (isest ends"au)ht comes as ill' and (isdom lends 2in)s to all shapes o! evil %rood. The dar,enin) sorro( veils a Star That (aits to shine (ith )ladsome li)htHell (aits on heaven- and a!ter ni)ht Comes )olden )lory !rom a!ar. De!eats are steps %y (hich (e clim% 2ith purer aim to no%ler ends1oss leads to )ain' and 5oy attends True !ootsteps up the hills o! time. Pain lead to paths o! holy %liss' To thou)hts and (ords and deeds divine And clouds that )loom and rays that shine' Alon) li!e0s up(ard hi)h(ay ,iss. Mis!ortune does %ut cloud the (ay 2hose end and summit in the s,y O! %ri)ht success' sun,iss0d and hi)h' A(aits our see,in) and our stay. The heavy pall o! dou%ts and !ears That clouds the alley o! our hopes' The shades (ith (hich the spirit copes' The %itter harvestin) o! tears' The heartaches' miseries' and )rie!s' The %ruisin)s %orn o! %ro,en ties' All these are steps %y (hich (e rise To livin) (ays o! sound %elie!s. 1ove' pityin)' (atch!ul' runs to meet The Pil)rim !rom the 1and o! Fate All )lory and all )ood a(ait The comin) o! o%edient !eet.

One thin) lac,in)

E0en at the Master0s holy !eet' lo( ,neelin)' Came one (ho ,ne( nor (ordly (ant nor stress =et sad (ith !ruitless search !or Truth' and !eelin) Perchance the Teacher o! the (orld mi)ht %less

Then as,ed he so!tly' and (ith hum%le pleadin)'$ @<ood Master' canst Thou calm my in(ard stri!e9 Sho( me the lo!ty hi)h(ay o! Thy leadin) 2hat shall & do to )ain Eternal 1i!e9@ Then He' the 1ord o! 1i!e' loo,ed do(n in ,indness +pon the 6neelin) !orm' and' ans(erin)' said'$ @Thou ,no(est the commandments' %e not mindless O! these' and thou shalt live' thou)h thou (ert dead.@ 4eplied the 6neelin) one'$@All these thin)s ,eepin) From my youth up' & sou)ht Thee out this day' =et still & (ander una(a,ened' sleepin)& have not !ound the hi)h and holy 2ay.@ =et lac,est thou one thin)' yield thy A9desirBin)'@ C 7Thus spa,e the Master8' @do not )rasp' %ut )iveSell that thou holdest' and' (ith !ree aA9spiBrin)' Come' !ollo( Me' and thou shalt A9truBely liveFor (hoso !ollo(s Me' all sel!ish clin)in) =ieldin) (ith pure and undivided mind Shall nothin) lac,- yea' !or his earthly %rin)in) Surely the Heavenly Treasure he shall !ind.@ "o( he (ho ,nelt (as very rich' and cherished His earthly treasure in his inmost heartAnd even there his spirit paused and perished' 1osin) renunciation0s %etter part# "o%le %ut not complete' the Master leavin) To cleave unto his perisha%le day' He chose the path o! passin) thin)s and )rievin)' And' sorro(*stric,en' (ent his lonely (ay. C &n this stan?a' our copy o! Poems o! Peace is ille)i%le at some places. 2e have reconstructed the ille)i%le parts 7those (ithin s:uare %rac,ets8 as %est (e could. &! you have a clear copy o! the stan?a and you can either con!irm or correct our reconstruction please contact us.

1o' in the ni)ht' (hen all the (orld (as sleepin)' =ashas' the no%le and aspirin) youth' Ponderin) upon the (orld0s )reat sorro(' (eepin)' Searched !or the holy path(ay unto Truth. @ & search in vain'@ said he' @ and (ill %eta,e me +nto the /lessed One' and see, release Healer o! sorro(' he perchance (ill ma,e me Parta,er in his deep' "irvanic peace.@

Then came the youth' (ith !ootsteps !ast and !aster' +nto the /lessed Teacher o! man,ind' And' (eepin)' !ell %e!ore the Holy Master' Sayin)' @<reat 1ord' & see, and cannot !ind. Ho( )reat is my distress and tri%ulation . Thou ,no(est all my sorro( and my pain <ive me the holy %alm o! thy salvation' 1et me depart not !rom thy side a)ain.@ The /lessed One' seein) his pertur%ation' Spa,e so!tly thus unto the )entle youth @ 1o' here is no distress' no ta%ulation Come unto Me' and & (ill sho( you Truth The Truth (ill %rin) you 5oy' dispellin) sadness' And as the ni)ht %e!ore the li)ht o! day Flees and departs' e0en so your risin) )ladness Sorro( and pain and care (ill chase a(ay.@ Then spa,e He o! thin)s pure and hi)h and holy <ivin) !ull !reely o! His (isdom0s store' And =ashas' listenin)' rapt' all mee, and0lo(ly Dran, deeply o! the Master0s (ondrous lore And lo. the coolin) %reath o! 2isdom o0er him Stole so!tly' !annin) all his care to rest Sorro( departed' and Compassion %ore him +nto the Path the Master0s !eet had prest.

The lo(ly (ay

All (ays are (aitin) !or my !eet to tread' The li)ht and dar,' the livin) and the dead' The %road and narro( (ay' the hi)h and lo(' The )ood and %ad' and (ith :uic, step or slo(' & no( may enter any (ay & (ill' And !ind' %y (al,in)' (hich is )ood' (hich ill. And all )ood thin)s my (and0rin) !eet a(ait' &! & %ut come' (ith vo( inviolate' +nto the narro(' hi)h and holy (ay O! heart*%orn purity' and therein stay 2al,in)' secure !rom him (ho taunts and scorns' To !lo(ery meads' across the path o! thorns. And & may stand (here health' success' and po(er A(ait my comin)' i!' each !leetin) hour' & clin) to love and patience# and a%ide 2ith stainlessness- and never step aside From hi)h inte)rity - so shall & see

At last the land o! immortality. And & may see, and !ind- & may achieve & may not claim' %ut' losin)' may retrieve' The 1a( %ends not !or me' %ut & must %end +nto the 1a(' i! & (ould reach the end O! my a!!lictions' i! & (ould restore My soul to 1i)ht and 1i!e and (eep no more. "ot mine the arro)ant and sel!ish claim To all )ood thin)s- %e mine the lo(ly aim To see, and !ind' to ,no( and comprehend' And (isdom*(ard all holy !ootsteps (end "othin) is mine to claim or to command' /ut all is mine to ,no( and understand.

The music o! the sea

& love to hear the music o! the sea' As' playin) on the everlastin) shore' &ts stran)e' pro!ound' and mystic melody' &t chants the soul o! man !or evermore. &t sin)s o! (rec,!ul passion (hen it %eats 2ith unrestrained (ildness on the roc,sThen (ith succeedin) sorro( it retreats' So%%in) o0er pain o! sel!* in!licted shoc,s. O! martyrdom and silent pain it spea,s 2hen' dum%ly moanin)' lan)uidly it rolls And (eirdly (ails' as on the roc,s it %rea,s' The deadness and despair o! human souls. &ts scintillations on the pe%%ly %each' Min)lin) (ith sunshine and the play!ul %ree?e' Are %u%%lin) merriment and mirth that reach "o deeper than the sensuous vision sees. 2hen' scarcely murmurin)' placidly it lies' &t (hispers o! the silent heart o! peaceO! that unuttera%le state (here dies Passion' and all our human sorro(s cease. Play!ul' pertur%ed' peace!ul' tempestuous' 4e!lected in thy heart' thy peace' thy stri!e' &s the stran)e passion and peace in us' The madness and the (isdom o! our li!e. Thou sym%ol o! the human soul' O sea. & love to hear thee' on the lonely shore

Chantin) thy everlastin) melody' Sin)in) the soul o! man !or evermore.

1ove0s con:uest
& stood upon the shore' and sa( the roc,s 4esist the onslau)ht o! the mi)hty sea' And (hen & thou)ht ho( all the countless shoc,s They had (ithstood throu)h an eternity' & said' @ To (ear a(ay this solid main The ceaseless e!!orts o! the (aves are vain.@ /ut (hen & thou)ht ho( they the roc,s had rent' And sa( the sand and shin)les at my !eet 7Poor passive remnants o! resistance spent8 Tum%led and tossed (here they the (aters meet' Then sa( & ancient landmar,s0 neath the (aves' And ,ne( the (aters held the stones their slaves. & sa( the mi)hty (or, the (aters (rou)ht /y patient so!tness and unceasin) !lo( Ho( they the proudest promontory %rou)ht +nto their !eet' and massy hills laid lo( Ho( the so!t drops the adamantine (all Con:uered at last' and %rou)ht it to its !all. And then & ,ne( that hard' resistin) sin Should yield at last to 1ove0s so!t ceaseless roll Comin) and )oin)' ever !lo(in) in +pon the proud roc,s o! the human soulThat all resistance should %e spent and past' And every heart yield unto it at last.

To my dau)hter "ora on her tenth %irthday

Since (hen thou earnest' (ith thy native charms' A (eepin) in!ant to thy mother0s arms' Ten !leetin) years have li!ted up thy head +nto my %reast - ten years o! love are !led' /ut all their store o! innocence and %liss 4emains (ith thee- thy mother0s and my ,iss Seal it !or ever thine. Those )uileless (ays 2hich' (al,in)' have !illed up thy tender days' May0st thou !or ever ,eep- may thy pure heart 6eep al(ays pure' that no unholy dart Pierce it (ith an)uish- may remorse and pain Shrin, !rom thy hallo(ed presence' and no stain

Soil thy (hite ro%es o! peace. O . %e thou sure /liss !ollo(s in the !ootsteps o! the pure. And (hatsoe0er shall tempt o! (ron) or stri!e' Hold !ast the rare )em o! a %lameless li!e "or lose' nor li)htly hold' %ut %ind to thee The priceless 5e(el o! thy purity.

The in(ard purity

Find ye that li!e is an)uish' and that sel!*love is a chain That %inds thy :uiverin) soul' and cuts (ith %itin) stin)s o! pain9 <rieve ye (here Slander0s serpents trail %eneath !air !lo(ers o! Trust 9 Or (eep (here Friendship %uried lies 0neath Hatred0s !ulsome dust9 Then listen'$Sel!ish s(eets are %rie!' and !leetin) sel!*hood0s ties' /ut there a%ides a !adeless 1ove' a 1i!e that never diesA path there is (hich Serpent slime hath never yet de!iled' 2here (eary !eet !ind rest and peace' and are no more %e)uiled# And that pure 1ove and 1i!e are his (hose inmostheart is !ree. From un!or)iveness' 5ud)ment !alse' and sel! and enmity And that !air Path o! Peace he (al,s (hose memory holds no stain O! in5uries past- that %lameless heart hath reached the end o! pain.

<reat )lory cro(ns the hei)hts o! hope %y arduous stru))le (on/ri)ht honour rounds the hoary head that mi)hty (or,s hath done Fair riches come to him (ho strives in (ays o! )olden )ain' And !ame enshrines his name (ho (or,s (ith )enius*)lo(in) %rain# /ut )reater )lory (aits !or him (ho' in the %loodless stri!e 0<ainst sel! and (ron)' adopts' in love' the sacri!icial li!eAnd %ri)hter honour rounds the %ro( o! him (ho' 0mid the scorns O! %lind idolaters o! sel!' accepts the cro(n o! thorns And !airer' purer riches come to him )reatly strives To (al, in (ays o! love and truth to s(eeten human lives And he (ho serveth (ell man,ind e3chan)es !leetin) !ame For 1i)ht eternal' Joy and Peace' and ro%es o! heavenly !lame.

& ta,e re!u)e in truth

& come to thee' O Master. on thy %reast & lay my (eary head- & lave thy !eet 2ith tears and ,isses' travail o! my :uest& %rin) my achin) heart and sore de!eat' And see, thy holy 5oy and per!ect rest. Place thou thy hand upon my %urnin) %ro(-

Soothe thou my soul' and %id my sins depart& as, thy s(eet salvation even no( Thy rest & see, to ease my thro%%in) heartThou art the Truth' to thee & clin) and %o(. Thou chan)est not amid Earth0s chan)in) scenesAll (orldly 5oys' stron) passions that decay' The sordid thou)ht' the action that demeans' These are not thee' and they (ill pass a(ay # On thy a%idin) stren)th my spirit leans. 1ead thou my !eet unto thy Holy Place & ta,e thy chastenin)- thy )reat love & sec Thy rod & ,iss' and in my deep dis)race' 2ith lon)in)' hum%le heart & clin) to thee' 6no(in) thou (ilt not turn a(ay thy !ace.

&' truth' am thy redeemer

&' Truth' am thy 4edeemer' come to Me1ay do(n thy sin and pain (ild unrestAnd & (ill calm thy spirit0s stormy sea' Pourin) the oil o! peace upon thy %reast# Friendless and lone$lo' & a%ide (ith thee. De!eated and deserted' cast a(ay 2hat re!u)e hast thou9 2hither canst thou !ly9 +pon My chan)eless %reast thy %urdens lay& am thy certain re!u)e' even &# All thin)s are passin) - & alone can stay. 1o &' the <reat Forsa,en' am the Friend O! the !orsa,en- &' (hom men despise' The (ea,' the helpless' and despised de!end & )ladden achin) hearts and (eepin) eyes# 4est thou in Me' & am thy sorro(0s end. 1overs and !riends and (ealth' pleasures and !ame$ These !ail and chan)e' and pass into decay /ut my 1ove does not chan)e - and in thy %lame & %lame thee not' nor turn My !ace a(ay # &n My calm %osom hide thy sin and shame.

The (hite ro%e

The 2hite 4o%e o! the Heart &nvisi%le &s stained (ith sin and sorro(' )rie! and pain' And all repentant pools and sprin)s o! prayer

Shall not avail to (ash it (hite a)ain. 2hile in the path o! i)norance & (al,' The stains o! error (ill not cease to clin)De!ilements mar, the croo,ed path o! sel!' 2here an)uish lur,s and disappointments stin). 6no(led)e and (isdom only can avail To puri!y and ma,e my )arment clean' For therein lie love0s (aters- therein rests Peace undistur%ed' eternal' and serene. Sin and repentance is the path o! pain' 6no(led)e and (isdom is the path o! Peace /y the near (ay o! practice & (ill !ind 2here %liss %e)ins' ho( pains and sorro(s cease. Sel! shall depart' and Truth shall ta,e its place The Chan)eless One' the &ndivisi%le Shall ta,e up His a%ode in me' and cleanse The (hite 4o%e o! the Heart &nvisi%le.

The ri)hteous man

"o harm!ul sha!t can reach the ri)hteous man' Standin) erect amid the storms o! hate' De!yin) hurt and in5ury and %an' Surrounded %y the trem%lin) slaves o! Fate. Ma5estic in the stren)th o! silent po(er' Serene he stands' nor chan)es not nor turns Patient and !irm in su!!erin)0s dar,est hour' Time %ends to him' and death and doom he spurns. 2rath0s lurid li)htnin)s round a%out him play' And hell0s deep thunders roll a%out his head =et heeds he not' !or him they cannot slay 2ho stands (hence earth and time and space are !led. Sheltered %y deathless love' (hat !ear hath he9 Armoured in chan)eless Truth' (hat can he ,no( O! loss and )ain9 6no(in) eternity' He moves not (hilst the shado(s come and )o. Call him immortal' call him Truth and 1i)ht And splendour o! prophetic ma5esty 2ho %ideth thus amid the po(ers o! "i)ht' Clothed (ith the )lory o! divinity.

The (ill to evil and the (ill to <ood Are %oth (ithin thee# (hich (ilt thou employ9 Thou ,no(est (hat is ri)ht and (hat is (ron)2hich (ilt thou love and !oster9 (hich destroy9 Thou art the chooser o! thy thou)hts and deedsThou art the ma,er o! thine in(ard state The po(er is thine to %e (hat thou (ilt %eThou %uildest Truth and 1ove' or lies and hate. &! thou dost choose the evil' lovin) sel!' Thy cries and prayers !or <ood shall all %e vainThy thou)ht and act %rin)eth thee )ood or ill Deep in thy heart thou ma,est 5oy and pain. As thou pursuest <ood' strivin) to ma,e Evil depart' thou shalt re5oice and say'$ @ 1o. 1i)ht and 1ove and Peace attend on meTruth !adeth not' and <ood a%ounds a(ay.@ Choose as thou (ilt thy thou)hts and (ords and deeds' And as thou choosest so shall %e thy li!eThe (ill to <ood shall %rin) thee Joy and Peace' The (ill to evil' (retchedness and stri!e.

Truth triumphant
There is no hei)ht to (hich thou canst not clim%There is no )randeur that thou may0st not vie(' &! thou (ilt reach %eyond the thin)s o! Time' +nto the Pure' the /eauti!ul' the True. There is no saintly vision' no )lad si)ht O! seer' nor no dream o! holy sa)e /ut may %e thine - nay' is thy heavenly ri)ht' &! thou (ilt claim thy re)al appana)e. There is no sin %ut thou may0st overthro(There is no vileness that' octopus*li,e' /inds thee its victim' %ut thou soon canst ,no( The (ay and (eapon thy stron) !oe to stri,e. Thou art not !ramed !or sin and )rie! and shameThou art not %ent to )rovel in the mire/ut thou art made erect' and )iven a name' Hast hands to reach' and spirit to aspire. <lory and stren)th and triumph $ these are thine-

4ise up' and con:uer every in(ard !oe /ehold the heavens' ho( radiantly they shine . Stand up and stri,e' O con:ueror o! (oe.

O thou (ho (ould0st teach.

O thou (ho (ould0st teach men o! Truth. Hast thou passed throu)h the desert o! dou%t9 Art thou pur)ed %y the !ires o! sorro(9 hath ruth The !iends o! opinion cast out O! thy human heart 9 &s thy soul so !air That no !alse thou)ht can ever har%our there 9 O thou (ho (ould0st teach men o! 1ove . Hast thou passed throu)h the place o! despair 9 Hast thou (ept throu)h the dar, ni)ht o! )rie!9 does it move 7"o( !reed !rom its sorro( and care8 Thy human heart to pityin) )entleness' 1oo,in) on (ron)' and hate' and ceaseless stress 9 O thou (ho (ould0st teach men o! Peace. Hast thou crossed the (ide ocean o! stri!e9 Hast thou !ound on the Shores o! the Silence' release From all the (ild unrest o! li!e9 From thy human heart hath all strivin) )one' 1eavin) %ut Truth' and 1ove' and Peace alone9

&! thou (ould0st ri)ht the (orld

&! thou (ould0st ri)ht the(orld' And %anish all its evils and its (oes' Ma,e its (ild places %loom' And its drear deserts %lossom as the rose'$ Then ri)ht thysel!. &! thou (ould0st turn the (orld From its lon)' lone captivity in sin' 4estore all %ro,en hearts' Slay )rie!' and let s(eet consolation in' $ Turn thou thysel!. &t thou (ould0st cure the (orld O! its lon) sic,ness' end its )rie! and pain' /rin) in all*healin) Joy' And )ive to the a!!licted rest a)ain'$ Then cure thysel!. &! thou (ould0st (a,e the (orld

Out o! its dream o! death and dar,0nin) stri!e' /rin) it to 1ove and Peace' And 1i)ht and %ri)htness o! immortal 1i!e'$ 2a,e thou thysel!.

2hat o! the ni)ht9

2hat o! the ni)ht' O 2atchman . see0st thou yet The )limmerin) da(n upon the mountain hei)hts The )olden Herald o! the 1i)ht o! li)hts' Are his !air !eet upon the hilltops set 9 Cometh he yet to chase a(ay the )loom' And (ith it all the demons o! the "i)ht9 Stri,e yet his dartin) rays upon thy si)ht9 Hear0st thou his voice' the sound o! error0s doom9 The Mornin) cometh' lover o! the 1i)htE0en no( He )ilds (ith )old the mountain0s %ro(' Dimly & see the path (hereon e0en no( His shinin) !eet are set to(ard the "i)ht. Dar,ness shall pass a(ay' and all the thin)s That love the dar,ness' and that hate the 1i)ht Shall disappear !or ever (ith the "i)ht# 4e5oice. !or thus the speedin) Herald sin)s.

2e !ind the <ood %y %ein) )ood' the True /y %ein) true' the 4eal %y dissolvin) Our !ond illusions' there%y piercin) throu)h Shado(' and ,no(in) su%stance. /y resolvin)' 2e can attain' and %y attainin)' ,no( And' ,no(in)' (ho shall cause us )rie! or harm9 2hat trem%lin) victim o! the (orld0s vain sho( Shall pierce the armoured heart' or !oil the arm O! him (hose Shield is 2isdom9 2hat event' 2hat circumstance' (hat muta%ility Can sha,e the Chan)eless9 And (hoso hath %lent His li!e (ith Chan)eless <ood' stands stead!astly &n 6no(led)e' !earin) nothin)' hatin) nau)htHis heart and mind 1ove*!ashioned' 2isdom*(rou)ht.

The end o! evil

All evil passes !rom us (hen (e !ind The 2ay o! <ood - (hen (ord and deed and mind

Are shaped to Truth and 2isdom- then (e see The end o! %onda)e and captivity. All )ood is ever (ith us - (e %ut (ant 2isdom to ta,e it- (e are poor and scant Only in lac,in) (isdom - that ac:uired' The )ood is ours that (e so lon) desired. /e stilt any soul and ,no( that peace is thine/e stead!ast' heart' and ,no( that stren)th divine /elon)s to thee # cease !rom thy turmoil' mind' And thou the Everlastin) 4est shalt !ind.

Man divine
Man is superior to sin and shame' Evil and error he (ill yet dethrone' The %easts (ithin he (ill o0ercome and tame' The %rute (ill pass' the An)el (tll %e ,no(n =ea' even no( the Man divine appears' Cro(ned (ith con:uest' victor o0er all !ears. Hail to thee' Man divine . the con:ueror O! sin and shame and sorro(- no more (ea,' 2ormli,e and )rovellin) art thou - no' nor 2ilt thou a)ain %o( do(n to thin)s that (rea, Scour)in)s and death upon thee- thou dost rise Triumphant in thy stren)th - )ood' pure' and (ise.

2hy this !ierce stru))le to achieve thine ends 9 This sel!ish ar)ument 9 This !ire (hich lends Heat to resentment' ashes to remorse9 Canst thou %end Truth and "ature to thy (ill 9 /end thou' and (or, and (ait- %e stron) and still So!t )ro(th is stron)er than vehement !orce. /e as a !lo(er' content to %e' to )ro( &n s(eetness day %y day- content to ,no( The hidden %lessin) in the seemin) curse A child o! 1ove' unar)umentativeContent to %e and ,no( $ as thou dost live$ The simple secret o! the +niverse.

Ea)er !or stri!e and stru))le' Sel! and )ain'

And heedin) not the )entle oice o! Truth' 2e strive and (restle in dar, (ays o! pain' And' %lind and lost in passion' (e disdain The uno%trusive 2ay o! 1ove and ruth So live (e on in sorro( and in (oe' "or rest can !ind' nor %lessed )ladness ,no(. Tired o! stri!e and an)er' hate and pain' And (eary o! the (ran)lin)s o! the Schools' 2e turn' and loo, into your !ace a)ain' /eloved %rother' sister- nor in vain Search (e (ith purer eyes- %ut as in pools So!t' deep' and silent' )a?e (e' !indin) restSo pass (e on our (ay' re!reshed and %lest.

On releasin) a captive %ird

& !ound a little %ird held !ast' ensnared /y ruthless hands- a )entle' captive prey Thirstin) !or !reedom' piteously scared' Stru))lin) in vain to 0scape and soar a(ay. & mar,ed his terror' and & too, him up His !lutterin) heart spo,e out his (ild despair. @1oo,' you and & (ith the )reat )ods shall sup This day'@ & said - then thre( him into air. 2hereat he soared' and (heeled' and !le( a(ay<reat (as his 5oy' and ruth * %orn %liss (as mine Thus supped (e %oth (ith the hi)h )ods that day Thus tasted (e their nectar' dran, their (ine.

Art thou in sorro(9

Art thou in sorro(9 Art thou in despair' &nvolved in dou%t and deep perple3ity9 1eave thou thysel!' and (ith thy !ello(s share The )ood thou hast' and thou (ilt %lessed %e. 1et 1ove0s %ri)ht sunshine play upon your heartCome no( unto your )ladness' peace' and rest /id the dar, shades o! sel!ishness depart' And no( and evermore %e truly %lest.

2hen & am pure

2hen & am pure & shall have solved the mystery o! li!e'

& shall %e sure' 2hen & am !ree !rom hatred' lust' and stri!e' & am in Truth' and Truth a%ides in me. & shall %e sa!e and sane and (holly !ree 2hen & am pure.

He shall not die (ho see,s the 2ay o! Truth He shall not see the corruption (ho doth (al, 2ith stainless !eet the Path o! Purity He shall not (ander in dar, (orlds o! (oe 2ho !inds the <ate o! <ood and enters there' For he shall taste o! immortality 2hile !eastin) at the ta%le o! his 1ord.

Are you searchin)9

Are you searchin) !or the happiness that does not !ade a(ay9 Are you loo,in) !or the 5oy that lives' and leaves no )rievous day9 Are you pantin) !or the (ater%roo,s o! 1ove' and 1i!e' and Peace9 Then let all dar, desires depart' and sel!ish see,in) cease. Are you lin)0rin) in the paths o! pain' )rie!*haunted' stric,en sore 9 Are you (and0rin) in the (ays that (ound your (eary !eet the more 9 Are you si)hin) !or the 4estin)*Place (here tears and sorro(s cease 9 Then sacri!ice the heart o! sel!' and !ind the Heart o! Peace. THE E"D

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