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Me and the Bible

I am not a Baptist, Atheist, Agnostic nor religious fanatic. I am a scientist. I do also

choose to believe in the concept of God and that Jesus was a man who did live 2000 yrs
ago in Jerusalem, et al.

I have two bibles and have read both, cover to cover. One is a King James. I have read,
years ago, the book of Mormon and the Quran.

I have never knowingly spoken to a Imam or Mullah but I have talked to many
pastors. Years ago, a philosopher said [not casually] “If you believe [In God], nothing
can convince you that God does not exist. If you do not, little will convince you to believe.

A few things have emerged from my readings and my conversations with

religious leaders:

1. Asking questions of a scientific nature or one of logic is met with either “I would like to
discuss that with you but I have a meeting to attend,” or “Our church believes that is
not an essential topic for discussion” or “We have no idea.”

2. While religious leaders are “Stuck” on the scare tactic of ‘original sin’ [that even babies are born with sin], it is
illogical to think that one can sin when one cannot formulate the idea of sin because of one’s emotional or
chronological age.

3. Adam was born of God’s will and mixed with the sand from which he emerged. While a “Fantasy” concept, I
will accept that for now. Eve was born of Adam’s rib. Question; Over what incubation time? Why were both
Adam and Even born as young people in their teen years or as adults? How did they gain the automatic capability
of speech? Who taught them about things? Seems as if it was only God at this time in our history. “In time”, Eve
approached a tree and a serpent suggested she eat of the tree –right after God told her not to do so. She ate,
learned she was naked, Adam and then God discovered she had eaten and both were banished from the garden of
Eden. Until last month, I had never seriously considered this part of the book of Genesis. The part that my
pastors never discussed was
“What would have happened if Eve had ignored the serpent and not eaten the apple?” According to my
perceptions and analysis, Eve and Adam would have been naive and not known about anything, but perhaps the
names of the animals. They would have grown older together, not understanding about reproduction and they
would have died as man and woman without children. I claim that because she ignore that Adam was naked and
thus either had no idea what a penis was or what it was used for. It is likely that she would not have been curious
about how the animals mated.

4. Perhaps the challenge next “Most abhorrent” to pastors is discussing NOT Cain killing Abel but Cain laying
with his mother. And which one, Adam or Cain, created the 2nd human female. What is it that makes the “First
daughter” such a horrible concept or idea?

5. The bible either goes to sleep or just likes to skip over the next few hundred or thousand years.

6. Inevitably, either we have children going to China and Black Africa, and the islands of both major oceans and
to the arctics. But how did we create or populate places and wind up with/create different colors of skin, types of
eye design, or building structures?

7. How did man learn the concept of fishing, hunting, growing food, building things? At some time, someone had
to kill animals and birds and fish to go beyond being a vegetarian. What motivated him -her to do such things?
Where did the concept of meat come from? The bible skips those things. My loving neighbors says to me “It does
not matter.” Well, sir, it matters to me.

8. Who developed the first customs? Language?

9. According to the Bible, in or around Egypt, some rulers really made God mad so he did the lightening and
thunder thing and at the end of the day, out of nowhere, there were 100 plus different languages spoken, and so the
place that was the center of the weather phenomena was called the “Tower of Babel.” Who decided which
languages were to be spoken and what means were to be used?

10. Inevitably, some fathers got drunk or mad or both and started making mad children who grew up to be thieves,
murderers and more. Why? Who came up with the idea of having an army or military force? Was that just a
response to another’s greed or murderous actions?

11. Next query; God became man and fought with a man on a path. Why? One time only?

12. One man lost his wife to disease or whatever. This man had two daughters. This man was a sheep herder. He
grazed his sheep on a hill side many miles from a town down below. In time, his daughters felt they would never
have families of their own so they both, one at a time, got their father drunk and “Lay with him.” Taking the
social end of this aside, I will tell you why this makes no sense. When I am sleep, I can be awoken if I am not
inebriated. I have been drunk previously. If I am, I must and any other person must be shaken vigorously to
awaken them. This part makes sense. Now, no offense to the faint of heart but, my penis is not about to get hard
while I am drunk asleep. It is understood that each daughter might have to “Stimulate” the father’s penis to get it
to stand up. While the idea is repugnant that it is a family member, it still makes no sense. I am quite sure that
when a man is drunk, especially drunk asleep, his penis is going to stay asleep too. I cannot image any “Penis”
stimulation that would make a drunk asleep flaccid penis “Awaken” and stand erect.

13. In the old testament, it says that an angel descended near a group of elders or leaders of people on a long
journey. The angel declares that God is unhappy with the people who live in a village just up the road and he
wants the group leaders to “Attack” the villagers that night or early the next morning and kill all that are there;
and remove the babies from the pregnant women and destroy them too. Now this confuses me greatly. We either
have a clear thinking God or a mixed up God or just an angry God or something in-between. God can
“Eliminate” any village, any people, anyone he wants. He does not need group leaders to do so for him. And,
returning to the concept of original sin, children learn from their parents and other adults. If the parents and other
“Bad influences” are eradicated, God can simply have the children moved to “More moral” villages and those
pregnant women “Kidnaped” and again, moved to more moral environments. To just eliminate all people in a
village is a bit heavy and unnecessary.

14. Moses; his ark is ok with me; its size, tenants, etc. He did not invite people from other lands to go with him.
He could have sent out emissaries for that purpose. According to Brad Kissee, one of my TV pastors, he feels that
this flood was actually the second to wipe out the earth and that God did it before Adam was put on earth.

15. This rising of the sea would have killed all living things, including all other birds, fresh water fish, and
whatnot. Since the exiting of the ark by Moses family, with only the carried animals to mate and make new
animals and no food remaining and no fruit to pick, vegetables to pick and no way to make a fire–[no fuel if you
did have flint] how did the group survive? It would take years to have seedlings grow new fruit and vegetables and
burnable materials. [Unless the flood was only local to them and not cover the earth at all.] [if they are restricted
to fish, it means they must live by the seaside for a decade.]

16. Who invented religions and why?

17. Also, different economic systems were created. Why? Is it because some employers become so greedy that
they will ignore the risk/harm they create for others and themselves.

18. Why did God want Abraham to “Show” his obedience by preparing to kill his only child?

19. Jesus has said many times “I am not of this world, come to my home in heaven!?” [Come be with me and my
father.] That declaration presents some problems. I hope that if I have a soul, that I wind up with Jesus, God and
others when my physical body expires. Frankly, tell then, I want to enjoy more mortal pleasures. Jesus seemed to
be more interested in the “Afterworld.” Hmmm.

20. In many places, Jesus said he is the son and in other places [on earth and in the bible] it states that Jesus IS
God. I can accept the idea that God and Jesus can be whatever they want- whenever they want. What I find
....difficult to buy into is that Jesus and God can play games with the rules. Let me be more specific:
21. Let’s assume that whatever is in the bible is NOT poetic license but instead, 100% real. We can skip the seven
days since a day can be any length till we have the solar system and our sun and moon, etc. However,

Then, we had Adam born of dust. Hmm. Eve from a rib. Hmmm. Both created as young adults, with speech and
a language. Hmmm

Do I believe in miracles? Sure. How about miracles that protect children who are born of alcoholic fathers or in
governments where their skin color is not acceptable.

Jesus giving away fish, healing and the like? Wonderful. So, I wonder, is Jesus what God looks like? “We are
created in his image.” Are we all like God in physical design and the like?

Walking on water? Rising after death. I do believe those things happened cause they sound wonderful. However,
I wonder also–a myriad of puzzlements were ignored throughout history although Jesus was permitted to do
miracles whenever he wanted. How are scientists supposed to deal with that?

It seems, based on HIS convenience, that laws of nature and science are altered. That is hard for me to swallow.
However, perhaps a “Human” response to this dilemma has been logically stated for over 100 years “Life is not
fair!” What an “Eloquent” answer.

I have written a “satire” called “Hello Mrs. God”, previously published at AC. There, I ask “Her” about where she
lives, does she have a corporeal body, is the solar system and man kind a hobby of her husband, etc? I have to
think that God has a mate because the Bible and earth is not based on a single sex society [although the Muslim
world would like us all to think it is such]. Otherwise, what irony; to make males and females on a planet with an
omnipotent being. We know that some animals or insects have both male and female “Components” but
.......regarding the Lord............[That sounds sort of tacky, but this IS a paper regarding HIM!]

27. I am an educator and a father. One of the philosophies in raising children [or teaching
them] is to use the “Fear factor, Joe’s TV show not withstanding] is to use fear to rule or
teach. I try never to use that approach. While the military uses it and prisons use it to
some degree of success, it is a fact that positive reinforcement works much better in
teaching /learning environments. Thus, I do not understand why one’s corporeal death
which can lead to
heaven or hell, is “Forced” down our international throats. In myriad of interviews with
criminals, no threat of “Going to hell” has ever restricted a criminal’s actions. In actuality,
this threat has done considerable harm to children who have been involuntarily involved in
the death of their relatives. These impressionable people feel all their lives [If going to hell
was a big emphasis for imperfectly led lives] that Chicken Little’s sky is about to fall on
them at any time and very little they do can put off their version of the inevitable. Using
this “We can not affect the future” approach in life, many “Fatalists” make very poor
decisions or no decisions which become negative decisions and provide harm to both
themselves and those around them [not climbing above floods, not wrapping up in wet
materials when caught in a fire, not getting in out of a lighting storm, etc.]

28. It even seems that Satin is a good angel who turned bad. Hmmm. Again, an interesting
component of the almighty God who can do anything. HE is love. HE is death. He is all. Or
is he? The George Burns’ character of God in his three movies takes the logical position
that God just gave us the world and life and its up to us how we use it. He did not say
anything about Satin until movie number three. Hmmm. So, maybe it is that God wants to
give us chances to be “Good” civilians -citizens so that we can be with him in Heaven [?] Or
if not, I am guessing he made an agreement with Lucifer/aka Satin, that those who don’t
“Do right” will go visit Satin for the rest of their lives. Hmmm. A deal made by God and

While I find almost all of the LDS movement [Mormons] to be absurd in their beliefs [they
sure get their hands into your pockets and perpetuate the NO women in the administration
approach to life], they have an approach to Satin that fascinates me. They have three
levels of Heaven and No Hell. [I was a trainee Mormon when in college 1976 and left their
world in 1976.] This idea, then, IF compared to the rest of the Bible believing world, holds a
unique promise and position that “IF you toe mark”, you will never go to hell. However,
while they claim that they know where God lives [And are not permitted to seek it out in the
world of astronomy] they are not permitted to understand the concept of Hell or the other
two worlds of Heaven. That is confusing to me and to the rest of the world. Could there be
a Heaven? Why not? If yes, why not three “Flavors” or types or methods or whatever. God
and Jesus live in Heaven number #1, Lucifer lives not in hell but in Heaven #3 and those
who are not horrible nor super loving get sent to Heaven #2 but by whom, I have no idea.

29. Since September of a few years ago, a man of a different faith than the corner Mormon,
or Jew or Catholic, has an association with a different religion entirely that is as restrictive,
damning, fear oriented and filled with more fear than any horror movie is the Muslim world.
I have a relative that was born into this faith and does not practice it as he also feels it is
illogical, racist, sexist and thus, one of the most illogical “Faiths” on earth. Where Jim Jones
became fearful of the world and asked all of his closest followers to commit cool-aid suicide
decades ago, this world of Muslims has as radical and illogical rules and preachings as does
the Bible but with one huge difference; The Bible [at least in the second main book or
“New” testament] preaches total love for all including one’s enemy, the Koran states clearly
that those who are non believers need not wait for the third heaven or Satin’s world in hell
but instead, are supposed to be eliminated now. As would be expected, many times over
the past 1,000 years, the Muslims and the Christians have battled. What seems very odd to
me is that they both CLAIM to be focused on GOD however, one feels that the way to God is
through Jesus and the other feels that their domain is through Mohammad and their mullah
and imam. The Muslim faith restricts the use of one’s hands [one to washing and one to
eating], prohibits women from working or driving, and it leads directly into each federal
further restrictions on what people may do and not do. The Muslim world is merged into
their legal world, where the Christian world is separate. [And the “Radical” church-goer
would like to merge Christian rules with law in the US.]

I have prayed to find out the truth. This paper is the end result of that praying. God gave
me brains, and this keyboard is my tool to display my perceptions.

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