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Mody Institute of Technology and Science, Lakshmangarh Faculty of Engineering and Technology

End Term Examination, Spring Semester 2011-2012 B.Tech. (CSE, IT, ME, MBA-ECE & CSE Branch I Year)

Course Name: Basic Manufacturing Processes Weight: 50% Course Code: ME 107 Max. Marks: 100 No. Of Pages :2 Time: 3 Hr. Note: Question No. One is compulsory. Attempt any five questions from Question no. 2 to Question no. 8. Q.1 (A) (1*10=10) Select the correct answer i) The ability of material to offer resistance to externally applied load is a) Elasicity ii) b) Ductility c) Strength d) Brittleness

Property of material due to which it can be drawn into wires without rupture
a) Plasticity

b) Malleability

c) Brittleness

d) Ductility


Disadvantage of cold working is a. Residual stress is produced b. High Dimensional control is achieved c. Suitable for mass production, d) Directional properties are achieved.


Process in which force is applied by means of hammer a. b. c. d. Casting Forging Extrusion Rolling.


Draft on a pattern is provided for : a. Its easy machining b. Compensating shrinkage b) Its easy withdrawal d) None of these.


Parting sand is used to


a) Make cores

b) to hold vertical surfaces of mould

c) to avoid sticking of sand of one flask to other d) to form back of facing layer


Gas welding is a _________ Process. a) Force welding b) Fusion welding c) Pressure welding d) None


Small depression formed due to blast of arc is called a) Arc blow b) Flux, c) Arc Crater d)none of these


Down milling is also known as a) Conventional milling b) Unconventional milling and (c). c) Climb d) Both (a)


Tapping is a operation of : a) Making cone shaped enlargement b) Finishing a hole surface around a hole d) Producing internal threads. c) Squaring the

(B) (i) Give two examples of casting defect? (ii) How can the blow holes be avoided in casting? (iii)What is chuck? (iv) List the functions of flux in welding? (v)What is recrystallization temperature Q. 2


a) Classify various manufacturing processes and explain their importance. b) Draw and explain rough sketch of stress and strain diagram of ductile & brittle materials. (4+12 =16)

Q. 3 a) Define the following terms with sketch as used in sand casting: i) Core ii) Sprue iii) Runner iv) Riser b) What do you mean by mechanical properties of materials? Explain them in brief. (6+10 =16) Q. 4 a) Explain working of Hot and Cold chamber die casting process with neat sketches. b) Explain Mould, Pattern & casting. (10+6=16) Q. 5 a) Explain various parts of Lathe with neat sketch? b) Define the Milling process and differentiate between up and down Milling?

(10+6=16) Q. 6 a) Differentiate between shaper and planer, describe basic working principle and important parts of shaper machine with neat sketch in brief? b) Explain various parts of drilling machine. (8x2 =16) a) What are the equipments used in Oxy-Acetylene welding and explain them with neat sketch. b) What do you mean by soldering and brazing. c) Define welding and classify different welding processes. (8+4+4 =16) Write short notes on (any four) a) Direct extrusion b) Rolling c) Drawing d) Hot and cold working e) Embossing f) Shearing

Q. 7

Q. 8

(4x4 =16)

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