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The Andersons

Hawaiian Islands
"For a Christian Hawaii"
MATT. 28:18-20

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Dear Christian Friends:

As the time for our departure to Hawaii draws near we look back over our experiences of the past few months

with much joy and gratitude for the many rich blessings God has given us, and remember His words, "Lo, I am with
you always, even unto the end of the world."

We want to use this means to thank all our friends for the many kind things done for us in His name, the many times that homes were opened to us, and the times we were cared for in our travel among the churches. We have

made many friends and have many happy and joyful remembrances In our fellowship together, and hope that these friendships will grow through the years and will work toward the glory of Christ and His churcsh.
At the writing of this letter the plans of our work have been presented in seven states, and diu-ing the next two weeks we hope to visit three more states on our way to the wwt coast.

The Lord willing, we will leave here (Selmer, Term.) on June 17, and we hope to arrive in California by June 24. We will be there for eight days. We have several speaking engagements to complete while there. On July 5, we
wiU fly to Hawaii, arriving there late that afternoon.

greet us.

Some of the missionaries now on the field wiU be on hand to Our car and trunks will arrive ten days later, as they are to be shipped by freighter.

On Lord's Day, JxUy 8, the new chapel at Maili will be dedicated. There will be a welcoming for us, and that
same day we will begin a protracted evengelistic campaign. Lord that it will be provided by the time we need it. As yet we do not have a house to live in but we trust the

Our flight tickets have been purchased plus most of the equipment needed out of the offerings and LivingLink receipts we have received thus far. To date there has been $70 per month pledged toward our Living-Link sup port. OUR IMMEDIATE NEEDS ARE: Churches, Sunday School Classes, or Individuals to pledge any amount ($5.00 or up per month) on oiur Living-Link support. $300.00 total is the amount needed. If this need is not met by July 5, we are still going to Hawaiistill trusting that God wUl see us through. Our other immediate need is $500.00 of which three-hundred will be used to ship our car and trunks over. The balance will be used to get settled on the field.

We are still asking you to PRAY FOR US and help us in these necessary material things, that we might be able
to glorify Christ in this land of heathen darkness.

Yours in Christian love,


P. S. Up until July 5, all mail should be sent to us c/o MRS. A. V. CHRISTEN^N, 1310 Olive St., Santa Bar bara, Calif. After that date, send mail to THE ANDERSONS, Waianae, Oahu, T. H. Due to the good mail service
between the States and Hawaii, we will not need a forwarding agent.

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