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opliji, Mo


Jaaaarjr Februaiy -- Uaroh





T. Melvin and Christine Aaderson, (Ronnie, Sherrie, Ginger and Dorid)

Address: P.O. Boc Waianae, Hawaii


Odds and Snds from Melrln's Fen

ijrri Aloha front Hawaii

and greetings to you dear friends on the TTiainland. It is now spring

jg, tiine in Hawaii*-the birds are sing ingflowers bloomingthe mountains green with foliage; everything is so beautiful and enchanting. We truly diould turn our hearts and souls heayenwardpraise and thank God for all these blessings of life. It seems do good to be alive and especially "alive in Christ", with the blessed hope of someday seeing and be ing with Him in that glory land.
Ihe work of the Lord in Hawaii is progress ingGod is blessing in nunerous way^. Althou^ there are many discouragements and trials that

Before coning to Hawaii we planned to WQX>l 3 years on the mission field before returning home on furlou^. As the old saying goes "time flies" and its hard to realize the 3 years will be this June. We feel that " o\ur ^iritual battery needs x^harging so we now plan (if its the Lord's will) to return to the mainland in June, in time far the North American Christ ian Convention at Long Beach California. We e3P> pect to visit our respective famalies andto vis
i t the churches and individuals who have do

faithfully si^jported our work. We probably will

be on the mainland 4 to 5 months. Bro. Harold

Bumside and family (recruits to Maile Mission)

will be here then and will carry on the work at both !i!alle and Makaha , as I have 6een di&ng for the past six mouths, xmtil our return. If your church or mission study group would like tohave us visit you andshow colored slides of the Hawaii work-please let us know Immedi

we must uMergo, we know (and take hope in this

fact), "that all things work together for good

to them that love God, to them that are called

according to His purpose," (Rom.. 8:28).

We thank God daily for your love and devot ion to our I^rd*s work. Tour prayers and gifts have sustained us throu^ t&dck and thin times, throu^ trials and temptations as well as in times of victory and rejoicing, and we are very grateful. Please continue to pray for us that we mi^t not enter into temptation, but that we migjit do "the will of the Lord".,,,,,.. TM&

ately and we will try to work into our schedule

your requests.

Until June 15 please continiie to send

to our Hawaii address.

our mail

After June 15 please send mail to us at the fol lowing address: T. Melvin Anderson
119 So. Front Street

Selmer, Tennessee We need $548 travel funds in order to take our family back to the mainland as far as Calif-

Perhaps you have wondered why you didn't re

as usual. We have changed our publicatiW|H||M from every two months to once each quarlMBB months). The reason for this is the fac<j|||SH| we save both time and money by this ehan,^HgS
see, time, as well as money, is valuable mission field just as it is elsewhere. We are trying to make our time and the Lord's money
count for the most in His service. FINANCIAL REPORT

ceive this issue of the Hawaiian Gall


If you would like

to help us in this

I'- espect we would appreciate your help very much. sure to designate that such gift is for our travel fund, otherwise it mi^t be put into the
mission fund.

B Happeningsathome.. byChristine
Sherrie and I would like

to thank

First, a word of explanation. To conserve ^ace and printing cost of a second page we are hencefoarbh including only a siamnary financial

each of you vho sent us birthday greetings in the month of BJarch. It certainly makes you feel good to know

statement of your gifts; the pledged support, general mission gifts, aztd how these funds were disbursed. A receipt along with a letter of acknowledgt>ent is sent to each contributor each time a gift is received. If you send a gift and do not receive an answer within 30 days, please write us about it immediately. Our mail service
is not the best in the world aivi there has been

your friends are thinking of you,.1 went to the

Island of Maui in Usirch for the P.T.A, Convent

ion, I was really happy to see one of the other islands and much surprised that it was not as
Westernized as Oahu. Truly we need to have a^t least one church on every island in the group.

We preiy that in the near future we

shnll have

some work started on the other islands..It will be woiKlerful to see all of you folk, and the

occasions when our mail was completely lost. If any of you desire a fiil financial statement we will be happy to send one to youits yours
for the asking.

Lord willing we will see you this summr,...The

children and I are really getting e*cited as

the time approaches,..We eu:e anxoiusly awaiting

the arrival of the Pres. Wilson the latter part


From Churches and Individtials:

of May when we diall give the Howard Davis's the

General Ulssion Gifts


Living-Link Gifts.*,.
Bal. on hand Jan. 1 Total handled Disbursements,

394*01 I 1852.68 1791.19 $ 61.49

Aloha of the islands...If you know of any one stationed here in the military service we would niffl to have their name and address Please continue to remember Hawaii in your prayers and other mission fields, especially Korea...,,.CFA

"You are a missionaryor a missionary field".

Bal. on hand April 1


not fail.,., and the isles shall wait for His law." -Isaiah 42:4

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^rll aod May 1954


T, UelTlu and Christine Aoderson, (Ronnie, Sherrle Ginger aitd David)

Malalaad Address (lAdJe on forlou^): c/o Poetknaster, Selrper, teonessee

Odda and Ends from Uelvln'a Pan

Aloha Christian frieoda,

froB the sun-bathad shores of

Hawaii we



greetings in the

same of ovir Lord Jesue Christ*

day ve realise more than ever before the truth spoken by the Psalnc

let, "llie heavens declare the glory of

God; and the firm^rent ^oweth his handiwork," In

Hawaii there are many beautiful sights to behold;

soire that you will find nowhere elae on earth. To

view these wondere^ of God is to stren^ted one's faith. On the other hand, there are things we see
here in Hawaii that make us sick at heart and soul.

The sinfulness of so many of the peopletheir ut ter disregard for the religion of Christ distracts ones attention from the beauty of the place. Re gardless of how negligent and indifferent these people are-we feel that we must continue to preach Christ and witness for Hiw by living Christ-lii lives. It is because of your continued falliii in







If you remember what the building



before we started working on it,

you can


us, wanlfested by your prayers anc gifts,

that we

are able to keep our faith and courage emd carry on the Lord's work, ffe thank God daily for your love and devotion. Please continue to pray for us that the Lord may use us to accomplish His purpose
in Hawaii

see the ii^provement that has been made. Before this asbestos-concrete shingle siding was installed the vertical boards withthe cracks stripped was in bad shape and letting the rain soil the inside walls. Now, the building is water ti~ht and wuch more attractive in appearance.
NEW WORKERS FOR MAILE MISSION Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bumside and their


In my column above I spoke of the wonders of God*s world. Last Uonday Christine and I hiu3 the
thrill of a lifetime when we went to see a live

children #111 arrive

in Hawaii the latter part of

in collaboration

June to take over the iialle work

volcano erupting.

Words (nor pictures)

can des

red hot mass of lava said,

hot enou^ to melt, Christine, in viewing thfl^

red hot lava spurt high inthe air is sijnply breathy taklng--awe inspiring. Just to think or rock belnpB ^^I^Mll. The Burn8ldes(at last report) have on-

cribe the actual scene.

To see a lake of boiling

with Misses Shlmmsl and Jones. We are looking for ward to a rich fellowship with these Christian friends. They are also going to carry on the work here at Uakaha \mtll we return from our furlough

"Now I have a bettewlfi*

understanding of what "hell" will be like to those who disobey God," From the edge of Halamaumau fire

pit for 3/u of a mile a rift or crack in the crat

' per T.onth pledged support. They will need iSOQ support for their family alone, plus the funds to carry on the misaion work. THEY ARE WQR* THY OF YOUR SUPPORT. We hope and pray that you will help thew often with yoiu* prayers and gifts.
Happenings at home.. .by Christine Uay has been a wonderful month for us because of the good fellowship we

er floor opened person could walk

and spewed out hot lava. A up to within 100 ft, of this

of lava that had cooled on

rlft(lf you could stand the heat and sulphur fur^e)

and walk on the T^ounds

the surface but was still hot and smoking, I made several pictures and then picked up several chunks of lava and brought it home. We will show you this lava rock when we visit you on our furlough
in the mainland.


Aj had with the Howard Davis fa^^ily. We

are sorry that his illness has caused



April and Kay


th- to come home and we are pra3rf.ng for tliem. They spent the day with us while their ship was in harbor and we enjoyed it more than Tjords can tell. We are Just counting the days until we will be homeward bound. Three years is a long time to be away fro^ home,

From Churches and Individuals}

General Mission Gifts Living-Link Gifts

Total received $

160,^6 809,25

loved ones, and frienc's,

leave on the tenth for the North American

Ihe children

and I will

of June for

Santa Barbara and We have been

then we will meet uelvin in Long Beach on the 22nd quite busy getting everything around iness for our departxire. We hate friends but knowing that we wont be makes leaving easier. Be sure to here in readi to leive our gone too long remember th.nt

Bal, on hand April 1

Borrowed cash to carry on the work,..
Total handled

$ 1171,30

Disbursements for April and ^ay

Bal. on hand June'l $


after June 15th, our wailing address Selmer, Tennessee, Aloha

will be at ,.CFA

Travel funds received up to June Ist


Even thou^ we show a balance of $20.25 you will no^ce above that we had to borrow $140 to pay mission bills that were past due. We are still
behind with mission bills that need to be paid. Will you pray with us that God will supply our needs.

We need a total of $548,00 now to purchase our pas

sage tickets to the mainland. If we do not receive

the necessary a"Ount we will be forced again in order to meet our needs.
s law," -Isaiah 42:4



"He shall not fail..*, and the Islesg

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Odds and Ends from Mclvin's Pen

It seems strange to be sitting here penning these words

New Worker for Makaiia Mission

We are very happy to announce that Miss Evelyn Per

ry of Tupelo, Miss., has felt the call and accepted the

challenge to enter the work of Christ in Hawaii. We re: joice in her decision bei cause we know she can

of greeting from this side of the Pacific ocean. However, let me addit's really a thrilling experience to once again visit you brethren here in America and enjoy your fellow ship, and to share with you our experiences in the Lord's
work in Hawaii.

be of great service to
her Lord in Hawaii.

Our purpose in coming to the mainland on furlough is three-fold. One, to visit family and loved ones that we have not seen in three years; two, to visit the churches and individuals who have supported the Lord's work in Hawaii; and three, to visit new congregations (as time allows) and acquaint them with the Hawaii Mission Field. Up to this date, 1 September, 1954, we have visited churches
in 9 states.

^from a



devoted Christ

ian home.

Her parents

(as well as Evelyn) are

faithful Christian work

ers in the Oak Ridge

Christian church in Tu

We have just two months left to visit you brethren

here in America. Aroxmd the first of November (Lord


Eveljoi comes to

willing), we hope to fly back to Hawaii to carry on the work of Christ. There are several pressing needs that we
feel you dear Christian friends should know about and pray about.

: us highly recommended by preachers and

alike. Christ Christian friends She has been a

1. We need $625.00 for plane fare for the 6 members of our family; 2. $235.00 needed for freight on Station Wagon; 3. $200.00 needed for used 16mm projector to be used in the mission work; 4. $200.00 needed for tape recorder and PA system; 5. $150.00 needed for new duplicator; 6. $100.00 monthly living-link support for our new coworker, Evelyn Perry, who expects to arrive in Hawaii around the first of January. (See pictui-e and news item
in next column).

Eve lyn helped organize and worked with a young peoples class and choir during her high school days. She attended the University of Mississippi and At lanta Christian College; later taking some special courses in children's work at Southern Baptist Seminary in Louis ville, Ky. While living in Louisville, she was a member of
South Louisville Christian Church. She was assistant

ian for 17 years.

Will you earnestly and sincerely pray that God will ^pplythese urgentneeds? Your prayers and- flna: gifts wiU be greatly appreciated. Your servant in Christ,

teacher in the young single folks class, also organized and conducted the first Beginners chxu-ch service, teaching an rage of 25 to 30 rhiiHrpn lagps 2 tn .7), .each.iord^Day.

'^e moving to Tupelo, she has been teaching the beginc.ass in Bible School at the Oak Ridge church. We feel that Evelyn deserves your prayers and support. Her urgent needs are these: 1. $250.00 for plane fare to Hawaii. 2. $100.00 per month living-link support. 3. $50.00 for postage and freight on personal items to be shipped to Hawaii. Your pledges toward her Living Link Support, whatever the amount may be, and your gifts toward her transporta tion fare to Hawaii, will be greatly appreciated. Address all correspondence to: MISS EVELYN PERRY, c/o Perry's K. A. K., Tupelo, Mississippi. She will be happy to answer all correspondence.
T. Melvin and Christine Anderson.

P.S.Send all financial gifts to T. Melvin Anderson, P. O.

Box 596, Selmer, Tennessee.

News of Note

by Christine

Dear Friends: We are enjoying the fellowship with loved ones and Christians here, but are ready to be in the Lord's work in Hawaii. We do appreciate you who have continued the support of the work there, even though we are here on furlough. The Mission bills have to be paid just the same, and we are so thankful that some of you
remember this. Ronnie and David have travelled with us most of the

time since we have been here in the mainland. Ronnie spent some time in North Carolina with his cousins. Sherrie and Ginger have stayed in Selmer with cousins and

Latest News Flash From Hawaii

We received two letters yesterday from Bro. Harold Burnside in Hawaii, and he reports that there have been

have been going to school. They Hke the mainland schools very much. We are a little slow in answering your letters, for it takes some time for them to catch up with us. Just keep writing, and we shall get around to answering them before too long, our address now is: Box 596, Selmerj Tenn. Also remember to pray for the work in Hawaii, and
all other missions CPA

four additions at Maile Mission (3 by baptism1 by trans fer), and also three at the Makaha Mission (all by bap tism). He says that there are others who are on the verge of taking their stand for Christ. We rejoice greatly at

this" wonderful news of~THe pf^ress Tj^iig "maTl?r"IH thg""

Lord's work in Hawaii.
Lord and Redeemer.

All praise and glory to Christ our

"He shall not fail

and the isles shall wait for His law."Isaiah 42:4

' d '9 '(P

aassauuax '-isuiias
96S xoa 'O 'd

'MOSHaaNV xiAiaw *x

Prayers Answered in Saltillo, Mexico


Dick, Steve.


.Murlu. uiid Maysel, .'\niea, Mark and

Jo, Nancy, Keith and I'at Owenx. CtillU EvaQgelism,
Christian Day School,

Northrup. Evangell.sm, teachlns. printing.

Olbbs. Evan

Gary and Irene gelism, Medical.


For a number of years the Northrups have been praying for other couples to come over into Mexico to help in the growing work. January, 1953, Damon Ellett arrived. July 4, 1954, the Harold Gibbs family arrived. August 6, 1954 Doctor Leonila Salmoran Marin, from Mexico,
dedicated her life to Christian service as

Send packages to Box 145, Eagle Pass,


CHILD EVANGELISM needs $12.00 a month to support each Mexican child taken in to be fed, clothed and educated. The

a Medical Missionary. November 1, 1954 the Keith Owens family plan to take up the new work of child evangelism. Thank
the Lord for these new co-workers.
Dr. Letinllu Salniorun

$25.00 a month support for medical sup plies used for missionaries, and needy
Christian families. The BIBLE COLLEGE

Damon Ellptt. lism, Teaching,

Evange Medical.


Medicine, ing.


Mailing address for these missionaries is Obregon Sur 526, Saltillo, Coah., Mexico.

students are in need of buildings, food, beds and bedding. The PREACHERS are in need of $25.00 a month each to carry the "Good News" of the Gospel.

Melvin and Christine Anderson

Odds and Ends From Melvin's Pen

New Worker for

Makaha Mission

. Aloha Christian friends, It seems strange to be sitting here penning these words of greeting from this side

^ 'Hate ... 6^
Dear Friends,

of the Pacific ocean. However, let me add

it's really a thrilling experience to once again visit you brethren here in America,

We are enjoying the fellowship with loved ones and Christians here, but are
ready to be in the Lord's work in Hawaii. We do appreciate you who have continued the support of the work there even tho we are here on furlough. The mission bills have to be paid just the same and we are

enjoy your fellowship, and to share with

you our experiences in the Lord's work in

so thankful that some of you remember


Up to this date, 1 September, 1954, we have visited churches in 9 states. We have

just two months left to visit you brethren

here in America. Around the first of No

great service to her _ , . ,

Lord m Hawaii.


.MIsb Kvelyn Perry


Ronnie and David have travelled with us most of the time since we have been here

vember (Lord willing) we hope to fly back to Hawaii to carry on the work of Christ.

in the mainland. Sherrie and Ginger have been going to school. They like the main
land schools very much. We are a little slow in answering your letters for it takes some time foi- them to catch up with us.

There are several pressing needs that we

feel you dear Christian friends should know about and pray about. 1. We need $625.00 for plane fare for the 6 members of our family. 2. $235.00 needed for freight on Station Wagon.
3. $200.00 needed for used 16 mm sound

Evelyn comes to us highly recommended. She has been a Christian for 17 years. Evelyn attended the University of Mississippi and Atlanta Christian College. Later she took some special courses in children's work in Louis

ville, Ky. While living in Louisville she was

a member of South Louisville Christian

Just keep writing and we shall get around to answering them before too long. Our ad dress now is. Box 596, Selmer, Tenn. Also
remember to pray for the work in Hawaii and all other missions. . . . CFA.

projector to be used in the mission work. 4. $200.00 needed for tape recorder and P. A. System.

Church, where she took an active part in the teaching and young people's work. We feel that Evelyn deserves your
prayers and support. Her urgent needs are

P. S. Send all financial gifts to us at P. O. Box 596, Selmer, Tenn., until Nov.
1st. After that send to our Hawaii address. will be appreciated.

5. $150.00 needed for new duplicator. 6. $100.00 monthly living-link support for our new co-worker, Evelyn Perry, who
expects to arrive in Hawaii around the

1. $250.00 for plane fare to Hawaii.

2. $100.00 per month living-link support. 3. $50.00 for postage and freight on per
sonal items to be shipped to Hawaii.

Address all correspondence to: Miss Evelyn Perry

c/o Perry's K. A. K.

first of January. (See picture and news

item in next column.)

Your pledges or gifts, in any amount.

Tupelo, Mississippi She will be happy to answer all corre


property oI




joplin, Mo.

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