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SCIENCE has done more harm than good for the overall development of mankind and society.

Prabhath indika(pib) 2013/06/27

The word since is commonly heard on the earth in these days. In electronic media, published media or in another way people got to heard this word daily. As it is the word science is came from Latin vocabulary to English dictionaries. In Latin, the word "scientia," describes the meaning knowledge any way Im not going to give a professional description to the science. What I wants reveal is the adverse effects of this modern science on the whole mankind. To argue on this I take four facts and describe on them As the most intelligent animal on the earth humans have to think twice on the things what the doing and what they receives from the inventions, creations etc: by the science and technology. Today the words temperature has reached to a unbearable unit and it has a caused to the emergence of global warmth. Just take a look back and proof how this happened and who is responsible for this disaster. Its not an elephant or a lion they are so innocent but the human. Man has created this. To earn a big profit he/she makes big factories all over the word by cutting trees and destroying the natural resources. After they are made these rough beasts emit loads of toxic substances the atmosphere like Carbon monoxide (from incomplete combustion of fuels... no choice, toxic to breathe), Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide (from industrial and vehicular exhaust, causes of acid rain, irritates air passages), Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs, refrigerant discharges, causes destruction of the ozone layer), Mercury emissions (from industries, fluorescent lamps and the burning of coal, potentially toxic), Carbon dioxide (fossil fuel burning and greenhouse gas), Volatile organic compounds (from fuel vapors, solvent, paint, etc. Really includes methane too), and many more those chemicals destroys the ozone layer and alove UV to hit the earth. It cause the increasing the temperature on the earth. Who responsible for this is human and his science, means his knowledge (the affect of science and technology on global warmth Reviewed on 6/27/2013)

Another bad effect of technology on life is that with more technology placing barriers between people, face to face meetings happen less. This small, simple change leads to a whole host of very serious problems with society in general. People are becoming lazier; choosing to stay at home and play video games than go to a basketball game or get together with friends. On top of that, the new barriers that are made because of technology gives those who are most affected by them a decaying sense of pride in their country. In fact, it is this lack of pride that has spurred many of the anti-American feelings that are felt and publicized by people of this very country. Not all technology is bad or evil, but we do need to be careful that we don't become slaves (meaning obsessed with, not actual slaves) to our own creations. Newspapers and local agencies and music stores have been forced to shut down since items are available online. (The affect of science and technology on human relationships reviewed on 6/27/2013) Also, the more technology that we create the more technology that we dispose of. This problem

is exponentially growing. Practically everyone has a cell phone which has a life span of about 3 or 4 years, when we replace them they are usually thrown into a big pile and left to leach harmful agents into the environment.

In next fact im going to describe how this modern technology helps to destroy the most valuable thing on this earth. Its value than gold, diamond or 100000$. It is water. The gift from god only to the Earth. Water is one of the several resources that we need most, many people can survive without food for several weeks but they cannot survive without water for less then a week. According to Water Pollution web site millions of liters of water are needed every day worldwide for washing, irrigating crops, and cooling industrial processes. The advancement of science and technology causes much water pollution, such as dumping toxic waste into rivers, ponds, oceans, and even small creeks. For example, many Third World countries that are trying to get their country industrialized lack the funds to dispose of their wastes probably. But instead, they dump their toxic pollutants into surrounding bodies of water. All of the toxins that they dump, can be washed out into the rivers, seas, or oceans can contaminate our water we use every day to wash our face, hands, clean our dishes, and much more. Likewise the human terminates the whole pure water recourses with his weapon modern science. Whats happen at the last is we cant find even a drop of water to drink and whole civilization will get destroyed. Thanks to this science again. (How the new technology pollute the water reviewed on 6/27/2013)

Next to the water theres nothing important than Air to whole mankind and to whole living creatures because nobody can live even a 180 seconds without breathing but this modern science and its creations have no idea about tha. Thats why it destroye the air by polluting it. The air that we breath everyday to keep us alive, imagine if the air are been polluted through our industrial everyday. According to Air Pollution and Respiratory Health web site, In 1991 American industry emitted more than 2.4 billion pounds of toxic pollutants into the atmosphere. In 1991, 98 areas exceeded the Environmental Protection Agency's recommended levels for ozone, and an estimated 140 million Americans lived in those areas. Of all those pollution in the atmosphere and over thousand, even hundred of thousand as breathing it everyday it can cause many health problems to a lot of people. The advancement of our industrial not only causes us health problem only but it also depleting our ozone and cause us global warming. The technologies that we build some of them which contain CFC Chlorofluorocarbon, a compound consisting of chlorine, fluorine, and carbon, CFC are commonly been used in refrigerators, solvents, cars, and many more. The CFC can break down by strong ultraviolet light in the stratosphere and release chlorine atoms that then deplete the ozone layer. If the ozone layer been depleted the ultraviolet light will go through and can cause us skins cancer. So the humans dont know how this technology reacts on them. (how modern technology pollute the air reviewed on 6/27/2013)

My fourth factor is about how this modern science and technology damage the sound energy. Because sound is what we hears always. Sound are very commonly use in our life that we often overlook all that it can do. It can give se pleasure such as when we listening to music, or listening to the nature. It also can be use as a communication tool, for example when we hear a siren is to let us know to be alert. For engineering it can be a tool to help them in their job for example mechanical engineering listening to the sound motor of a car to figure out what wrong with it. But in the modern society many sound can be annoying and unpleasant, and it called noise. As more science and technology are being develop the more the country are being industrialize. More factories and business are being built. More airports more vehicles and more trains are being made. Those are the many causes of noise pollution. For example, the modern large planes have been changing from pure jet engine to fan jet engine which decrease the amount of noise it made. However as the quieter the planes get the more the airports grow, it will become more busy and handling more planes every day. There are many people live near the commercial and military airports, imagine that planes fly over your neighborhood every night and makes annoying noises that could wake you up from your sleep. For many people who live around those neighborhoods, even though they have moved to somewhere else but those noise still affected them and awoke the every night. The more the country are being industrialize the more factories and building are being built. Industrial noise comes from either establish of a factory or by building works. The noise not only affects the workers it also affect those who live around it. (how modern technology damage the sound energy reviewed on 6/27/2013)

The advancement of science and technology affected us in many negative ways in term of destruction, pollution, insecurity in daily life, and health problem. Weapons which brought destruction and which help to created war. Harmful effects of chemical such as CFC in our cars, refrigerator, and machinery that destroy the ozone, which protect us from the heat of the sun and also prevent us from have skins cancer. The more machineries and technology we built the more resources we need. The more natural habitat will be destroying so people could get those resources, and the natural habitat is to help us from polluting the air and protect our ozone. So science and technology are responsible for many of the problems that face us today. Humans must think again!

Creative writer Prabhath Indika./meat me @ fiverr for more writings>>> http://fiverr.com/pibcreationz Meat me @ facebook>>> https://www.facebook.com/prabhath.PIBull?ref=tn_tnmn Thank you!

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