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St Paul's Cburcb, Drlgbllngton

Tentb Sunoay a|ter Trlnlty

4 August 2013
We stond to s|ng h,mn 5+3: 0 pro|se ,e the Lord|
Tbe llgbt ano peace o| [esus Cbrlst be wltb you
ano also wltb you.
Tbe glory o| tbe Loro bas rlsen upon us.
Let us rejolce ano slng Goo's pralse |or ever.
We bave come togetber ln tbe name o| Cbrlst
to o||er our pralse ano tbanksglvlng,
to bear ano recelve Goo's boly woro,
to pray |or tbe neeos o| tbe worlo,
ano to seek tbe |orglveness o| our slns,
tbat by tbe power o| tbe Holy Splrlt
we may glve ourselves to tbe servlce o| Goo.
Tbe oay ls almost over, ano tbe evenlng bas come,
let us pray wltb one beart ano mlno.
S||ence |s kept.
As our evenlng prayer rlses be|ore you, O Goo,
so may your Splrlt come oown upon us
to set us |ree to slng your pralse
|or ever ano ever.
O Loro, open tbou our llps
ano our moutb sball sbew |ortb tby pralse.
O Goo, make speeo to save us.
O Loro, make baste to belp us.
Glory be to tbe Fatber, ano to tbe Son,
ano to tbe Holy Gbost,
as lt was ln tbe beglnnlng, ls now, ano ever sball be,
worlo wltbout eno. Amen.
Pralse ye tbe Loro.
Tbe Loro's name be pralseo.
We s|t, ond the cho|r s|ngs pso|m 107 vv1-8.
O glve tbanks unto tbe Loro, |or be ls graclous : ano bls mercy enouretb |or ever.
Let tbem glve tbanks wbom tbe Loro batb reoeemeo : ano oellvereo |rom tbe bano
o| tbe enemy.
Ano gatbereo tbem out o| tbe lanos, |rom tbe east ano |rom tbe west : |rom tbe
nortb ano |rom tbe soutb.
Tbey went astray ln tbe wlloerness out o| tbe way : ano |ouno no clty to owell ln,
Hungry ano tblrsty : tbelr soul |alnteo ln tbem.
So tbey crleo unto tbe Loro ln tbelr trouble : ano be oellvereo tbem |rom tbelr
He leo tbem |ortb by tbe rlgbt way : tbat tbey mlgbt go to tbe clty wbere tbey owelt.
O tbat men woulo tbere|ore pralse tbe Loro |or bls goooness : ano oeclare tbe
wonoers tbat be ooetb |or tbe cblloren o| men.
Glory be to tbe Fatber, ano to tbe Son, ano to tbe Holy Gbost : as lt was ln tbe
beglnnlng, ls now, ano ever sball be, worlo wltbout eno. Amen.
We stond to s|ng h,mn +9: Leod us, heoven|, lother, |eod us
We s|t for the reod|ng from the 0|d 7estoment: Cenes|s 50.+-2
4 Wben tbe oays o| weeplng |or blm were past, [osepb aooresseo tbe bousebolo o|
Pbaraob, '|| now | bave |ouno |avour wltb you, please speak to Pbaraob as
|ollows: 5My |atber maoe me swear an oatb, be salo, | am about to ole. |n tbe tomb
tbat | beweo out |or mysel| ln tbe lano o| Canaan, tbere you sball bury me. Now
tbere|ore let me go up, so tbat | may bury my |atber, tben | wlll return.' 6Pbaraob
answereo, 'Go up, ano bury your |atber, as be maoe you swear to oo.'
7 So [osepb went up to bury bls |atber. Wltb blm went up all tbe servants o|
Pbaraob, tbe eloers o| bls bousebolo, ano all tbe eloers o| tbe lano o| Lgypt, 8as well
as all tbe bousebolo o| [osepb, bls brotbers, ano bls |atber's bousebolo. Only tbelr
cblloren, tbelr |locks, ano tbelr beros were le|t ln tbe lano o| Gosben. 98otb cbarlots
ano cbarloteers went up wltb blm. |t was a very great company. 10Wben tbey came
to tbe tbresblng-|loor o| Atao, wblcb ls beyono tbe [oroan, tbey belo tbere a very
great ano sorrow|ul lamentatlon, ano be observeo a tlme o| mournlng |or bls |atber
|or seven oays. 11Wben tbe Canaanlte lnbabltants o| tbe lano saw tbe mournlng on
tbe tbresblng-|loor o| Atao, tbey salo, 'Tbls ls a grlevous mournlng on tbe part o| tbe
Lgyptlans.' Tbere|ore tbe place was nameo Abel-mlzralm, * lt ls beyono tbe
[oroan.12Tbus bls sons olo |or blm as be bao lnstructeo tbem. 13Tbey carrleo blm
to tbe lano o| Canaan ano burleo blm ln tbe cave o| tbe |lelo at Macbpelab, tbe |lelo
near Mamre, wblcb Abrabam bougbt as a burlal slte |rom Lpbron tbe Hlttlte. 14A|ter
be bao burleo bls |atber, [osepb returneo to Lgypt wltb bls brotbers ano all wbo bao
gone up wltb blm to bury bls |atber.
15 Peallzlng tbat tbelr |atber was oeao, [osepb's brotbers salo, 'Wbat l| [osepb stlll
bears a gruoge agalnst us ano pays us back ln |ull |or all tbe wrong tbat we olo to
blm?' 16So tbey approacbeo [osepb, saylng, 'Your |atber gave tbls lnstructlon be|ore
be oleo, 17Say to [osepb: | beg you, |orglve tbe crlme o| your brotbers ano tbe
wrong tbey olo ln barmlng you. Now tbere|ore please |orglve tbe crlme o| tbe
servants o| tbe Goo o| your |atber.' [osepb wept wben tbey spoke to blm. 18Tben
bls brotbers also wept, |ell oown be|ore blm, ano salo, 'We are bere as your
slaves.' 198ut [osepb salo to tbem, 'Do not be a|ralo! Am | ln tbe place o|
Goo? 20Lven tbougb you lntenoeo to oo barm to me, Goo lntenoeo lt |or gooo, ln
oroer to preserve a numerous people, as be ls oolng tooay. 21So bave no |ear, |
mysel| wlll provloe |or you ano your llttle ones.' |n tbls way be reassureo tbem,
speaklng klnoly to tbem.
22 So [osepb remalneo ln Lgypt, be ano bls |atber's bousebolo, ano [osepb llveo |or
one bunoreo ano ten years. 23[osepb saw Lpbralm's cblloren o| tbe tblro generatlon,
tbe cblloren o| Macblr son o| Manasseb were also born on [osepb's knees.
24 Tben [osepb salo to bls brotbers, '| am about to ole, but Goo wlll surely come to
you, ano brlng you up out o| tbls lano to tbe lano tbat be swore to Abrabam, to |saac,
ano to [acob.' 25So [osepb maoe tbe |sraelltes swear, saylng, 'Wben Goo comes to
you, you sball carry up my bones |rom bere.' 26Ano [osepb oleo, belng one bunoreo
ano ten years olo, be was embalmeo ano placeo ln a co||ln ln Lgypt.
We stond, ond the cho|r s|ngs the Mogn|f|cot.
My soul ootb magnl|y tbe Loro :
ano my splrlt batb rejolceo ln Goo my Savlour.
For be batb regaroeo :
tbe lowllness o| bls banomaloen.
For bebolo |rom bence|ortb :
all generatlons sball call me blesseo.
For be tbat ls mlgbty batb magnl|leo me :
ano boly ls bls name.
Ano bls mercy ls on tbem tbat |ear blm :
tbrougbout all generatlons.
He batb sbeweo strengtb wltb bls arm :
be batb scattereo tbe prouo ln tbe lmaglnatlon o| tbelr bearts.
He batb put oown tbe mlgbty |rom tbelr seat :
ano batb ealteo tbe bumble ano meak.
He batb |llleo tbe bungry wltb gooo tblngs :
ano tbe rlcb be batb sent empty away.
He rememberlng bls mercy batb bolpen bls servant |srael :
as be promlseo to our |ore|atbers, Abrabam ano bls seeo |orever.
Luke 1.+-55
Glory be to tbe Fatber, ano to tbe Son, ano to tbe Holy Gbost :
as lt was ln tbe beglnnlng, ls now, ano ever sball be, worlo wltbout eno. Amen.
7homos Wee|kes (157-123j
7he Short Serv|ce
We s|t for o reod|ng from the New 7estoment:
1 Cor|nth|ons 1+.1-19
14Pursue love ano strlve |or tbe splrltual gl|ts, ano especlally tbat you may
propbesy. 2For tbose wbo speak ln a tongue oo not speak to otber people but to
Goo, |or nobooy unoerstanos tbem, slnce tbey are speaklng mysterles ln tbe
Splrlt. 3On tbe otber bano, tbose wbo propbesy speak to otber people |or tbelr
bullolng up ano encouragement ano consolatlon. 4Tbose wbo speak ln a tongue
bullo up tbemselves, but tbose wbo propbesy bullo up tbe cburcb. 5Now | woulo llke
all o| you to speak ln tongues, but even more to propbesy. One wbo propbesles ls
greater tban one wbo speaks ln tongues, unless someone lnterprets, so tbat tbe
cburcb may be bullt up.
6 Now, brotbers ano slsters, l| | come to you speaklng ln tongues, bow wlll | bene|lt
you unless | speak to you ln some revelatlon or knowleoge or propbecy or
teacblng? 7|t ls tbe same way wltb ll|eless lnstruments tbat proouce souno, sucb as
tbe |lute or tbe barp. || tbey oo not glve olstlnct notes, bow wlll anyone know wbat ls
belng playeo? 8Ano l| tbe bugle glves an lnolstlnct souno, wbo wlll get reaoy |or
battle? 9So wltb yourselves, l| ln a tongue you utter speecb tbat ls not lntelllglble,
bow wlll anyone know wbat ls belng salo? For you wlll be speaklng lnto tbe
alr. 10Tbere are ooubtless many ol||erent klnos o| sounos ln tbe worlo, ano notblng
ls wltbout souno. 11|| tben | oo not know tbe meanlng o| a souno, | wlll be a
|orelgner to tbe speaker ano tbe speaker a |orelgner to me. 12So wltb yourselves,
slnce you are eager |or splrltual gl|ts, strlve to ecel ln tbem |or bullolng up tbe
13 Tbere|ore, one wbo speaks ln a tongue sboulo pray |or tbe power to
lnterpret. 14For l| | pray ln a tongue, my splrlt prays but my mlno ls
unproouctlve. 15Wbat sboulo | oo tben? | wlll pray wltb tbe splrlt, but | wlll pray
wltb tbe mlno also, | wlll slng pralse wltb tbe splrlt, but | wlll slng pralse wltb tbe
mlno also. 16Otberwlse, l| you say a blesslng wltb tbe splrlt, bow can anyone ln tbe
posltlon o| an outsloer say tbe 'Amen' to your tbanksglvlng, slnce tbe outsloer ooes
not know wbat you are saylng? 17For you may glve tbanks well enougb, but tbe
otber person ls not bullt up. 18| tbank Goo tbat | speak ln tongues more tban all o|
you,19nevertbeless, ln cburcb | woulo ratber speak |lve woros wltb my mlno, ln
oroer to lnstruct otbers also, tban ten tbousano woros ln a tongue.
We stond, ond the cho|r s|ngs the Nunc d|m|tt|s.
Loro, now lettest tbou tby servant oepart ln peace :
accorolng to tby woro.
For mlne eyes bave seen :
tby salvatlon,
Wblcb tbou bast prepareo :
be|ore tbe |ace o| all people,
To be a llgbt to llgbten tbe gentlles :
ano to be tbe glory o| tby people |srael.
Luke 2.29-32
Glory be to tbe Fatber, ano to tbe Son, ano to tbe Holy Gbost :
as lt was ln tbe beglnnlng, ls now, ano ever sball be, worlo wltbout eno. Amen.
7homos Wee|kes (157-123j
7he Short Serv|ce
Tbe Loro be wltb you.
Ano wltb tby splrlt.
Let us pray.
Loro, bave mercy upon us.
Cbrlst, bave mercy upon us.
Loro, bave mercy upon us.
Our Fatber,
wblcb art ln beaven,
balloweo be tby name,
tby klngoom come,
tby wlll be oone,
ln eartb as lt ls ln beaven.
Glve us tbls oay our oally breao.
Ano |orglve us our trepasses,
as we |orglve tbem tbat trespass agalnst us.
Ano leao us not lnto temptatlon,
but oellver us |rom evll. Amen.
O Loro, sbew tby mercy upon us.
Ano grant us tby salvatlon.
O Loro, save tbe Queen.
Ano mercl|ully bear us wben we call upon tbee.
Lnoue tby mlnlsters wltb rlgbteousness.
Ano make tby cbosen people joy|ul.
O Loro, save tby people.
Ano bless tblne lnberltance.
Glve peace ln our tlme, O Loro.
8ecause tbere ls none otber tbat |lgbtetb |or us,
but only tbou, O Goo.
O Goo, make clean our bearts wltbln us.
Ano take not tby Holy Splrlt |rom us.
Let tby mercl|ul ears, O Loro, be open to tbe prayers o| tby bumble servants, ano
tbat tbey may obtaln tbelr petltlons make tbem to ask sucb tblngs as sball please
tbee, tbrougb [esus Cbrlst our Loro.
O Goo, |rom wbom all boly oeslres, all gooo counsels ano all just works oo proceeo,
Glve unto tby servants tbat peace wblcb tbe worlo cannot glve, tbat botb our bearts
may be set to obey tby commanoments, ano also tbat by tbee we belng oe|enoeo
|rom tbe |ear o| our enemles may pass our tlme ln rest ano quletness, tbrougb tbe
merlts o| [esus Cbrlst our Savlour.
Llgbten our oarkness, we beseecb tbee, O Loro, ano by tby great mercy oe|eno us
|rom all perlls ano oangers o| tbls nlgbt, |or tbe love o| tby only Son, our Savlour,
[esus Cbrlst.
7he cho|r s|ngs the onthem:
8e St||| for the Presence of the Lord - uov|d Lvons (1957-j Arr. |chord Shepherd
8e stlll |or tbe presence o| tbe Loro, tbe Holy One, ls bere.
Come, bow be|ore blm now, wltb reverence ano |ear.
|n blm no sln ls |ouno, we stano on boly grouno.
8e stlll |or tbe presence o| tbe Loro, tbe Holy One, ls bere.
8e stlll, |or tbe glory o| tbe Loro ls sblnlng all arouno,
He burns wltb boly |lre, wltb splenoour be ls crowneo.
How awesome ls tbe slgbt, our raolant Klng o| llgbt!
8e stlll, |or tbe glory o| tbe Loro ls sblnlng all arouno.
8e stlll |or tbe power o| tbe Loro ls movlng ln tbls place,
be comes to cleanse ano beal, to mlnlster bls grace.
No work too baro |or blm, ln |altb recelve |rom blm,
be stlll, |or tbe power o| tbe Loro ls movlng ln tbls place.
We stond to s|ng h,mn +11: ueor Lord ond lother of monk|nd
We s|t or knee| for pro,ers of |ntercess|on. 7he fo||ow|ng response mo, 6e used:
Loro, ln your mercy,
Hear our prayer.
7he pro,ers end w|th o|| so,|ng together:
Tbe grace o| our Loro [esus Cbrlst,
ano tbe love o| Goo,
ano tbe |ellowsblp o| tbe Holy Splrlt
be wltb us all evermore.
We stond to s|ng h,mn 507: Lord of o|| hopefu|ness
We remo|n stond|ng for the 6|ess|ng
Tbe peace o| Goo, wblcb passes all unoerstanolng,
keep our bearts ano mlnos ln tbe knowleoge ano love o| Goo,
ano o| bls Son [esus Cbrlst our Loro,
ano tbe blesslng o| Goo almlgbty,
tbe Fatber, tbe Son ano tbe Holy Splrlt,
be among us ano remaln wltb us always.
7here w||| 6e o ret|r|ng co||ect|on ofter the serv|ce

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