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Consumers Preference Towards Times Of India at Outlets ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

Success in any endeavor can never be achieved single handedly. It requires guidance, co-operation and support by many individuals. A number of people have contributed towards making this project a success. Some have contributed to this work by their valuable suggestions and advice while others were our pillars of support from which we drew our inspiration and strength. At this juncture, we express our profound gratitude to Mr. Manoj Dwivedi-AGM R M D D e p t . , T h e Times of India Mumbai for giving us this opportunit y to undertake our summer internship in this esteemed organization. W e t a k e t h i s opportunity to thank Mr. Deep Kuwar-Senior Officer, Mumbai, for his great support.

We would like to thank again Mr.Manoj Dwivedi-AGM-RMD. Dept. who guided us all along d uring the course of our project. There are many others at The Times of India office , who have shared with us their experience and knowledge and we owe our heartfelt gratitude to each one of them. It has been a great learning experience on our technical as well as personal aspects. Our sincere thanks to Director Dr.D.Y.Patil and Dr.Amol Gore, Bharati Vidyapeeth Institute of Management Studies and Research, for his great support and guidance. W e a r e t h a n k f u l to each and every person who has contributed his surplus for the completion of this project and also for the completion of this report. Working on this wonderful project was a unique experience. Knowledge, experience and confidence gained by this project will be useful for the rest of our career.

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PROJECT TITLE: Know consumers preference towards Times Of India PRODUCT : Times Of India, Mumbai

We have successfully completed our 2 months internship at Times Of India Mumbai for the assigned project titled Know the consumers behavior towards Times Of India. Mr. Deep Kuwar, Senior Officer of Result and Market Department, was our project guide who guided us how to carry on with the project. Purpose of the study: 1) The main objective of the research was To study the factors affecting customers to read TOI at Outlets.

This project is also expected to accomplish following tasks:1.Tofind Preference of students or 2.To understand media habits to consumer. 3.Attitude towards TOI. customers towards newspapers.

In our project we had been assigned the task to find out reasons w h y a p t customers (who know English) do not read The Times of India newspaper at outlets and which factors make them uncomfortable about TOI.For that w e w e n t t o C l i n i c s o f D o c t o r s a n d S a l o o n s and where our potential customers c a n b e f o u n d . W e s u r v e y e d r e s p o n d e n t s b y i n t e r v i e w a n d f i l l e d o u r q u e s t i o n n a i r e . During this we came across with many problems which was cleared after discussing with our guide (RMD Senior Officer).T h i s r e p o r t i n c l u d e s a n o v e r v i e w o f t h e p r o j e c t u n d e r g o n e d u r i n g t h e s u m m e r training. This report is mainly divided into four chapters:I. In the first chapter, we have mentioned the Introduction and limitation of the project, introduction of industry, company or product Times Of India and competitors of the Times of India.

II. The second chapter of the report mainly focuses on the Methodology and objectives of the study used during the training. It focuses on how we carried out our research. III. The third chapter consists of analysis and findings about the company and its product Times of India newspaper. That is pu rely based on our survey during the training of 8 weeks. IV. T h e l a s t c h a p t e r s u m m a r i z e s t h e w h o l e r e p o r t a n d g i v e s t h e Recommendations, Conclusion and Source of the d a t a . A n d a l s o w e h a v e attached questionnaire in an annexure, which was prepared in order to get the information from customers. For our project we took sample size of 400 respondents. After that, we analyzed the questionnaire filled by the respondents and came to know that people have the problem with the language of TOI newspaper, young generation want to take news from electronic media and educated people also like to read Gujarati newspapers. We have also considered their precious suggestions and recommendations given by customers.


1.1.1 Problem statement and justification 1.1.2 Objective and scope

1.2.1 Background 1.2.2 Porters Five forces modal

1.3.1 Introduction 1.3.2SWOT Analysis


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