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r The ............ 1
1 Orange and Black
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1-lai.bo Striugs
High School
Voln1ne F""i,r e
Issued h ~ r
"l""le Class

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flhtti!Jl]t 1![.
J'hlonrb of <tebucntion
Mr. I. E. Ewing _____ ________ ___ Presirlent
Mrs. Alice C. Erwin ________ ____ Secretary
Mrs. Maude B. Clarke --.- ------- Treasurer
Mr. Glen E. Stone ____________ ____ Trustee
Dr. Frank A. Graham ----------- --- Trustee
?11?1\t E, the student-s of the Harbor Springs'
~ High School, have labored hard and
long in the attempt to make this volume of the
Orange and Black a success and now we sub-
mit it to our parents and friends for inspec-
tion. \Ve make no apology for any imper-
f ections which may he found within these
covers but only ask that those who criticize
wilJ r emember that we have done our best as
high school students to portray a real pictur2
of the activities of the various classes and
organizations of our high school; and to show
as far as possible the true spirit that is prev-
alent in every student.
We wish also to take this opportunity
to thank the members of the Faculty for the
co-operation they have given to every student
during the school year, and to express our ap-
preciation for their earnest efforts to help us
develop into the highest type of Manhood
and vVomanhood.
Seven years ago Mr. / . B. Beadle came to Harbor
Springs in the capacity of principal of the High Sehoul
For four years he faithfully performed his duti es as prin-
cipal and during those years won the compl ete confidence
and good will of the student body and patrons of the school.
Upon the nsignation of Supt. M. J. Myron, Mr. Beadle
was el ected to the superint 2ndency, which position he has
h:c ld since that time.
Through the untiring cffods of Mr. Beadle, many im-
provements have been made in the school system. He
has instilled his fin e ideals of character into the minds and
heads of his pupils. Five years ago the students of the
Senior class of th2 High School desired to publish a year
book and so under the guidance of Mr. Beadle this work
was successfully accomplished. He has done many things
for the b enefit of the school and also the town. His life
has been an example and an encouragement for oth2rs who
strive to live a cl ean and upright life and who desire to
develop the highest ideals of womanhood and manhood.
Mr. Beadle has been the friend and helper of the
students of the school and a patriotic citizen of Harbor
Springs, so it is with th2 deepest regrd that ' 've are com-
pelled to say farewell to him .


<fbttortal Jljoarb
Ches ter A. Clark __ ______ __ __ __ _____ Business Manager
Helen Hammond ____________ ___ ___ Editor-in-Chief
Walter Thompson --------- ------- -------- _ Art Editor
Margaret Angell ---------- ----------- ----- Joke Editor
Parker Judd ---- - -- -------- -- -------- - Athletic Editor
<fbttortal ~ t a f t
Junior ---------------- - ---------- - ---- Erma Dc\\Titt
Sophomore ----- ----------------- -- ---- Caro Glasgow
Freshmen ___ ___ ____ _________ ___ ____ Frances Woodruff
Eighth Grade __ ______ __ __________________ Ollie Backus
\ Vhen the Faculty of a school is composed of well
trained t eachers, whose i n t e r ~ s t s are devoted to the wel-
fare of the students, that school should progress. Such
has been the case in the Harbor Springs High School. Our
teachers are especially trained for their particular work,
and their aim has b 2en wholly for the benefit of the stu-
dents. We ar e proud to print their pictures in the pages
of our Ann unl.
Zylphia A. Traviss
Elsi e B. Hollowell
Achie E. Humphrey
Science and Mathematics
Charlotte Duddles
Eli:.abeth A. Beadle
History and Civics
Abigail S. Ratliff
Blanche Doty
Physical Training
Ethel Newcomb
Music and; Drawing
Fred 0 . Scalf
Manual Training
Helen B. Mahrle
Home Economics

W. ,.HQMPSOf\1
There have b een other clnsses,
It mny be,
Mncle up of lads or lnss r s
Of degree ;
vVhich nwke a strong contention
That they deserve some Hlcntion,
But it meets with with strong dissention
Her e, from me!
Not one of them is fit for
Naming here:
They n eedn't think they're It, for
They arc queer.
vVc're the only class that ever
\Velded bonds that cannot sever,
Cer tain to endure forever
And a year.
\Ve'rc the fin est and the brightest,
That there arc,
The loveliest and the rightcst
Ncar or far ;
vVe all arc brave and witty,
Good looking, if not pretty,
\V c'rc the brightest in the city,
Each a star.
P . .T. H.
Helen Hammond-
Commerci;al Course
Girls' Glee Club ' 17, ' 18,
' 19, '20
Ch011US '17, '18, ' 19, '20, ' 21
Opgrctta '17
Editor-in,-Clvi ef "Oang;e
and Black" '21
Pearl Hathaway-
Literary Course
Chorus '18, '19
Robert J. Roe-
Literary Course
ChOi:' US '18, '19, '20, '21
Boys' Glee Club '18, '19,
' 20, '21
Agnes Grauei-
Literary Course
Chorus '18, '19, '20, '2::.
Eleanor Barmore-
Literary Course
Gir ls' Glee Club '19, '20, '21
Keith C. Stone-
Literary Course
Basketball ' 19, '20, '21
Editor '18
Pre3'ident '20, '21
Chor us '18, ' 19. '20, '21
Boys' Glee Ci ub '18, '19,
'20, '21
Walter Thompson-
Literary Course
J<Jditor '20
Football ' 18, '19, ' 20, '21
Basketball ' 18, '19, '20, '21
Art Editor "Orange and
Black" '21
Isabelle Pool-
Literary Course
Girl s' Gl ee ClUJb '18, '19
'20, '21
Operetta '17, '21
Chorus ' 18, ' 19, '20, '21
Robert Burdett-
Literary Course
'l'reasurer ' 19
C hO:'US '18, ' 19, ' 20, '21
Boys' Gl ee Clu b ' 18, ' 19,
'20, '21
Football '20, '21
Helen Wilcox-
Literary Course
President '19
Margaret Angeii-
Li cerary Course
Chorus ' 18
Joke Editor "Orange and
Blruck" '21
Harry Linehan-
LHe rary Course
Football ' 18, ' 19, '20
Viee-Presiclent '20
Berta John,ston-
Ltterary Course
Chorus ' 18, ' 19, '20
OC'ris Curkendaii-
Coun: e
'18, ' 19, '20, '21
Girls' Glee Club '18, ' 19,
'20, '21
Operetta '.::;1
Ruby Gleason-
Commercial Course
Clifton Garver-
Literary Course
Parker Judd-
Literary Course
Vice-President '21
Athletic Editoc "Orange
anci Black" '21
GhO!' US '18, '19, '20, '21
Footlball '18, '19, '20, '21
' 18, ' 19, '20, '21
Lyle Parks-
Literary Course
Chorus '18, '19, ' 20, '21
Operet ta '21
Ve:ta DeWitt-
Literary Course
DziCl amation '20 (Winner
of State Contest )
Orator y '21
Chom" '19, '20, '21
Editor '20
Girls Glee Club '19, '20,
Or eretta '21
Rena Hoover-
Li,terary Course
'18, ' 19, '20, '21
Girls' Glee Club ' 18, ' 19,
. '20, '21
Operetta ' 17, '21
Grace Davenport-
Commerci,al Course
Secretar y- Treasurer '19
Social Edit!or "Q,range and
Black" '20
Girl s' Gl ee Club ' 17, ' 18,
'19, '20, '21
Declamation ' 17
Chorus ' 17, ' 18, '19, '20, '21
Operetta '17, '21
Treasurer '21
Leonard Powers-
Literar y Course
Ptes id ent '20
Mary Baker-
Literary Course
Secretary '21
Chorus '18, '19, '20, '21
Declamation ' 19
Oratory ' 21
Girls Gl ee Club ' 18, ' 19,
'20, '21
Madelyne Kishigo-
Literary Cour se
Girls' Gl ee Club '19, ' 20
Chor us ' 18, ' 19, '20, '21
Oper etta '21
Lillian Sullivan-
Literary Course
Bertha Warner-
Literary Course
Chorus ' 18, '19, '20
Glenn Hammond-
Li t erary Course
Boys' Glee Clwb '18, '19,
' 20, '21
Cho:-.u-s '18, '19, '20, ' 21
C peretta '21
Luci le Mathews-;
Literary Course
Sylvia Fisher-
Literary Course
C h o ~ u s '18, '.19, '20, '21
Che:ter A. Clark-
Lit er ary Cours e
Secretary- Trea::mrer ' 18
Editor ' 19
Dclamation ' 19
T'reasurer '20
Oratory ' 20
Business Manager "Orange
and Black" '21
Cornelia W.ager-
L: erary Course
C h o ~ u s '17, '18, '19, '20
0 per etta ' 17
Ray Gillette-
Commercia l Cours3
Foobball '20, ' 2_
Basketball '21
Gordon Armstrong
Li:erary Cours G
Football '19
Ch<r.U'S '18, '19. '20, '21
Bovs' Glee Club '18, ' 19,
'20, '21
Vve the Seniors, the class of Twenty-one,
The class of workers all and idlers none,
Being of mature judgement and sound mind,
Have had a will drawn up and legally signed.
First comes the Faculty as you know,
From whose door-step we must lorcver go.
To them, we will leave each an old and familiar facr,
I ~ Whose memory it will always hold a place.
Corn2! Come! all you Juniors- quick,
Oh hurry you are so slow you make us sick.
Here's some hooks to hang yourselves upon the walL
You all make good ornaments- but that's all.
Her e you Sophomores, you're in this too.
lt isn't hard to find something for you to do.
Take this our stationary friends, a cleat
And with it clear the grass from off your feet.
Say, where arc the Freshmen so wee.?
To hear them talk--, of us, they would make three .
To you, we will give a little advice on self praise.
"Just keep it quiet as it belongs to your Senior days."
Listen, Eighth Grade to our will so great,
For it might hdp some as it isn't too late.
Give them some blocks and a rattle-box too.
\Ve think they'll enjoy them- - Don't you?
Yes, there ar-c the girls so painted and so true.
Without the mirror, what would they do?
Our advice to the boys is "to beware,"
For they're i1sing camouflage we do declare.
Now that our writing is done,
This, we assure you was just in fun,
So Faculty and fri ends pardon us all,
For writing something of nothing so smalL
R. .T. H.
In 1 !117, we beg:m our high school li fc in l he "Emer-
ald Class." We immedia tely organized our class to carry
out our new duties. Many were the honors we attained
that year in the athletic field. Early in the year we were
sumptuously entertained by the Sophomore Class. Dur-
ing the evening a battl e occurrd but the only easualities
were the Joss of a few coat buttons.
The following year we entered the Sophomore stnge
of development. Again we organized- not for defense
but for offense. Our athl etic honors increasPd. As is
the custom, we had to dig to the ver y depths of our pock-
ets to purchase "feed and other necessities" for a reception
to be given the Freshmen. The g1een troop were mocl::r-
ately well entertained.
In 1!H9, we began Junior life. \Ve wer e so near and
yet so far from "High School Heavrn." Again we org::m-
ized our group and all the year were earning money so
that we could distinguish ourselves by the bes t Junior-
Senior Banquet ever held in Harbor High. \Ve worked
day and night and won. vVe were never sorry or will we
ever be as the event was magnificent to behold- the
parents and patrons turning out to view our marvelous
aehieven1en t.
At las t! High School Heaven we r eached and now we'
are dignified Seniors. For the fourth and last time we
organized and many were the honorary duties that befell
the Seniors. Through our efforts many fin e musicals
and lectures have been brought to our auditorium. On
March 16, 1921, we wcre given a charming banquet by tile
Juniors. The las t and most important event of our high
school life is Commencemnt. Then we all go out into
the world to gain our success and happiness, the sincen3t
wish of all to each other.
nf 19 21
It is nov,, approaching the middle of June,
These four years as moments have passed:
School days for some will be over soon
And we're proud to be the '21 clnss.
In the short four years since we entered the fray
Hard we have studied; hard have we played,
Though we r ealized littl e how short was our stay
All our efforts have been repaid.
School life has never been found a bore
As some knockers art bound to say,
' Tis where the jolliest are in store,
If we only let them have sway.
In gaining knowledge great joy we have seen,
All truthful ones this fact confess,
And with teachers as helpful as ours have been
Efforts must ever he crowned with
Looking back it seems that each minute
\ Ve have spent in this cherished old place
Has some happy memory in it
\ Vhich the years can never erase.
But now we must part, and each go his way
To learn for himself life's truth;
But let us all in work or play
Hen1ember the friends of our yonth.
M. V. B.
Said teacher to Billy, "Now just as you stand,
On your left is what is called east:
On your right, then, is west, and in front of you, south.
You should know what's hehind you, at least!"
Then Billy grew red in the face and he winced.
He clinched his s mall hands and he sighed.
"I told Ma you'd see that patch on my pants,
That I've tried all morning to hide."
(Given by Mary V. Baker at the Senior- Junior Banquet)
Come, dignified Seniors, back with me to the days when
we were "fr eshies." Do you r ecall that September morn,
when a group of bright looking green horns, stalked up
the winding stairs a nd into the halls of the High School.
After depositing our wraps, we wandered into the magni-
cient auditorium a nd took possession of 42 roomy seats.
Those first days wer e full of events. vV e got in the
Science room for Arithmetic . and not b eing used to the
bells, we were continually running up and down halls.
Of course every one had to laugh and the haughty Sophs
call ed the raw green mass. To think of such dignified
men and women, as we thought ourselves to be, called
kids a nd freshies ! It became very disgusting, so when
basket ball season opened up, we challenged the Sophies
and b ent them. 'Ve asked to play the Seniors, but Laura
Judd, their Captain, looked down on us, her eyes gleaming
,\rith knowledge nnd snid they had no time for such
But after this freshies wer e tr::ated with a littl e
more r espect. The year passed quickly and with the com-
ing fall , we glided into the Sophomore class. vVe could'nt
r esist the tempta tion of calling the Freshies green and
them a little of what we had received in the past
b . b
year, for upon whom would a Soph wreak his vengenee,
but a Freshman?
To look over this mi streatment, for we pitied them,
a sumptuous banquet was planned in the gym. Do you
r emember, Seniors, how these Juniors shook, when they
descended from the corridors to the gym? Thinking of
what happened to our president a year before, great hor-
rors loomed up in their minds of what was about to bcfa 11
them. Mctha \ fairly shook in her shoes.
\Vith the coming of June our minds were directed in
ot her channels. The following term saw a brilliant class
of Juniors assembl ed in the main room full of pep and
r eady to make the year count: Oh, and didn' t we Seniors?
(; uidcd by Miss Carey, our worthy patroness, we made
plans for the annual Junior- Senior banquet. Such a
feast r equired more money than we had in our treasury,
so we sat to work to raise more funds. The girls tried
l heir cuJina ry arts upon the defenseless public, panning
them off in bake goods. The boys, under the supervision
of Miss Pri est, rendered that wonderful Hullabaloo con-
u rt , swaying the audience with their appealing "bary
LOil CS." 'Ve did all sorts of things with one exception,
we neglected to rent the five-legged calf from Grauel's to
put on exhibit non, Then on February 14, after l\vo
illOnths of hard work a nd preparation, our banquet \vas
'. ,cld in the gym. The orchestra played while the Juni'))'f
led their honorable guests to their places. vVhen . the
Seniors beheld the beautiful decorations and the table
s ha ped after Walter's own idea of a heart, they gazed in
It was the b est banquet ever held in Harbor Springs,
hut I will say in praise of the Juniors, that they have fol-
lowed well in our footst eps. But you see, folks, they have
two long years of prepara tion for this f east.
The coming Spring the Sophomores JlUt on a tourn-
nmc11t hoping to carry off the honors. But we Juniors,
who have always been known as th e Athletes, took the
vi ctory with fl ying colors. The Sophomores wer e so
grieved over their def eat, that it was not until a f ew weeks
ago, that they presented us with the banner. " Te boast
of a star who carried the individual honors and he will be
Lh e first to place his name on the tournam.ent cup.
Time sped on and another September found us be-
ginning the fourth year of our High School life, which
has been one of most happy, if not the happiest time
spent in our dear old Harbor Springs High Scohol. But
it no longer r equires those forty-two roomy seats to hold
our group. vVhy this decr2ase, do you ask? Not a shrink-
age in personal avoirdupois, surel y? No- not that. vVe
r egret to acknowledge tha t some have fnllen by the way-
The senior year is a busy one but our clear knowledge
is nuidinn us arioht and we ar e eagerl y looking forward
to the d a ~ r when v e ' will be presented with our dir>lomas.
Uurin a the past week a great deal of excitement has been
o . I h
caused over the coming exan1 week, wluc 1 1neans muc .
to us Seniors. Last week, as I stood in the library, hunting
for some of Wadsworth's famous works, echoes of a heart-
f elt song coming from a group of Seniors met my ears,
and my own heart s trings began to vibrate.
My diploma lies over exam week,
My diplonw I'm hoping to see,
But I think I'll be old a nd grey-headed
Before it's presented to me.
Last ni ght as I lay on my pillow,
Last night as I lay on my bed,
I wonder ed if ev:cr these lessons
Could be pounded into my head.
Oh blow, ye winds over the ocean,
Oh, blow, yc winds over the sea,
I wish wou woulrl blow my diploma
Ri ght over exam week to me.
There are many things whi ch we are planning to ac-
complish this year. Of course, we will carry the honors of
the coming tourna ment. Also our Orange and Black will
be the fin est literar y treat, the most subtle example of
keen wit published by any High School. The story of
our coming Circus will be ' hanrl ed down to posterity in
legend as was the slory of Hora tius of Rome. \Vhen our
fortunate community surveys our spectacular gymnastic
feats , our Ringlin g trained animals, our dauntless bare-
back riders and other numerous attractions, which only
the price of admission ca n draw from my lips.
As our fourth year draws to a close and our thoughts
go forward to our future vocations, we wish to extend
our sincere appreciation to the Faculty f or their patient
and untiring efforts in our behalf. \Vith the coming of
J Lme, our High School History will end, not altogether
perhaps, yet a history that holds in i.ts elf the possibility of
a future marked with brilliant successes. It is with a tone
of r egret that we think of bidding farewell to these happy
da ys of High School.
And, Juniors, we ex tend to you hearty wishes for a
successful Senior year , when you push up in the r anks to
take our places.
Oh, class mates in years to come,
vVhen memory' s page turns back,
vVe'll r ecall th2se days of gladness
' Nea th the Orange a nd the Black.
T'wus n hot and sultry day
A sultry da y in June,
A breeze bl ew through the school room door
room door
Into th2 busy room.
The Loys and girl s wer e r es tless
And the t eacher r es tl ess too,
She a!lnost lost her patience, as
Quite often teacher s do.
Now Keith Stone contrived to send
A note to vValter Tom.
Asking him to skip next da y
And sec a show in town.
But Keith to \Valter Tom.
Did not sit very ni gh,
And vValter wondered how he could
Send back the notes r eply.
Just I hen a breeze bl ew through the room
the room,
And \Valtcr thought of a scheme,
He let the note fl y from his hand,
An artful act, I deem.
The breeze did take it hack to Keith,
vVho seized it in gr eat glee,
But jus t then Miss Hallowell
Did raise her head and see.
"Mr. Stone, please stand and r ead that note,"
that note,"
Miss Hollowell threw hack her head,
Young Keith stood and cl ear ed his throat.
"All right," was all he said.
Then he sa t down, Miss Hallowell frown ed,
"Plcsase s tand and r ead that note you have,"
you have,"
"Obey me right away."
Keith s tood, threw out his chest,
And with gr eat pomp began,
"All ri ght," was all the rascal said,
And then sat down again.
Then back to Keith's desk Miss Hallowell
Did make a hurried fli ght,
She snached the note and from it read,
The words, "All right. "
For some time the Seniors, being in financial distress,
had been turning over in their minds the most
means of earning money with the least work. . I< m
a great vision of a carnival them s1mu tan-
eously and seemed an apportumty to hll the budget to
overflowing, with little effort. This proved true to the
larger part of the The date that was open
seemed to be the 23rd of March, 1921.
Thus they started to prepare f?r the event which
was now less than two weeks distant. This seemed an
easy matter, but in reality there was a great deal of work
attached to it. School was to let out on the Wednesday
night of the event. This gave one afternoon pre-
pare the gymnasium. To save hme and to make 1t pos-
sible to put on side shows, the class rooms were us.ed.
Part of the few fellows of the class wer e busy runmng
around town all afternoon. By the co-operation of the
class, the gymnasium was put in shape by opening time.
The doors '"'ere open at 7:15 to r eceive the crowd
which came pourino in like water. They were kept on
the track until enougJ1 Seniors arrived to care for the eager
All Seniors wer e alert and r eacly to take everybody's
monev (which they die!). Popcorn, candy, r ed-hots,
puncJ{, and ice crea m cones were dishecl out to the kids at
nominal r ates.
Fron1 the beginning the crowd marvel ed at the won-
clerful athletic feats of the world r enowned trapeze per-
former, Mr. Stiensen.
Shoe shines wer e available on the gym floor by two
-hard working girls.
vVancler ers around the building attended the side
shows, which were all very fine. It was an understanding
from the beginning that no fakes would be allowed.
Tickets were being sold in the gymnasium for the
show. Finally all were sold and the remaining thousands
paid at the door. This main show held in. the
was the last and main event. It vvas prmsed very highly
and this reflects directly t.o our most worthy classmate,
Harry Linehan, the manager.
The Carnival, much to the happiness of all S'eniors,
was a success financially. It added nearly seventy-five
dollars to the assets of the class. Thus the heart of the
class was light and its pocket was full as the three days
spring vacation began.
On Thursday noon, March 31, 1921, the fellows of the
Kalamazoo College Glee Club piled off the Harbor Springs
Limited. They were greeted by a body of Senior boys,
a nd escorted to the private homes of Seniors. In the after-
noon the Club gathered together at the High School for
the purpose of giving a foretaste of their evening's enter-
tainment to the members of the high school. This they
did to an appreciative audience.
That evening a great crowd turned out to listen in
wonder to the great Club. Each and every one attending
the concert were fully satisfied. Even the Seniors were
r ejoicing because the contract had been taken by the class
and they r eceived $63.35 as half of the door r eceipts.
0 the moon is so bright ancl shiny
And yet its only a planet,
But thats no disgrace or enything,
Because the moon cant help, can it?
Its bewtifill and yello up in the sky,
Like a egg after sombodys fried it,
And j est wen it looks the biggest,
A little shrimp of a cloud can hide it.
It shines on us all free and equal,
On poor men as well as on czars,
And tho it wont associate with the sun
It dont mind coming out with the stars.
0 its awful cold up on the moon
But peeple live there, maybe,
It will still be there wen Im old and gray
And it was ther e wen I was a baby.
Its a million miles above the erth,
But with a telescope you can see it swell,
And the damage would be something fearse
One day, as I was leaving the building where I was
engaged as a kindergarten teacher, I ran into Lucile Math-
ews who was teaching the third grade of the smne school
in whi ch I was teaching.
In just three more days school would b e out and as
this day had been a rather hard one for me, I felt quite
happy to think of the short time yet to be !>pent in a simi-
lar way, but Lucile looked even more happy than I felt.
She seemed very excited and openecl the conversation
with, "Isn't it just wonderful ?" As Lucile and I boarded
at the same place, in fact with our old class-mate Ruby
Gleason, now Mrs. R. T. Davis, she turned to walk with me.
You know women were always noted for curiosity
and as I am no exception to th2 rule, I was ratf1er vexed
at such an outbreak, so I de_manded an explanation.
"Well I am very happy for two r easons; first I
just heard Mr. Jucld, say (our old fri end Parker who is
Superintendent of Schools her e) to one of the teach-
ers that Agnes Grauel had just "Signed up" as fifth grade
teacher for next year. I am glad w 2 have "signed up"
again for next year, too. But best of all, Mary, our Class
if. going to hav2 a r :: union back home a nwnth from today
and U_1 ey want every one to be ther e." Her e of course I
understood her feeling of for my own was
running pretty high, too, at this point and I could hardly
speak on account of trying to say everything I could think
of, at once. I had pla nned to go up to Harbor Springs for
a short vacation anyway, so I was more ha ppy than ever
to think that I rnight see my old classmates.
So we chatt2cl on exci tedl y of everyon e in our class
that we could think of in a hurry.
"And Keith Stone is to take the president's chair as he
used to back in Hl21. But I si.tppose that is getting rather
old for him now; for, you know, he is president of a great
lumbering concern out in Oregon."
"And I suppos2 Mr. Judd (we hacl learned to speak of
him in that way after teaching under him) will officiate
in his old place as Vice-President."
"Yes, and you are to act as secretary just as you did
back in our Senior year. As you didn't come home for
your dinno, I didn't get a chance to see you before, but
I spoke to Ruby about it and she said she would go back
to the "old school days" with us. Won' t it be just won-
dcrJ uJ? 1 hope everyone of the Seniors of 1921 will be
. "So I! And w!1y ca n't we plan to go by the way
ot 'vVashmgton and fHCk up the members of our class
who are You know Isabelle Pool is one of the re-
presentatives ther e from Michigan and Vesta DevVitt is
our second \Venster in the Senate. They say there never
huve been two peopl e the. legislative branch of our gov-
ernment who would hght tor the peopl e' s rio-hts as thev
have." ::-. .;
"Yes, I know and I don't see why we can't o-o that
way. see m.s odd to think "Shy Isabelle" sEmding
up 1n front ol a whole room full of people and fightina
for anything, doesn't it, but she certainly does it
brown," as we used to say. And you know we mustn't
forget Helen Hammond!"
"Y cs, I'll call her. It may h 2 I can't n-et her at the
offi ce, she is the Editor of the New York Times a nd so
is pretty busy; but if I can't, I'll call again later at her
nppartmcnt. "
that makes me think I have an engagement, this
cvcmng, too, so must hurry. \Vill see you later."
So w_e part-ed to get r eady for the evening, both of
us cxceedmgly happy. But we didn't see as much of each
other in the next :ew clays as we had thought, for we
wer e very busy gethng everything r eady to leave the school
a nd get our things packed for our trip and stay in the
A week from the night of our conversation, founcl us
al.l at the station, waiting for our train to leave. Never
had the clock moved so slowly nor the exciternent in our
group _run so high as now; but we did not talk much, for
our nunds were all either going back to the past a nd our
class-mates or ahead with the thought of meeting them.
again .
. I was aroused from my thoughts by Helen taking hold
of my arm ancl a_Imost shouting in my ear: "Look quick!
I do beli eve that 1s Rob2rt Roe over there and Grace Dav-
talking to him." It is strange that she had recog-
n.tzcd them in a rlace like New York, but it certainly w;s
brace and Robert.
. and short surprises wer e over, we be-
r c-v1ewmg our lives for the benefit of the others. We
.t un_<! 1hat Grace had just arrived a nd that Robert was
president of a great ship building concern and had an of-
fic c iP ),few York although he was all over the world the
greater part of the time.
He, also, told us about Harry Linehan. He had fal-
len heir to a large fortun e and was then spending his
time and money at Palm Beach, but would be in Harbor
for the class r en union.
Grace said she consider ed it r eal nice to have h vo
1nen1bers in the class, and when asked who
the other was, she was surprised that we didn' t know that
Pearl Hathaway had married a millionaire, and had a cot-
tage at Palm Beach, one at Harbor Point and a great man-
sion in San Francisco. She also told us of Doris Curken-
dall, who owns a large laboratory of her own and had
made some great inventions and that everyone was saying
that Thos. Edison II. might want to combine the r esources
of their two great minds and laboratories and work for
the good of the United States.
It is needless to say that not one of us r egretted hear-
ing "All Aboard" call ed, we all scrambl ed "All Aboard for
the Past" as Helen put it a little later. Indeed it was to
the Past that we starting for one and all had decided
to forget everything but that we were back in the same old
pla ce and as near the same old way as possible.
I won't try to tell her e of our meeting with our chums
in \Vashington, for it was very similar to our first , all hap-
PY and excited
As we near 2d Grand Rapids, we saw son:1e of our Har-
bor friends; they turned out to be Robert who
is teaching History in one of Chicago's largest schools;
Eleanor Barmore, who is teaching Agriculture in Iowa,
and Hay Gillett, who is a noted lawyer for the state at
La nsing.
Just as the train was getting up stea m to pull from the
station , we saw a rather familiar-looking figur e r acing
alona tl1e side of the tracks toward our train.
\Vhen she had jumped on to the platform and had
straightened her hat to its proper place on her head, we
r ecognized in this athletic "train-catcher" our old fri end,
Parks. She told us that her train from Detroit, wher e
she was one of the most popular photograph'.:' rs, had ar-
rived in time to see our train accumulating momen-
tum and added with a laugh that she hoped they wouldn't
hold her r esponsible for the ones she ran into, knocked
<lown. and ran over, gPtting to our train.
Excitement ran higher and higher as we neared Pe-
toskey, but it v,ras just about at its height when we got
could look and see that fortress-
like bmldmg on top of the bluff 111 the dearest s )Ot ti
world to tis then. I 111 t e
. As we wer e going from the P. M. depot to the G R
a nd I., we passed what used to be Ros "nthal' D
Sl b t 't h d " "" < s eparhnent
ore, u n_ow 1 a L. Sullivan" written in larae lette
across the front and we found out later th t
L'll. rs
. tl p t < a our 1 ran
o 1e as was the owner of this buildin o db
tha t Sylvia Fisher was her valued assist"' anatn and
. c c -Inana orn o S"' C-
r ctary, t 1mk they call her.
5 5
When we arrived in dear old Htrbor otir f' d
, c , n en s wer e
t 1e1 e to meet us and kept us so busy hlkin <J .,b t
, th I . < 5 ou our-
s_ ' es, emse ves, and tiun crs that had be I d
b 5 c en c 1ange or
were gomg to. e changed that we dion't get a to
look up any of our class-mates.
They probably wer e in th., "slm"' boat" I
1 ld . < c , so we arnve(
m l 1e o

Hrgh School Builrling without seeing

<lilY 111ore o our fnends. '
How dear the old place seemed to us 1 Ho I 1
we changed from the tired mr"ddle-aged ,,,-.
ld w _qmc '" Y
. . ' c, , r -\vise peo-
pl e to happy, care-tree, mnocent boys and girls again! Yes
mdeed vve had gone back to the Past! '
, When wel?-t i_nside, .we back still farther; for
e\ ery one of the Semors of 1921 wer e ther e H
d f . appy was
no wor . or the_ feehng we had ther e even if we were not
the same folks hunting an education, life and
Most ?1 th_em had gained the top of the ladder of ti
dreams of their Past for Chester A Clark " "lS te I Je
"' t d PI . . vvc -ac 1Ing
1.:- mis ry a n 1ysrcs m a laroe school in Boston M .
cl tt . B ti \u o ' dssa-
_1US2 s . er 1a varner, teaching Latin in Rome Corn _
ll'l \N . , . t t. ' e
c ager was ms rue mg a class of beninners on "L 'f '
Ladder, " in Seattle; Walter was one of
.:v.orld's and Clifton Garver is a
_Saver of Souls m India but was just then visitino his
fa ther near Good Hart. "'
As we sat talking of the good old tiines of High School
walked the las_t, of our group, Margaret Angell, gowne(i
the umtorm that had won her fame and our
Hammond.'. who was now a celebrated elec-
ti_I cal He had hrs t won his fame alona this line
of "' a! t m _the when he so cleverl; invented
t,lk _'- lectnc chair for exhibit at the Carnival criven in our
Semor year.
All too soon this evening of pleasant memories wore
away, and as we again became middle-a!!ed j)eOI)le " 'e
wentbckt . k '"
. a o om wor wrth new msprrahon aainefl from
our Journey into the Past. "'
The air was warm, the sun shone bright,
All was gay, grief took to flight.
On Weque' s shores of beauty trod
A coupl e of boys of hopef ul youth,
Happily joyed by the charms of God,
Reviewing affairs of ea rthl y booth.
\Vith gayety fill ed, they skipped and walked,
Joyous all, no ' call for ruth,
Of. Present, Past and F uture talked.
Birds sang on, leaves danced on breeze,
Exquisite grace adorned the place,
The glowing s un on shining lake, the sta tel y trees,
The whole embrace- kind nature's face.
All was glad
That cheerful lad,
My true comrade,
Bathed in wealth
or perfect health.
The air was chill, the day was dark;
All was sad, joy left no spark-
In gloom, I walked with mournf ul tread
The dismal self-same shores- alone,
\\Trapped in s'orrow, pity-bred,
My fri end' s distress was as my own;
I thought of all his pep a nd cheer-
! dwelt on what he said:
"I' m going West sometime this year."
vVind whined on - trees sadly bent,
Unyi elding clouds wra pped like shrouds
F ir trees bowed with moaning loud ;
All na ture wailed,
A f riend had paled,
And pain had veiled
His affli cting nerves
\ :Vi t h the worst it serves.
Na ture glad ? in rapture h ock ed ?
From happiness the town is locked,
Sil : nce reigns in moody hush,
Gri ef is spoke by every tongue-
From hearts and eyes does anguish gush,
Half up the pol e, the fl ag is hung.
George! 0, George ! wher e have you flown ?
So bright, so cheerful a nd so young-
Gone- a nd truer chum I've never known.
Sky smil ed on, birds twitter ed gay-
Nature is glad ? - all els e SO sad-
Thru strea ming tears shines a hopeful ray-
Angels are glad in his cheer we had;
He HAS gone vVes t-
Tha t golden nest-
To e tnnal res t,
He's happy now in immortal bliss,
Our best to him from grief's abyss.
- Ches t<:: r E. Clark
"By operating on a mule scienti sts have succeeded
in making him voiceless."- News Item.
A few can touch the magic string,
And noisy Fame is proud to win them
Alas for those who never sing,
Bn t rli e with all their music in them!
Oliver \Vendell Holmes.
llow often, as the rlusk grew near
And vagrant breezes s tirred the pool,
vV e've paused beside tht: path to henr
The evening carol of the muk.
A simple and unsturlied strain,
As from a hea rt that overflowed.
It rose and fell and rose again,
And died in echoes down the rond.
But science, with its ruthless knife,
These vibrant chords has learned to sever
That song that spoke the joy of life
In zigzag bars is stilled forever.
A kindly and impulsive brute
In silence must pursue his wnys.
The song upon his lips is mute,
And all his da ys are braylcss days.
Now, science may be right, of course,
Perhaps the mule is no musician,
And mer <;ly brayed till he was hoarse
To gratify a false ambition.
Perhaps the Muses passed him by
Caruso's genius may have missed him:
And yet 'tis sad tha t he must die
With all that music in his system!
Lucile Armstrong
Marguerite Backus
Huth Barker
Katherine Clarke
Frances Cook
Metha Crowl
Lilas Allen, Secretary
Hugh Cook
Ruth Cornell
Chester E. Clark, Treasurer
Erma De \Vi tt, Editor
Ruth Garver
Margaret Gillett
M a r g a r e ~ Johnston
Lewis J uilleret
Seul Long, Sergean t-at-Arms
Lucile Lamb
Donald Lamkin
Frances Linehan
Hobert Kneisley, Vice-President
Lillian Pattan
Mary Smith, Presiclent
Orval Rose
Sylvia Sheffi elcl
Leor a Zumbaugh
Albert Zuber, Yell Master
Mildred Barker
Helen Miller
Martha Mill er
Just for a minute, not very long
Let's think we're old, ther e' s nothing wrong,
We'll just make believe that our hair is gray
And our faces are wrinkled, we'll just say.
vVe've played the game of living for many, many years
We've had our joys and sorrows, we've had "Our griefs
and t ears,
\Ve've followed up the by-ways, from friends been pulled
But--through all there lives the memory of where we got
our start.
\Vhen work and duties called us, when burdens wore us
\Vhen fame and honor paid us, when glory seemed to
"Your aims are now accomplished, you've won yourselves
reu o\.vn,"
There come the r ecollections, those of the only town.
Vve see ourselves as children in frolic with our chums
By bits we learn life's l essons, the bits mount into sums.
With joy !commingles sorrows, with play commingles
There grows a competition which makes it hard to shirk.
In work, each had his helpers in play, each had his mates,
By being their companions, each earn their better traits,
. They were to one another as friend is unto fri end,
But soon Uiese friends were parted when high school saw
its end.
As our courses wander, we see the globe' s big face,
\Ve see her many peoples, we view her scenes of grace,
But- - that pretty little harbor that wades into the bay,
That perfmned bath of beauty that comes to close the day,
Those purple-tinted hill-tops the sun's red dying glow,
All those natural splendors, no matter where we go
\Vill creep into our memories, which hold and always will
Thoughts of dear old Harbor and the schoolhouse on the
I am forty now,
I've kept my vow
To play life square with all my mirht.
I've won success ,..,
And Happiness
Now, I'm glad I learned the right.
The game was o'er,
But they cheered no more,
For we boys had been defea ted.
Our heads hung down,
\Ve'd lost the crown
For the season was completed.
The fight was hard,
We boys had starred
Hut squareness had a cost.
\Ve'd won every gan1e,
The others, the same,
But our coach was fair, we'd lost.
\Vhen the end was near,
And the field was clear,
The ball, our boys regained,
Our star had the ball-
But- the r efer ee's call-
A foul, the man explained . .
"Off-side," he said.
It made me red,
For he was our coach and trniner.
He' d coached us well,
None could exc-el,
But he ought not to stop our gainer.
We lost that score,
It made m.e sore,
For that game we'd yearned to win .
To the coach, I turned.
My face just burned
I quarrel, I thot I'd begin.
"You gave up the game,
You deserve the blame
For- the foul- no one could notice."
"Nay, boy" he said
You are misled,
In life, play all in fairness."
And now, old n1an,
I can see your plan,
Is the one that should be heeded.
I was but a lad
And of all I'd had
Your words were what I heeded.
C. E. C.

vVill that ni <1 ht of the sixteenth of March ever be for-
by the cl;sses of 1921 and 1922? No, indeed, for
the Juniors will associa te that night with vivid memory ?f
many weeks cr a mmed to with, wo.rk ,m
preparation for that Olympian f east. . The will I e-
call it as being one of the most chare1mg spent
durin n their hi c,. h school career. The demi-gods of those
two anrl the immortal deities, asembled at. the
school house. At seven o'clock the signal was given.
That sta tely procession found wax to the Gym'?asium
where it welcomed by music off ered by the famous
Armstrono orchestra. As the procession enter ed that
place, the t"> faces of those of the class wore an ex-
pression of awe, wonder astomshment,. they had
never thouoht that the Jumors had r eal abihty along ar-
tistic The .smiles of the memb ers of the noble
Faculty wer e as benedictions on the them,
and the Juniors fairly b eamed all over with pr1de and com-
pl ete satisfaction. There every-
wher e ! Ther e w: r e attractive fnezes of hats, pipes, and
pigs around the lower part of the fr?m the
of the fri ezes were green a nd white stdps .of paper, ctll
meeting a large harp which was. from
. t er of the Gymnasium. The ceihng was a.lmost mviSlble
beca use of the many little shamrocks hangmg .down. All
the guests were systematically march::: d to places at
the tables 'which, also, were m the shape a .. At
each place was a place-card in the form of a da:nty
.. 1 maid holding the menu and program, and a httle

' 1 lt d l 1onds
gr:::cn hat containing in its crown, e ICIOUS sa e a n .
A six course dinner was by the
girls, who acted their parts exceedmgl y well. Att.er the
hrst course Miss Blanche Coleman sang a solo m her
pleasing and at of the second cou:se,
a on act drama was giVen, seemed to appeal 1!1'-
mcnsely to the partakers the feast. . Between .the third
and fourth courses, an Insh cantalahon was ?nd
aft er the fourth course, Ruth vVright gave a n Insh folk
dance. At the conclusion of the fifth course, the orchestra
playr d a lively selection, and aft er the last course, Chester
E. Clark arose and very cleverly acted his role as the hon-
orable toastmaster . The Junior class president, Mary
Smith wel comed the guests, and Keith Stone in his usual
witty ;
1anner r esponded. "Paradise Sought" >vas. cleve:ly
oiven b" Katherine Clarke, Mr. Beadle rcspondmg With
,.., .J
"Paradise Lost." Vesta DeWitt r eminded all of the
school's wonderful athletic ability, and Mary Baker r e-
called, for her classmates, the memory of their high school
days. Miss Newcomb entertained the guests with a beau-
tiful Spring song, and Mr. A. T. Swift, one of the Alumni
delivered an address full of good,, sound advice, after
which the program was closed with the singing of "Amcr-
. "
Aft er ma ny years have rolled by, those who were
pr::sent at the banquet will smile as they r ecall the memory
of that night , and perhaps, wink away a tiny t ear.
- Metha A. Crowl
One hundred years ago we had a Greek question, a
Scrvian ques tion, and a Roumanian question. The r esult
was Greece, s .ervia Roumania. Fifty years ago we
had a Bulganan questiOn, the result was Bulgaria. In
1!:110 we had an Albanian question. The result was Al-
ba nia. Today we have an Armenian question but shall
we have an Armenian Nation? The answer is for the
people of America to clccide.
The conditions in Armenia are horrible and blood-
curdling. Two hundred fifty thousand Christian Armenian
women enslaved in Turkish har2ms call to the people of
America for liberation! One hundred thousand \vomen
already' r escued by the Near East Relief agents, from
hn rems will perish unl ess support form America is con-
linu 2d! Two hundred fifty thousand children orphaned by
I h::> unspeakable Turks are calling in the only English
they know, "Bread, Uncle Sam!" One million two
thousand destitute, homeless, clothless adults look to the
west for the succor that will keep them from
anmhllatwn. vVhat shall our answer be?
The systems of crudities were about the same every-
wher e. The Armenians, men, women, and cl Jildren
be assembl ed in the market-place. Then the able-
bodied men would be marched off and shot or cl ubbed in
cold blood at some spot which dirl not neccessitate the
trouble of burial.
Next the women would be sorted out. Agents of the
Turkish officers picked the youngest and fairest for their
masters' harems. Next the civil officers had their pick
and the r emainder sold for only eighty cents each.
As a last step, those who remained, mothers: grand-
mothers and children, were rlriven forth on their d2ath
pitarimaae across the Desert of Aleppo, with no food, no
water shelter, to be robbed and b eaten at every halt,
To children slain in scores before their eyes, and babies
dashed to death against rocks or spitted on the
of the soldier guards. Hundreds of thousands of fanuhcs
have been separted.
Today, as we look through the windows of our com-
fortable homes in this great and happy land, three and
one-half millions of helpless children are the innocent vic-
tims of the greatest war that has ever afflicted humanity.
lt matters not, as we gaze in the direction of these children,
that our eyes Inust stretch across three thousand miles of
ocean, we still can see th2m and we still can hear them; and
we cannot help hearing the tragic appeal in their voices
and seeing their tiny arms stretched out to us, and their
searching eyes looking into our souls as they say "Help
us, or we perish." If we fail to list2n to this great call of
three and one-half millions of God's helpless children; if
we close our eyes and ears to this great demand of duty,
\ve will be just as guilty of the "slaughter of the innocent"
as was Herod nearly two thousand years ago.
If America is going to condone these offences, if she
is gdnng to permit these conditions to continue, and make
possible their repetition, she is party to the crime. These
peorHes must be freed from th2 agony and danger of such
horrors. They must not only be saved for the present, but
either .through governmental action or protection under
the League of Nations, they must be given assurance that
they will be free in peace and that no harm can come to
America has been asked to assume control of Armenia.
Shall we accept the ,r esponsibility? It is one of the most
important questions ever presented to the American peo-
ple. Upon our . answel'' may depend the peace of the
If ever unmerited suffering called for succor, the plight
of the Armenians should be heeded now. Let the Ameri-
- -----
ca n slogan Armenia for a little long-
er with life' s necessities that they may be r eserved for the
day of national freedom and r ebirth, which no people more
truly and greatly deserves.
\Nhat then is Armenia? \Vho are the Armenians?
What call has this r emote region and this long-suffering
peopl e_ upon America? The r egion as Armenia,
compnses an oval expanse about the size of Montana. It
is the oldest Christian s tate in existence. For the past
sixteen centuri 2s this little band of Christians, ever
secuted by the barbarous and hostile hoards surrounding
them, have held aloft the torch of Christianity. Tho over-
run by Persians, Saracens, Tartars, and Turks, they have
somehow managed to survive. Thei1 heroic struggle
ma kes one of the most tragic anrl glorious pages in history.
Naturally no people have appealed more to the heart
of America than these martyred Christians. For more
than a hundr2d years we have sent them missionaries and
our money. \Ve have established schools and colleges t'or
the purpose of educating them. We have befriended them
on all occasions.
Th2 r ecord of the Near East Reli ef is a proud one. It
has equipped and staffed orphanages, hosiptals, r elief sta-
tions ; we have sent ship loads of supplies, including food,
clothing, farm implements, hospital equipment, and many
other things.
Some survivors still remain in Asia Minor. How ;lre
these r efugees to be r 2stored to their fanner homes or
placed in new ones?
If the Leagu2 of Nations is to possessieal rneaning, it
cannot better begin its task than by assuming protection
over the Armenians. In spite of the high virtues of th2
Armenian race, their past disabilities and late sufferings
have bee n such that one cannot expect too much from
them. After having lost all that was precious to them it
is impossible to suppose that the survivors \Vill at once be
able to create an orderly government.
Armenia must be freed from the tyranny of the Turk.
Who can do it? What can the individual powers do?
France is prostrate- bled white, and Britain facing civil
wa1 at home and almost bankrupt. Of the five Great
Allied Powers who won th2 war- the "preferred nation"
in the League of Nations- the United States alone is equal
to the task. We emerged from the war, the richest and
most powerful nation on earth. Our people have suf-
f crecl l ess tha n a ny other. No woncler Armenia l ooks to
us for aid.
If then Ameri ca would heed the call of Armenia, what
cot:Ilct we do, and what sacrifices would we be call ed upon
to make? In the first place we ar e invited to fix the
boundries of Armenia. But whatever the cos t in American
tl'Oops and money, the Armenians dedare llwy -..\ ill tYen-
tually b e abl e to r epay the f ull amount we aclvancc.
If we refuse to come to their r escue it will involve
the crushing of the present Armenia n Republic, the par-
tition of Armeni a , the perm anent oppression, if no t the
extinction of the Armenia n race. Unl ess Arm.enia is f r eed
as a result of the world confli ct, the efforts of the Civilized
Powers of the earth will fall short of a ttai ning their goal
in the dr.ive for h umanity.
This is a good time for the people who s tayed at home
during the mighty conflict betwe:: n viol ent forces to think
about doing something f or others. It is a time to quit be-
moa ning the loss of fat years of money-making and pro-
fit eering, a nd ta ke up the subject of s ervice to ma nkind.
Opportunity is ripe. Distress is sea tt er ed over the
world. It is not a question of how much money we can
make this year , but of how ma ny suffering people we can
We alone, Americans, can save them from death. In
the na me of God and huma nity, as a Christian nation, a
nation whi ch proclaims to all the world even on its coins,
the fact that "In God We Trust," can we see a kindred na-
tion perish ? No, a thousa nd times, no! Let us r ather
bring to bear t.ipon this gr eat task all that we have- yes,
"our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor, "- tha t not
only a " government of the people," but that a gr eat people
- a nation itself, "may not perish from the eadh."
Editor's Note:
vVith the above oration, "The Armenian Mandate,"
Mi ss Garver won first honors in thought and composition
and second i n delivery in the sub-district contest, conduct-
ed under the a uspi ces of the Michigan High School Ora-
torial Association.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - - - - - - -


President __ ___ ___ Gordon V\Tilson
Vice-President ____ ____ Lelia vVard
Tr:oasurer ____ Thelma Bennicksen
Editor ------------ Caro Glasgow
Cartoonist ____ __ _ Michael Kishigo
Secr etary __ _____ Donna Carpenter
)Roll illctll
Clyde Curkendall
Lloyd Fisher
Huth Vhight
Leona Hill
George Taylor
Cecil Willis
Cl ement Pfister
Theodore Blackman
Howard Adams
Chcs tcr Martindale
Robert Graham
Ira Weiss
In to the schoolroom full of life
vVhispering on from morn till night.
That's how we as Freshmen came,
As Sophomores, tho' it's not the same. ,,
Good students we have tried to be,
Tho' all to that, may not agree
To school affairs we have been true
To basket ball, class meetings, too.
Good policy we set at naught
In such a trap we'll not be caught,
We are too honest to be bought
That's how as Sophomores we've been taught.
We Sophomores never, yet, I guess
Had any praise for bashfulness,
But wait awhile ! We'll get ther e yet,
Tho' not r enowned as teachers' pet.
For weeks we practiced declamation
Altho a t first we brought vexation
Our teacher called us a "disgrace,"
And printed it in public space.
Ap people r ead the weekly news,
And wer e prepared to see us lose,'
It surely brought surprise and fun
\Vhen Sophomores, the first place, had won.
Now Freshmen, you must strive and toil
Your r eputation not to spoil.
It will not then be quite so hard
To get some "A's" marked on your card.
Let not your members e'er be late,
Or it will happen sure as fat e,
That the percentage of your grade,
Will hold a place you' d rather trade.
Just struggle nobly day by day,
And never loiter time away,
For those who have a r ecord fine,
Must never mar it by one line.
- Ruth vVright.
vVhen you r ead these couplets thru
Note that each one is quite true.
About some talents rare they tell
And some peculiar traits as well.
Michael can surely wield the pen
And draw a cartoon, now and then.
Lloyd Fisher and our Theodore
Excel as actors, more and more.
vVhen George r ecites we connot hear,
So what he knows is not real clear .
\Vhen Sophomores must a program give,
Clyde wa nts a concert, as sure as you live.
Gordy \Vilson takes the cake
\ Vhen it comes to being late.
Now Caro Glasgow and Ruth Wright
Can charm with song from morn till night.
Lelia Ward will carry thru,
All the work that she must do.
\ Vhen the strains of music make you thrill,
The musician is Leona Hill.
And Cecil, ther e, a pleasant lass
Does wish that "AI" was in our class.
Since Donna C. was not contrary
\ Ve chose her for our secretary.
Thelma, we chose to collect the money,
A task, which is r eally not so funny.
Robert Gr aham, by nickname "Bob,"
\ Vill help us out at any job.
In Howard Adams, a Samson we face,
Who could lift alone a fire place.
Clement Pfister came in late
But he's a Sophomore sure as fate.
Ira is one of our largest boys
When it comes to making noise.
Ches ter can "star" above us all
In ei ther foot or basket ball.
I . ""'
September, 1920.
Monday- 22
Sophomores thinner than shadow soup.
W ednesda v- 24
Gordon Wilson broke his newly acquired habit
of being on time.
Thursday- 30 .

The last of September, how we wish it was
the last of June.
October, 1920.
Foot-ball boys went off confident of having a
season of victories.
W erlnesday--20
Sophomores class meeting held in room 8,
elected their three heads and most brilliant
Thursday and Friday- 21- 22
Oh, Boy! Two days vacation.
November, 1920
Saturday- 6
"'Wonderful celebration! Sophomores entertain-
ed the Freshmen.
December, 1920.
Wednesday- 22
Hail! Xmas vaca tion. Hang up your stockings.
January, 1921.
Thursrlay- 3
Friday- 4
Mr. Bailey caught a glimpse of high school
students eating muffins made by cooking class.
Oh! Mr. Beadle turned the lights on at 1 :15.
Monday- 7
Gordon was r eceived back in English class,
promising to have his lessons prepar ed.
'fuesday- 8
Great! Skating pond being made in back of
school for Mr. Humphrey's benefit. \Ve won-
der why his legs gave out.
Thursday- 10
Mr. Bailey all smiles. His wife was present.

Game cancelled: Mancelona has the mumps.
Monday- 21
Remarkable event; Leviris walked
to school with Vesta.
Tuesday- 22
Four Sophomore girls received front seats.
Why ?
\ Vedncsday- 23
Frances Linehan brought back her r eport card
earl y.
Friday- 25
Freshmen entertained Sophomores at a kid
prurty. Mr. Humphrey ,distinguished himself
as a soloist. He is partial to "Old Black Joe."
Harbor plays Pellston. "Of course" we are
going to win.
March, 1921.
Tuesday- 1
Oh ! "Mrs. Beadle had a dream."
Hurrah! Harbor ran away with Alba in basket-
vVednesday- 2
Noti ce! Exhibit.
Mr. Humphrey wants Algebra 9 class to ask
questions. Do you suppose that will help nny?
Thursday- 3 . ..
Oh, Boy! Invit::ltions distributed for Jumor-
Friday- 4
Senior banquet. Such anticipation!
Notice! Frances Linehan at school twenty min-
utes before roli ca II.
Stop! Look ! Listen! Miss Traviss. and Mr.
Bail ey act rather excited over somethmg. We
wonder what that something is.
Gracious! Harbor ran away with Manton.
Bob Roe doesn't want "kinny" to run over him.
Sa turclay- 5
"Skinny" !made a bad break in Melson's stor2 ..
The Sophomore class almost had to pay for it.
Wednesday- 9
Mrs. Beadle- "Robert what will the city of Den-
ver do when gold is found in the heart of the
Bobby- "It will have to settle some place else."
Harbor . played Charlevoix a ga me of basket-
ball, but we think Charlevoix r eturned us a
game of foot-ball.
A Sophomore had numerous accidents, for
skipping Scout Meeting. Ruth must not do it
Tucsday- 15 . . .
Custom established by h1gh school g1rls, Wmter
hat for Fall: No hat for \Vinter: Summer
Ha t for Spring.
'vV edn esda y- 16
vVha t will the basket ball boys say! The
coach drank a cup of --- or a stimulant at
the Junior- Senior banquet.
Go back with us to 1918 and you will find us entering
High School as "Preps." You will also probably r emem-
ber this multitude of questions we asked when the gong
sounded, "\Vhat will we do?" "Wher e do we go?" "Is
that the fire bell?" After struggling through that year
with "?" marks, fourteen of us came out victorious.
As Freshmen we were considered green and were
thcr .:fore en tertained at' a baby party by the generous
Sophomores. Our Freslunan class was grieved shortly
after Christmas because of the loss of one of our Class-
mat es- Marguerite Burdett. This was inde"ed a cause for
deep sorrow to the class.
Pass with us now to our Sophomore year wher e you
will meet with eighteen brilliant students possessing high
ideals. Some say we are considered, by the teach2rs, igno-
rant and disgraceful students, but wait until they know us.
During the year we entertained our little friends, the Fresh-
men. They, wishing to be in company with their supe-
riors returned the entertainment. The eats which they
gav2 us fulfill ed the wishes of our fainting stomachs. If
our plans are succEssful, you will meet us next year as
~ .llp lrltntn:rcn
Name Cognomen Favorite Expression.
Gordon \Vilson ___ Gambler---- That's me all over, Mable.
Donna Carpenter __ Sticks _ ------- --------- Oh, Heavens.
Leona Hill _______ Slim __________________________ Amen.
Caro Glasgow ___ Fat ------- -- ------------ Oh, Darn it.
Huth Wright ______ Porky - ---------- - You know me, Al.
Lelia Ward ______ Skinny ------------------ By George.
George Taylor ____ Dago --- ------- - -------- Ah, By Gee.
Chester Martindale Chet ____ _ ._ ___ ______ Kiss me, Karolyn.
Clement Pfister ___ Pontiac. -------------- Har, Har, Har.
Michael Kishigo __ Mike __ --.----- - ----------- By Gosh.
Howard Adams __ Ha ____ -------------------- Oh, Say.
Lloyd Fisher __ ___ Codfish ____ ____________ Qh, Thunder.
Thelma BennicksenBen ________________________ __ Cash.
Clyde Curkendall _Curk _____________________ Qh, Gollie.
Ira Weiss __ _____ Ikey ___ Oh, STONE hovv hard thy heart.
Cecil Willis ______ Chicken ______ Qh, The U Die & I Bury
Undertaker's helper.
~ i l l !
~ ~ I
IV t::::1
....... ;
~ ..(
~ '< t)
"' <+-

"'(), l:
- - --
' --
Class Colors- Cherry and 'White
Class Flower- Apple Blossom
Class Mo tto-
"He, who never makes any mistakes, never dces
Patr oness- Miss Charlotte Duddl es
Class Yell-
"vVe' ll stand them on their heads,
\Ve'll stand them on their feet.
Ninth Grade, Ninth Grade
Can' t be beat."'
Gordon Wilson -- -- - ---------------- - --- - - President
.Earl D21La Vergne -- -- - --------------- Vice-President
Robert Whaley - -- ------------------------- Secr etary
Nellie \ Vyland --- - - - -- - ------ - -- --- --- --- -
Frances \ Voodruff - - - - - - -- -- --------- - ------
Frances \Voodruff --------- ----- -- -------- Cartoomst
Bla nche Allen
Florence Baldvrin
Marion Barmore
Burton Carlson
Hazel Carlson
Lavina Caskey
Glen Clark
Grace Clark
Francis Goldsmith
Ja mes Henderson
Louise Holloman
Vi r ginia Judd
Everett Lightfoot
Karolyn Powers
Carrie Schierschmidt
Lester Stanton
Isabelle Stone
Roland Taylor
Mamie \ Vheaton
Arlouine Wyland
Gerald Wheeler
Dorothy Henderson
Down Life's river gently flowing,
Are the school days swiftly going.
So, dig in, you busy workers,
Do not wait for lazy shirkers;
Get your Latin and your English,
Get your Algebra and Civics,
If you get Biology too
One more point it will give to you.
Conquer the Sophs in basket-ball,
To conquer them is to conquer all.
But don't 'forget about last year
And all the things that we held dear;
As we rememb2r our green ways,
So help the grecnies now-a-days.
- Nellie Wyland
"You can r ecite better if you stand on two f eet."
"Well! from a particular standpoint! Absolutely so."
"Heads up! Halt! One; Two."
"I have a story to tell you, but pertaining to school work- "
"A 'disgrace' to the high school."
"The f ew minutes you have left, you may study."
"No! No! No!"
"Now do you think that is very courteous, Miss Powers?"
"Each two girls take half the r ecipe."
... 11e wan .... er warbles, 'You can't- with your heads down
in your necks' ,"
vver, over, over, up! Over, over, down."
"Oh! why don't those Freshmen pay rtheir clues?"
suid Cordelia, with a sigh, as she finished her work. "I'll
just sit down her e before the fire for a f ew minutes to r est
before I get my l essons. I am so tired." -
She sat down with an armful of books. After a f ew
minutes she seemed to lose of all that was in the
room, and seemed to be walkmg_ m. a wooded path.
A rabbit darted across the path m front of h 2r. He hop-
ped away as quickly as possible.
"Tha t is one of those Freshmen who have not paid
their dues and he is to face me," Cordelia, as
the rabbit hopped out of s1ght.
Cordelia was not fa miliar with the path. She soon
came to a fork in the did not know which way
to turn. Along came a fox JUSt then.
"Which road do you take to get in to the house of
the Ninth Grade patroness?" she asked.
The fox r emember ed that he had not paid his dues,
and he ran away as fast as he could.
"He is ashamed of himself. I would be too, if I had
been so car eless," mused Cordelia.
Cordelia turn ed to the right. Evidently she was on
an unfamiliar road. Every f <! w rods she would see one
of hrr classmates that had not paid his dues. Whenever
thev saw her, they would hurry away, casting their eyes
in shame.
Cordelia awoke with a start. She looked at the clock.
Half past ten! It was only eight when she sat down.
"I hope those Freshmen that I met tonight in such
queer shapes, will pay their dues anyway," she said sleep-
ily as she put her books away.
Freshie- "Mr. Bailey!"
Mr. Bailey- "Yes ?"
- Grace Clark
Freshie-- "The Sophomores say we're her e to help others."
Mr. Bailey- "Of course we are."
Frcshi e- "\Vell, what ar e the her e for?"
lFluhlic ;pledantctfh.tn
It is a very hare! thing to make the average stuct ent
see the value of public declamation. He thinks that you
want him to spend his extra hours in his room y2lling
to himself; or that you enjoy seeing him on the platfonn
growing r ed in the face, as he shifts from one foot to the
other trying to r emember. But after once' having l earned
its value, he will never forget.
Publi c declamation not only helps the school, but the
student himself. A good declaimer may bring honor anct
glory to his school, but he also learns to be calm and cool
when he is speaking before his class or
any assembled
body. I know one student, who at the beginning of the
year when forced to give a r eport before the class, was so
nervous that he could hardly speak. Now when he is
asked to give a report it hardly troubles him.
Earl DeLaVergne
Mrs. Bealde_:_Of course you know that Van Buren was on
Jackson's kitchen cabinet.
Miss Traviss- "Why are you looking through the dic-
Keith Stone- "Trying to find out who was General De-
Junior- "Does success mean getting what you want?"
Bob A.- "No, success isn't so much getting what you want
as getting what other people want."
Mrs. H. (to eighth grader) - "You cough more easily
Inorning. " -
Cliff Hoover-"! ought to, I practiced nearly all night."
Jr.- "vVhat's the matter with you this morning?"
Sr.- - " Oh, I don't feel good. All my food seems
directly to my stomach."
. . .
On the first of November, the Sophomores gave tl
. . . 1e
Freshmen mv1tatwns to a formal reception to be given on
Saturday, November 6, from eight to eleven o'clock, in the
Saturday ' evening arrived with all Freshmen anxious
to be initiated in to the presence of their hosts. We were
r eceived at the door by the mute reception comniittee. The
sight of the gymnasium r eflected the hard labor of the
Sophom9res: It was beautifully decorated with the class
colors of the Freshmen, cherry and white, and wiith those
of their own class, green and pink, in a most artistic
manner. The white lattices were also worked in with the
decorations which added considerably to the appearance of
the gymnasium.
\Vhen we had all arrived, the progra m committee
successfully carried out a delightful and inter esting pro-
gram. Ruth Wright gave the welcome and Isabelle Stone
of the Freshman Class responded. Ther e were many
other selections of music and reading, all of which were
enjoyed immensely.
The Sophomores then conducted a Grand March, with
Miss Doty and Mr. Humphrey, leading. We then indulged
in some hearty games including, "Happy is the Miller,"
"Nut Contest," and "Coffee, Coffee, Coffee."
As it was getting late for us wee Freshi es, we were
then served to a delicious luncheon. While partaking 01
this, the members of the Faculty gave some impromptu
toasts which wer 2 heartily enjoyed and appreciated.
\Vith lusty yells given by both classes, the party then
hmke up. \ Ve all hoped, as we departed, that we might
have many such enjoyable parties during our High School
- Isabelle Stone.
A question of utmost importance was being discussed
in the Freshman Class meeting on February fifteenth.
All agreed that the delightful r eception given in honor of
the Freshmen by the Sophomores on November 5, 1920,
was an event to be well r esponded to.
First, a sleigh-riding party was mention ed. It met
with instantaneous approval. But we wer e doomed to
disappointment for no snow fell for us. We '"'ere then
obliged to change the ride to an informal party - to be
given on Febraury 25. Invitations wer e accordingly sent
out, appointed, and plans started.
On Friday, the 25th., the decoration committee adorn-
ed the gymnasium. The Sophomore Class Colors and the
Frehsm,en Class Colors were intermingl ed, to fonn an
artistic canopy. It was a strenuous moment for Master
Bob Whaley, when he climbed on the wire netting
stretched across the ceiling, in order to fast en these decora-
tions at the top. He declined further engagernents of
that sort.
When Friday evening arrived, all /Sophomores ap-
peared anxious to see the efforts of their scorned Freshies.
After all early comers and stragglErs wue r eceived by the
Reception Committee, a short musical program was ren-
dered. Following this was the grand march led by Mr.
Humphrey and Miss Doty. Miss Doty led Mr. Humphrey
through a maze of interwinding marching f eats, but he ap-
peared out of the tumult as fresh as ever. An adding
game tested the mathematical minds of the Faculty and
pupils. Miss Carrie Schierschmidt carried out the laurels
in the shape of a charming little novelty blotter pad.
Alas, Mr. Humphrey was cheated out of his booby prize.
Miss Mahrle won it, a bright r ed squacker balloon, which
interested her the r est of the evening. This prize was
won by greatest number of words from
"Washington." It should have been "Cookington." The
crowning event took place when "Pinche" was played.
Too bad, Mr. Humphrey had to be the one to be picked
on. He was forced to pay the penalty for being Irish and
good natured.
Punch and wafers were served. The party then broke
up with yells given lustily by both classes.
- Louise Holloman.
The Freshmen had a very successful basket-ball sea-
son this year. Under the direction of Sidney- Newman, we
turned into a good t eam. We won two games from the
eighth grade and lost one.
We lost the game with the Sophomores so will let
them "crow" about it.
Our lineup was as follows:
Ettawageshik ______________ Forward
Roc -- - -- -- ---------------- Forward
Wheeler --------------------- Center
Wilcox, Captain ----.,.---------- Guard
DeLaVergne __________________ Guard
Friend --- - -------------- Sub. Guard
Goldsmith Sub. Forward
- G. vV. W.
If we've got to fight the Sophs
In basket ball,
A thing we're not afraid of,
Not at all.
I suppose we'll have to do it,
For the r ed and white, we know, it
Never backs out of a scrap
Nor accepts a wanton slap,
But we'd like to put a query
For this squabble makes us chary,
If we're going to have a game,
Tell us who will win the fame?
A. W.
Our first gan1f' of the season was played with th<"
Sophomore Girls, with the exception of ,me girl who
a distinguished youn g Junior. The score was eight to nine
in favor of the Sophomores.
Our t eam consist ed of Frances and Nellie as wards,
Virginia and Karolyn as forwards, Louise as jumping cen-
t er, and Marian as center guard. Isabelle Stone was put
in center guard. The Sophomor:.:s made no points in the
last half.
Our second game was a more exciting game. In this
game we showed ourselves equal to the Sophmnores, the
score being 0- 0. We played the tie out the next week,
and the scor e was 6- 8 in favor of the Freshies.
Our third game was with the Juniors. Alas! We
were def::ated most seriously for the resulting score was
2- 13 in favor of the Juniors. We will not dwell upon
the details of this game.
Our last game was with the Eighth Graders. vVe
were victorious as of course we should be. The score
this time was 18- 10 in favor of the Freshmen.
Our referee, Miss Blanche Doty, very capably and
loyally stood by us in all our games.
Our wish for the coming yEar is that we may have
more successf ul games than we have enjoyed this year.
- Karolyn Powers.
A little sun, a little rain,
A soft wind blowing from the west
And woods and fields are sweet again,
And the warmth \vithing the mountains breast.
So simple is the earth we tread,
Sb quick with love and life her frame;
Ten thousand years have dawned and fl ed,
And still her magic is the same.
A little love, a little tr-ust,
A soft impulse, a sudden dream-
And life as dry as desert dust
Is fresher than a mountain stremn
So simple is the heart of man,
So ready for new hope and joy;
Ten thousand years since it began
Have l eft it younger than a boy.
A Guard! You all know . . .
ball, he is the fellow thlt st:'ho a guard JS. In basket
and watches the fdrwa;Js lunder the other side' s
side. Once in a while I s s 10ot the baskets for his
stop a ball that sfem r come life and
He probably will fumble it an , folOcked _hun down.
the other side slips in d
e mmble forward
he wakes up. \Vhy neat basket before
one else in his place? IC un out and put some-
Now l et us hear from the oth .
you that the guard is not '11 side. We agree with
the enemy's b l< usy but even then he is
l t, he is there, all _nt when he does get into
gives the ball back to a rush that generally
An opposing forward is in tl .
balances the ball nicely in his h 1edcenter of the floor. He
As the ball starts on Its co an and prepares to shoot
- urse a P' i f
Its progress and both playors , d b 1\ r o arms obstructs
the guard grabs the ball an .t t a a:e upon the floor ;
back to his place. ' ses I
a forward, and trots
Another time he is off d .
ket; he takes a broad SI e the enemy's bas-
ball to an. and shoots the
ke_t and r eceivES nine "rahs" and shoots a bas-
Just criticisms for not tossina it the guard re-
IS guarded by a guard and f db o 1e center, who
the guard a yell when
; e in Why d<;m't we give
for the enemy or a basket
-, _ r e orward?
- J:<.;arl DeLa Vergne.
"Did you hear what that yoting , woman said?"
"No. What was it?"
oved to cook!" that she '.i usi
"She told the . young f ellow with hei'
"Al I A . .
. 1. n old-fasluoned airl She's .
m a' tl d :.s .. usm g the 'vamp-
:.s me 10 s popular twenty years ago." ,
Least Clever Girl ------------------ Mamie Wheaton
Cl2ver est Girl' -------------------- Eleanor Barmore
Smallest Boy _____________________ Joe Ettawageshik
Tallest &y _________________ ____ __ _ RobPrt Whaley
Boys' Best Athlete _________________ Burton Carlson
Boys' Worst Athlete ________________ Gordon Wilcox
Girls' Best Athlete ____________________ Rena Hoover
Girls' Worst Athlete ______________ Frances \Voodruff
Prettiest Girl --------------------------- Lyle Parks
Louise Hollonwn
H01neliest Girl
Fattest <Boy __ _________ __ ______ ___ _ Roland Taylor
Slimmest Boy __________________ ___ Gerald Wheeler
Most Popular Girl _______ ________ Marguerite Backus
Least Populur Girl ________________ Karol yn Powen
Most Popuiar Boy ________________ Chestf'l_' A. Clark
Least Popular Boy ______________ _ Earle DeLaVergnc
Boldest Girl ------------------ - - -- ---- Grace Clark
Meekest Girl ----------- ---------- - Marion Barmorf'
Swiftest Girl --------------- -- --- _Florence Baldwin
Slowest Girl ------------------------- Virginia Judd
Swiftest Boy - - ---------------------- Lester Stanton
Slowest Boy --------- - ------------ Everett Lightfoot
Sauciest Girl ------------------------ Nellie -Wyland
Least Saucy Girl ______________ __ ____ Blanche Allen
Cleverest Boy
Clifton Garver
Francis Goldsmith
Isabelle Stone
Least Clever Boy ----------- ---- --
The Meek, the Mild, the Only Child
She had received a cablegram from her son in India,
saying that he would be home shortly. She showed it to
her neighbor. "Wonderful things, these telegraphs, ain't
they?" '''Quick ain't the word for it; the gum ain't dry
yet on the envelope."
Helen Gillett ----- -, --- -- - ---- - - - - -- --- - -- - - President
Leo Baker -- ----------- - - ----- ----- - - Vice-President
~ e o n Woodruff - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Secr etary
Eleanor Wells -- - - - - ------ - - --- - --------- - Treasurer
Ollie Backus ----------------- - ----- ------ ---- Editor
Car lton Seel ey ------ ----- - --- - - - - - -- - -- - Yell Master
Earl Lauer - - - - ------------- - - -- --- Sergeant-at-Arms
Patroness- Mrs. Abigail S. Ratliff
Class 1 FloweJ'I-Carnation
Class Colors- Rose and White
Alice Cool2y
Arthur Osborn
Alice Clark
Archie Johnson
Clifford Hoover
Clifford Armstrong
Catherine Eppel
Carlton Seeley
Donnell Kneisley
Eleanor \Vells
Eleanor Mulder
Earl Lauer
Elden .Jones
Edna Greer
Erma Sheffi eld
Edith Cooper
Fenton Roe
Fannie Brubaker
Florence Stewart
Flora Belle Hathaway
Ford Moulton
Grace Erwin
Goldie Seeley
Helen Gillett
Harold Reynolds
Herbert Mill er
Ira Herr
Joe Lanway
John Holiday
Leo Baker
Leon Woodruff
Laura Warner
Leona Lawrason
Marion Bradley
Martha Juiller et
Norma Bliss
Ollie Backus
Pearl Mahl er
Russel Roe
Huth Hansom
\Villard Cornell
Willard Losinger
\Vilson Fleshman
The atmosphere is very blue,
In fact it's nearly grey,
For Declamation time is here,
And work for brains is due.
We shout and mutter, rant and rave;
Assemble all our wits,
We try for laughter, then we're grave,
To make decided hits.
We practice, practice, till we' r e tired,
And forget all else we know;
Our patriotism is growing fast,
Our courage is getting low.
We use our voices by the yard,
_ Our teacher's time we seize;
We try our best, we study hard.
But still we never please.
Our voices show no action,
Our gestures are too slow;
But then, comparing other classes,
The Eighth Grade has some show.
'Tis the twenty-second of March,
The great momentous day;
And all the contestants are gathered,
Their various speeches to say.
'Tis, "By the people, and for pel)pk," .
And, "Give me liber ty, or g1ve me
"Live or die, survivt- or p:_rish, - - "
All the teachers gasp for breath.
A ripple of excitement
Runs through all the room;
I'm most scared to pieces
For my time is coming soon.
The last address is ended,
We've spoken, every one;
Just one more task for the judges,
And then the thing is done.
The contest now is over,
We have done our very best,
We all sit calmly waiting,
Wondering which was best.
fhe judges announce the winner.
And. state with manner kind,
That several other contestants
IV ere very close behind.
We give three cheers for Helen,
TllC'n homeward wend our way,
Endt hoping that the time will come
For us to win some day.
September- 20
Evening of Se{)tember 20, Eighth Graders still
hunting for classes.
Oetober- 15
First Class meeting.
November- 5
Miss Hollowell can't find Leon 'Woodruff and Earl
December- 19
All anxious for vacation.
January- 5
Alice Cooley turned over a new leaf.
.January- 1.6
Eighth Grade has chapel; promises future movie
Fcbruary- 10
Joe Lanway recited in English.
February- - 26
Miss Hollowell to Carlton Seeley, "Take your
pencil out of your mouth."
April- 1
Lost and Found- Donnell Kneisley in a waste
paper basket.
Willard Cornell on time this morning.
May- 17
Mr. Humphrey )neasured distance to moon in
Arithmetic class.
Jl:me- 5
Eighth grader's heads noticed to be bulging due
to increased amount of study.
.June- 10
The end.
Captain - - ------------------- - -- - - ---- L ~ o n vVoodruff
Manager - ---- - ----- - --------- -- --- -- Willard Corneli
Leon \Voodruff
\Villard Cornell
Earl Lauer
Leo Baker
Elden Jones
Arthur Osborn
The boys' basket ball team of the Eighth Grade
played seven games this year. Two games with the Boy
Scouts and two with the seventh grade r esult ed in four
games in our favor and out of thr ee games played with
the ninth grade, one was lost and that by only one point.
With six games out of sevea to our credit, we think our
out look for another y;: ar isn't so bad and when we get
to be upper clas-smen on the regular team maybe we can
bring home that Northern Michigan Championship cup,
who knows?
Captain and Forward ____________ Ollie Backus
Forward ------------- - - -- - ---- Goldie Seeley
Guard __ __________ __ ___ ____ ___ Laura Warner
Guard ___ ____________ ____ _____ Eleanor Wells
Center ----- - - - -- - --- - --------- Ruth Ransom
Center -- - ---- - ---------- - - --- Eleanor Mulder
Substitute ---------------------- Helen Gillett
Substitute ---------- - -- - - -- --- -- - Alice Clark
Our first game was played with the seventh grade
girls. In the first half Leona Lawrason, who was then a
puard on the firet team, sprained her ankle, so Helen Gil-
fett was put in her place. The score was 10- 8 in our
favor. \e also won the second game played with the
seventh grade. However the l a ~ t game which was played
was in their favor, the score bemg 8- 10.
Toward the end of the season we thought we' d try
playing with the ninth grade girls. El eanor \Vells was put
in as rruard. At the end of the first half, the score was
10- 5 in their favor, but we managed to raise to 10 and
they reached 18. Although vve w'ere defeated, all were
rrlad that our score was as high as it was.
W -:: had a little school-mate
'With wistful eyes of blue,
A sunny smile, a merry way,
And hair of fl axen hue.
Beloved by all, with future bright,
It would have seemed more fair,
Had a littl e longer time b een given
This life of promise rare.
But now her chair is vacant,
Our Helen comes no more,
She sleeps, nor heeds the passing hours,
Her school days here are o' er.
God called our cheerful Helen,
And gave h er peaceful r est,
It seems as if he always takes
The ones we love Uie b est.
And though we miss her every day,
More than we care to tell
And wonder and question, stlll we know
God doeth all things w ell.
- Flor2nce Stewart.
Foot ball fen .T was a very conhgious di.sease a mon.g the fe ll ows
just bcZore school began but on the opening a cure was discovered.
Th: s -cure was mainly cclmP.OSed o,f hard pra:cti.ce. There was but
one week to organize a team and develcp an efficient set of si.gnals,
but t!he tas l;: was performed by Co&ch Newman, a former athl ete of
the high s chool.
Petc.skey was t.h e .first game on the schedule a nd as th:e team
jcurneyed around the bay tlhat br ight Saturday afternoon, a fine
s pirit of prevailed among the f ellows. They wer e
determined to come back vi ctor ircus, but after the whistle for t he
star ti ng of t he .game sounded, their hopes were s,hatt<e red. Petoskey
had a much heavier and more experienced team than HaTbor whi.ch
proved fat al for tu1e home boys. 'T.hey were a'ble to Score but one
touchdown thruout the game. This was accom.p!i.shed by a brilli ant
line smash made by full-back Martindal e.
Our next game was with Mancelona on the home .field,
which proved to be a very close and hard fou-ght battl e. Mancelona's
gains were end runs madE! by a very fast and clever quarter-back.
Harbor excell ed in s t rairght smashes a nd by the overhead route Whi ch
w"r e effi,ciently performed by .M:artindale, Thompson, Clark and Judd'
Ccok and E ttawageshik did sp,Iendid work as tackles while Zuber,
Lin EI:1 an and Long made fine ho.J es for our line smashes. The game
closed with each t Eam having two touchdowns and one .goal kick.
The following week t he fa.s't Cit'y team CaJJne .her e and
chowed us what real foot ball playing was like. They were vic-
t ori ous by :a la rge score but tl1e home t.eam was complimented on
ha ving put up as a batdle and reaming as near cr o.ss irug their line
as any t eam which they played to date.
We t hen went to Cheboygan and !Mancelona a nd lost bot h gwmes
in srcor ' ng l::ut won a greater . victory in good SP,Ortsmanship w.hi ch
tihe other two schools did not ma ni.fest . The games with Charlevoix.
Pell cton a nd the return game wi t h Peto.s key were cancellisd on ac-
count of weather conditi ons.
LINEUP-c., Long and Gillett; I. g., LinE.'han; r. g., Zuber; I. t., Et-
tawa-geshik; r. t ., Cook ; I. e., Clark; r . . e., Judd ; q., T,hompson, Capt.;
1. h .. Kni es ley; r. b., Martindale; s ubs., Wheel er a nd Burdett.
'!hlaskct !.IIlaH
Basket ball .fever struck Harbor Springs about the middle of Nov-
emtr2:- and the epidemic was des tined to stay quite awhile by the
lool>:s or the noor at the firs t ni.ght's practice. About twenty
hardy boys, made so by f<K>t ball, were lined up under the basket
and took their turn at mi s sing the basket a.t which they seemed quite
competent. Mr. Bailey .tood on the s;de lines smil ing quietly.
Their first g3!me was played O>n Friday evening, December 10,
with P ellE<t on at Harbor Springs. Altho tlhe h orne team lo.st by a score
of 17 bo. 20, they did not ,give up becams e next .week came their gf' 2at-
est rival, Petoskey. This game ended with the score of 16 to 16 on
Petoskey'.s floor. Thl 3 usual :five minutes over t:me were played a nd
the Harbor boys again lost by the of 17 to 19. Harbor'.s game
on Jamuary 14, .wi,t h Mtancelona was destine d to te a real battle. This
team rarely loses on their OWn floor but they :'lad one of :the hardest
scraps of the season on tJhat nigh,t. HarboT lo.t .by the scor e of 17 to
27. But they won something and what cwas iti? 'The fam3 of holding
Mancelona to t he lowe.st on; their own floor in three years.
On February 12, Harbor Higlh metl one of the best teams in the
state, Manistee. If Harbor ever wantKd to win a game it was this
one, E:o they WEnt intiJ it with a vim and P.ush. It was ,the hardest
game Harbor played this year but they lost, 10 trc: 12. This was said to
be one of the fastest and played games ever s12>en on the home
floor. Manistee now holds the Mi.chigan Champion.ship.
'!'he Har bor t eam .went to Petoskey to the district tournament on
March 25 and 26. 'Tihey drew F'rankfort and defeMed thEm 29 to 5
and East Jorda n 25 t() 7. They then played Chal']evoix, their rival.s
in class B. "The ,game w3!s the best of the tournamen,t and was no-
bodys until the gun went Off. Harbor ,won seoond in t i1e tourna-
ment, l osing tJo Clharlevoix by one point.
The season ended with a trip to t:he state tournament a t Ann
Arbor. There t he team drew to play Farmington, the Southern dis-
trict clha mpions. Altho Ha rbor lost, s he did not f.ee l as 'bad after t/l.e
tou r nament was over beca:use won pl ace. being
defeated by St. Joseph by one point after the usual time and two ex-
tra five minute over t <me periods.
LINEUP-f. , Tho:mpsun, Cap,t.; f., Kniesl sy; c., Zuber; g., Long;
g., Judd; subs. , Martindale a nd Stone.
Dec. 10- Pellston at Harbor _____________ _
Dec. 17--Petoskey at P,etoskey ___________ _
Jan. 7----American Legion ----------------
J an. 14- Mancelona at Mancelona ___ ______ _
Jan. at Harbor --------------
Jan. at Buckley ____________ _
Jan. at Manton _____________ _
F eb. 4-Manistee at Harbor _____________ _
Feb. 10- Buckley at Harbor _____________ _
Feb. 11- Charlevoix at Charlevoix ________ _
Feb. 18- Mancelona cancelled
Feb. at Pellston _____________ _
Mar. at Harbor ____ ___________ _
Mar. 4---Manton at Harbor ___ _: _________ _
Mar. 11- Charlevoix at Harbor ___________ _
Mar. 18- Trav. City Catholic at Harbor ____ _
Mar. at Petoskey _________ _
Mar. Jordan at Petoskey _________ _
Mar. 26- Charlevoix at Petoskey _________ _
Apr. ! - Farmington at Ann Arbor _______ _
Dif. 74
Dec. 17- H. S. second team at P2toskey __ :_
Jan. second team at H. S. ----
It is reported that Miss Traviss dreamed-
H. S. Opp.
17 20
17 19
23 22
17 27
16 17
16 15
7 17
10 12
34 7
9 16
. 6 10
41 12
37 7
15 18
19 18
29 5
25 7
14 15
3 17
9 10
12 8
21 18
That was manag: r of a remodeling spearmint
gum factory.
That there wer e no Monday D's.
That a new joke was found in the Annual.
That Gl enn Hammond vvas a very clever young ma
That Mr. Humphrey had a girl.
That Miss Hollow:Jl was caught smiling.
Mrs. Ratliff- (to boy with gum in his mouth and his feet
in "Donnell, take your gum out of yonr
mouth and put your feet in."
Mrs. Bcadle-"Here is a rhyme to help you remember when
Columbus discovered America. 'In 1492 Columbus
sailed the ocean blu2.' "
Laura (after giving wrong date) - "ln 1493 Columbus
sailed the deep blue sea."
High School Chorus
Girls' Glee Club
B0)1S' Glee Club
Following the basket ball season, there were rumors
of an inter-class track meet. This aroused the interest and
spirit of the various classes and when it was announced
that the meet >vas to be held on May 7, they were hard at
work preparing themselves for it.
There was no doubt as to which class would be vic-
torious but each person was out to do his best, and he
did it.
At the close of the meet, the Seniors led by a large
margin, with Walter Thompson the individual star
and high point winner. This gave him the honor of having
his name engraved on a loving cup presented to the school
by the class of '22 for that purpose.
This meet showed that ther e were a few fellows who
would be able to take places in the Northern Michigan
Meet to be held at Petoskey, on May 21. .
Harbor did not have a very large team to enter this
meet, but they went to get their share of the honors. Mar-
tindale hurled the discus 104 f eet 7 inches, leading the
others by several feet. Thompson took first in the pole
vault by sailing over 10 f eet 2 inches. He also showed
up good in the dash. Kni esley placed in the long dis-
tance run. .
Petoskey carried home the cup for the
Charnpions vhile Cadillac followed The winners
had the advantage of a large t ea m whil e Cadillac a_nd the
other schools depended on one or two men. Th1s was
no doubt the best meet of its sort that had been held for
some time and it is hoped that Harbor may make as good
if not a better showing another year.
Mr. Bailey- "All students are to go down below on the gym
floor when the game commences, but r cmember,
\Ve aren't all angels, Mr. Bailey.
Bright Freshman- "Mr. Scalf, may I borrow a rubber
Mr. Scalf (after looking a long time) - "The school has
none now, but will have some in a few days."
Mr. Bailey- "Hcr e is a good example for a boy, take the
ant, he works every day and is busy every day and in
the end, what happens?"
Ira Weiss- "Somcbody steps on it."
Boy Scout-Troop One
Scoutmaster ______ Mr. A. E. Humphrey
Asst. Scoutmaster __ Mr. S. 0. N2wman
Wolf Patrol
Leon Woodruff, Patrol
Theodore Blackman
Gerald Wheeler
Leonnrd Powers
Mark Graham
Pine Tree Patrol
Willard Cornell, Patrol
\Villani Losinger
Earl De La V crgne
Clifton Garver
Elden Jones
Beaver Patrol
Donnell Knicsky
Clifford Armstrong
Hobert Whalt>y
Charles Wri ght
Robnd Taylor
Ford Moulton
Gordon "Wilcox, Patrol Leader
Hex Parks
Glenn Parks
Arthur Osborn
Fenton Roc
"On my honor I will try
To be true to God and my country,
To help others at all times,
To ob:oy the Scout Laws."
Girl Scout Captain, Mrs. l. B. Beadle
Girl Scout Graduates
Nelli e \Varner, '20 Rhea Peacock, '20 J essie House, ' 20
Girl Scout Lieutenant, Miss Charlotte Duddles
' Patrol One
Miss Lilas AU:c n, Patrol Leader, '22
Bertha Warner, ' 21 Secr etary and Treasurer
Mary Baker, '21 Ruth Barker, '22
Pearl Hathaway, '21 Ruth Hansom, '25
Mildred Barker,'22 Laura Warner, '25
Lucil e Armstrong, '22 Carrie Schierschmidt, '24
Bertha La Count Mathews L:oora Zumbaugh, '22
Patrol Two
Marguerite Backus, ' Patrol Leader, '22
Metha Crowl, '22 Fmmi e Brubaker, '25
Katherine Clarke, '22 Hazel Carlson, '24
Vesta DeWitt, '21 Norma Bliss, '25
Blanch Allen, '24 Helen Gillett, '25
Ollie Backus, '25 Marion Bradley, '2fi
Patrol Three
-Marv Smith, Patrol Leadcr, '22
Ruth \right, '2.3 Dorothy Campbell, '25
L2ona Hill, '23 Margaret Gillett, '22
Cecil Willis, '23 Huth Cornell, '22
L ~ l i a Ward, '23 Erma DevVilt, '22
Caro Glasgow, '23
Girl Scout Lieutenant, Miss Elsie Hollowell
Patrol One
Donna Carpenter , Patrol Leader, '23
Florence Bald\\Ain, '24 Alice Clark, '25
Isabelle Stone, ' 24 Pearl Mahler, '25
Virginia Judd, '24 Frances Woodruff, '24
Grace Clark, '24 Martha Juill er et, '24
The Girl Scout Movement .was begun in Harbor Springs in 1916,
under tlhe leaders.hip of Miss Edna McCallum and !Mi.ss Gladys Snau-
bl:e. 'There were ten charter members. After a .prolonged stuggle
,for exis.tence, the troop was I'S"Organized in 1!i18, with <Mrs. W. B.
Beadle as Scout Captain. A number of ne.w scouts were elected to
mem!bers>hip, a.nd the Harbor !Springs became a; rart of the Na-
tional Girl 1Scout Organization. Mi.ss !Minetta Hamill received htsr com-
<mission as Scouu Lieutenant a nd instructed the troop in a complete
course of FirsU Ai.d Work. During Uhe year the rank of "T'enderfoot"
was earned by all the mEOmber.s, and much was ac:c'Omplished in scout
In the 'fal! of 1919 becaru.se of many requests for membership,
a Junior Scout Troop was cganized with Miss Hamill as Lieutsnant.
'l'hen Miss Marguerite McEntee becwme a commissiCJned Li1sutenant to
assi.s.t in the work of the first! troop.
,SolOn another troop was organized for the Eighth Grade girls,
known as Troop Two, with Miss Hazel Ramsay as Lieutenant. The
three Uroops W1Sre or.ganized under one central h.ead, with Mrs. Beadle
as Cap.tain of alL
Many hikes and beaclh partieS' wer.e enjoyed, rn'ost of the girl s in
Troop One became Second Class Scouts and others admitted to
the iank Of Tenderfoot. Many tasks befi.: ting the work Of Beauts
wene done, .such as cleaning the land a long the bluff and improving the
general ap;pearance of the village, as well as parti cipating in tlhe Mem-
orial Day program.
The year 1920- 21 has proved very successfuL Miss C.harlott e
Duddl es has bes n Lieutenant of Patrol Cne; Miss Elsi-e Hollow.ell, of
Patrol Two; and !Miss Mildred Clark has had charge of the Junior
Scouts; .Mrs. Bisadle retaining tihe office of Captain of the three troups.
The .Scouts soJi.cibs:d member.s:hi.ps for the Harbor Sp_rings Christ-
ian Association, and turned into that organization over one hundred
and fi.fty dollars. !Troop One gave ten dollars to the C.hinese Relief,
and each firoop sent baskets to various families at Christ mas time.
Girl Scouts who have been ill have been remsmbered by their sister
Scouts with flowers, 'fruit , and calls.
Besides trying to help others, the Scouts have enjoyed many good
llimes this year themselves, among them. a Thanksgiving Dinner
Party, a Valentine Party, several beach parties, and other int!sresting
Scout meetings.
As a fitting climax to the .efforts made during the winter m1setings
to earn the Housekeeper's Badge, eaiC h patrol in Troop Cne haS' given
a dinner party, all the' preparat ions having been made by the Scouts
The possibiliti es of Scouting for gi!ls is being more fully r ecog-
nized ali ov1sr the country tlh:an ever before. Educational and relig-
ious workers in all ranks, who seeing the eno:-mous gains being made
in t/he development of Amerilcan ma nhCJo d through the Boy Scout
organiza;tion, have .given much thought and effort in developing
r elated activillies among girls, until the Girl Scouts organization bids
fair to rival Boys' organiza ti o:n. Its growth has been marvelous
the last few years, and has far outstripp_ed that of any other simil a r
ass.cciation of girls.
Tlhe members of Harbor Springs Troops No.s. One and Two have
reason to be gratified at the rE;cord they have ma de in the past, and
ever ,hold aloft the ideals of true American womanhood,
they hope for .gr.eater accomplishments in the futun'".
J The
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JMaga?ine? :j:
).: E. J. HANNA. Editor :t
+ A
: Published monthly in Harbor Springs at ,:,
! The Springs Republican office. .:.
+ A
;" Subcription Price SOc per year, sent anywhere. .}
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( ,

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