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June 24, 1930.

Filed Sept- 3, 1924

'2 Sheyets-Sheet 1


Q 54

Ff/ouse. '

June 24, 1930.


2 Sheets-Sheet 2

Filed Sept- 3. 1924






Patented June 24, 1930

1,767,526 *



smncnLIeirr-vimrmume MEANS
Application ?led September 8, 1924. Serial No. 785,540.

cipal object the provision of an effective sys tributionof air is obtained. 5 term of ventilation which shall provide fresh, Fig. 4 is a vertical section through the lamp 55 cool, unused air in the desired places for car of Figs. 1 and 2; , rying away a maximum quantity of heat Fig. 5 is a front view, partially sectioned without disturbing the arc. ' vertically and with parts broken away, show- , Further this invention has for its object ,1ng my invention applied to a smaller lamp, 10 the provision of what I term a parallel ven~ which, in the case shown, is the 18" Sperry t-ilation system, the term parallel being used in its electrical sense, i. e. a plurality of Fig. 6 is a vertical section through the streams of fresh, cool, unused air are drawn searchlight shown in Fig. '5. - upwardly through one ormore inlets in the Referring to the drawings, I have shown 15 drum and so guided that each stream comes my invention applied to two different types into direct contact with the heated portion of searchlights, Figs. 1 to 4 disclosing the in 65 of areas which it is desired to cool, and said vention applied to a Sperry 60" Searchlight, streams are then united to form a single while Figs. 5 and 6 show the same principles
Searchlight. H .

This invention relates to searchlights and Fig. 3 is a detail view showing the eccen more particularly to a ventilation system for tric mounting of the re?ector toprovide an the same. The invention has for its prin eccentric air opening whereby uniform dis



parallel stream for carrying off the heat gen thereof, there is mounted a re?ector 15 in suit erated at the arc and a third parallel stream able clamps 16 on an inwardly extending of air for cooling the surfaces of the re?ector. ?ange or rim 17 on the drum. The ventilat A further object of the invention is the ing passage 20, communicating with the drum 80 provision of means for carrying oil the heat at a plurality of points 21, 22, 23, terminates generated adjacent the arc, as described here in a suction pump or fan 25 which may be_

one stream in contact with the front door in bearings 12 at the upper end of a bracket or window to carry off the fumes which 13 mounted for rotation in azimuth on a base 75 might otherwise deposit thereon, a second 14. Within the drum adjacent the rear wall

throughout the speci?cation and claims. Referring to Figs. 1 to 4 inclusive, there Thus, for example, I may direct parallel is shown a Searchlight drum 10 having hori streams of air .upwardly through the drum, zontal trunnions 11 journale'd for oscillation

outlet stream. It is to be understood that :pplied to av smaller Searchlight, such as the the term parallel is used in this sense 8"v type. ' . 70


be prevented. drum through apertures 21,22, 23 into the A further object of the invention is the passage 20 and thence expelled.

inbefore, in such manner that disturbance driven by a motor 24. When the motor 24 of the are by the upward ?ow of air will is operating, air will be sucked out of the


provision of cooling means, as hereinbefore The inlet passages whereby air enters the described, which shall be effective to cool also drum may comprise the large openings 26 the control box and the various lamp con (see Fig. 4) in the bottom of the drum and trolling mechanisms therein.. side openings 27, 28 at each side thereof. Other objects and advantages of this in The air inlets 26, 27 , 28 and the'outlets 21, vention will be in part obvious and in part 22,23 are so positioned as to cool de?nite por



tailed description of the invention. In the accom anying drawings Fig. l is a rontvlew of a large search light, which, in the case shown, is the Sperry
60 high intensity Searchlight. . .

speci?cally pointed out in the following de tions of the lamp structure with a minimum
disturbance of the arc. The air inlets 26 are covered by a baffle plate 30 so that the arc is

I: in

not disturbed by the direct inrush of cool air

and the' air is distributed over the bottom of the drum. After the air emerges from the

Fig. 2 is a side view thereof, showing the ba?ie plate 30, it is separated and drawn up
general positioning of the air inlets. -

wardly toward the three openings 21, 22. 23

100 >


tially parallel to and in contact with the front provided for preventing the upward ?ow of '1 window to keep said window free from fumes air from disturbing the arc; fourthly, means , and other deposits which might otherwise are provided for insuring cooling of the lower obscure it. The second opening 22 is placed portion of the re?ector to the same extent as substantially over the are so that a second the upper portion thereof; ?fthly, means are provided for cooling the central portion of 75 10 stream of air will ?ow upwardly in a plane substantially parallel to the plane of the ?rst the re?ector to substantially the-same extent
. stream of air and will carry off the heat gen as the peripheral portion thereof. In the type of lamp described in Figs. 1 to erated in the immediate vicinity of the are. A third stream of air will be sucked upwardly 4, a, control box 45 combining the control through opening 23 to cool the re?ector, the mechanism is shown mounted upon the side air ?rst passing through an openig 32 of the drum. Certain of the principles hereinbefore out formed between the re?ector 15 and its sup porting ?ange 17 . The three streams of air lined are shown applied to a different form of

adjacent the front window so that one stream the lamp; secondly, the streams are composed , of air will ?ow upwardly in a plane substan of fresh, cool, unused air; thirdly, means are

in three streams of air by the suction of. ump jects, namely; I have provided for de?nite 25. It will be noted that opening 21 is c osely streams of air for cooling vdiiferent parts of



are thus connected in parallel to the common; searchlight in Figs. 5 and 6. In this form of


In order that the upward rush of air shall _ suction pump 25 are shown mounted in, a - not disturb the arc, additional openings 27, hood 50 on the upper surfaces of the drum.
. thereof so that a substantial portion of the in

inlet andcommon outlet.

Searchlight, the driving motor 24 and the




Since the suction upon the stream of air that the controlling mechanism contained adapted to cool the re?ector is greatest in therin, is cooled by the in?ow of air through the vicinity of opening 23, there would ordi said opening. A crescent shaped opening 32 narily be a tendency for the air to rush imme is again provided between the re?ector 15' diately toward the upper portion of opening and the ?ange 17 for the same reasons set 32 between the upper edge of re?ector 15 and forth in connection with the Figs. 1 to 4 de vice. In this form of lamp, the side openings 35 the upper portion of ?ange 17. To ob viate this .condition, which would ordina 27, 28 may, if desired, be omitted because the rily result in cooling only the upper or disturbing in?uence of the upward ?ow of tion of the re?ector, I form the ?ange 1 ec air on the arc would not be so great in this centrically to provide a crescent shaped open- . type of lamp which, as shown, is a Sperry 18" 40 ing 32 larger at the bottom than adjacent the lamp and may be a 12" or 24 lamp. In accordance with the provisions of the top, as shown in Fig. 3; in other words, the area of opening 32 increases the greater its patent statutes, I have herein described the distance from the outlet. In this manner the principle and operation of my invention, to greater area of opening 32 adjacent the bot gether with the apparatus which I now con 45 tom. will compensate for the greater suction sider to represent the .best embodiment there adjacent the top of the re?ector so that a sub of, but I desire-to have it understood that the stantially uniform amount of cooling air will apparatus shown is only illustrative and that be drawn in at all points along the periphery the invention can be carried out by other

28,- are provided in the drum at the sides Similarly, openings 26, 21, 22', 23, corre sponding to the same numerals unprimed in ?owing air shall pass through said side open Figs. 1' to 4 are provided and function in a ' ings and thus reduce the amount of suction similar manner. The control box 45 is, in this instance, effective to draw air upwardly from the open ings 26 and so prevent disturbance of the arc. mounted directly above the opening 26 so






means. Also, while it is designed to use the of the re?ector. so . It will be seen from Fig. 4 that the curva various features and elements in the combina ture of the rear wall 40 of the drum 10, upon tion and relations described, some of these which the re?ector 15 is resiliently mounted, may be altered and others omitted without in as shown at 41, is formed with a lesser degree terfering with the more general results out


contracted opening 42 between the center of i Having described my invention, what I 120 the re?ector and the rear wall 40. Said con claim and desire .to secureby Letters Patent v

of curvature than the re?ector to provide a lined, and the invention extends to such use.

tracted portion 42 will'cause a more rapid ?ow of air to pass the center portion of the

-1. In combination, a Searchlight compris re?ector than along the edges and will thus ing a drum, a front window, a re?ector, said compensate for the tendency of the air to pass drum having air inlet means adjacentthe upwardly around the outer peripheral por~ bottom and'a plurality of air outlets adjacent

125 _

tion of the re?ector in its effort to reach the the top, suction means connected to said air outlets, said outlets being positioned adj acent outlet openin 23. From the a ve description, it will be seen saidfront window, above the arc, and adja - that I have accomplished the following ob cent the re?ector respectively whereby a plu-_


> 1,767,598>

3 .

rality of streams of unused air are caused to inlet surroundin said re?ector, said drum travel upwardly through said drum from said having an air on et adjacent the top thereof,
inlet means.

2. In combination, a Searchlight compris ing a drum, a front window, a re?ector, said drum having airinlet means adjacent the bot tom and a plurality of air outlets adjacent

suction means connected to said outlet where by an unused stream of air is caused to travel

upwardly over the surface of said re?ector, 70 and means for compensating for the tendency

of the air to pass upwardly mainly adjacent the top, suction means connected to-said air the periphery of said re?ector.

outlets, said outlets being positioned adjacent 8. In a searchlight, a ' drum, a re?ector said front window, above the arc, and adj a mounted in said drum, and means for cooling jacent the re?ector respectively whereby a said re?ector comprising a peripheral air
plurality of streams of unused air are caused inlet surrounding said re?ector, said drum



said inlet means, said drum havin a plurality suction means connected to said outlet where of air inlets at the sides thereo to prevent by an unused stream of air is caused to travel disturbance of 'the are by said upwardly upwardly over the surface of said re?ector, and means for compensating for the tendency traveling streams of air. 3. In a Searchlight com rising a drum hav of the air to pass upwardly mainly adjacent ing air inlet means a jacent the bottom the periphery of said re?ector, said means thereof and an air outlet adjacent the top consisting in forming a passage between said thereof, suction means for drawing air out of re?ector and said drum, said passage being said outlet and causing a stream of air to graduall reduced in area toward the center

to travel upwardly through saiddrum from having an air outlet adjacent the top thereof,


travel upwardly through said drumv for of the re ector. carrying oif the heat generated by the arc, 9. In a Searchlight, a drum, a re?ector said drum having a plurality of air inlets mounted in said drum, and means for cool as at the sides thereof for preventing disturb~ ing said re?ector comprising aperipheral air inlet surrounding said" re?ector, said drum ance of the arc b said stream of air.


mounted in said drum in spaced relation to suction means connectedto' said out et where the back thereof, and means for cooling said by an unused stream of air is caused to travel as over the surface of said re?ector re?ector comprising a peripheral air inlet upwardly surrounding the edge 0 said re?ector, said means for compensatin for the tendency of
thereof at the rear of the re?ector, and suc let in the vicinity of the air outlet, and means tion means connected to said outlet whereby for compensating for the tendency of the air an unused stream of air is caused to travel to pass upwardly mainly adjacent theperiph , upwardly over the rear surface of- said re er of said re?ector.
?ector. '

4. In a searc ight, a drum, a re?ector having an air outlet adjacent the to thereof,

drum having an air outlet adjacent the top the air to enter mainly t at portion of the in


In testimony whereof I have a?ixed my


5. In a searchlight, a drum, a're?ector


mounted in said drum in spaced relation to

the back thereof, and means for cooling said

re?ector comprising a peripheral air inlet


surrounding the edge 0 said re?ector, said drum having an air outlet adjacent the top
thereof at the rear of the re?ector, and suc

tion means connected to said outlet whereby

upwardly over the rear surface ofsaid re

' an unused stream of air is caused to travel


?ector, said air inlet being formed to in crease in size in proportion to its distance
from said outlet. ' "


'6. In a Searchlight, a drum, a re?ector '

mounted in said drum, and means for cool ing said re?ector comprising a peripheral _

air inlet surrounding sald re?ector, said drum having an air outlet adjacent the to thereof,
suction'means connected to said ou et whereby an unused stream of air is causedto travel '

upwardly over the surface of said- re?ector,

and means for compensatin for thetendenc'y

of the air to enter mainly t at portion of the~ inlet in the vicinity of the air outlet. ' 7. In a, -s'earchlight,'- a drum, a re?ector

mounted in said drum, and means for cooling said re?ector comprising a peripheral air


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