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Objective Platforms of YES Party list 1. To serve is one of our objectives.

The act of giving service to every Vincentians and to other members of the institution is not only about to help them in some difficulties they have. But also, part of this matter is to grant them what is the best for all. We will serve as a bridge towards the great development and improvement of the school and this is for our co-Vincentians. 2. On the time we accept to go through to this candidacy, responsibilities and duties were been handed over us. We are subject to assist and guide each Vincentians that leads them to a prosper living. 3. Also, it is our objective to show what kind of Vincentians we are. Being students, we learned to our Christian living and Character education to show respect, good attitudes and to have our faith and fear in God. We are aiming that these characteristics will be present to all the students. This can possibly happen by showing ourselves as the role model for everyone. To show that we respect and having this good manner and right conduct can greatly influence others. In which, they can imply this not only inside but also outside the campus. 4. Everyone has talents given by God. It is also our objective, to showcase these talents of every student. This can help them to boost their confidence and to show what theyve got. Merely, this can also help them to improve themselves and their talents. 5. We aim to encourage each student to be eco- friendly and have a concern with the entire environment. There are activities we planned to conduct where they can practice their care for mother Earth. It can also help to show the creativity of the students in recycling waste materials even in piece of candy wrappers can be transform into a new and useful thing. 6. It is our objective to make solutions to every problem that the students facing on, in regards of the school and other necessary matters. 7. To let the students be more acquainted to each other. Not only in their own section but also with the other year or grade level. In which they can have a bigger circle of friends. 8. To let the students realize how lucky we are and to feel them the spirit of helping and sharing our blessings to the less fortunates. Even the small amount of coins or any in kind donations we give, it can greatly help them to survive at each day that they live through. It is our aim that our fellow students can learn and feel the great meaning of sharing and to give thanks to God for all blessings we have.

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