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AlJ^l-r^IA.l'AGAZim OUT


Our new national magazine, ALSTHSIA is finally a reality. It is on the street and in thechurch and homes across So, Africa.

This is the third time,..I hope it will be acharm, I have prepared two other
and they have somehow not reached the printer and therefore no news from us

The first

T>age,issue is really causing

Astir everywhere. Letters of interest are

since my return from the States, During

our ten years in Africa we have been

coming from every walk of life, church men, housewives, business leaders,students and Christians who are really hungry for a new and truthful a-oproach to the issues
of the day in So. Africa, We have -orinted 10,000 copi.es in this
issue with rjlans to increase each month

plagued with a problem of newsletters. We have tried about everything, but seem to be having the old ji^nx still working effectively. So here we go again,,,So here we go again,
0n the way back and I stopped, over with the family of the church here .in

until we have reached a plateau of 50,000.

Over 700,000 S;o Africans will read this first one filled with articles on- Evolution

to So, Africa Josh in, England to visit one of the. families Ir Benoni, We had a greai.

The Virgin Birth,riots O.T.,Theology,the Communist threat in So. Africa, Unity, Biblical authority,Terrorism in Hhodedia, and TDro-ohecy. This was com-nletely a faith venture on
our ^ r t with not one cent in the bank to

k days with them,culjnanating in the "teptism of Carol and Mervyn Hill, Carol is Sandra Hurley's sister. Their mother Cei was here in S.A, for a visit 2 years ago and was immersed then. She is living i-rith Carol now. They are valliently trying to be faithful tp the Lord there by having the Lord's Supper and studying on their om* There is no New Testament congrega tion near them. Please pray for them to be strong enough to draw others who are hungering and.thirsting after righteous,
NEW CLASS A new class was launched this week in

rely u^^on, Ue have, truly had to nut our ' trust in the Lord, ^^e o-oened so many doors that we oust could do nothing else. We had been riraying for years for a way of reach
ing the multitudes and now He has answered

We are urging Christians everywhere to undergird this vital new ministry with their -orayers,money and enthusiasm. In a few months the entire expense will be
carried by the So. Africans,but until then, we need your heln urgently. Why not send

a check today to our Fwd, Agent and mark

it "Aletheia",

which we are featuring a study of Creat

ion and Evolution with slides and com

mentary, This is a set of 4- slide sets

produced at Aletheia which have proved to be very effective and entertaining,

Albert and Margaret Bennetta were im mersed recently at Aletheia. She is totally Mind and Alfert is a heart patient, I
ba-ntized him in the bathtub so we could

1? people were in attendance at the first


>^rm the water to keer) him from having an

-vtack. Since then they have been shining like anew light. They both buttonhole
everyone they me^ tell how wonderful the T.ord is. They were laethodists who moved to

Camp is over for another year. The

consensus was that i t was the best ever. I t was held at Aletheia for the f i r s t

Aletheia because they had nowhere else to

go. Now they are serving the Lord there

\:ith every ounce of strength that they

T!)03sess.Praise the Lord!

time and again the facility proved to be a boon. The classes were good,the food excellent,the fellowship tremendous.




Just a brief -nersonal note about us. We are all Well. The Lord has really blessed us with watchcare of us during this -nast

Individual giftsj Estelle Thompson, Cozad, Ne

year of se^naration and travel. It was a

E^ood year, but we're all glad it's over and

we are bacV to the old routine.

2500 Emma Russell, No. Bend, Ore 16.00 Gladys Schmahl, Ok City, Ok 10.00 Mabel Abbott, Sommerset,Ky 7.00 Mary Williams, Beaver City,Ne 20,00

Josh is ^rowinf^ so fast he will soon be bifffrer than I. Fverytime he walks by me I can see him measuring himself along side. He is still waiting on the studies from the
States. It seems like the mail system is

A.B. WcReynolds, Brandon, Fla

R,L. Aldrlch, Ok City, Ok


Lyle Johnson, Griswold, la 100.00 Larry Thomas, No* 01rastead,0h 10.00 Church gifts:

setting worse and worse. He is going thru the stage of car enthusiasm and everything
is either models and racing or "how soon

Cherokee Hills, Ok City, Ok 1st Christian, Laveme, Ok

Gritz Acres, Hennessey, Ok Town &Gountry, Yukon, Ok

630,00 100,00
^5.00 25.00

can I start to drive?". He'll be 16 in June.

Sarah has started to High School this

Church of Christ, Lewis, la


year. She is really excited about it and 1

likes the new school. She is getting to be

quite a young lady. She is 13 with none of

the teenage hangu-ns yet. She is going to a commercial high school which is similar
to our US schools,

Rachel is in Standard ^ (grade 6) and

for the first time is in school without an older sister. She is really blossoming into her own. She will be 1? in July. Her main interes'L is her animals.she

Church of Christ, Anita, la 18,00 Pershing Ave, Liberal, Ks 250.00 Christian Church, Agra, Ks 30.00 First Christian, Beaver City 270.00 Church of Christ, Sargent, Nel0i|-,89 Church of Christ, Clifton, Co 30.00 $2,300.89 Ins, Refund 187,00 Total Receipts 2s^7.89 Our deep appreciation to each one of the above for their confidence expressed in our ministry here in South Africa. The continuance of this vital ministry rests in your capable hands as the Holy Spirit guides you to share with us. We pledge you our best effort in seeing that each dollar is spent to His honor and glory. May He richly bless each

mothers everything. Both girls are good with sewing and their mother is teaching
them to do all the old fashioned things

that girls are suTinosed to do. They love


Joy is busier than ever with 3 nieetings a weekj'nlus the ^ or 5 evening meeting
of the church.She is also teaching a class

-on sewing and will soon-begi^ one on craft,

I tell her that her main -nroblem is that

one of you-real good!

she hasn't learned to say "no", I think may be both of us are In that boat. She taught a class in camn as well as jointly shared
the cooking duties.

Wally & Joy Famham

Box 13236 Northmead

Benoni, TVL I5II Republic of South Africa

I am working a cout>le days a week at

Aletheia now as well as carrying on the work here in Benoni, I am co-editor of

i'he new magazine as well as staff writer,

My health is good and I 'oraise God that

I am able to be so busy for Him, Why don't

you write us a letter? We'd love to hear

:.'rom you and we T>romise to answer,,. so there I

David DeVries Frwd Agents


;^-javer City, Ne.


U 11


^'3, mf'"

MARCH 1977


Burned out busses from Soweto riots


The past year in South Africa has seen some real changes, both in geography and culture. 1976, the year of the riots has
shook the nation to its very foundation. This has not been all

bad. Many south Africans are really beginning to examine them

selves and their relation to the Lord.

Wally preaching
the Wordthe vehicle

for revival

This is, of course, exciting to the Christian Worl<er who has been working in a climate of apathy for so long. But it is also a little frustrating because it becomes increasingly difficult to do the most effective work for lack of funds. Our supporters, YOU, are used to the way we have expended during the past ten years. Now with so many doors opening and opportunities presenting themselves we must find some way of instilling in you a sense of urgency in these new-found opportunities. How can we do it? A personal visit is the traditional way we direct-sent missionaries
have used to introduce new work. But, we simply do not have the

time for this. Time is running out, both in the political sense and the Spiritual arena.

The new magazine ALETHEIA, is just one example. We sent

many copies to you in the USA and pleaded with you to under
write it for its initial issues. The response across South Africa has been far beyond what we expected. But, alas, not so from
stateside. We acted on faith under the direction of a clear direc

tive from the Holy Spirit to put out the first issue. We now owe the printer $5,000 for which he has patiently waited 3 months. The second issue is long overdue, but we can go no further until
funds are in hand.

Would I be too bold to suggest that such opportunities as this

will determine the future of the church in Southern Africa? How

ever, it Is true! Many Christians across the country are saying the
same thing.

Dear fellow Christian, would you sit down right now while you

are reading this paper and make a sacrificial gift to the future of
the work here? The future of 35 million people depend upon how
quickly we act. DO IT NOW!


Joy in one of the many teaching opportunities

she is in each week

Debra Foster-Jones was

born into the Kingdom on

Sunday, March 6th. Praise

irisr >
the Lord! We had a fellow

9 '

ship dinner at Aletheia with

the church there and Benoni

getting together to share some wonderful fellowship and have a service together
in the afternoon.

Cindy Endres had taught a

lesson at school on the im

Baptism of Lorna Richards

portance of immersion and Debra, who was a Metho dist, was convinced.

Waily & Joy Farnham

Box 13236 Northmead

Benoni, TVL1511

Republic of South Africa

M/M David DeVries Frwd Agents Beaver City, Ne. 68926

Non Profit Organization

U. S. Postage
Beavef City, Nebraska PERMIT N0.1



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