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Rood treatment approach Question Answer

Treatment approach utilizing combined controlled sensory stimulation and orthogenetic sequences of ROOD treatment motor behavior to achieve a purposeful muscular approach response Development occurs when working on feeding the clinician would first direct treatment on controlled reaching for the utensil before is necessary for the reeducation of muscular response can be used to assist or retard the effects of sensory stimulation Triggered by changes in the relationships between head and neck Occur with changes in the relationship of the head to gravity cephalocaudal (head to tail) and from proximal to distal focusing on the holding of the utensil Repetition Reflexes (TNR & TLR) TNR (tonic neck reflex) TLR (tonic labyrinthine reflex)

a slow rocking stimulus produce a calming effect Sensory stimulation of and may be beneficial for patients with high tone or receptors can produce agitation predictable responses are stabilizers and more proximal (extensors and abductors) are mobilizers and more distal (flexors and adductors) Integrate ___________ before ____________ muscle groups first fine fingertip manipulation (light work muscles) is Heavy work muscles Light work muscles HEAVY LIGHT Example of heavy before

not functional if the proximal muscles (heavy work muscles) are not strong enough to lift and stabilize the position of the arms


a.Early mobility phase that serves a protective function b.Muscle acting on one side of a joint Reciprocal inhibition (agonist) quickly contracts while its opposite (innervations) (antagonist) relaxes i.Ex: infants who randomly flex and extend their arms and legs a.Opposing muscles contract simultaneously, resulting in stabilization of the joint b.Allows a person to hold an object for a long time c.Standing upright is a result of co-contraction of the trunk Co-contraction

mobility on stability Proximal muscles move, distal muscles are fixed Ex: During creeping the infant is in a quadruped (all-fours) position. The hands and Heavy work feet are in a fixed position, but the shoulders and hips move a.Highest level of control and combines the efforts of mobility and stability Ex: reaching overhead to unscrew a light bulb 2 types of SENSORY stimulation utilized in ROOD DO NOT PERFORM cutaneous stimulation if 3 types of Cutaneous stimulation Skill Cutaneous stimulation and Proprioceptive stimulation Patient is unstable Light moving touch Fast brushing Icing

a. Refers to the facilitation of joint and muscle receptors and the vestibular system. Gives clinician Proprioceptive stimulation more control over motor response. Motor response lasts as long as the stimulus is applied facilitated contraction at the joint undergoing compression 1.Combined with developmental patters-prone on elbows, quadruped, sitting and standing 2.Most effective when applied on the longitudinal axis of long bones (humerus and the Heavy joint compression

femur) Applied by holding the proximal bony prominences of the limb to be stretched while moving the distal joint in one direction Quick stretch

over muscle belly with finger tips (3-5 times) can be done before and during the time a pt is voluntarily Tapping contracting the muscle Avoid prolong or excessive tapping to prevent spasticity 1. Extreme caution should be taken because of the negative effect it can have on the body. Requires Vestibular stimulation proper supervision and training produces tonal changes Avoid vibration over spastic muscles, or muscles prone to developing spasticity. Vibration Avoid in children <3 and use caution with those >65 an inhibitory technique, to reduce muscle tone and for general relaxation Neutral warmth

to inhibit spastic or tight muscle groups in which the tendons are accessible Apply pressure to the Manual pressure tendinous insertion of a muscle or across long tendons to inhibit spastic muscles around a joint 1.Use with hemiplegic pt, to alleviate pain and to offset muscles imbalance temporarily around the should joint 2.Normal weight will inhibit Light joint compression

Position hypertonic extremities in the _________________ for various periods. Elongated position Maintaining stretch in this position has an inhibitory effect Ex: casting or splinting 1.Vanilla-produces calming effect 2.Sulfa and ammonia-triggers protective response such as coughing and sneezing Initially -if severe neurological damage is present, the pt may need to begin with Progress the pt along with the Olfactory and gustatory stimuli reflexive movements ontogenic developmental

patterns can reinforce patterns and can be used to inhibit or facilitate specific muscles activity-used to prepare pt Sensory stimulation for purposeful activity roll over pattern can be reinforced by have the pt turn in bed to reach bed controls Prone-on elbows can be adapted for tabletop use by having the pt sit at a table and lean on the affected elbow and forearm while playing a recreational game Grooming activities can also be positioned so that the pt must lean on affected elbow and forearm while reaching for objects Standing position provides best position for ontogenic patterns when positioning patients for activities ontogenic patterns when positioning patients for activities ontogenic patterns when positioning patients for activities performing ADLs

While standing, the pt can while performing a homemaking activity, the use his/her arms to individual can reach up to place objects in a cabinet explore and manipulate the environment

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