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Bats are the only mammals capable of flight. When most creatures return to their homes at night, bats will take to the air where they hunt for moths and other flying insects. Their leather like wings allow them to swoop through the darkness and catch their prey. Most bats are insectivores (only eat insects) but some feed on fruit, nectar, fish, small mammals and even reptiles. Most bats have one or two young each year. The young are left in a nursery roost, huddled together for warmth. There are almost 1,000 different kinds of bats. The smallest bat is the Kitti's hog-nosed bat and measures 2934 mm in length. The largest bat is the giant golden-crowned flying fox, which measures 336343 mm in length and has a wingspan of 1.5 m! It is called this because it has a fox-like face. They are found in Africa, southern Asia, and Australia. Farmers do not like these kind of bats as they eat the farm crops. Today, many kinds of bats are becoming rare because their feeding areas are being destroyed by building and farming. All bats and their roosts are protected by law in Britain. When bats are sleeping they hang upside down and use their clawed back feet to hang on. They also use their clawed wings to hold on to rocks and travel through the caves. Bats use echolocation to find their way in the dark. They make high pitched squeaking and clicking noises that most humans are unable to hear. Bats also use echolocation to work out the size and distance of an object. Although most species of bat have small eyes, none of them are actually blind. They have a high sense of smell and hearing and can travel long distances in search of food.

Quick facts
Diet: Life span: Type: Carnivore Up to 20 years Mammal

Primary Leap Ltd. 2012

www.primaryleap.co.uk - Primary Resources



Name: Date:

Subject: KS 2 - Themes Sheet: Bats Read the information sheet about bats on the previous page and then answer the questions.

a) What makes bats different from other mammals? _______________________________ b) Are bats nocturnal or diurnal? _________________ c) What is an insectivore? ___________________________________________________ d) Underline the correct answer. The largest species of bat has a wingspan of: 1. 3 m 3. 1.5 m 2. 2.5 m 4. 1 m

e) What is the smallest bat called? ______________________________ _______________ f ) All bats are blind. Is this sentence true or false? __________________ g) What is the average lifespan of a bat? ________________________________________ h) Unscramble the following word. c a e h o l c i t o n o __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ i) How do bats sleep? ______________________________________________________ j) Do you see bats flying around where you live? _____________________ k) What sort of noises do bats make? __________________________________________

Primary Leap Ltd. 2012

www.primaryleap.co.uk - Primary Resources

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