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Tantric Journey Through the Chakras

Sixth Chakra - Ajna Chakra Third-Eye Chakra

Sex to Spirit Online Course

This is the energy of seeing all as one, all as divine. At this level it becomes very difficult to talk about the chakras because we are much higher than ordinary reality, and so language starts to limit us. These higher vibrations can only be known by altering ones state of consciousness. Only meditators can really grasp the higher states, and this is only through experience. In Tantra, we aim to sublimate sexual energy up to these higher levels. What this means is to raise the sexual energy upwards from the genitals, so that the energy itself refines and purifies. As it flows into higher centers it becomes lighter, and we feel higher. The whole of our perception of reality alters. We aim to move up above the personal perception of life and into a more expanded vision.

The third eye is about having that expanded vision. No more do we see everything in relation to ourself and our belief structure. We can see reality in a wider perspective, from a clear and empty mind. When we look at others from this perception, we see God everywhere. It is not to say we are blind to the faults or limitations of others, but that we can see the source of everyones words and actions. That source is one. That source is divine. To make love in the ajna vibration is to make love as God and Goddess. This is not simply an imagined scenario, but a true seeing. Highly experienced Tantrikas report seeing their lover shimmring in gold, their whole face utterly transformed, their being as a God. This is called Transfiguration in Tantra and is often said to be the highest goal to attain. It is not only about seeing ones lover this way, but seeing all beings as divine.

NB the love-making position of yab-yum is associated with the third eye. This is when the woman sits in the mans lap. In this position both lovers roots are pointing to the earth, and both crowns to heaven. Thus both spines are aligned, all chakras are alignedit is a shared meditating position. The couple can touch foreheads together to connect the third eye if they choose, or gazing upon the beloved may be chosen.

Sixth Chakra Summary

Order Traditional name Common name Element Sixth Chakra Ajna Third-Eye chakra (No elementbeyond all elements) Divinity Making love as God and Goddess Woman on top facing away from the man can stimulate ajna, sitting in yab-yum looking into each others eyes. Stuck in perception of reality from self-center, rigid and limited belief system Altered perception of reality Indigo Bramacharyasana, Nasasparshanasana

Sexual Energy Love Making style Love Making position(s)

Weak symptoms

Strong symptoms Colour Yoga Asanas

Activating the sixth chakra

Meditate Meditate Meditate Consecrate your love-making to Highest Consciousness. This means to offer your lovemaking in a prayer before you begin. Create a sacred space in which to meditate and make love. Make your bedroom like a temple. Explore tantric rituals. Meditate on the colour indigo and the symbol for the sixth chakra. Breathe through your third-eye center as you meditate.

Journal questions to explore your sixth chakra

How often do you see your thoughts from afar, as if witnessing them? How do you feel about the words Divine and God? Do these make your uncomfortable? Do they bring back childhood concepts of men with big beards on a cloud? Can you relate to these terms at all in your daily life? Have you ever seen your lover as a God/Goddess as you make love to them? Can you see God in all beings? How is this concept for you to contemplate?

Take time to feel and write each question. After writing and contemplating, sit back in meditation pose (spine as straight as possible, root towards the earth and crown towards the sky) and breathe in and out of the sixth chakra area. After twenty minutes of meditation, sit back and see what thoughts, images, memories or reflections come to mind. You may wish to draw onto a blank page, any image that comes. Take a day or more to integrate before moving onto the next chakra. Watch what life brings you over those dayswho you meet and what you experience. They may well be lessons related to this chakra! Blessings on your journey!

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copyright Shashi Solluna 2011. all rights reserved.

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