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programs:1) load an image using openfiledialog,button,picturebox; 2) mouse moving events; 3)create a list box,textbox with buttons add an item,

remove an item,clear items,show selected item. 4)Create a form with two list boxes. Add a number of items to one list box at design time by using the Properties window. Create a button that, when clicked, removes the selected item in the first list and adds it to the second list. 5)creating and adding child nodes. (ex:- a person name and languages known....) 6)create a form which fades and gets back. (use opacity property and thread.sleep()); 7) closing a form and opening another form using dialog box? 8) Create a project with a text box, button, and label control. When the user clicks the button, move the contents of the text box to a variable and then move the contents of the variable to the label s Text property. (Hint: A String variable will do the trick.) 9) Rewrite the following code so that a single array variable is used rather tha n two standard variables. (Hint: Do not use a multidimensional array.) string strGameTitleOne; string strGameTitleTwo; strGameTitleOne = Battlfield 2 ; strGameTitleTwo = The Orange Box ; 10)Create a project that has a single text box on a form. Assume that a user enters a valid birthday into the text box. Use the date functions to tell the us er what day of the week he or she was born on. 11)use switch-case select circle,square,rectangle,... and display number of side s required. 12)Create a text box in your No Remainders project and let the user enter a number.Find the first 10 numbers that are evenly divisible by the number entered by the user.Use int.Parse() to convert the user s input to an integer. 13)Modify your custom dialog box project so that the OK button is the form s Accept button. That way, the user must only press Enter to dismiss the dialog box. Next, make the Cancel button the form s Cancel button so that the user can also press the Escape key to dismiss the form. 14) drag and drop combobox bind the directorys ,files etc., to it or u can use l ist box?

15) use combobox the moment we select the item the image has to be displayed of that item? 16) Generate random numbers and use the arithmetic operators. 17) in form1 the name entered in form 2 the name has to appear?? 18) using random class generated random colors. 19) using webbrower and navigate method navigate to the desired location. 20) using treeview find the parent and child elements selected by the user. 21) using treeview bind the directories. 22) using the datetime find the difference between earlier and present date. 23) using the system.io find all the directories and filetypes requested. (searching) 24) using panel and picturebox move the image top-bottom,or left- right vice ver sa; 25) using radiobuttons and panel design a quiz program? 26) create a stop watch program?

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