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The Robin Redbreast

The robin redbreast is a bird of Spring, a time of new growth and new beginnings. It flies
into our lives on the winds of change asking us to weed our personal gardens and plant
new seeds for our future. Rebirth and renewal require changes in all areas of life that
have become stagnant and outdated. The robin redbreast teaches us to how to make these
changes with joy in our hearts. Its song is a happy one reminding us to let go of our
personal drama and learn to laugh with life. If this medicine is underdeveloped those
with this totem are continually challenged by the prospects of change. Difficulties arise
and emotional discord can surface. Learning how to release our attachments to the old is
one of the life lessons the redbreast helps us master.

This bird packs a powerful punch. It holds strong significance in ancient myth and lore.
One legend had its origins in European mythology, in which the bird of Spring was
associated with the New Year and represented divine sacrifice and the rebirth of the

In Medieval Europe the robin redbreast was often depicted attending the Christ child, an
emblem of the Passion to come. It was told how, at that fateful hour, it was the tiny robin
who flew to Jesus' Crown of Thorns, striving valiantly to pluck the spines away with his
beak. Unfortunately the bird succeeded only in tearing his own breast on the thorns. Ever
since then it was thought that all robins wore red feathers on their bosoms as a badge of
honor. The robin redbreast is a bird of divine service. Those with this totem often have
past life ties to the Christ energy. They make excellent priests and missionaries.

The red coloring of the robins chest is linked to the kundalini in man. This life force
lives coiled up within the base of the spine. When sufficient spiritual growth has been
attained it uncoils, rising up the spine to create heightened awareness. This process
enhances psychic vision which leads us into enlightenment. Those with this medicine are
dedicated spiritual seekers. Growth can be slow and arduous. With patience, compassion
and proper focus spiritual ideals are achieved.

Robins lay powder blue eggs. This is the color associated with the throat chakra in man.
It is also linked to heavenly inspiration. Because the throat chakra's main function is to
express the will of God and the egg is symbolic of new life, this helpful little totem
teaches us how to assert the creative will of God in all we do. It leads us into new
beginnings without fear by restoring faith within our hearts.

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