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Ingeborg Gazi Herrera / E s s e n t i a l S O L O E X H I B I T I O N S :


Keep Going ,organized by Tone Lise stbe AdHoc Galleri(Stavanger / Norway 2011). Petittruk,self-managed Couleur Cafe(Amiens/ France nov 2009) AdHoc Christmas Exhibition, organized by Tone Lise stbe (Stavanger, Norway/ 2008) Giraff in the Snow, organized by Tone Lise stbe Bli-Z Gallery(Stavanger, Norway/ 2008) Anima Mundi, self-managed Chaco House(Crdoba, Arg. / 2004) Pequeeces, self-managed La Negrita Arte(Crdoba, Arg. / 2002) G R O U P E X H I B I T I O N S :

Agosto Arts exhibition organized by Santiago Lena (Lena Santiago workshop, Crdoba Argentina 2013) La Casa Invita Arts exhibition organized by Juan Juarez (Casa de la Cultura, Villa Allende Argentina 2012) Tertulia Ceramics Exhibition/Fair, self-managed (Variable places, Crdoba Argentina 2011/12) Brillante Arts exhibition organized by Luca Malvido (Teatro La Luna, Crdoba Argentina 2011) Ritual Collective Arts exhibition organized by Vernica Molas (Universidad Blas Pascal, Crdoba Argentina 2011) Mercado Negro/Black Market Christmas Exhibition/Fair organized by La Quinta Pata (Crdoba, Arg. /dec 2006)- Loqueyoentendi WhatIunderstood (Crdoba, Arg. /dec 2006) 1st and2nd edition

Annual Exhibition Hall of A.P.A.C. (Asociation of Plastic Artistsfrom Cordoba) (Crdoba, Arg. / 2003) Collective Sculpture Exhibition, Central Exhibitions Hall(University of Crdoba, Arg. / 1999) Collective Engraving Exhibition, Unquillo Cultural House, (Crdoba, Arg. / 1998) J O B S : Teaching. Currently JTP(Jefa de Trabajos Prcticos)in UNLaR National University of La Rioja Courses and workshops(2000-13) Potter,ceramics and plaster cast production/restauration tasks (Crdoba, Arg. /2005-13) Design and execution of exhibition halls, shop windows dressing and interior decoration works (Crdoba, Arg. /2003-13) Requested pieces (Madrid, Spain 2007/8 - Argentina 2011/13) Graphic design assistant at the Town Council of Amiens(France / 2009) Assistant at FX-Special Effects, atrezzos, set scenery and special effects for cinema and televition (Madrid, Spain / 2007) Props manager and technical assistance for audio-visual productions (Crdoba, Arg. /2005-07) Several artistic multidisciplinary events: exhibitions, theatreplays, instalations, happenings, performances and body art. (Crdoba, Arg. /1997-2001)

Pieces in Art private collections from Argentina, Spain, Italy, Sweden, Norway, France, Switzerland.

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