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Captulo 1 Basic Legal Terms

Actividades Semana 1
UNIT 1 Basic legal terms

I. Look up the meaning of the next words. 1. Veredict Response to a jury given to a fact in civil or criminal, to questions posed by the court. 2. Legal system Make up the set of laws, customs, reasons and jurisprudence of positive law that govern in various countries of the world. 3. Court The judiciary consists of a single judge. 4. Complaint A writing or through which communication is evident dissatisfaction of a human user regarding the service received from, for example, an organization. 5. Paralegal Assistant counsel with specialized training legal. 6. Plaintiff Person filing a lawsuit. 7. Civil And addresses the issues inherent in a specific city or for the citizens who live there. II. Explain the role or the job of the next person.

1. Jury

Hears arguments for and against the accused. Is accused of a crime. resolve a complaint Person legally authorized to defend their clients in court, represent or advise.

2. Defendant

3. Judge

4. Attorney

UNIT 2 Basic legal concepts I. Look up the meaning of the next words. 1. Legal action Human act, voluntary or conscious, lawful and intended to immediately establish among those legal relationships, create, alter or extinguish rights and obligations. 2. Proof Reason or testimony demonstrating the truth or falsity of a thing. 3. Settle Take a fixed determination and decisive. 4. Trial Hearing a case in which the judge has to pronounce the sentence. 5. Appeal A procedure for a case reviewed by a higher court to ensure that the procedures and lower court decisions have been made correctly.

II. Fill in the blanks with the correct words and phrases from the word bank. Legal action Proof Settle Trial Appeal 1. Hopefully, Mr. Wilton will be able to settle this problem without going to court. 2. Mrs. Janson decided to appeal after the judge ruled against her. 3. 4. 5. In this trial the defendant is accused of stealing from a bank. Ms. Britt wants to take legal action against her employer for not giving her a promotion. Attorneys dont win cases when there is not enough proof to support their arguments.

UNIT 3 Legal resources

I. Look up the meaning of the next words. Meaning 1. Legal encyclopedia Is where notes related to a case. 2. Computerized database Reference Search tool that provides access to information. Report on a person. Is a number, a fact, which can be a name, allowing the subsequent location of a thing or object when needed in any field any publication is unitary, non-periodic, of literary, artistic, scientific, technical, educational, informative or recreational, printed in any medium, whose edition is made in full at one time in one volume or multiple volumes intervals or fascicles . Someone or something that has all the things that are expressed. Provide firsthand testimony or direct evidence concerning a topic under investigation. They are created by witnesses or recorders who experienced the events or conditions that were documented. Prearranged encounter between two or more people, at a date, time and place. News or information about someone or something.



Form book

Traduccin Ensiclopedia legal: es donde se encuentran notas relacionadas a un caso. Base de datos: Instrumento de bsqueda que facilita el acceso a la informacin. Referencia: informe sobre una persona. Es un nmero, un dato, que puede ser un nombre, que permitir la posterior localizacin de una cosa u objeto cuando sea necesaria en cualquier mbito El libro: es toda publicacin unitaria, no peridica, de carcter literario, artstico, cientfico, tcnico, educativo, informativo o recreativo, impresa en cualquier soporte, cuya edicin se haga en su totalidad de una sola vez en un volumen o a intervalos en varios volmenes o fascculos.



Compendio: Alguien o algo que rene todas las cosas que se expresan. Fuentes primarias: ofrecen testimonios de primera mano o de pruebas directas relativas a un tema que se investiga. Son creadas por los testigos o grabadoras que experimentaron los eventos o condiciones que se documentaron.


Primary materials





Cita: encuentro previamente acordado entre dos o ms personas, en una fecha, hora y lugar determinado. Referencias: noticia o informacin sobre alguien o algo.


Case annotations

10. Form books

Serves as a brief summary of the law and the facts of a case and demonstrates how to interpret and apply the law. printed or typed document with blank spaces for the insertion of the information required or requested.

Caso de anotacin: sirve como un breve resumen de la ley y los hechos de un caso y demuestra cmo se interpreta y se aplica una ley. Libro de formas: un documento impreso o mecanografiado con espacios en blanco para la insercin de la informacin requerida o solicitada

UNIT 4 Sources of law I. Look up the meaning of the next words. Meaning 1. Constitutional law Is a branch of public law whose field of study includes the analysis of the fundamental laws that define a State 2. State law Is one that is governed by a system of laws and institutions organized around a constitution. Any action or proceeding must be held or be referred to a written rule of law. 3. Statute Regulation, ordinance or set of laws for regulating the operation of an entity or a collective. 4. Court rules Group of people who are responsible for administering justice in a state. 5. Legislation Laws created by the government. 6. Policy Is an activity oriented ideological as decisions of a group to achieve certain goals. 7. Pertain Write a fact written word. 8. Precedent Action taken before, serves as an example or rule for similar cases occurring later. 9. Procedure Acts which tend to the application of a general law to a particular case to fix it or resolving it. Traduccin Derecho constitucional: es una rama del derecho pblico cuyo campo de estudio incluye el anlisis de las leyes fundamentales que definen un Estado Ley estatal : es aquel que se rige por un sistema de leyes e instituciones ordenado en torno de una constitucin. Cualquier medida o accin debe estar sujeta o ser referida a una norma jurdica escrita.

Estatuto: Reglamento, ordenanza o conjunto de normas legales por las que se regula el funcionamiento de una entidad de una colectividad. Tribunal: conjunto de personas que se encargan de administrar justicia en un estado. Leyes creadas por el gobierno. Poltica: es una actividad orientada en forma ideolgica a la toma de decisiones de un grupo para alcanzar ciertos objetivos. Relacionar: Redactar un hecho de palabra por escrito. Precedente: accin realizada con anterioridad, sirve de ejemplo o norma para casos semejantes, que suceden despus. Proceso o procedimiento: actos que tienden a la aplicacin de una ley general a un caso concreto para solucionarlo o dirimirlo.

UNIT 5 Preliminary documents

I. Look up the meaning of the next words. Meaning 1. Medical records Essential element for the control and management of medical services, is evidence in case of liability. Is an element of expert opinion. Letters are handwritten or 2. Correspondence
typed or communications by any means, in any language, even in code from one person to another, within the same population or a different.

Traduccin Registros medicos: Elemento fundamental, para el control y gestin de servicios mdico, es elemento de prueba en caso de responsabilidad. Es un elemento de dictamen pericial.
Correspondencia: son las cartas o comunicaciones manuscritas o mecanografiadas por cualquier medio, en cualquier idioma y aun en clave, que una persona enva a otra, dentro de la misma poblacin o a otra distinta.

3. 4.

Police report Fee agreement

5. 6.

Agenda Intake memo

Report on an event or crime. Is a figure that allows taxpayers to get time to pay their tax obligations. program of activities of a given period. They are taught as part of legal writing courses in the faculties of law and paralegal training. This is prepared by the Public Ministry which nate a complaint faith objects declaration, the police has initiated an inquest senders against a person who was detained in the act and this agreement is critical to an accused under investigation . Is due to different reasons, whose common link, use in legal and judicial fields, (complaints, lawsuits, etc..) Set of documents necessary to carry out an action.


Retainer agreement

Informe policiaco: informe sobre un hecho o delito. Son una figura que permite al contribuyente obtener plazo para el pago de sus obligaciones tributarias. Agenda: programa de actividades de un periodo determinado. Nota de admisin: Se les ensea como parte de los cursos de escritura legal en las facultades de derecho y para la capacitacin paralegal. Este es elaborado por el Ministerio Pblico el cual nate una denuncia, fe objetos, declaracion, de los policias remitentes ha iniciado una averiguacion en contra de una persona la cual fue detenida en flagrante delito y este acuerdo es fundamental para tener bajo investigacin a un inculpado. Carta modelo: se debe a diferentes motivos, que tienen como nexo en comn, la utilizacin en mbitos legales o judiciales, (denuncias, demandas, etc.) Paquete de demanda: conjunto de documentos necesarios para llevar a cabo una demanda.


Form letter


Demand package

10. Pre-litigation

The set of actions aimed at the prior execution of the administrative act. We can also say that is the set of systematic and orderly acts involved in the legal field of managed.

El conjunto de actos encaminados a la realizacin previa del acto administrativo. Tambin podemos decir que es el conjunto de actos sistematizados y ordenados que intervienen en la esfera jurdica del administrado.

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