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AMERICA, Superpower of

by David Dence

OK, so you noticed the question mark. Why would I question such a well established tradition? Because
America is the victim of a bureaucratic coup d'etat foisted upon her without the citizen’s knowledge or
consent! America has lost her sovereignty. She is now controlled by international treaties, which supersede
her own constitution! Let’s take a look at a few headlines:

“In the next century nationhood as we know it will be obsolete. All states will recognize a single global
authority.” Strobe Talbott, Clinton's roommate at Oxford, Deputy Secretary of State. Time magazine July 20,

The Cincinnati Post announces:

America's superpower status is about to end
Speaking of Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Stephen Hadley and Condoleezza Rice, “they
all know that the days of the United States as the world's sole superpower are numbered. America does not
speak with as much authority as she once did.”
Speaking of China, “Washington will be facing a formidable rival. And there is no way of stopping China
from catching up with the current Lone Superpower short of nuking their entire economy.”

“We will have a World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World
Government will be achieved by conquest or consent.”--Paul Warburg (pictured), Council on Foreign
Relations and architect of the Federal Reserve System, February 17, 1950

The Collapse of the United States is Accelerating...

Submitted by SadInAmerica on April 28, 2008
“The United States is hemorrhaging from every orifice, and oil prices can be used to measure the rapidity of
its demise. According to global markets, the US dollar is losing its perceived value. The dollar is not money
any longer but a handful of paper distributed in the world without commodity support.”

The Coming End of the American Superpower

“America's rising living standards are not rising anymore. America's days as a superpower are rapidly
coming to an end.”

Is the United States a superpower? I think not. Consider these facts:

The financial position of the United States has declined dramatically. The United States is heavily indebted,
both government and consumers. The U.S. trade deficit both in absolute size and as a percentage of GDP is
unprecedented, reaching more than $800 billion in 2005 and accumulating to $4.5 trillion since 1990. With
U.S. job growth falling behind population growth and with no growth in consumer real incomes, the United
States economy is driven by expanding consumer debt. Saving rates are low or negative. The federal budget
is deep in the red, adding to America's dependency on debt. The United States cannot even go to war unless
foreigners are willing to finance it. Our biggest bankers are China and Japan, both of whom could cause the
United States serious financial problems, if they wished. A country whose financial affairs are in the hands of
foreigners is not a superpower.

The United States is heavily dependent on imports for manufactured goods, including advanced technology
products. In 2005, U.S. dependency (in dollar amounts) on imported manufactured goods was twice as large
as U.S. dependency on imported oil. In the 21st century, the United States has
experienced a rapid increase in dependency on imports of advanced technology products. A country
dependent on foreigners for manufactures and advanced technology products is not a superpower.
Because of sending our jobs offshore and illegal immigration, U.S. consumers create jobs for foreigners, not
for Americans. Bureau of Labor Statistics document the loss of manufacturing jobs and the inability of the
U.S. economy to create jobs in categories other than domestic "hands on" services. According to a March
2006 report from the Center for Immigration Studies, most of these jobs are going to immigrants: "Between
March 2000 and March 2005, only 9 percent of the net increase in jobs for adults (18 to 64) went to natives.
This is striking because natives accounted for 61 percent of the net increase in the overall size of the 18 to
64-year-old population." During the last four years the US has experienced a net loss of 760,000 private
sector jobs (January 2001 - January 2005). A country that cannot create jobs for its native-born population is
not a superpower.

"No economy," Hindery said, "can survive the offshoring of both manufacturing and services concurrently.
In fact, no society can even take excessive offshoring of manufacturing alone." According to Hindery,
offshoring serves the short-term interests of shareholders and executive pay at the long-term expense of U.S.
economic strength. A country whose business class has no sense of the nation is not a superpower.

By launching a war of aggression on the basis of lies and fabricated "intelligence," the Bush regime violated
the Nuremburg standard established by U.S. and international law. Extensive civilian casualties and
infrastructure destruction in Iraq, along with the torture of detainees in concentration camps and an ever-
changing excuse for the war, have destroyed the soft power and moral leadership that provided the
diplomatic foundation for America's superpower status. A country that is no longer respected or trusted and
which promises yet more war isolates itself from cooperation from the rest of the world. An isolated country
is not a superpower.

A country that fears small, distant countries to such an extent that it utilizes its military in place of diplomatic
means is not a superpower. The entire world knows that the United States is not a superpower when its entire
available military force is tied down by a small, lightly armed insurgency.

Neoconservatives think the United States is a superpower because of its military weapons and nuclear
missiles. However, as the Iraqi resistance has demonstrated, America's superior military firepower is not
enough to prevail in fourth generation warfare. The Bush regime has reached this conclusion itself, which is
why it increasingly speaks of attacking Iran with nuclear weapons. The United States is the only country to
have used nuclear weapons against an opponent. If six decades after nuking Japan the United States again
resorts to the use of nuclear weapons, it will establish itself as a war criminal state under the control of
insane people. Any sympathy that might still exist for the United States would immediately disappear, and
the world would unite against America. A country against which the world is united is not a superpower.

Remember what our own Ellen White predicted:

“National apostasy will speedily be followed by national ruin.”--RH, June 15, 1897
“This nation will yet be humbled into the dust.”--1T 259

Perhaps you are thinking, “Oh sure, but this will not happen until after probation closes.”
I wish that were the case.

What about the Bible? Does it indicate what we may expect in the near future? Yes indeed it does. It is my
hope in this study to show you a better way of interpreting Revelation 13. It will take some concentration on
your part and some skill on my part and some inspiration on the Holy Spirit’s part. But together, we can learn
at Jesus’ feet. If you are above 14 with an Adventist background, it may take several years for this to sink in.
It may also take several exposures before you are willing to credit this as truth. If this is your first exposure,
welcome to a new and thrilling adventure in God’s Word. This profound subject is only a small piece in a
vast matrix of apocalyptic prophecy. I wish I could just pass you the end of my USB cable and upload this
data into your head, but that is not the way it works. It will take a firm commitment on your part. But it will
be well worth your time and effort. I will try to make this simple. If you are a seasoned scholar, you may be
looking for a great quantity of references and bibliography. In reality it is not more documentation you need,
you already have all the documentation. What you need to see is how to put all the pieces together. What I
offer you is not new pieces, but a new framework on which to hang the pieces.

So where shall we start? First you will notice that America is not included in the Daniel 2 image. This
subject is really quite simple. The complications come from the hurdles that stand in the way. Perhaps you
are saying, “Yeah but Sister White says……” In that case, it might be better to lay this aside and pick up my
study entitled, The Proper Relationship Between the Spirit of Prophecy and the Bible.” You will discover
that Sister White never claimed to be an authority on apocalyptic prophecy.

As the days go by it is becoming more apparent that America has lost her sovereignty. She is no longer at the
pinnacle of world power. We are thus forced to make a paradigm shift. It is my desire to assist you in making
that shift as smoothly as possible.

The idea of the lamb-like beast representing America was not original with Sister White. Surprised? She
simply went along with this idea which was in vogue in her day. Back in England in 1699 some English
students were studying the prophecies and proposed that the lamblike beast which comes up out of the earth
might be the emerging new world. Since no one had a better explanation, it was seriously considered by
some Bible scholars. Then the Baptist historian Isaac Backus (1724-1806) took up the idea. And later James
White and John Andrews became fascinated with this view and from Andrews it became part of The Great
Controversy. But today, with the flood of increased light God has shed on His Word, we clearly have a better
explanation. Did you know that Ellen White attributes Revelation 13:13 to the devil? Notice this statement:
“By thousands of voices all over the earth the warning will be given. Miracles will be wrought, the sick will
be healed, and signs and wonders will follow the believers. Satan also works with lying wonders, even
bringing down fire from heaven in the sight of men. Revelation 13:13 Thus the inhabitants of the earth will
be brought to take their stand.”--GC611

The reason we do not correctly understand the second beast of Revelation 13 is because we do not
understand the first beast.

Revelation 13 (New International Reader's Version)

I saw a beast coming out of the sea. He had ten horns and seven heads. There were ten crowns on his horns.
On each head was an evil name that was displeasing to God.
2 The beast I saw looked like a leopard. But he had feet like a bear and a mouth like a lion. The dragon gave
the beast his power, his throne, and great authority.
3 One of the beast's heads seemed to have had a deadly wound. But the wound had been healed. The whole
world was amazed and followed the beast.

This has not happened yet. Let me say that one more time. This has not happened yet. Perhaps you thought
this is the same ten-horned beast Daniel saw. Please do not let anyone talk you into accepting such sloppy
fulfillments of God’s precise prophecies. When this prophecy is fulfilled, you will be amazed at its accuracy.
The whole world has not yet wondered after the beast. This beast has not yet raised its ugly head. How do I
know? In verse 3 John tells us that one of the heads seemed to have had a deadly wound, but that the wound
had been healed. What has always gone over your head is the realization that at the time John sees this beast
ascend, the wound had already been healed! In English we call this past perfect tense. Your mind should be
whirling now. Surely you know something about the infliction of the deadly wound. You have heard about it
so many times you don’t pay much attention any more. You may have to read this several more times. With
the aid of the Holy Spirit you will soon realize that the first beast of Revelation 13 does not come into view
until after the deadly wound is healed.

Let’s review:
The deadly wound was inflicted in 1798. In that year Breathier, one of Napoleon's generals, took the French
army to Rome. The Bishop of Rome, Pope Pius VI was summoned to surrender. Upon his refusal, he was
dragged from the altar and his rings were torn from his fingers. The premises were plundered in his presence.
His temporal power was declared abolished and he was taken prisoner and carried to France where he died.
The civil power of the Papacy ceased and a republic was set up in Rome. So, that means that the seven
headed ten horned beast does not appear until after 1798. Are you with me? But that is when the deadly
would was inflicted. The text says that the wound had been healed. Looks like we still have a little historical
research to do. What do you know about the healing of the wound? In February, 1929, the Lateran Treaty
was signed with Benito Mussolini (pictured) granting the wounded church 110 acres to be known as Vatican
City State, placing it above and not subject to the lawful Italian Government. Theologians call this the
healing of the wound. This means that the seven headed ten horned beast does not appear until sometime
after 1929. You did not know this was all so relevant, did you?


Contrary to popular opinion, the seven heads are not seven popes. Remember, only one of the heads received a
deadly wound and was healed. That’s right, only one of the seven heads is Catholic. But this fact provides a valuable
clue to the other six heads. The heads are contemporaries. That means that they are all alive and active at the same time.
Have you ever seen a painting of this beast where the artist drew some of the heads hanging limply from the body?
Certainly not. Interpreting the seven heads as seven popes does not fit the bill, because popes are consecutive.

John gives us another critical clue: “and on his heads the names of blasphemy.” Notice all the heads were
blasphemous. What kind of word is blasphemy? Is it a sports word? Is it a political word? Is it a nautical
term? Is it a culinary word? No, it is clearly a religious word. Thus the heads must be religious. All of them.
They are seven similar entities, all of the same substance, independent, but united in the beast. John has
already identified one of the heads as Catholic. Therefore it is not difficult to identify the other world
religions represented by the other six heads. It is quite easy to remember them if we identify them

The first false religion is heathenism. Heathenism’s premise is that man can make his own god. Cain was the
first heathen. He did not like Able’s God, so he made up his own god. And today heathenism still flourishes
in Africa and the south sea islands.

The next false religion was atheism. Atheism’s premise is that there is no god. It was atheism and heathenism
that caused the antediluvians to perish in the flood.

The next two religions came from Abraham: Judaism and Islam. Founded by Isaac and Ishmael. Judaism
rejects the teachings of Jesus as the Messiah and seeks salvation through obedience and ceremonies. Islam
denies that Jesus is the Son of God or the Savior of the world. Did you know that there are more Moslems
than Catholics in the world today?

Next came Eastern Mysticism which teaches that man can become God. This broad false religion includes
Buddhism, Hinduism, Mormonism, and the New Age.

John was also told that one head "is," and that one "is yet to come." The head or religious system that was
current in John’s day was Christianity. But already the center of influence had shifted from Jerusalem to
Rome. Remember, Jerusalem was destroyed in AD 70. By this time, AD 97, the Bishops of Rome had
assumed dominance over the rapidly growing Christian community.

John also learned that five had already fallen. That does not mean that they ceased to exist. No, no. It means
that the life and teachings of Jesus proved that they were all false. They are all alive and well today.

The seventh and most recent head was brought about by the Protestant Reformation.

Thus we see that the seven heads represent:

1. Heathenism
2. Atheism
3. Judaism
4. Islam
5. Eastern Mysticism
6. Catholicism
7. Protestantism
Everyone in the world today falls under one of these seven categories. This is consistent with all that the
Bible teaches on this topic and is also compliant with recorded history. I just purchased a book from
amazon.com entitled, “The Seven World Religions.” Not six, not eight, but SEVEN! Isn’t it amazing to
watch the world around us fulfill Bible prophecy without even knowing it?

Revelation 17 sheds further light on these seven heads: 9 "This calls for a mind with wisdom. The seven
heads are seven hills on which the woman sits. 10 They are also seven kings.” The congregation looks UP to
its leaders. Decisions are handed DOWN to the members. Anciently devotees went UP to high places to
worship their gods. Religious leaders rule OVER their parishioners like kings. They seem to hold the keys of
eternal life or eternal death.

Breathe deeply. Drink some water. We still have some work to do. We cannot properly identify the lamblike
beast until we have identified the composite beast. The reason being - the lamblike beast does not make its
debut until after the first beast is alive and active.
The ten horns on the composite beast represent ten political leaders. Daniel 2 refers to them as ten toes.
Revelation 13 calls them ten horns. Revelation 17 denotes them as ten kings:
3 Then the angel carried me away in the Spirit into a wilderness. There I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet
beast that was covered with blasphemous names and had seven heads and ten horns.
12 "The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom.

Let’s not confuse this apocalyptic beast with the nondescript beast of Daniel 7 which only had one head and
ruled from 168 B.C. until 476 A.D. The seven headed, ten horned beast we see in Revelation 13 and 17 has
not risen yet. This is not a dose of futurism it is simply a dose of realism. Restrictive labels can sometimes be
a hindrance. If I told you that the plagues were still future would you call me a futurist?

Neither should we be confused with the later half of Revelation 17:12 which says: “who for one hour will
receive authority as kings along with the beast.” This is not talking about a space of time but a point in time.
Some good folks may try to apply the year-for-a-day yardstick to this passage and come up with 15 days.
Please don’t despair if these kings rule a little longer than 15 days. This phrase actually means in the SAME hour
or the “same era” with the beast. It means that the seven heads and the ten horns will receive authority as kings at the
same time.

Isn’t it exciting to see the picture coming together? Praise God. If you are not ready to rejoice just yet, please
don’t give up. The picture gets clearer. Let’s compare the phrase “one hour” with the phrase “one mind” as
seen in the very next verse:

13 They have one mind and will give their power and authority to the beast.

This means that they have the “same mind.” There are several Biblical examples of this rendition:

Romans 3:30
Seeing it is one God, (the same God) which shall justify the circumcision by faith, and uncircumcision
through faith.

John 17:22
And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one (the same), even as we are one
(the same):

Luke 12:52
For from henceforth there shall be five in one house (the same house) divided, three against two, and two
against three. (Insertions mine)

Thus we see that the ten political kings/horns reign at the same time, or along with the seven religious heads.

Many great evangelists today are standing before the people saying, “Not only are we living in the feet, not
only are we living in the toes, we are living right down in the toenails of the image.” Not so. As of this
writing we are not quite there yet. We are still in the feet “partly of baked clay and partly of iron.” The ten
horns/toes/kings “have not received a kingdom yet. But the ten toes are growing at an alarming rate! The
reason we should be excited about these emerging toes is because of what Daniel told King Nebuchadnezzar,
“And in the days of these [final ten] kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom which shall never be
destroyed.” Daniel 2:44 (Amplified Bible) May I assume that whenever the God of heaven sets up His
kingdom there will be reigning on the earth ten kings? Isn’t that what verse 44 says? Perhaps you are
thinking about the ten divisions of the fallen Roman empire. If those were the ten kings indicated in the
prophecy, then the God of heaven should have already set up His kingdom. And if you are thinking that the
ten divisions of the fallen Roman empire are still in existence today, you need help. We are not talking about
some local prophecy here. The beast with seven heads and ten horns that rises up out of the sea is a universal
power. The whole world will wonder after (obey) this beast. Did the whole world wonder after the ten
divisions of fallen Rome? Hardly.
Please notice that the Bible says “IN the days of these kings,” not after the days of these kings. You may
recall that the ten divisions of conquered Rome soon lost three divisions. Today we might account for seven
of the ten, but where are the weaker three? They were destroyed.
Anglo-Saxons (England)
Franks (France)
Alamanni (Germany)
Lombards (Italy)
Visigoths (Spain)
Burgundians (Switzerland)
Suevi (Portugal)
Heruli (Disappeared)
Ostrogoths (Destroyed)
Vandals (North Africa, later destroyed)

It is interesting to note that the fabulous pre-flood Atlantis had 10 regions governed by 10 kings. Israel's apostate
northern kingdom had 10 tribes. The legends of the Iranian race commence with the reign of ten kings.... In India we
meet with the nine Brahmadikas, who, with Brahma, their founder, make ten, who are called the Ten Fathers. The
Chinese count ten emperors, partaking of the divine nature, back in the tenth century. The Germans believed in the ten
ancestors of Odin, and the Arabs in the ten mythical kings of the Adites. Originally The League of Nations was
comprised of ten member nations. So did any of the above groups of ten kings fulfill Daniel 2:44? And why not?
Because they were not global, and they were not the FINAL ten.

In 1974 a global think-tank and public relations branch of the Bilderberg Group called the “Club of Rome,”
which has been charged with the task of overseeing the regionalization and unification of the entire world...
published a report called “Mankind at the Turning Point” written by Mihajlo Mesarovic and Eduard Pestel.
In this 210 page report on page 38 is a diagram of the world entitled “Regionalization of the World System.”
This diagram divides the nations of the earth into ten global regions under the umbrella of the World Trade
Organization. The current regional trade blocs of today have an uncanny resemblance to that original plan.
The implementation of this plan is in full swing. This is known as the shadow government, or the crisis
government, and may not align with today’s visible world governments. The four angels pictured in
Revelation 7 are valiantly holding back the winds of strife. When the winds are let loose, the ten political
kings and the seven religious leaders will come to power very quickly. They have been waiting for a long
time for a crisis of sufficient magnitude to justify their emergence.

“We are on the verge of a Global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis, and the nations will
accept the New World Order.”--David Rockefeller, Newsweek, January 1991

The formation of the North American Union is relentless and unstoppable. The inspection stickers on my
truck’s windshield, which I am required to get every three months, display three little flags at the bottom;
Canada, US, and Mexico! My son-in-law just bought a new Weed Eater. Proudly displayed on the box are
three brightly colored flags: Canada, US, and Mexico! Many manufactured products now are labeled as
Manufactured in North America! We are no longer talking about prophecy here folks. This is now history!

Now hear this: North Carolina has just created the first North American Union’s driver’s license, displaying
a hologram of the North American continent. This is a scanable hologram containing sensitive information
about the license holder. This was done without telling the people of North Carolina this was coming. There
was no discussion, no vote, no explanation. But illegal immigrants got the word early on. Bus loads of
Mexicans are traveling to North Carolina to get these easy ID cards. Marge Howell, spokeswoman for the
North Carolina DMV says, “holograms will eventually appear on every driver’s license in North America -
United States, Canada, and Mexico. This step will encourage uniformity and reciprocity among the states
and provinces.” Yeah right! This is just the beginning of the REAL ID system which will soon be
implemented nation-wide.

Opening our southern boarder to Mexican trucks is part of the NAFTA treaty. The US has no choice in the
matter. If the US prohibits Mexican trucks much longer we will be subjected to stiff sanctions and tariffs
running into billions of dollars. On September 7, 2007 the first Mexican trucks began running US highways.

From August 19 to 21, 2007, in the quiet tourist village of Montebello, Quebec, George W. Bush, Canadian
president Stephen Harper and Mexican president Felipe Calderón met behind closed doors. These three
participants have been derided as "the Three Amigos." They have set in motion plans that will change the
face of North America forever. Bush pushed his dubious agenda, suspiciously known as the Security and
Prosperity Partnership (SPP). This process is flying far below the public radar. Our sovereign nation has been
assimilated by an unconstitutional union--a union with two socialist nations. Former Mexican President
Vicente Fox shares the goal to merge the United States with Mexico and Canada and abolish both borders. In
his book Revolution of Hope, Fox admitted proposing to President Bush and Canada’s leader “a plan that
would move us toward a single continental economic union.” Bush chided Fox for being so frank about the
once secret plans for a North American Union.

In a ceremony that received virtually no attention in either the Canadian press or the American media, the
United States and Canada signed a military agreement Feb. 14, 2008 allowing the armed forces from one
nation to support the armed forces of the other nation during a domestic civil emergency, even one that does
not involve a cross-border crisis. The agreement, defined as a Civil Assistance Plan, was not submitted to
Congress for approval, nor did Congress authorize this military agreement. With this new agreement in place
President Bush can now declare a domestic emergency in which the combined forces of the US and Canada
can be deployed on US soil. This latest military integration is just another incremental step toward creating a
North American Army. Our northern neighbors lament that their government has “abandoned their duty to
the citizens and to the public good.”

The North American Union is not the first toe to be developed. Back in January 1957 six nations signed the
Treaty of Rome which formed the European Economic Community. Today the EEC has grown into the
European Union (EU) with 27 member nations. The amount of international integration achieved is
staggering. The EU is now the world’s greatest economic power, accounting for more than a third of the
globe’s total gross domestic product. It is the largest exporter in the world. The euro, the EU’s common
currency, has increased in value almost 50 percent against the US dollar since its introduction in 2002.

The Ninth African Union (AU) summit, which will be held from January 29 to February 3, 2008, in Addis
Ababa will host 44 heads of states and 2,500 guests. President Muhammar Al Ghadafi of Libya will come
with 400 delegates. The Organization of African Unity (OAU) was founded in 1963 and gave birth to the
African Union in 2002. Keep your ears open. Some interesting developments could come out of this summit.
A survey conducted by the Steadman Group on July 15, 2007 found that the majority of East Africans
support the creation of a United States of Africa! Kenya has the highest number of people in favor at 57%,
followed by Tanzania at 51% and Uganda, at 50%. And Libya has been calling for the 50 African nations to
unite for several years now. We are seeing prophecy being fulfilled before our very eyes.

Meanwhile, APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) which includes Japan, South Korea, Australia and
New Zealand, is coming together very nicely! Listen to what I learned from the July 20, 2007
, Australia’s largest newspaper: From September 7-10, 2007 twenty-one world leaders
including George W. Bush will meet in Sydney for a summit. It will be the biggest gathering of the world's
most powerful men Australia has ever seen. More than 5000 police, troops, federal agents and security personnel will
be deployed on city streets during the meetings. 3000 will be armed with guns. The city will be in virtual lockdown.
Large areas of the city will become no-go zones during the summit. No provisions are being made for the public to sit
in on meetings or even to walk by to see visiting dignitaries. Locals will not get more than a possible distant glimpse of
speeding limousines.
"Security is our number one concern," said Ms Fulwood, Commonwealth APEC spokeswoman. “Anyone
attempting to disrupt proceedings will be dealt with harshly and prevented from being granted bail for the
duration under draconian laws introduced for APEC. Counter-terrorism troops from the elite SAS and
Commandos and several Black Hawk helicopters will be on full-time duty during APEC week.”

WOW! Were they expecting some opposition? Perhaps they knew they were up to no good. After all, what
will it take to get these four powerful countries to give up their sovereignty? Perhaps a reminder of what
happened on September 11, 2001 in New York. You get the picture: Fall in step or else! You will recall that
three days after the summit Shinzo Abe, then prime minister of Japan resigned! I wonder why. Could it be
that he could not bear to give up the sovereignty of his proud nation? Remember that as late as the 1940s the
Japanese people considered the emperor as God.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy is pushing for a Mediterranean style union. His plan is to gather the
European, Middle Eastern, and North African countries of the strategic Mediterranean rim into an economic
community along the lines of the early European Union. His proposal, which is already making waves, has
cascading implications for the region. Initial reactions have ranged from enthusiasm in Spain to cautious
approval in Israel to outrage in Turkey. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is also on Sarkozy's mind. He
describes the Mediterranean as the region "where everything is being played out. We must surmount all the
hatreds to make space for a great dream of peace and civilization. The time has come to build together a
Mediterranean Union that will be the bridge between Europe and Africa,"
Sarkozy says that he wants the countries ringing the Mediterranean - Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Greece,
Cyprus, Malta, Turkey, Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco - to form a council and
hold regular summit meetings.
A former French foreign minister, Michel Barnier, one of Sarkozy's advisers, said the first step would be to
build the foundations for a common market that is "parallel to and coordinated with" the European Union's
single market.
“Our goal is to give countries that have a history of fighting each other an incentive for peace," Barnier said.
"The deeper their economic integration, the greater will be their interest in not wanting to start a war."

A Gulf States Union is not far off.

The South American Union is now an accomplished fact complete with flag and army.

Russia has big plans, too.

So, Brother Dence, I can see that the European Union could be one of the ten toes, and perhaps the North
American Union could be another, but it could be a long time before the whole world is divided up into ten

Just because the evening news is not talking about this does not mean it is not happening. Alternate news
sources will confirm this. Rest assured that the power brokers of the world will not be distracted from their
goal. God is not waiting for them to hurry up and get the ten world kingdoms ready. God is waiting for the
144,000 to reflect His image fully (COL69). As soon as God sees He has 144,000 saints in whom He can
entrust His Holy Spirit without measure, He will command the four angels to let lose the four winds and you
will see prophetic events happen in quick succession.

The Bible refers to this conglomerate as “Babylon the Great.” Rev 17:5 Not to be confused with ancient
Babylon which fell long ago. In The Great Controversy page 603 Sister White speaks of “the various
organizations which constitute Babylon.” Babylon the Great has not emerged yet, but when it does it “is
given power to continue for forty and two months.” Rev 13:5 Think about this. Whenever Babylon the Great
makes its debut, it passes off the scene of action forty and two months later! That means that if Babylon the
Great arose from the sea some time in the past, it has already done its work and has ceased to exist. That
means that the lamb-like beast has already come and gone, too, because they are contemporaries. This is
profound! And please don’t get stuck with the year-for-a-day timing structure. Apocalyptic prophecy is not
subject to year-for-a-day timing. For more documentation, please read the chapter THE YEAR/DAY

The order of events goes something like this:

1. The ten horns/toes/kings solidify and congeal into ten identifiable world regions.
2. Meanwhile heaven and earth wait for the 144,000 to get ready.
3. As soon as the 144,000th member is ready God will signal the others by shaking the earth. Rev 8:5.
4. The four angels let loose the winds. Christ steps out of the way, clearing the way for God’s wrath.
5. The earthquake violently spews out Laodicea. The church lies in ruins. “Not an Adventist is to be seen.”
“The church--the Lord's sanctuary--was the first to feel the stroke of the wrath of God.”
6. The great tribulation begins, marking day one of the 1335 days.
7. After the dust settles, a few “wise” Adventists pick themselves up from the rubble and pray for the latter
rain, “in the time of the latter rain.” Palmoni, the wonderful numberer, from his high vantage point can see
that this scattered group numbers exactly 144,000, thus vindicating Christ.
8. God honors them by pouring upon them His Holy Spirit without measure. They go forth fair as the moon,
clear as the sun and terrible as an army with banners to give the three angel’s messages to all the world.
9. First trumpet Rev 8:7 Fiery burning hail which burns a third of the trees and all the grass. Scorched earth!
In Revelation trees means trees and grass means grass.
10. Second trumpet Rev 8:8 A rock the size of a mountain falls into one of the seven seas, turning it to blood.
Fish die and ships sink. Tsunamis wash away coastal cities.
11. Third trumpet Rev 8:10 A rock the size of a star impacts one of the seven continents, making the springs
of water bitter. Men drink the water and die. This is a hard landing which triggers surrounding volcanoes.
12. Fourth trumpet Rev 8:12 A one-third reduction in sunlight due to smoke and dust in the upper
atmosphere. This will put an end to global warming. “Tremble, people of Judah! The day of the LORD is
coming soon. It will be a dark and gloomy day, a black and cloudy day.” Joel 2
13. The composite beast of Revelation 13 consisting of seven religious world leaders and ten political world
leaders unite and assert their latent authority. All the world willingly follows (obeys). They are scared to
14. Fifth trumpet Rev 9:1 Satan, the lamblike beast, the anti-christ, appears masquerading as Christ (His evil
angels join him).

God sets the stage for the crisis government. And right on queue the 17 world leaders take the reigns of
power from all religions and all governments. See? Anyone who thinks that the United States will retain its
sovereignty or that the Seventh-day Adventist Church or any other church will continue to exist simply does
not understand. Satan will not allow any political or religious rivals.

Now let’s back up and document item 14 above. In order to do this we need to settle some issues with Satan.
Do you happen to know where he lives? We really need to find him. Do you happen to know which country
he lives in? Where shall we start? Surely he has an address. How about entering his name in
SuperPages.com? I know he is alive and well, but why can’t we find his residence?

When I was ten years old my grandfather, Johannas Thurnheer, told me that he knew where Satan lives. I
eyed him cautiously but listened respectfully. “There is a hole at the north pole where Satan and his angels
fly down into a large subterranean tropical paradise. That is where they live. And I know it is true because I
read it in a book,” he confirmed. Well, I was not too sure but did not debate the issue. The following year in
the Weekly Reader I read an account of the world’s first nuclear submarine, the USS Nautilus, which had just
sailed UNDER the geographic north pole. “Well, that settles that,” I thought to myself.

A few years later another theory surfaced as to Satan’s whereabouts. Someone gave me a book about the
Bermuda Triangle. Here I read a fascinating account about the numerous ships and planes which had
disappeared without a trace. Surely Satan is responsible. Maybe so. I bought another book on the subject by
a different author. He, too, confirmed that Satan lives under the sea at the Bermuda Triangle. I now have four
books about the Bermuda Triangle, but none seem to satisfactorily solve the mystery.

Where do YOU think Satan lives? “Oh,” you say, “he is a spirit and does not need a house. He is anywhere
and everywhere.” Yes, I think you are right. He lives in another dimension which we humans cannot see.
This is what we call the spirit world.

Luke 24 (King James Version)

39Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones,
as ye see me have.

He then asked for a little food which He ate in their presence, thus demonstrating that He was not a spirit. It
is mandatory that we have a clear comprehension of this concept. This is far more than entertainment. Every
paragraph is necessary to the correct understanding of Revelation 13.

Moving on. We must now turn to

Luke 8 (New International Reader's Version)
26 Jesus and his disciples sailed to the area of the Gerasenes across the lake from Galilee.
27 When Jesus stepped on shore, he was met by a man from the town. The man was controlled by demons.
For a long time he had not worn clothes or lived in a house. He lived in the tombs.
28 When he saw Jesus, he cried out and fell at his feet. He shouted at the top of his voice, "Jesus, Son of the
Most High God, what do you want with me? I beg you, don't hurt me!"
29 This was because Jesus had commanded the evil spirit to come out of the man. Many times the spirit had
taken hold of him. His hands and feet were chained, and he was kept under guard. But he had broken his
chains. And then the demon had forced him to go out into lonely places in the countryside.
30 Jesus asked him, "What is your name?"
"Legion," he replied, because many demons had gone into him.
31 And they begged Jesus again and again not to banish them to the bottomless pit where they would be
punished. (Contemporary English Version)
32 A large herd of pigs was feeding there on the hillside. The demons begged Jesus to let them go into the
pigs. And he allowed it.
33 When the demons came out of the man, they went into the pigs. Then the herd rushed down the steep
bank. They ran into the lake and drowned.

Why did the evil spirits not want to go back into the bottomless pit? And where is the bottomless pit? The
bottomless pit is headquarters. This is where Satan and the fallen angels live. The bottomless pit is the spirit
world. If Jesus sent them back into the spirit world, they would be decommissioned. Perhaps it is boring
there. Even evil angels do not enjoy the company of demons. Even inhabiting pigs seemed better than
returning to the pit. Having an assignment gives them a purpose in life. And once one demon gains entrance
into a human soul, he often opens the door to others.

“Soon it was reported all around that the visions were the result of mesmerism, and many Adventists were
ready to believe, and circulate the report. A physician, who was a celebrated mesmerizer, told me that my
views were mesmerism. I told him that the Lord had shown me in vision that mesmerism was from the
Devil, from the bottomless pit, .”--RH, July 21, 1851

There you have it. Now we know where Satan lives -- The Bottomless Pit, the Spirit World.

Now perhaps we are ready to look at:

Revelation 13 (New International Reader's Version)

11 Then I saw another beast. This one came out of the earth.

This means he came out of nowhere, as opposed to the composite beast which had the backing of peoples,
multitudes, nations, languages, etc. This beast is beholden to no one. He is autonomous. The origin of the
lamb-like beast is a very crucial point.

Isaiah 14 (King James Version)

12How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground,
which didst weaken the nations!
13For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I
will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
14I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.
15Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.

The Greek word 'abussos' is translated in the King James Bible as the "bottomless pit" or in Luke's gospel as
"the deep." In Luke's account we are given an important clue about the Abyss. We find that it is a kind of
spirit penitentiary, a prison which evil angels dread.
2 Peter 2:4 For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into
chains of darkness,
Jude 1:6 And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in
everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.

One day I was reading through Revelation and noticed an interesting sequence of events:

Revelation 12 (King James Version)

7And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and
his angels,
8And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.
9And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole
world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

This is no coincidence. In Revelation 12 Satan is cast into the earth. In Revelation 13 Satan comes up out of
the earth. What does “into the earth” mean? Literally Satan was cast into the spirit world. That means Satan
lost his beautiful body.

Ezekiel 28 (New Living Translation)

You had everything going for you.
You were in Eden, God's garden.
You were dressed in splendor,
Your clothing was adorned with every precious stone
red carnelian, pale-green peridot, white moonstone,
blue-green beryl, onyx, green jasper,
blue lapis lazuli, turquoise, and emerald—
all in settings of engraved gold.
A robe was prepared for you
the same day you were created.
You were the anointed cherub.
You strolled in magnificence
among the stones of fire.
From the day of your creation
you were sheer perfection...
17 Your heart was filled with pride
because of all your beauty.

And as you can imagine, Satan is not happy about losing his physical body. And just because a few folks
have claimed to have seen an apparition of Satan does not prove that he still has a physical body. If he has a
physical/visible body it is imperative that he occupy some real estate, which he certainly does not.

As you know, we are caught in the middle of a great controversy. The two contenders are Christ and Satan.
You will also remember that 2010 years ago Christ took a human body and walked among men
demonstrating the principles of His kingdom. Evidently Satan has been calling for equal time. He, too, wants
to assume a human body and walk among men and demonstrate the principles of his kingdom. And would
you believe, God is going to allow Satan to do just that! Whereas Christ was given about 33½ years, Satan
will be given only 445 days. (My best guess. Subject to further study.) That’s right! Satan will soon have his
beautiful body back. But he will choose to look like his arch enemy. That, of course, is only for the purpose
of confusing the people.

“If men are so easily misled now, how will they stand when Satan shall personate Christ, and work miracles?
Who will be unmoved by his misrepresentations then--professing to be Christ when it is only Satan assuming
the person of Christ, and apparently working the works of Christ?"--Notebook Leaflets 58
“Satan will work . . . wonders before men to make the world believe him to be Christ, . He transforms
himself into an angel of light, but while he bears the appearance in every particular as far as appearance
goes, he is not Christ.”--Letter 46, 1889

“As the crowning act in the great drama of deception, Satan himself will personate Christ. Now the great
deceiver will make it appear that Christ has come. In different parts of the earth, Satan will manifest himself
among men as a majestic being of dazzling brightness, resembling the description of the Son of God given
by John in the Revelation. The glory that surrounds him is unsurpassed by anything that mortal eyes have yet
beheld. The shout of triumph rings out upon the air: "Christ has come! Christ has come!" The people
prostrate themselves in adoration before him, while he lifts up his hands and pronounces a blessing upon
them, as Christ blessed His disciples when He was upon the earth. His voice is soft and subdued, yet full of
melody. In gentle, compassionate tones he presents some of the same gracious, heavenly truths which the
Saviour uttered; he heals the diseases of the people, and then, in his assumed character of Christ, he claims to
have changed the Sabbath to Sunday, and commands all to hallow the day which he has blessed. He declares
that those who persist in keeping holy the seventh day are blaspheming his name by refusing to listen to his
angels sent to them with light and truth. This is the strong, almost overmastering delusion. But the people of
God will not be misled.”--Mar 276

Satan will not get to keep his beautiful body very long. Notice:

Revelation 20 (King James Version)

1And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his
2And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand
3And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the
nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.

Thus you can see that Satan is returned to the bottomless pit from whence he came. Satan will be bound to
this old earth for 1000 years without a body. A human body could not survive that long anyway without food,
water, and shelter.

Consider this point: The release of the angel-king from the bottomless pit in Revelation 9 is the same event
as the release of the lamb-like beast from the Earth in Revelation 13:11. Two descriptions of the same thing –
an example of repetition and enlargement.
Consider the sequence of scenes shown to John:
a. In Revelation 12:7, John saw a war in Heaven between Michael and Lucifer.
b. In Revelation 12:9 John saw the dragon and his angels cast into the Earth. (KJV)
c. In Revelation 13:11 John saw a two-horned beast rising from the Earth that will deceive the whole world
by means of the miracles, signs and wonders that it has power to do. This beast even calls fire down from the
sky at will (to convince the inhabitants of Earth of his assumed divinity).
d. In Revelation 9:1-11 John saw "the angel king of the bottomless pit" released at the fifth trumpet to hurt
man for five months.
e. In Revelation 17:8 a messenger from God informs John by saying, "the beast you saw once was [visible],
now is not [visible], yet will come up out of the bottomless pit and go to his destruction. The wicked living
on Earth at that time will be astonished when they see the beast because he once was [visible], now is not
[visible], but yet he will come up out of the bottomless pit and go to this destruction." (Paraphrase mine) The
beast referred to here is the great red dragon that had been cast into the Earth.
f. In Revelation 17:11 the messenger continues, "the beast who once was [visible], now is not [visible] will
be an eighth king who is going to his destruction."

So, how does all of this information fit together? Simply said, John saw Lucifer physically and visibly cast
out of Heaven. Lucifer and his angel followers were thrown into a dungeon within the Earth. In John’s day,
the world was believed to be flat and a bottomless pit was a hole that went all the way through the surface of
the Earth. In ancient times, it was believed that the devil and his demons lived in a dungeon beneath the
surface of the Earth and could only escape through caves, or a bottomless pit. God used the knowledge of
John’s day to make a profound point: John saw Lucifer as a visible dragon at war in Heaven, but after he was
cast into the Earth, Lucifer was no longer visible. Nevertheless, the devil has been hard at work – operating
from his spiritual "dungeon." However, at an appointed future time during the fifth trumpet, the devil will be
allowed to escape his spiritual domain and appear in the flesh. When he does appear, the wicked billions on
Earth will be astonished at his glory and power! The reason the righteous will not be impressed is because
they know exactly who he is. One more point. When Jesus appears at the Second Coming, the physical body
that Lucifer uses will be destroyed by fire. The destruction of this body is not to be confused with the
destruction of Lucifer. When the devil personates Christ, his physical body will only be an apparition.
(Angels can pass through closed windows, doors and walls and still appear as physical beings.) So, after
Lucifer’s apparition is destroyed, an angel descends from Heaven and lays hold of the devil and puts him
back into the dungeon (abyss) for 1,000 years. (Revelation 20)

Summary on the Origin of the Beast

This review of all of the data shows a simple harmony throughout Revelation if we take the Bible literally as
it reads. The origin of the two-horned beast, rising out of the Earth in Revelation 13:11 is the same concept
as the angel king and his demons (as many as locusts) bein g released from the bottomless pit in Revelation 9:1,
which is the same concept as the beast that once was [visible] rising from the abyss! (Revelation 17:8) By restating this
same concept in three different ways, a solid and truthful interpretation can be reached. This is good, for the more
comprehensive the picture, the clearer the meaning. The Bible often follows the practice of repetition and enlargement.
For example, the image’s chest of silver in Daniel 2 is the same thing as the bear in Daniel 7, which is the same thing as
the ram in Daniel 8; namely, the Medo-Persian empire!

Like THE Lamb

You were taught that beasts represent nations. That is true in Daniel, but not in Revelation. In the King James
Version Lamb is mentioned 25 times in the book of Revelation, and every time it is referring to Jesus, except
in chapter 13. What we see in Revelation 13:11 is an imposter. Notice the rest of the verse, “He had two
horns like those of a lamb, but he spoke with the voice of a dragon.” How many horns does he have? And
how many horns does the true Lamb of God have?

Revelation 5 (New Living Translation)

6 Then I saw a Lamb that looked as if it had been slaughtered, but it was now standing between the throne
and the four living beings and among the twenty-four elders. He had seven horns and seven eyes, which
represent the sevenfold Spirit of God that is sent out into every part of the earth.

Did you notice that nothing was said about the physical appearance of this beast except he has two horns like
the lamb and speaks like the dragon. I would like to direct your attention to this point: the Bible says "like a
lamb" instead of "like the lamb" and the same is true concerning the dragon. I am sure Bible translators do
their best to give us a true and faithful interpretation of each verse. However, it is possible for a translation
detail to be overlooked that needs some explanation. In this case, it is the anarthrous nouns "lamb" and
"dragon" that need a bit of explanation. Using anarthrous nouns is customary in the Greek language. An
anarthrous noun is a noun without an article, such as "a" or "the." An anarthrous noun points back to a
character that has already been introduced into a story. In the Greek, a literal translation of this sentence
would read: "and it had horns, two like lamb, and spoke like dragon." Notice that the nouns "lamb" and
"dragon" do not have articles – they are anarthrous. English translators added the article "a" to make the
sentence read correctly in English. However, they should have used the article "the" because the lamb and
the dragon were previously introduced in the story of Revelation. In other words, this beast had two horns
like the lamb which had seven horns and this beast also spoke like the dragon because it is the dragon in
sheep’s clothing!

What do the two horns represent? The devil will be two kings in one! He will be king over ten horns
(political kings) and lord over the seven heads (religions). The obvious parallel here is the devil’s mockery
directed at Jesus alone who has been granted the title "King of kings and Lord of lords" by the Father. Jesus
was found worthy to lay claim to this title. (Revelation 5) He is humankind’s High Priest by virtue of that
appointment by the Father. He is also humankind’s Sovereign King by appointment of the Father. The irony
here is that the lamb-like beast steals this unique title belonging to Jesus before Jesus appears in the clouds.
This shows how exceedingly dark and grossly ignorant the minds of sinners are, actually to believe the devil
is God! Since the wicked do not recognize the value of character, God allows the devil to awe them with
signs and miracles and lead them into complete rebellion. On the other hand, the righteous understand
something about the purity and holiness of God, so God allows them to see that signs, miracles and wonders
are worthless if righteousness and love is not the basis of character. God is in the character business and this
is why Jesus had to be found worthy before the Father would grant Him everything that Heaven has to offer.

Revelation 13:12 “He exercised all the authority of the first beast on his behalf, and made the earth and its
inhabitants worship the first beast, whose fatal wound had been healed.” This verse confuses many people at
first. They ask, "If this beast is the devil personating Christ, then (a) why does the lamb-like beast have and
exercise the same authority as the first beast, and (b) if he is personating God, why does he make the people
worship the composite beast instead of worshiping himself?" These are good questions and deserve good

When the devil is allowed physically to appear as the lamb-like beast, he knows that God has predetermined
that his time is very short – just five months to establish his total dominion before the sixth trumpet begins.
(Revelation 9:5,10,15) Therefore, to get immediate attention and as many followers as possible, he will do
two things: First, appear before billions of suffering people performing counterfeit signs, miracles and
wonders. (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12) This will awe the people everywhere and convince many that indeed, God
is among men. Many will exclaim, "Hope has come at last with healing in his wings!" ( Malachi 4:2)
Second, the devil will, in the assumed voice of God, command the people to obey their religious leaders.
This will, of course, highly flatter the religious leaders to have "God on their side" and sound reasonable to
those who have refused to love the truth. However, this is an important point of Revelation 13:12: The devil
will have and exercise the same high-level authority as the "crisis government." In other words, the Lamb-
like beast does not derive authority from the "crisis government" or any nation. This is consistent with the
nature of his origin – this beast just rises from the Earth having two horns. The devil "just appears" out of
nowhere having authority equal to the "crisis government." This is a profound point. The devil has carefully
calculated every move necessary to win the favor of the world’s "crisis government" (the composite beast).
After gaining a majority, he will begin to oppose and change small issues which the "crisis government" has
made law and eventually, he will rise above the seven heads in authority as the eighth and greatest king. His
use of opposition will demonstrate his superiority. Notice the words of Paul: "He [the man of sin] will
oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped . . . " 2 Thessalonians 2:4
He will exercise as much authority as the first beast for his own benefit. After all, what would you expect of

Why not Worship the Devil?

Now the question, "Why does the devil make the people worship the composite beast – instead of himself?"
Answer: If the devil initially required one group of people to worship him as God, this would separate and
alienate him from the other religions of the world. In other words, if the devil required the Moslems to
worship his person as Allah, then Catholics, Protestants and Jews would regard this being as a Moslem God.
The devil knows two things: (a) by forcing people to worship the composite beast, they are actually
worshiping him (Revelation 13:4) since he is the author of false religion, and (b) by compelling diverse
bodies of people to obey their respective religious leaders, he will initially fulfill the expectations of people
who already think they are worshiping God. Therefore, the devil will insist that everyone living in Moslem
countries worship according to the laws of the "crisis government" for that nation. People living in Catholic
countries will be commanded by the devil to worship according to the authorities for that country, etc. This is
a temporary move by the devil to lead a diverse world toward the establishment of his one world
church/government. In the end, however, people end up worshiping the lamb-like beast. The establishment of
the mark of the "beast" proves this point.

When the devil physically appears (during the fifth trumpet), Moslems, Jews, Catholics, Protestants, etc. will
be worshiping according to the laws established in their respective countries. By commanding the nations to
obey their religious leaders, the religious leaders from all nations will be pleased that "God" is supporting
them and in turn, the devil will later extract their support for his cunning "one-world-church" plan.
Ultimately, when the devil has gained enough control to establish his "one-world-church," the options he
gives to every world inhabitant are not good – obey and live, disobey and die. (Revelation 13: 15) But to
reach this point in his plan, religious leaders of all faiths must first "join themselves" and support the devil
before he will unfold his plan for a new world church. After all, with God on Earth, there will be no reason to
continue plurality of religion. To make his idea as palatable as possible, the devil will take certain elements
from each religion to create the new one; thus, the new religion is called "an image" or clone of the
composite beast. By using a clone, everyone will find something in the new religion that was borrowed from
their old system. This new religion or church is also the whore that rides on the seven heads described in
Revelation 17. For a short time, the new one-world religion will rule over the people of Earth.

There will be many distinguishing differences between the people of God and the followers of the devil.
However, two character traits will fully separate the righteous from the wicked. First, the righteous will
"obey God’s commandments and hold to the testimony of Jesus." (Revelation 12:17) The Ten
Commandments are beyond impeachment. They stand forever because the One who established them lives
forever! The fourth commandment, requiring man to honor and keep the seventh day holy will stand in direct
contrast to the day of worship that Satan declares holy. Perhaps the devil will direct his one-world church to
worship on Sunday, since Catholic and Protestant populations represent a very large segment of people in
terms of numbers. (In other words, Sunday observance could be one of those tenants of doctrine carried over
into the devil’s new church.) No one can biblically verify just what day the devil will set forth as holy, but
we can be sure it will not be the seventh day. Remember, the devil is empowered by God to lead the world
astray and the sharper the contrast, the clearer the issues are between truth and falsehood. (Revelation 13:14)
Second, the people of God will be holding to the testimony of Jesus. The testimony of Jesus is described as
the spirit of prophecy that He will give to the 144,000. (Revelation 19:10; 10:7) The wicked, on the other
hand, will be following the testimony of their "false prophet," the devil. The lamb-like beast is also called,
"the false prophet," because he lies to the people in the face of the clearest evidences of truth. (John 8:44)
The devil will be the chief spokesman for his new world order and as such, earns the title, "false prophet."

One last point. The Bible says the devil will make the people "worship the first beast, whose fatal wound had
been healed." (Revelation 13:12) Why is the first beast identified as the one whose fatal wound had been
healed? This question comes up often and the simple answer is – to avoid any confusion. John refers to a
distinguishing feature associated with the first beast, so there is no mistaking the identity of the beast. This
keeps the actions of these two beasts separate and distinct. For example, if five men were standing in a line-
up and you wished clearly to indicate which man you were pointing to, you might say, "the man with the scar
on his face." That would certainly eliminate any doubt if the other men had no scars!

A Really Big Show

Revelation 13:13 And he [the lamb-like beast] performed great and miraculous signs, even causing fire to
come down from heaven to earth in full view of men. [to prove his assumed divinity]
Revelation 13:14 Because of the signs he [the lamb-like beast] was given power [from God] to do on behalf
of the first beast, he deceived [all of the wicked] inhabitants of the Earth. He ordered them to set up an image
in honor of the beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived.
Revelation 13:15 He [the lamb-like beast] was given power [from God] to give breath to the image of the
first beast, so that it could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.

A few comments are necessary about these chilling verses. First, the ability to call fire down from heaven at
will, upon command, is a most compelling display of divine authority. Do not be fooled into thinking this
falling fire is just a harmless holiday display. No, this falling fire will be deadly – destroying the enemies of
the devil. This will certainly put the "fear of God" in every heart. (Read 2 Kings 1 for an example.) Also,
notice that the image is set up in honor of the composite beast. What does this mean? The devil is a master at
using flattery, especially when flattery paves the way toward fulfilling his evil schemes. He feigns "honor"
for the ancient religions of millenniums past as he moves in the background to do away with them! The devil
wants to convince people, the world over, that his new church, the one-world church/government, is being
assembled as a new religion that encompasses all people and all faiths. "All people of all faiths are invited to
participate in the honorable church of the living God – a church that makes the old way obsolete since God
now lives among men. Yes, in times past, God winked at man’s diversity, but now he calls for everyone to assemble
for worship and praise at the appointed time." I can almost hear this evil announcement ringing in my ears right now!
After the one-world church is established, sentiments and attitudes will quickly change.
The Mark of the Beast
Revelation 13:16 He [the lamb-like beast] also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and
slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead,
Revelation 13:17 so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is [either] the name of the
[lamb-like] beast or the number of his name.
Revelation 13:18 This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for
it is man’s number. His number is 666.

Perhaps, no single topic in the Bible is more widely known and discussed than the mark of the beast. It could
also be said that no topic in the Bible is more poorly understood than this one. Three reasons exist for this
confusion. First, identifying who the beasts are in Revelation is a problem for most people. Second, which
beast does the mark belong to? Last, is the mark visible, literal or symbolic? As previously identified, the
four beasts in Revelation represent Jesus as the Lamb of God; Lucifer, the dragon cast into a spiritual
dungeon; Lucifer’s "crisis government" (the composite beast); and Lucifer as the lamb-like beast personating
Jesus. The beast that owns the mark is the lamb-like beast, none other than Lucifer himself, in the assumed
form of God. If we read this verse literally, then the mark will be either a visible tattoo on the forehead
(bearing the name that the devil will assume) or a tattoo showing the number "666" on the right hand. Sister
White calls it: “the sign of allegiance to a false rest day.”--RH, November 20, 1913

Consider the following points:

a. The beast that owns the mark is the beast of greatest and highest authority. In other words, the mark of the
beast cannot come from the composite beast because no particular religious or political power can force the
rest of the world to comply with its demands. The composite beast has many members and as such, one
member cannot demand submission from the rest of its members. If it could, then it would not be a
composite beast.
b. The lamb-like beast is the devil personating Christ. Because he can perform counterfeit signs, wonders
and miracles, because he can call down fire from the heavens at will, because he is the star performer during
the end-time, because he is the eighth king that rules over the seven heads and ten horns – he is the greater
power of the two beasts in Revelation 13.
c. The number "666" is associated with a man – specifically, the man of sin (or the man of lawlessness – 2
Thessalonians 2 ). It may surprise you that the Bible refers to angels, even the devil, as a man.
Daniel 8:15-17 While I, Daniel, was watching the vision and trying to understand it, there before me stood
one who looked like a man. And I heard a man’s voice from the Ulai calling, "Gabriel, tell this man the
meaning of the vision. As he came near the place where I was standing, I was terrified and fell prostrate.
"Son of man," he said to me, "understand that the vision concerns the time of the end . . . " Dan 9:21 while I
was still in prayer, Gabriel, the man I had seen in the earlier vision, came to me in swift flight about the time
of the evening sacrifice.

666 and the Man

How is the devil (in the form of a man) and the number "666" connected? These are the facts as I understand
them. God has made sure that the number "666" represents something evil for nearly two thousand years.
Almost everyone who has read anything in the Bible knows this number is associated with evil and mystery.
As mentioned earlier, the mark of the beast is either the name that the devil will assume, or the number
"666." The reason for the distinction between the forehead and right hand is rank. Those who serve in
Lucifer’s government as officials will receive a tattoo on their foreheads as a mark of their rank, devotion
and loyalty in Lucifer’s court. You might be surprised to learn that this process is mandated by God to make
Lucifer’s deception all the more secure. Notice what the Bible says about the 144,000: "Then I looked, and
there before me was the Lamb, standing on Mount Zion, and with him 144,000 who had his name and his
Father’s name written on their foreheads." (Revelation 14:1) In other words, the devil is required by God to
imitate the distinction that Jesus and the Father are going to bestow on Their own servants! The contrast, of
course, is like daylight and darkness. One will be an ugly and hideous tattoo, while the other will be a
glorious light that reflects the beauty and holiness of God. Nevertheless, officers in Lucifer’s government
will have the mark of the beast that is the assumed name of the devil, tattooed on their foreheads.
(Incidentally, in most military organizations today, officers display rank on their collars or foreheads using

What about the number "666?" The rank and file of the devil’s one-world church/government will receive a
tattoo on their saluting (right) hand showing allegiance and loyalty to this new order. The irony is important
here. Men and women will willfully and knowingly submit to this evil tattoo rather than put their faith in
God. The tattoo must be clearly visible since it will have to be displayed to buy or sell what few precious
rations are available. It is not likely that the mark of the beast is a super computer, or a microchip implanted
beneath the skin. The Bible says the mark of the beast is a mark. Hitler demonstrated that the easiest way to
track large numbers of people without electricity or fancy gadgets is to put a tattoo on their physical body.
Tattoos are permanent. They cannot be transferred or removed without great agony. Remember, by the time
the "mark" is activated, the world is in shambles. The devastation caused by the trumpets will leave many
parts of the world without electricity, computers, paper or other things we depend on so heavily today. The
mark of the beast must work with the same precision in every country (including undeveloped third world
countries) and with this in mind, the tattoo is not a far-flung idea. In fact, ancient history also confirms the
use of tattoos to mark slaves. Exodus 13:9 illustrates an interesting parallel. The generation that left Egypt
were marked with tattoos indicating they were the property of Pharaoh. That generation died in the
wilderness after 40 years of wandering as a result of their rebellion against God. The new generation that
entered the Promised Land were not marked as slaves. By the grace of God, they were freemen! So it will be
again! When Jesus comes, there will be two classes of people – the slaves of the devil and the free in Christ –
the marked and the unmarked.

God will not allow the devil to use an alternate means of marking the people. God has attached an evil
significance to the number "666" for a good reason and He requires the devil to implement it. God does this
to prove beyond any doubt that men and women, with hearts full of rebellion against God, would rather
receive the evil mark of the beast than to submit to the authority of God. This is the final course of sin.

Revelation 9 tells us that Satan will kill a third of mankind. Please notice that he spares 666 out of every
1000. The survivors will gladly wear the mark of their deliverance.

Ugly barcodes or microchips implanted beneath the skin may not be needed. Somark Inovations has
developed an invisible ink that can be injected into the skin by an array of many many small needles. This
tattoo creates a unique pattern which gives off a radio frequency which can be read by scanners up to four
feet away. The tattoo is permanent, safe, does not need a battery or an antenna, cannot be removed,
inexpensive, and its biometric “fingerprint” can be remotely detected without line of sight, which means it
can be read through clothing.

This may sound like fantasy today, but that is only because of the silence of the controlled media. We have
been consistently lied to for many years. It is patently evident that Bush and the Secretary of State, and the
Department of Transportation (DOT), and the Department of Commerce, and “multiple U.S. government
agencies,” are taking orders from a shadow government, completely disregarding Congress, the U.S. Senate,
the US Constitution and the will of the people. This is nothing short of high treason. The American people
are becoming aware of treachery in high places, not only the refusal to stop illegal immigration but also the
plan to immerse our nation into a North American Union. If you are hoping that somehow our once great
country can be saved, it is already too late. Protesting or fighting is futile. But it is not your fault. Our parents
should have seen this coming. When you wake up and realize that the New World Order is an accomplished
fact, you will be scrambling to align current events with Daniel and Revelation. As you can see, it is time for
a major paradigm shift. Let’s do our home-work now, before things get frantic. What is happening in
America has already happened in Europe and will rapidly happen in every country until the world is divided
up into ten global regions comprising the ten toes of the great image. Do you have your eyes open?

I realize it is disappointing to learn that America may not have as prominent a role in closing events as you
thought. It may also be puzzling to note that other world regions/unions are far more advanced than the
North American Union. This is because funding for the New World Order is largely coming from America
through exorbitant fuel prices, income taxes and defense spending. We are being bled to death. The
Rothschilds are keeping our economy propped up until the One World Government is in place. And then we
will be suppressed to the point that we will not be able to resist.

Please start from the top and read this chapter one more time. When you have finished, find someone willing
to sit still for 40 minutes and read this aloud to them. Don’t be disappointed if they don’t get it right away. It
may take some folks several years to get the picture. Do not discard. When the tribulation begins you will
want to read this again, if you can find it. Questions and comments are eagerly accepted. Perhaps God has
entrusted to you a piece of the puzzle He has not yet revealed to me. Let’s learn together. I still have some
week-ends open for speaking appointments. This document is like a silent piece of sheet music. A live
presentation is like an orchestral performance.

423 949-5115 home
423 321-2185 cell
328 Stone Cave Loop
Dunlap TN 37327


This map was discovered by Helen Somers in a window in Philadelphia during World War II. It was
completed in October 1941, just six weeks before Pearl Harbor was bombed. It was printed in bright colors
by a cartographer named Maurice Gomberg in Philadelphia in 1942, and was displayed in his store window.
Helen Somers immediately recognized the significance of the map and purchased several. At least a few
original copies are still in existence, including one in the Library of Congress in Washington, DC.
The original source of the plan was the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and the U.S. State
At the bottom of the map are numerous detailed directives for the New World Order. Some of the main
points are as follows:
A new world order for permanent peace and freedom will be established at the end of the War.
In order to guarantee peace to the nations, they will be permanently disarmed and demilitarized.
The U.S.S.R. will acquire the republics of Eastern Europe after the War.
There will be a demilitarized, federated United States of Europe.
Canada, Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean islands will be incorporated into the United States of
The land of the ancient Hebrews, known as Palestine and Trans-Jordan, will be united as a demilitarized
republic called Hebrewland.
All natural resources will be nationalized and distributed to all nations.
Banking, investments, railroads, and power plants will be nationalized everywhere.
A world common monetary system will be established.

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