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ACTIVITIES (BIOLOGIA and ENGENHARIA FLORESTAL) Text 1 Thanksgiving Thanksginving is celebrated in the United States on the fourth Thursday

y in November with a large feast of turkey, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie for dessert. In September 1620, a group of English people came to America seeking religious freedom. They were called the Pilgrims. Their first winter in America was difficult because they didnt have enough food and many Pilgrims died. The Indians taught them how to survive. The Pilgrims wanted to give thanks for their new life and new friends. So they invited the Indians to participate in their feast. This was the first Thanksgiving and was celebrated in 1621 in Massachusetts. a. When is Thanksgiving celebrated? b. What do people eat for the feast? c. Who taught the Pilgrims how to survive? d. When was the first Thanksgiving celebrated?

1 2 3 4 6 7 9 10 8 5




Across 1. The opposite of off 2. The opposite of tall 5. The opposite of good 7. The opposite of heavy 9. The opposite of dry 10. The opposite of sit 11. The opposite of back 12. The opposite of happy

Down 1. The opposite of new 2. The opposite of stop 3. The opposite of left 4. The opposite of hot 5. The opposite of little 6. The opposite of high 8. The opposite of fat 11. The opposite of slow 13. The opposite of night

TEXT 2- SUPERSTITION There is evidence of superstition among ancient civilizations. But this is not something of the past. Superstition is part of our modern world, too. Some very old beliefs are present among us today: a broken mirror, for example, means seven years of bad luck. A black cat brings you bad luck when crosses your way. Some people never walk under a ladder because it also means bad luck. There is a very curious belief among New Yorkers: 13 is a sign of bad luck and many buildings have no thirteenth floor. There is also a place for good luck in superstition. Some charms and beliefs are popular because they bring good luck. A horseshoe, for example, or four - leaf clovers are popular good luck charms around the world. In Brazil, it is very difficult to find a ticket of the Federal Lottery with a final 13 this is the lucky number. There is another number curious belief in Brazil: three kisses on the face of a single girl bring marriage. Superstition is certainly part of the past, present, and future life of man. For some people, it is ignorance; for others, it is an important part of their lives. 1) Leia o texto, retire as palavras abaixo solicitadas e classifique-as. Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbs Pronouns

They,them, this, something, us, you, it, others, another

2). Cognatos: IDNTICOS SIMILARES FALSO COGNATO America, Massachusetts, November, September, group, Dessert, popular, federal religious, difficult, Indians, large, participate, superstition, evidence, charms civilizations, modern, present, example, A. 1. Choose the correct alternative according to the text. Some very old beliefs: a. ( ) Are good luck charms. b. ( ) Bring seven years of bad luck. c. ( x ) Are part of our world. d. ( ) Many buildings have no thirteenth floor. A broken mirror: a. ( x ) Brings bad luck. b. ( ) Brings good luck. c. ( ) Is something of the future. d. ( ) Is an important part of our lives. A horseshoe and: a. ( ) A black cat brings good luck. b. ( x ) A four-leaf clover brings good luck. c. ( ) A four-leaf clover brings bad luck. d. ( ) Walk under a ladder brings good luck.



B. SKIMMING (in Portuguese) 4. O texto apresenta uma superstio que existe na cidade de Nova Iorque. Qual ? R: o 13 visto como nmero de azar e muitos prdios no possuem o 13 andar. 5. Superstio coisa do passado? R: no, tambm faz parte do nosso mundo moderno... 6. Quais so os dois amuletos de boa sorte que o autor menciona? R: a ferradura e o trevo de quatro folhas. C. SCANNING (in English) 7. Where is there evidence of superstition? R: among ancient civilizations. 8. What are the old beliefs about a broken mirror and a black cat? R: a broken mirror means seven years of bad luck when a black cat crosses your way it brings you bad luck. 9. When is a ladder a sign of bad luck? R: when someone walk under it. 10. Why arent there thirteenth floors in many buildings in New York? R: In fact theres the thirteenth floor but Americans because of their superstition dont count it.

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