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What Ateneans Do Wrong After Graduating

I was having dinner with my boss and her husband (all three of us Ateneans) when we talked about the difference with how Gloria and Noynoy sees life. Gloria being the realistic one and Noynoy being the usual, ideal Atenean. Then her husband started narrating about how only few Ateneans become successful in life at the age of 40, with his roster of friends as a perfect example. People at the age of 40 who still dont own a car and cannot even settle down for once. Or worst, they just realized the right thing to do to become successful but it was too late already. And here are the things we talked about over dinner, and his advice to fresh graduate Ateneans like me. And this made sense, I am telling you. THIS WILL BE MY DIRECTION IN LIFE. 1. Having our heads up on the hill a.k.a too much self-esteem/ Atenean pride The first thing that I realized when I worked is wherever you work, you can never use your school as your ticket to success. It can be an advantage for you at first, but if you only use the school name as your claim to fame, then youre doomed. He said that the flaw of his Atenean employees (he has 120 employees all over the Philippines, btw) is that they NEVER would want to report to someone who came from a school which they think is too low for their standards. They believe that theyre smarter than their boss, who for example came from AMA or STI. But ofcourse, theres a reason why that person became the boss. And thats one thing you dont have thats why youre the employee. Ateneans always assume that because they graduated from a good school, they should always get the jobs that would fit their high standards. And I have noticed this with my friends who always wonder why I stick to my job even though I only photocopy and print most of the time, and do errands. ARteneans always expect job to be convenient. But all things always start from scratch, and you start at the dirt bottom of it all. And if I had to photocopy, then Id do it, because its part of my job. And this is what we lack, this right attitude called HUMILITY. 2. We have the right education, but not the right attitude: Humility He told me about how he learned humility the hard way. He used to have the Atenean attitude of being so mayabang, complaining too much (I used to do this, and ALL of my working friends complain a lot, and compare bosses too). And this is one thing we should get rid of. Because for one, employers would prefer hiring people who would do EVERYTHING, even though its not part of your job description, because it only shows that you are a very good asset to the company. You are bringing so much to the table that the boss will give you more opportunities to excel because youre willing. If you had to commute to faraway places, buy flowers in the afternoon, buy this and go to the office on Saturday, or even deliver things yourself because of the lack of manpower, YOU SHOULD DO IT. Because it only shows how determined you are to keep your job. Stop computing if your salary would compensate for the difficult things that youd do. You should be so good that you can replace your boss. You are so good that he/she needs you so much to function. Why would they hire someone who does not make things happen? Who will just let the situation pass and wouldnt move mountains to give the boss decent answers or suggestions? 3. The Employer Thinking vs. The Employee Thinking: Thinking LIKE A BOSS To be the best worker, you should think as the EMPLOYER. How? You should always be wary of all the things your boss needs, prefers, etc. Will my boss like this attitude? What will my boss think if I say this? or that? Will this be good for the company? What else does he/she needs for the next day? What else should I do so that he wouldnt worry? You should be good in assessing the things your boss likes and needs, because its also part of you becoming the boss someday. You are doing good in work and at the same time you are honing yourself to becoming the next boss by thinking like a boss, and not thinking like an employee. Over-think, overanalyze, be AHEAD of the game. If you keep on thinking like an employee, youll be

an employee FOREVER. 4. Having side goals - for GROWTH The wrong attitude that people have is that they are so narrow-minded with opportunities. I could say that I am doing well on this part, because I am working now for my dream job. My boss husband said, that while you have your work now, and EVEN IF ITS NOT THE JOB YOU WANT, you should be good because it will prepare you for the work that youll have to do once you have the job you want. Its not necessary that you start with your dream job, like what I said, humility - accept the job even if its not your dream job, and do good with it because it will be your first step in mastering the art of working. Its also good that you have goals on the side and you are open to other opportunities because it will make you grow. It will inspire you to dream bigger and achieve that almost impossible goal. Save up for it if you really want it. If your dream is to become a dancer, even if you think it wont sustain you for life, money will come to you if you keep on doing what you like and you have the right attitude. It may be a long road, but if you really want it, then youll get it no matter the consequences. 5. Keeping the FAITH. Avoid short-cuts. We Ateneans always want the SHORT-CUT. But the way to success, is always long and winding, and VERY HARD. For my boss, it took them more than 10 years to reap the good life. At first they said, you will feel afraid because you are clueless of what will happen in the future. Everybody will have that phase. But IF YOU WORK HARD, AND YOU HAVE THE RIGHT ATTITUDE, of course God would notice and give you the blessings you deserve. At the age of 40 most people ask, how come God never gave me the opportunity? God always gives us the opportunity, but we never found the right attitude that came with the opportunity. And this includes the long wait. Work hard and blessings will come TREMENDOUSLY, and youll never know. Like what they said, they couldnt imagine that they have gone this far because it used to be, that all things were uncertain. But they kept on working hard. 10 years is a long way to go, but its all worth it. 6. Having the right people around you BE SUPPORTIVE of your partner Get a partner who wouldnt pull you down. If your partner needs to go home late to do over-time, you better support him/her. Its for your future. Both of you needs to sustain each others passion for work because it will be the thing that you will bank on when you will have a family. Encourage your partner to do better even if work is really hard. If you trust that both of you will end up together, then quit arguing about not having enough time. If you clearly understand both of your goals, then you will inspire each other and compromise for that lost time instead of dwelling too much on how toxic work has become. 7. Being men and women for others THE RIGHT WAY We Ateneans, are SO opinionated that we believe so much our opinion would change the course of the world. But the truth is, real life beyond the school grounds SUCKS BIG TIME. Its so complicated, full of doubts, its something you cannot describe but you have to experience it. We should stop talking too much pointing out faults of others, praising ourselves that we do the right things all the time when in fact we only blabber a lot. Being real men and women for others means you have to WORK FOR IT. For example, having a successful company would also mean getting more employees and providing opportunities. Its not always about service and practicing humility by going to typhoon victims. Its also about making others lives more bearable, more stable, giving them growth. And when you do this, you are not only changing someones life for a day by giving out cash donations, or being a volunteer, you are CHANGING THE COURSE OF THEIR LIVES AND THEIR FAMILIES. You ARE MAKING A LONG-TERM CHANGE that will alter the difficult situation of the people who deserve it. I couldnt agree more on what we talked about and I want you to share this with other Ateneans. I hope I wouldnt be bashed for this post. You know naman some

Ateneans love correcting grammar and seeing faults on the opinion of others. I just want others to be aware and make the right head-start. So lets take this by heart and make that successful future a reality! -AMDG-

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