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Lynn Cleav|^|id family working in Uberlandia, Brazil


Several friends have asked about Christmas in


Christmas is not

the most important holiday

I t is observed and the bus

here as i t is in the U.S.

iness community does its very best in promoting Christ

mas (and sales). But at the grass roots level^ never

seems like Christmas. What I mean is that i t never
seems like what we know as Christmas at home.

Many Brazilian families have s traditional supper

late on Christmas Eve. Gifts are usually exchanged

then if they have not already been presented. Poor kids often do not receive any present. Two playmates of Mark remarked that all they received were the pre sents he gave them.
Most homes have a small decorated tree which is

made of a tree limb.

The limb is painted

or covered

with cotton and then small ornaments are attached. The

tree may remain as a decoration through January.

This year the city put up a nice manger scene in

the central park. What is it like to live and work in Brazil? Last

night I delivered a diploma to a man 3^ years old who

had completed our Bible correspondence course Dn the
book of Mark. From his handwriting I suspected he was

not well educated,but the short time which it took him to complete the thirteen lessons was an indication of
his sincere interest.

As I neared his home, I could hear the singing and dancing across the street where preparations were \mderway for Carnival, the big holiday festival which falls on February 15 this year. Something in the
haunting sound of those drums made me realize in an

instant the awesome struggle in which we are engaged.

Carnival represents almost everything that is sin. It is drinking, killing, sex, lying...anything goes.
A child answered the door and welcomed me in. In

the small living room dominated by a large square ta ble I met Valdo Antonio da Cruz, his wife and her un cle. After I presented the diploma,Valdo and his wife
began a series of questions which was to last for

nearly two hours. Before I could get one question an swered, they had two more ready. Is it necessary to keep the Sabbath? Why can't a person eat pork? What is baptism? Who can baptize? If I'm baptized does
that mean I have to stay in the church where I'm bat)-

tized? If I leave the church where I'm baptized does that annul my baptism? Does the preacher have the
final word in the church? Why do ell the churches differ in their teaching? Don't they all use the same Bible? Are you a German? Or are you English? Why did you come to Brazil? Who pays for the correspondence
courses? How many times does the Christian die? When is the tribulation? What is the mark of the beast?

While we were talking and looking at the Bible, Valdo'3 mother, a Pentecostal, came in. She too had
questions. Later Valdo's brother came. He had some

comments. Later a sister and her dau^ter entered the

house. His mother left. Two children came in. Valdo's

sister and daughter left. Later Valdo's uncle left. All the time the questioning continued. Valdo and his wife agreed to do a series of Bible studies on Sattirday night. He can't study on a week

ni^t because he's trying to complete the third grade. He was ashamed but I encouraged him to keep studying. I told him that the shame would be in giving up the battle to educate himself and his family. We drank a small cup of strong coffee and I
started down the street, wanting to get home before

the storm broke. I v/as glad of the opportunity to share with Valdo. Ify heart was heavy because of the confusion that exists. The simplicity of Christ has been lost. The drums were still beating. The wind was picking up. The raindrops began to soak through
as Mark met me at the front door.


We enjoyed a few days with over one hundred of fellow workers at the missionary conference in

Anapolis, Goias.

Dr. Robert Fife of Milligan College

was our guest speaker end did a tremendous job. Next week I will be going to Sao Paulo to take care of some business and to pick up Chico Fife. Chico
is the son of fellow workers in Goiania. He had a

special operational his legs whente was 2 and U years old. Now he's 8 and had another operation in December.
He has returned now tD havettie leg checked and re-set. As he cannot travel by bus and his folks do not have a
car I

volunteered to take him from Sao Paulo to Goia

Thanks for all of the cards and letters. Remember

us in prayer.

lynn's support

for December totaled


$1168.13 nd

came from the following;

Mr. and Mrs. E. Q. Fawley Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Minnick


and Mrs.

Robert Patterson
Jesse Smith


and Mrs.

and Mrs. 0. V. McTadden Thelma Hart

Betty and Patsy Grubbs

(Continued on the back)


Bridgetown Church of Christ Bowling Green Christian Church Williamsburg Church of Christ
Versailles Church of Christ

Harrison Church of Christ Union Church of Christ Mt. Grab Church of Christ

Bright Christian Church


Searcher's Class, Bright Leah Circle, Meth. Church, Mt. Grab, Ghio

3rd and I+th Graders, Meth. Church, Mt. Grab

Kum Double Class, Bright Tiny Tots Class, Bright Loyal Women's Class, Bright
Georgetown C.W.C.

Willing Worker's, Holloutown TNT Class, Mt. Grab, Ohio


Russell and Glenda Hall

Box 38115

Urbana, Ohio 43078

Mailed by.


Non-Profit Org.

Harrison. Ohio 45030


Harrison, Ohio

P.O. BOX 518




Address correction requestec;^

19 '72

J. Lynn Cleav^nd famil)' working in Uberlandia, Brazil


Mark will begin Brazilian kindeigarben ne^t Mon He and Julie went yesterday to meet the teacher and receive the necessary instructions, schedules and the pattern for his uniform. He is looking foi^^?srd to studying like the big kids. This kindergarten course is called pre-first grade and is almost the ecus! of the first grade in the U.S. system. He hts learned to swim this summer end is quite proudcf his achievement.

Shone will begin the fourth giede and study from 7:0 until 11:30 a.m., same as last year.- This summer she has read a lot in English which is good for her.
She is not anxious to return to classes because it means her TV time will be cut down. Sound like a ftmilisr problem?

Financial reports for the period November 1,1970

through December 1971 have been sent to every supporting congregation and individual who made a contribution to this work during that period. If you did not receive one but would like a copy,please send

your ret^uest to
and he

Russell Hall, our length of the

forwarding agent,
you with your

will be most

happy to supply


Due to the

report we

are not

printing i t in the Cable.

We are thankful for the prayer support "we receive from so many of you. Many have written to tell us that we are in their prayers daily. We are not ashamed
to admit that there have been times when we felt

certain that this helped us to overcome particular obstacles. We have never forgotten the testimony of our good friend, Earl Haubner. The day they arrived

in Brazil he related,"Boy we have really been praying

hard fcir you.
needed iti"

We could tell by your letters that you

We indulge in this bit of reminiscence as an introduction to two specific prayer requests. Thefirst concerns a friend aid former missionary,Jerry Hall. We wrote of Jerry in the June, 1971 Cable. He lives end works about one hundred miles west of here. Jerry has gone through some turbulent waters the pest yearco: so. He nearly gave up his faith in Christ and is now struggling to come to grips with himself and with
Christ. He comes over once in awhile and we talk i t


Ask God to help him.

The other concerns our Sunday evening here. We have three or four persons who accept Christ and we believe they are about make that decision. But it is a big step. In
two cases i t will cause difficulties

meetings need to
ready to

at least

in the

Frankly,we do not know how much to push a person when we know other members of the family are not ready nor in favor. On the other hand we know that they cannot
wait forever.

Jesus is going to return. So we solicit your prayers asking God to guide us aswe lead these persons down the path Id Christ- Pray that their families will be receptive to the Message as well.
While writing this,a kind letter came fromai old

friend (he's not really old) Mike Cormican,which con

tained a Prayer-A-Gram from the Christian Church of Jacksonville, Arkansas where Mike is preaching. We really appreciate those Prayer-A-Grams. We believe

in the

power of the Lord

and we believe He


We have entered Ihe mildew season in Brazil, There

is no season officially designated as National Mildew Month but it arrives anyway. The several dark spots appearing on our west wall indicate that our ten year

guaranteed special treatment, lasted less than two years. I don*t know if that is really a reflection on the special treatment or if weather -.conditions are worse. At any rate it is only a minor inconvenience.

Lynn's support in January totaled $739.15 and
came from the following:

Mt. Orab Church of Christ Harrison Church of Christ

Bridgetown Church of Christ Bright Christian Church


Searcher's Class, Bright Georgetown C.W.C,

Kum Double Class, Bright Wee Worship, Bright

(Continued on back)

-I13IVIJUALSMr. 8ad Mrs. Robert Patterson

Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Smith and Mrs. Kenneth Mount Nonna Cleaveland

Mr. and Mrs. Gary Cleaveland

Betty and Patsy Grubbs


Russell and Glenda Hall

Box 38115

Urbane/ Ohio 43078

Mailed by.


Non-Profit Org.

Harrison. Ohio 45030


Harrison, Ohio

P.O. BOX 518




Address correction requested

m/) n s^ J. Lynn Cleav|l4pd family working in Uberlandia, Brazil


MARCH 1972


We have had an exceptionally rainy summer.


terday's papers carried notices of several buildings,

schools and businesses being heavily damaged by exces

sive rain

and high water.

The farmers hcve not been

complaining however.

The rice, cotton, corn and soy

beans promise a good harvest this year.

The correspondence course, You, God and Life, has enrolled over 3,000 students. About half of these have not or will not complete the course. The other half, made up of Catholics, Spiritists and Protestants, get good grades and appreciate the OiJportunity to leam

what the Scriptures


Over 300 have enrolled in

the second course, on the book of Mark. We are happy that so many have been enrolled but concerned that we
have been unable to use this contact as a means to lead folks to a definite decision to accept and follow


We are making some

in the courses

changes in our follow-up

themselves hoping to make

as well as

them more effective.

On the other hand the seed sowing which is accom

plished is not to be disparaged. It's a big jump from

traditional Roman Catholicism or widely varied Spiri
tism to New Testament Christianity.

We continue to study with the prisoners at the Jail on Thursday mornings. We have run into a lot of opposition in the last eight months or so and for a
while we weren't going at all. On Wednesday evening I am still working with e-

bout 85 boys at an orphanage which is administered by

the Rotary. Sometimes the situation is not very con ducive to teaching but we do the best we can under the

Saturday, Sunday and Monday nights we have Bible

studies with three families. They show a genuine in terest in the Scriptures and their spiritual lives.

We are praying that God will guide us as we work with

these ones. And we seek His guidance as we try to es tablish studies in other homes of friends and neigh
bors .

Remember us in your prayers and don't forget to drop us a note pr^e in awhile'. The address is: Caixa

Postal 387j 38UOO Uberlandia, Minas Gerais, Brazil.


In his report to the Planning Ministry, the Dir ector of the Brazilian Geographical and Statistical Institute stated that Brazil's total population now

stands at 93>215,301 . which represents -2.6^ of world

population and of Latin America's population. More than half of the population is younger than 20

years of age and approximately 67% of inhabitants are

statistics resulting from this survey are the follow

literate versus 6l^ in 1960 and h^Pjo in 1950. Other

a) 75^ of industrial labor force earns a wage equal to or above the minimum salary in 1960) b) the percentage of urban residents has risen to 55.9fo (U6.3^ in 1967) c) average life expectancy is now 58 years.of age (52 years in I960)


birth rate has declined to 37-7 per thousand

plied by the municipality (21^ in 196O)

lations (50.9^ in i960)

(^3.3 per thousand in I960) e) 32.5^ of the existing homes

have water sup

50.2^ of existing homes have sanitary instal

The report concluded that its present growth rate, by 1973 Brazil's population will be over 100


Yearly ^

Dec. 70/Dec. 71
Up Up Up Up Up Up Up Up Up Up Up

Housing Clothing Light and Heat

Med. & Dental Assistance

Personal Expenses Mat. for Domestic Cleaning




plus plus plus plus plus plus plus plus plus plus plus

13.13 11. U8

25.26 29. Oi^

19.27 li^.ul

23.63 28.87


Lynn's support for February totaled $l,127.0Uand
came from the following:

Bright Christian Church

Mt. Orab Chruch of Christ

Bridgetown Chiirch of Christ

Union Chruch of Christ

Harrison Church of Christ

(Continued on back)


Whirly Birds Youth Group, Bright Little Christians, Bright High School Class, Bright Kiim Double Class, Bright Searcher's Class, Bright T.N.T. Class, Mt. Orab Church of Christ Youth Group, Salem Christian Church

Betty and Patsy Grubbs

Elaine Roberts Mr.

and Mrs.

Jesse Smith

and Mrs. Bob Patterson

Mr. and Mrs. George Moon Mr. and Mrs. Elwood McConnaughey
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Adams


Russell and Glenda Hall

Box 38115

Urbana, Ohio 43078

Mailed by.


Non-Profit Org.

P.O. Box 115

Harrison. Ohio 45030

Harrison, Ohio


P,0. BOX 518




iS mz4-,

J. Lynn Cleav^^d family working in Ubertandia, Brazil

Volume 6, No.
Dear Friends in Christ,

April 1972

Yesterday v/e returned from Ceres, Goiss, "where Ju

lie, Shons and Mark

visited with the

Haubnei family-

while Eerl Hsubner and I attended the thiid convention of the Churches of Christ in Cential Brazil.

The theme of the conference was John 8:36, "If the

Son therefore shall make you free, you shell be free



aspects of

freedom in Christ were

touched in the messages

dom - Not Lawlessness".
the Law".

"Freedom to Sei've"
My topic


by the Spirit", Freedom in the Christian Life", "Hreewas "Freedom

The convention served two important purposes. In the first place, discussion of the theme was a neces

sity in li^t of the extreme legalism v^hich is a part of evcngelicel Chiisticnity in Brazils The tendency
to make little lews about almost everything is ram

pant. A people who claim "to speak where the Bible speaks" and to observe its silence as ^.eli, need to speak plainly cbout this problem. Laws and rules have
been mcde about movies, TV, women"s make-up, sleeve lengthy use of ties, hats & viels, speaking in tongues,
greetings, and the list goes on and on.

In the second piece the convention is important be cause in recent years there has tended to be a divi sion among the churches over the place of spiritual

gifts, including speaking in tongues end other Pente

costal tendencies. Most of us, regardless of our o-

pinions in regerd to tongues^ etc, believe it is much better to get together once in a while and to keep the
lines of communication open.

There were about 3^0

in attendance in

the Friday-

night service. As is typical of most conventions the day sessions were not as well attended but neverthe less interest was good.

Besides our regular work here, 1*11 be helping with an evangelistic meeting in Catal'g'o, about one hour

north of here, April 13-16.

In May I will be leading

and then in In July 1*11

e weekend meeting in Ouro Verde, Goios June another weekend meeting in Goisnia. be directing the Junior Camp Week.

In March a preacher training institute was started in GoianiE. It has the backing of several of the mis
sionaries from Churches of Christ in central Brazil. There are seventeen students.

I am sending this letter in order to participate in the Bible Correspondence Course about the Gospel of Mark, because I want to do this wonderful study.
Antonio Tomaz Teixeira

Ituiutabf , M.G-

Please send me the course

reason I want to study

I, God



I'm a

the course

is because

strong Catholic and

like to read religious books and

in talking with a friend was informed of this co\irse which he book. Thank you.
Cleusa Maria de Jesus

Cuirinopolis, Goies

Please-send me information ebout the Bible lessons

that you administer by boys that v;ish to study.

bute them.

corresp3ndence. I have two Could you also, pleese send

some of the tracts, "He Lives'." so that we can distri

lone Hoita Jorge Uberaba, M.G.

We want to express our thanks to Carroll E. Jay, minister at Greenbush, Ohio, for a gift subscription to The Sporting News. You sports fans know what thet means to a fellow. Also for the thoughtfulness of
Miss Lela Fiscus and Mr. & Mrs. Robert Arn in remem

bering our wedding anniversary in a very special way.

C 0 M K I B LI T I 0 >
Lynn's gifts foi
from the following:

March totaled $925-29 and -came

Mt. Grab Church of Christ

Williamsburg Church of Christ Bright Christian Church

Bridgetown Church of Christ

Harrison Church of Christ

Rum Double Class, Bright Forest Dale, Niner's Class

Bright, Searcher's Clasis Bright, Wee Worship

Georgetown C.W.C.

(Continued on back)

INDIVIDUALS Norma Cleaveland Thelma Hart

Betty and Patsy Grubbs

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Patterson Mr. end Mrs. Jesse Smith Elaine Roberts


Russell and Glenda Hall

Box 38115

Urbano, Ohio 43078

Mailed by.


Non-Profit Org.

P.O. Box 115

Harrison, Ohio 45030

Harrison, Ohio


Edith Gardner, recent graduate of Intermountain Bible College, arrived in Uber -

landia April 15. Here she is being welcomed

to Brazil by a friend of ours, Edith will teach in the English language school and as sist in other areas of evangelistic work as

she gains proficiency in the language.

la the January Cable we wrote of Vaido and his fam

ily. We have continued our studies with them and they

are showing a real desire to know the Word of Gid.

Vaido's time is limited as he is studying at night. By the time he puss in ten or twelve hours a day, does
his homework, goes to school, as well as
for Bible study.
We have studied the book of John and are now in Acts. Vaido*s folks are Pentecostal and her folks are

fulfill his

other obligations, he hasn't a great deal of time left

Adventists so we are continually on the firing line. They recently had a new baby and we have spent a good deal of time in discussion about baptizing the baby. Of course we hold to the view that baptism is intended

for folk




repent of their sins in pre

paration for baptism.

However, the Roman Catholic C.

and various old wives' tales (the baby won't be heal thy if he isn't baptized) exert a lot of pressure on
the home.

Ouir boat mail-is^Blways slow in arriving. Conse quently I'm just now reading the article "Whose Re

sponsibility" by Mary C. Harding, which appears in four

parts in the January issue of the Christian Standard.

Mr. Hayden correctly stated a neglected truth in his editorial of January % "We once cherished the fond thou^t that missionary problems would be self-cor rective. We have said that if a missionary, or mission
agency or representative, or a mission organization,

proved unworthy, financial support would be withdrawn and the problem would disappear. Not so! You might
as well expect a government bureau of self-destruct!"

Missionary problems don*t disappear any more read ily than any other kinds of problems. And we missioa,aries stand in need of constructive, prayerf\il help and consideration. In an article accepted by Chris tian Mission Today. I stated, "While there have been missionaries who preferred that the local congregaticai not assume any responsibility, other th^n to regular-

ly send the cash, most realize the need for oversi^t. Or vare bluntly, we recognize the value of having to
answer specifically for ur labor as well as the ad

vantages of wholesome counsel."

The faith promise rallies have made a solid impact
in many of our chxirches. But I have wondered for some time if the emphasis has not been too one-sided. The rle of the local congregation in sending missionaries

is not finished when the financial goals are met or exceeded. The National Missionary Convention is giv ing added emphasis this year to fund raising. That is good. But I hope that mission leaders will be wrest ling with sme of the unsolved problems in regard to the task of the local congregation and its role in ef fectively sending forth messengers of the Word of

In April Lynn's contributions totalled $993.35 and^
came from the following;
CHURCKES Harrison C. of C.


Bowling Green, Ky. Bridgetown C. of C. Bright Christian Church

Mt. Orab C. of C. Union Church of Christ

Searcher's Class, Bri^t T.N.T. Class, Mt. Orab, Oh, Georgetown C.W.C. Jr. Class, Wilmington, N.C. Kum rouble Class, Bright Wee Worship, Bri^t


Mr, and Mrs. Jesse Smith

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Patterson
Elaine Roberts

Betty and Patsy Grubbs Mr. and Mrs. Roger Leslie

Mr. and Mrs. George Glaze

Shona's hair is shorter while Mark*s gets longer! They send greetings to their friends
in the U.S.


Russell and Glenda Mali

Box 38115

Urbana. Ohio 43078

Mailed by.
CHURCH OF CHRIST P.O. Box 115 Harrison. Ohio 45030


Non-Profit Org.

Harrison, Ohio



Address eorrectlon requested

JE25 72

working in Uberlandia, Brazil

Vol. 6, number 6, June 197?
1 >': ere sorry to lose the services of Russell and Glende Hall who have given so generously of their time

as for^^arding sgents. They are beginning a new min istry in Roanoke, Virginia. As Roanoke is some dis tance from our supporting churches, we ell felt it
would be better to have someone closes to the church

es. So ve publicly say & very warm thank you, Russ ell & Glenda. We pray God's richest blessings upon
you in your new ministry.

We are happy to announce that Mi-. Hariy Wilson, a member of the Bright Christian Church, our sponsoring
congregation, will be taking over duties as our nev;

forwarding agent. Mr. Wilson has been a member of the

Christian Church for 20 years and has served as Eldei. He has been retired from .CG&E since Sept. 1971. His sddress is R. R. #1, State Line Road, Box Lawrenceburg, Indiana 147025-

We are seeing some of our prayei's answered and the need for more prayer. Several prisoners at the Jai-ihave confessed Christ as their personal Savior end

want to complete theii' obedience in baptism. We are currently seeking God's leading as ve try to receive permission from the authorities to baptize these men.
The men will need lots of encouragement to remain

faithful to their committment

men in your prayers.

to Christ.

Keep these

We have seen prayer answered in that Charles Kent, a fellow workea; did come to Uberlandia to discuss the possibilities of working with the boys orphanage. We had received a request from the authorities to find someone to administer the home. Complete freedom to teach the Bible would be given. Now Charles is con tacting his supporting churches and seeking the lord*s will. Will you pray for Charles Kent and his family as they seek God's guidance in his opening to serve? He would not have to assume any financial obligations of the home in anyway. He would be strictly an admin istrator supported by his churches.

Brazil, a fast growing country numerically and ec onomically, is more and more in the news. That will

continue to be the trend throughout this century. Two articles of interest recently appeared in the Reader's Digest- of January 1972. If you missed those two it would be well wrth the trouble to look them up. I

don't agree with everything as it appears. But for those with an interest in your nei^bors to the south, you'll find interesting material.
As previously scheduled, we will be taking a short

furlou^ in December of this year and January and part of February 1973- With the Elders, we decided thatshorter furloughs more frequently would fit our sched ules better here. The problem is basically that of
children's education. As we have chosen to send Shona

and Mark to Brazilian schools we can only be gone a short while and be assured the continuity of their ed
ucation. They get best way. along well and we feel it is the

Larry Pierson, minister with the congregation at Bri^t will be scheduling our speaking dates for us. He can be contacted at R. R. 1, Lawrenceburg, Indiana

it70?5 or telephone 812-638-8797 (home) 812-638-7181


Brazil "with a population of over 95j000,000 is the

seventh largest country in the world. Sao Paulo with



is the

seventh largest city

in the

world cad Kio de Janeiro

ninth largest.

with over if,000,000

is the

Brazil*s director of immigration infomed the Mis

sionary Information Bureau

were granted pemanent visas

that in 1971> 39^ people

to serve as protestant

^7 missions.

This represents

lk2 family units from

C 0 N T Rl B U T ION S
Lynn's contributions
came from the following:

in May

totaled $78^.30 end


Bright Christian Church

Harrison Church of Christ

Bridgetown Church of Christ


Kum Double, Bright Searchers, Bright

C.W.C., Georgetown, Ohio

Mt. Orab, T.N.T. Class

Harrison C. of C., Wed. nite Primary Class Bright Wee Worship Class

CONTRIBUnOKS (continued)

INDIVIDUALS Jesse Smith Elaine Roberts

Betty & Patsy Grubbs

M/M Earl G. Moon

Miss Lenora Long

M/M George Glaze

Thelma Hart

M/M Robert Patterson


Harry 7.(.^1son

R. R. #t, Sfqt^^^ne Road Box^^

Lawrenceburg, In^ana 47025

Mailed by.
P.O. Box 115


Non-Profit Org.

Harrison, Ohio 45030

Harrison, Ohio


Address Correction Reouested


6^^ IS JY17 7Z

J. Lynn Cleav^^g^|||ly working in Uberlandia, Brazil

VOL. 6, MMBER 6, JULY 1972
We indicated in the Cable last month that several

prisoners had accepted Christ and that we were trying to get permission to baptize them.
On June 10 we received permission to baptize two of the men who already had open cell privileges. Open cell means that under supervision they are free to come and go during the day but at night must return to their cells. So on s sunny afternoon at a nearby

ranch, Cleuto and Luiz were ijnmersed into Christ. At the same time, Elcio, his wife, Sirlene, and his sis ter Sandra were baptized too. Elcio had recently been released from prison. Our contact with him began there.
In addition to the candidates for baptism we invit ed several friends to witness the ceremony. They were

of various religious backgrounds and the most of them had never seen anyone immersed. It was an inspira
tional hour!

We next turned to the Job of getting permission to

baptize the other fifteen or so who had indicated

their desire. Our co-worker, Harry Scates, actually did most of the leg wor'.! in running from one person

to another explaining our desire.

Finally after var

ious delays we received permission to baptize the rest

jf the men on June 2'^. However at the last minute the

and couldn't be on hand to release the men. So it was

jailer decided he had to

take his wife

to b wedding

postponed until Tuesday.


We arrived bri^t and early

Tuesday morning only to leam that there would be a delay until we could get a guard from the military po
We went to the military police and requested a

guard as the officials had directed.

town until Tuesday evening.

But the captain

said he would have to have a written request. And the man who had to sign the request wouldn't be back in

On Wednesday everything was ready and we began the baptisms. The officials had agreed to send three men at a time. Jose, Antonio and Francisco arrived at the Center and English School at two o'clock accompanied by two guards. Because of security reasons we had
been obligated to build a tank for the baptisms.

The only witnesses to that ceremony were the guards and Gezer, a young man who works in the English School.
Each man thanked God for the opportunity to be bap tized and expressed his desire for a new life. We were impressed with their sincerity.

The ceremony made an obvioxis impression upon the guards, one of whom later wanted to know how much we
received for our services which lead to a good oppor

tunity for further discussion with him.

We then returned to the prison to get three more only to find that the jailer, who by now you can see, is a very co-operative person, had left without giv ing his assistant permission to release the othersthree by three. - So only the Lord knows when we will by able to baptize the other men.

As I prepare this material, which is long overdue, my heart is heavy. Elcio returned to jail two days ago. He was cau^t apparently trying to steal some merchandise. We spent Thursday evening trying to get the details from the family. Yesterday morning we re quested permission to see him but were denied. There
seemed to be some indication that the man would not

press charges.

So we are asking the same questions you are. .Was he sincere? Did we not give him enou^ help and en-

cruragement? Did we assume too much? Has he been ly ing all along? What do we do now? How can we help
him? Were we naive? Does this mean not really repenting? that others are

Brothers, the job is not easy. Pray for us and for

the new converts. Pray for Elcio that he can be shown and demonstrated what it means to live for Christ.

In Portuguese the word "dona"


used as a title

and corresponds to our English usage of Miss or Mrs. However in Portuguese the title is used with the given
name instead of the last as we do in English. Now you




information to understand the


conversation which recently took place at

our dinner table.

Out of the clear blue Mark asked, "You know some

thing funny at my school?"

We agreed we didn't know and could hardly wait to

of the teachers

at my school

have the same

Julie replied, "Why Mark, I know some of your teach ers and they have different names."

"No Mommy, they all have the same name." "Well then," Julie asked, "What are their namesj"

He listed them, "Dona Maria Elena,Dona Consolacao,

Dona Romilda, Dona Cotinha, etc." Larry Pierson, minister with the congregation at Bright will be scheduling our speaking dates for us. He can be contacted at R. R. 1> Lawrenceb^g, Indiana

lf7025 or telephone 812-638-8797 (home) 812-638-718I


Lynn's contributions in June totaled $8^9-13 aiid
came from the following:

Rr-i gVi-h Christian Church

Harrison Church of Christ

Mt. Grab Church of Qirist

Union Church of Christ

Bridgetown Church of Christ

COKTRIBUnOITS (continued)

Betty & Patsy Grubbs

M/M Robert Patterson M/M Jesse Smith M/M George Glaze

Elaine Roberts

M/M Forest Barricklow yi/yL Carl Hart


C.V7.C., Goergetown, Ohio Bri^t Wee Worship Class Kum Double Class, Bri^t

Searchers Class, Bri^t

Cahall*s Clothing Store, Mt. Orab


Harry T. Wilson
R. R. #1, State Line Road
Box 252

Lawrenceburg, Indiana 47025

Mailed by.
P.O. Box 115


Non-profit Org.

Harrison, Ohio 45030

Harrison, Ohio




X-bH<W% S#4 72

J. Lynn Cleav^^d }am\y working in Uberlandia, Brazil

VOL. 6, NO, 8, AUGUST 1972

Saturday, July 29> saw t^e climax to a long story

vhich started so many many months ago. We told you last month of the attempts to baptize several prison ers. Each atten^it was met by some obstacle. Finally one of the authorities himself suggested that perhaps we build a water tank in a patio at the jail. We a-

greed that it would be a good idea especially as it was apparently going to be impossible to get any more men released to leave tte prison for baptism.
With a mi m'mnm of delay a concrete tank was con

structed and finally preparations

were ready for the

long awaited baptismal service. tion of the Jail


July 28 was

the date set. We arrived at the time set only to find that there had been a shortage of water in that sec

(don*t ask me why!) and the service

would again have to be postponed until the following day. IJhe Jailer contacted the fire department and they brou^t a truckload of water for the tank and at 3^15 we were given forty minutes for the baptisms. Eigh
teen men had indicated a desire but when the time came

only thirteen actually responded.

The men who wanted to be baptized, plus others who wanted to watch made their way down the long halls to

the outside patio where Harry Scates and I were wait ing. The only other Christian witnesses were twoprls-

oners who were previously baptized. After a stern re minder that this was nothing to be taken lightly the

men were baptized into tha Lord Jesus Christ to becme a glorious part of his world wide body. After the baptisms, we taught the men two or three
choruses. One of the men prayed a short but meaning

ful prayer.

Singing the

new choruses

the men wound

their way back up the hallways to their cells to pre

pare for the daily four o*clock cell search. On Sunday, July 30, we again saw the Lord's power
who will soon be
at work in the lives of several individuals when four

teen persons were baptized into Clirist at a baptismal

service attended by several others following Jesus in total obedience.

Our own Shona was a part of this group which also included a family including three children, three of the Harry Scates* children, the wife of a previously

baptized prisoner who is now free, the wife

of a man

who was one of our very^first friends in Uberlandia, the brother of an earlier convert and his daughter and a teenage girl.

The whole family in Christ gathered at our house in the evening for a fine hour of study, praise and get ting to know each other. Needless to say, our living room, which isn't very large was ti^tly packed. We divided into "two groups rdeteimined by geographic
location and will continue to meet in homes on the

Lord's Day. We plan to have one monthly meeting of everyone together on the last Sunday of each month. We place heavy emphasis on the fact that we are saved to serve. We are encouraging these folk from the very first day to begin to seek others and lead them to

We indicated that Elvio had returned to prison. He

was released under circumstances which are s t i l l not

clear to me. He left the city and his wife and in^n-

era! made a fool of himself.

However he has now


turned and it appears that he might be on the road to recovery. He attended the service last night. Pray for him, for all the recent converts and for us as we try to lead in the way God wants.

We give Grod all the praise and glory for raising!)

these folk to honor his name. It would not take a

genius to see that

our efforts

in themselves


never do the Job. We are completely dependent upon the power of His Word and His Spirit. It is He who

changes the lives of men.

sketch of the lives of some

Next month I'll give you a

of our converts and show

how Christ has changed their lives.


(ili) UTIOM

In July Lynn*s contributions totalled $864.l6 and

came from the following:

Harrison C. of C.

Bright Christian Church

Mt. Grab C. of C.

Bridgetown C. of C.
Germantown Christian Chtirch

T.N.T. Live Wire Class, Mt. 0,

Kum Double Class, Bright Georgetown C.W.C. Searcher's Class, Bright

Wee Worship Class, Bright

COKTRIBUnOWS (contiaued)


M/M Jesse Smith

M/M Robert Patterson

Elaine Roberts

Betty and Patsy Grubbs

Norma Cleaveland


Harry T. Wilson
R. R. #1, State Line Road
Box 252

Lawrenceburg, Indiana 47025

Mailed by.


NorvProfit Org.

Harrison, Ohio 45030

Harrison, Ohio


P.O. BOX 518 mssooBi fiueoi


J. Lynn Cleavel^nd family working in Uberlandia, Brazil


we believe it is

VOL. 6, NO. 9, SEPMBER, 1972

Yesterday service. was the first monthly meeting where our

two groups of Christians

came together for a worship

Everyone seemed to be glad to see each other

and enjoyed the worship and fellowship. Some faces were missing but on the whole the new family in Christ is
doing well.

We had planned to have another baptism service but

at the last minute everyone had a reason that they would have to wait until next week. Patience! Most of the new Christians are either conducting or

helping with Bible

studies with their neighbors and


friends, VJhile some expressed some difficulties, oth ers related that a family about ready to make their
decision to follow Christ.

Biblical and essential

into the thick

for significant chiirch growth

we place great eir^hasis on these new converts getting

of the battle and sharing what little

they do know.
a few leaders.)

The Lord's work (telling others about

Christ) is important for all of God*s people(tiot Just

We are especially thankful that we have beon able to begin a Saturday night Bible study which includestwo Protestants and three Catholic couples. We are-

using the newly available Gospel of John in a modern

translation for the basis of this study.

Julie and Shona are helping me with classes at the

orphanage on Wednesday evening. It really helps to get the boys into smaller, more teachable groups. The door is yet open for someone to provide leadership and administrati^te assistance with this home for boys. Join with us in prayer that this opportunity mi^t be
seized and utilized for the glory of Christ.

On Tuesday evening I have been able to get a group of ten boys together at the Agricultural Hi^ School for a Bible study. There we have Spiritists and Cath olics as well as fellows who don't claim b^ief in any thing coming together to study the Word. This is an

opening created by the use of the Moody "Sermons from

Science" film series.

Shona, after she was baptized was encouraged, as were the others, to find someone with which to share
-herfaith. Three^of lier Jieighborhood friends, Marcia, Etim and Sylvia were interested in studying with her. After her ejsplanations and stxidies all three expressed
their desires to follow Christ. As we were not certain

of their parents attitudes I went with Shona and each young person to discuss the decision with them and to see if there was any objections. Thankfully both fam ilies indicated an openness in permitting their child ren to make this decision. And it appears that now there are open doors with the parents.
It has been repeated thousands of times but remains fundamental, if you know enou^ to be saved you know enou^ to share with someone who doesnt know the Lord Jesus Christ. It's that simple but the world remains in darkness. Are you lifting the corner where you

We want to share
to know them.

with you some

information about

our people here and we think you'll appreciate getting

Lazaro, "who celebrated his thirty-fourth birthday on the 3rd, is one of otir new Christians. He has been married for fifteen years and has four children. One of his girls has been baptized also. Wanda, his wife,
has been a member of a Pentecostal church for some

time but Lazaro had never

shown any interest

in the


Then as a result

of his sister's (Sirlene),

baptism and new interest in Christ he agreed to study

some basic Bible lessons. In a few weeks he made his decision to follow Christ.

Before I

even knew that

he liked

to drink he was

telling how he had given it up. Lazaro likes to pick and sing western and country style and used to sing on Sunday morning on the radio. He has cut a record
or two. But interestingly enou^ he decided that his

popular singing was going to interfere with other things he wanted to do on Sunday. And he was always receiving invitations to go play and sing and then
there would be rounds of drinking and he Just didn't want to participate in that life any more.
He has worked for a bottle gas company for about

three years. His salary is small and his bills are many. I think I could best describe Lazaro and his family as your kind of folks. He's cheerful, helpful and gives every indications of wanting to serve the

May the Lord help us to be good teachers.

In August Lynn's contributions totaled $9k7.72 and
came from the following:

Kum Double Class, Bri^t Searcher's Class, Bri^t Wee Worship Class, Bri^t Georgetown C.W.C.


Harrison C. of C. Mt. Orab C. of C. Union C, of C.

Bri^t Christian Church Bridgetown C. of C.

Bowling Green C. of C.
HoUowtown C. of C. INDIVIDUALS Mr. and Mrs. Robert Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Forest Barricklow li4r. and Mrs. Carl Hart Mr. and Mrs. 0. V. McFadden Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Smith

Betty and Patsy Grubbs

Elaine Roberts


Harry T. Wilson
R.R. No. 2, Box 233

Lawrenceburg, Indiana 47025

Mailed by


Non-ProfIt Org.

Harrison, Ohio 45030

Harrison, Ohio



jossoaEa; 6i8oi
Address Correction Requested

(We are sorry this issue is so late. It wasn't re ceived at Harrison until November 23, 1972.)

Vol. 6, Ho. 10, October,. 1972.

How and where do you begin teaching a group of

people who have no Bible knowledge and some of whom are poor readers? This is the question we've been wrestling with. We decided to begin with a s\irvey
course which will continue throu^ next March^ We are

using a Bible story book along with questions we pre

pare and Bible verses tp memorize. Then in April we will begin a throu^^the-Bible study which will.take four years to coniplete.. Hopefully this will be at a pace -that eveiyone can keep up with the reading ahd
study material.

now it appears that, soine of the newly born tJhristians are going to die in infancy. Elcio and Sirlene have been a big disappointment. He was cau^t steal

ing twice after he made his. decision to follow Christ. I- guess Sirlene feels she has to stay with him. Oth
ers are having serious difficulties. We" ask the same

we rejoice

questions you raise. Were they really serious? Did they xinderstsuid? Were they ever really converted?-^But
they intend to walk with Christ no matter the teii5)ta' . ,

T the more for those Who are showing tikiat

tidn or cost.,

,We*d. appfeciate your.".E?i^ers on behalf of an all day retreat we have planned for November 3* Several
families should Tae represented and some. nonCtoristians

as we gather to see what the Bible says about the

Christian home. It appears that a friend will let us

use his chacara (little fam) for the retreat.

We are sponsoring the series of films Sermons PVom

Science on local TV where they will appear weekly on

Saturday. They wiU,begin on October 8 ^d run throu^

December 30. The cost will be about the same as last year when we ran the 13 film series at about $50.00

per film.

On top of that "we had to p^ Jfoody Insti


the same amount for TV use of the films.

time, however. Moody will only charge $150 for the en tire series. We are convinced the fiims play an im
portant part in sowing the precioiis seed.

the^eatest joy. To any passerby the conversationtaking place, in a little corner bar yesterday vould
have been inconsequential. ' But to me, and I think to-

. It *s really the-siniple tiii^

in life that bring

the Loi\i, it was of deep significance.. Antonio was one of the second group of prisoners

who were baptized. After he beg^ studying with me and the others in cell 8, he asked me to visit'his wife aid f^ly. He w^ted her to know^abput Christ and His Word. Wen. Julie and I went to visit Erci she

noti^ng bim". (A lodse translation of her terininoldgy

d4&cribing-Antonio.) ,. ' r '

waS; more, than a little suspicious of that "good for

^ t liheh .s;|ie began to notice a difference in him

during her visits to the jail. As she studied with us
she mentioned that Antonio was aaa:ng After he was

bs^ptized she said she could hardly believe the change in his atT/itudef and^.t^ /

Soon after "his^baptism he" was Released from jail. ' immediate temptations were tremendous. His old to the house and called for him. .And

cronies came

when he tried to give a reason for his new life-style

they hurled the usual verbal abuse and ihstilts. He stayed pretty close to home for a couple of'months.

Then we got a Bible .Study going, .in a nei^bpr

house. The wife of the owner of a' corner bar attended


and. she asked Antonio^ and me to talk with ^er husband

whose nme is:also Ant6M



So the conyersation I mentioned earlier Vas Antondo

talking with Ahtpnio.

man who had

Exdiniinken b\iii ta3Jd.ng with the

of cheap drink. There

sold him plenty

wasn't anything

espeqiaily profound bsing said. And

Cliristian was ex

I'm not certain how much effect it had.

one thing was clear. . Ihe

plaining whj' his life was different.

Christian was certain that Je'sus Christ



changed his


And in his way that's what he told Antonio the


And isn't that what it's all about?

We are

looking fd:h/ard to a

visit by my mother,

Wonna Cleavelana who is planning to arrive in Brasil

ia on November l6. She will visit my brother, Gary and his family who live in San iJuan^Ptierto Rico. Shona and Mark have been helping to make a list of all

things urandma must do and see in Brazil.; So far

all inJ

appears that it will t^e about three years to :Workit

But it Will all have to be crammed la-, by Deceiaber


13 when we will all leave for the States, via


Rico, arriving in Cincinnati about December 19. We plan to be hrahe -atout two months . Lerj^ Pierson, R.
our speaking schedulb >0 contact him in regard tb any
speaking engagements.'

2, Box 13h, Lawrenceburg, Indiana ^^7025 is handling,

In September Lynn's contributions totalled $951.52

and came from the following!

Christian Church, Bowling Green, IQr. Church of Christ, Union, Ohio

Church of Christ, Bridgetown, Cincinnati

Church of Christ, Mt. Grab, Ohio Church of Christ, Harrison, Ohio Christian Church, Bri^t, Indiana


Searcher's Class, Bri^t Kum Double Class., Bri^t Wee Worship Class, Bright Little Christians, Bright Youth Group., Salem Christian C.


Mr, and Mrs. Robert Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Smith Mi*, and Mrs. Forest Barricklow Mi*, and Mrs. Charles W. Pursley

Betty and Patsy Gnibbs

f u;<lousfJ SCJ-JSDULI
Arrive States Dec. 19

Dec. 2k Decj^^l!

Bright (all day): . . Sarrison .(all day).

Jan. 3-6 . Bridgetown Faith ProMse Cpnferenpe

Janv- 7

. Speaking Jan. h ^ Union Highland Co. Ohio (AM) Williamsburg, Ohio (PM) , Jan. ik Bowling Green, Kentucky (all day) Jan. 21 Gem^town, (all day) Jan. 28 Osgood, Ind. (M)
Ut. Orab (PM)

Feb. h Feb. 11
Feb. 13

New Lisbon, Indiana (all, day) Harrison (AM) Bri^t (PM)

Speak at C.B.S. chaple

Feb. 18

Flint,. Mich. .

J. Lynn CleaveJ^nd family working in Uberlandia, Brazil

b er & & December, 1972 197^ Vol.'6, IVo. 11, November

and Christmas

is by far our favorite time of the year

at home is even better yet. We are

thankful for the blessings

which have been ours this

year. We are especially thankful for the folk ':ho have been baptized into Christ. God is faithful and

he gives the harvest "where His seed is sown,


there is no room for complacency as v;e view our little,

band. They are so riew and have so much growing to do.

And there are tens of thousands more to be reached in
our city.

We look foiTward

to seeing the most of our readers

in the next couple of months, and the

opportunity to

tell vhet the Lord is doing in Uberlandia.

May the joy and the peace that is in Christ be yours in this special time of the year. Remember the
Christians in Uberlandia in your prayers. Don't miss

a single opportunity to talk to someone about the Lord.

The Our all day retreat on November 5 V'as a good one. theme "was the Christian home. I (Lynn) lead a
After a brief intro

session on the home and family.

duction of key scriptures we divided into three groups

to discuss the subject and vhat the

Bible says.


zer, e young Christian man -who works -with us taught a

session on the use of the Bible in the home. Harry Scetes lead an afternoon session on the Bible and sex.

This vas followed by group discussion.

The picture section contains shots of the retreat which was a new experience for most of the folk. About half of the sixty who attended are Christians. Others will soon be making decisions to follow Christ.
One of the things which was new for the folks is the American custom of putting our food together and everyone choosing what he v/anted to eat. I believe they all enjoyed doing that. Volleyball, while played id Brazil, is not a common game and no one seemed to know the rules. And of course the concept of being organized for various classes and activities was some
thing new.

With the

exception of one family, ell of our peo

ple were able to attend. Those who didn't have trans portation got together and hired a truck to haul them

We are

indebted to

Orlando Maties, the father of

one of the college boys we've baptized who allowed us the use of a mango grove on his ranch for the retreet. Orlando end his wife are spiritists end we prey we might be able to help them to come to a saving rela tionship with Christ. They participated in one of the
classes. Another couple who live and work on the
ranch attended too.

We will probably be having as many of these type of outings as possible. We can get in a lot more teaching in all day outing then in several Sundays of meetings for an hour or so.

Get that camere out of here*

1 i!


Okay^ you caught me*

Did you ever see

so much food?

Hero's your Bible*



In October Lynn's con'.ributions

end came from the follrning: ."HURCHES



Hrrrif.-*:! Chiirch of Christ

Bridgetown Church of Christ

Villiamsburg Church of Christ

fowling Green Christian Church Bright Christian Church


Georgetown C.W.C.
T. N. T. Live Wire Class
Kum Double Class

Searcher's Cluss Wee Worship Class


M/M Robert Patterson M/M Forest Bsrricklow M/M Jesse Smith M/M Cerl and Thelma Hart
Betty and Patsy Grubbs

In November Lynn's contributions totalled $898.29

and came from the following;

Bright Christian Church Church of Christ, Harrison Church of Christ, Mt. Orab Church of Christ, Bridgetown Christian Church, Bowling Green


Searcher's Class, Bright

Kum Double Class, Bright Wee Worship Class, Bright T. N. T. Class, Mt. Grab Georgetown C. W. C.

'Mr. axid Mrs. Robert Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Smith

Betty and Patsy Grubbs

31aine Roberts

Mr. and Mrs. Forest Barricklow

Miss Lenora Long Mr. and Mrs. E. Q. Fawley


Harry T. Wilson
R.R. No. 2, Box 233 Lawrenceburg, Indiana 47025

Mailed by


Non-ProfIt Org.

Harrison, Ohio 45030



Harrison, Ohio



Address Correction Requested

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