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PROJECT BASED LEARNING ASSIGNMENT FINAL REPORT PROJECT QUESTION: How to improve our vocabulary to do FCE - Use of language

part 3 through studying word formation rules? Name of team members: Name Email address Nguyn Kim Hi Kimhainguyen1986@gmail.com Nguyn Th nh Dng Quynhduongsapa1@gmail.com Cao Th Vn Anh Sunflower29081988@gmail.com I. Itroduction: 1. Background information about each participant Telephone number 0968342155 0949850860 01654261988

We are group 6 of class B1-15.Our group has 3 participants who come from different districts of Lao Cai province. There are some background personal information about each member: -Nguyn Kim Hi: He comes from Bao Thang district of Lao Cai province. However, he teaches in Muong Khuong high school number 3. He has had 2 years experience in teaching in a minority area. -Nguyn Th nh Dng: She is a teacher of Sa Pa high school number 1. She has had 10 years experience in teaching in the multi- level classes, where students come from Sa Pa town as well as the remote villages. -Cao Th Vn Anh: She has been a teacher in Muong Khuong high school number 2 since 2011. This school has nearly 70% of ethnic students. 2.Stage the question Our group's project question is: 'How to improve our vocabulary to do FCE - Use of language part 3 through studying word formation rules?" The reason why we choose this project question: -Word formation is an important grammar item in FCE Use of language part 3. -When we do FCE Use of language part 3, we make many mistakes relating word formation on parts of speech and affixation. Studying word information helps us over come this difficulty. II. Method of studying 1.The sixth weeks plan of our group: Week The first week Plan of group -On Friday morning, we had disscussion in the class, we found that 3 of us had the same difficulty when we do FCE Use of language part 3. - We decided who is the leader, the secretary in our group. We disscussed how to do in project Notes

The second week

The third week

The fourth week

base learning. -On Monday morning, we did trial test, we found that we met many difficulty with word formation, especially parts of speech and affixation. -We studied about word formation, collected information relating it. - On Thursday morning, we shared information gathering. -On Tuesday morning, we collected exercises relating parts of speech and affixation. + We showed the teacher what have we done , the next step what we are going to do and the difficulties we met when we study this project. The teacher gave feedback and advice for us. -On Thursday morning, we did controlled practice. After that, all the members had peer feedback, found out the common mistakes. Then we reviewed the grammar items. - Collecting exercises for freer practice next week. -On Monday afternoon, we did the freer practice. +We collected the feedback form and analyzed the participants' ideas. -On Thursday afternoon, we did the freer practice. +We collected the feedback form and analyzed the participants' ideas. -Collecting the test for next week.




The Fifth week

-On Tuesday afternoon, we did Appendix final task ( did the test which the same form with the trial test). + We had a disscussion about the result of the final test compare with the result of the trial test. + We realised that we had significal improvement in term of the result between the two tests after studying of the word formation rules. -On Thursday afternoon, we collected all the materials of the study, gathered the participants'

The sixth week

ideas. Then wrote final report. -Completed the report. -Handed in the report.

2.Summazise the basic way that our group worked together a.What did we do together? -We chose the project question, had disscussion on the study. -We collected information relating word formation rules. b.How much time did we spend on the project? -We spent six weeks to study the project, twice a week from week 2-5, except once in week 1 and handed in the report in week 6. 3.What benefits and drawbacks when we did the project a. Benefits -Had a good cooperation in our group. -Collected the materials supporting the project easily. -Had a remarkable improvement in using word formation rules. b.Drawbacks -Decided the project question. -Chose the suitable materials matching with the aim of the project. III.Reflection 1.The valuable things PBL broght us after studying the project -It was a good chance for us to write the report, to present in front of crowed people. -Working PBL gave us a good atmosphere to practice speaking, writing, and Use of language. Moreover, we could share our ideas and experiences. -We could do FCE Use of English part 3 better. 2.Recommendations a.Recommendations for learners -Choosing the project question and following it unitedly during the course. -Working in group effectively. b.Recommendations for CFORD -Setting stable and professional teachers in studying project who will give the learners the instructions and advices clearly.

IV. Attachments We will give the appendixes as the attachment. V.References

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