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Planting - Strengthening Churches of Christ

In Western Canada

Jonlln. '

Forwarding Ap;ent

Field Address

Mr. J. Russell Harley 23^0 North Ridge Rd.

PalnesViHe, Ohio

1140 - 40 St. S. W, Calgary, Alberta,


Newsletter - January Dear Friends,

February - 1962

The past year (1961) saw the completion of a number of goals and the blessing of the Lord upon this church planting work her^ and we wish to thank each one of you for your faithful support during
the year.

The year of 1961 saw the completion of the basic building program with the finishing of the Interior partitions and the com pletion of the baptistry dressing room, bringing the initial phases
of the building program to full completion.

Interest in the Christian service camp was at a high level this year with eight campers, two Jr. Counselors and one teacher attending
from the Rosscarrock Church of Christ. The attendance was well above

the i960 level for both Bible School and Church.

The planned program

of evangelism and church strengthening were carried out.

This re sulted in five additions to the local church, three by transfer of fellowship and two baptisms. The church was strengthened in all aspects

and shov/ed this in many ways including a 30 ^ increase in giving.

We feel that the increased strength is the fruition of the years
of work here.

We consider that we have now successfully planted a church

after the Nevr Testament order in the Rosscarrock subdivision of

Calgary and that the church is established although not fully self supporting. We are now seeking to recruit a couple to assume the leadership of this church as we make plans for the future. We feel certain that the Holy Spirit will lead in finding new leaders for the congregation here, and will lead us into a new area of service. Will you pray for us during this period of transition and for even greater

success for Him in 1962 and the years ahead.

In relation to the goals that relate to us as a family, 196I saw

the completion of part of these goals but not all. In January, Joe began work on a course to complete his work with Lincoln Bible Institute for the Bachelor of Divinity Degree. This course was completed without leaving the field, through a research assignment. Upon completion of this course Joe received the Bachelor of Divinity

Degree (In Absentia) at the June Graduation of Lincoln Bible Institute. This represents the completion of a full seven years of college studies and a long sought personal goal. This was made possible through the
loving help of Margaret who has been a faithful help-mate in every
endeavor for th-e--Lo^fv3r--aid family,

In October we completed through our forwarding agent, the incorporation of our mission under the laws of the State of Ohio, and we are now duly incorporated as the Church of Christ Mission of
Western Canada.

Tentative plans call for a visit early this year with living
link churches and others who are interested in this work. More

information will be forthcoming on this a bit later.

We wish to thank each of you for your support, for the beautiful cards and lovely gifts sent to us as Christmas and through
out the year. Your servants in Christ,

/Joe and Margaret Kaisey^


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Property ot LIBEAHY




Mr J. Russell Hfrley 2340 Norht Hidge Roed

Ppinesville, Ohio

Joe end Margaret Keiser



Planting - Strengthening
Churches of Christ _ ' .

Forwarding -Agent
Mr J. Russell Herley

Hews letter for

23^0 North Eidge Rd.

Peinesville, Ohio

Jiine 1962.



Planting New Churches is the task to which we have set our

hand. We are laboring st this task with the help of those of you who ere interested in supporting us oh the field "by providing our salary,

housing end nececsery mission expenses incurred in opening a new work.

The need for the planting of new churches on our own continent, ' our "Judea and Samaria" is made more urgent when one realizes the
cities end towns of the United States alone will have grown by 21.377.000 by 1975. When we first entered this v/ork we went to Edmoriton, Jilberta,

Canada to help in the strenthening of the new King Edward Perk Church _
of Christ. This churchhas continued to grow end in June of 1962 the
church celled its first full salaried minister, Mr James Phillips.

We are certainly happy to see the progress of this congre^tj.on, which

was planted by Brother E. G-ilb^rt Cays.

In 1955 we moved to Calgary, Alberta to lead in the planting

of a new church in Hosscarrock a new subdivision of the city.. -At the
start of the work there there were no Nev; TestaiEnt Christians living

in the community. Today there is church of Christ planted in the area. The church is growing at a steady rate and ]:^ping pace in its growth
with other new churches planted in v;estern Canada. Now we feel that
the time for us ss church planters has come to move to a new area to

plant another new church, as an'JApollos" takes over the leadership here.


^fter conducting severel surveys seeking to determine the "best location to begin e new work, and finding these proving to be "closed"
doors we were invited by interested brethren of Montana churches to conduct 8 survey as to the possibilities for a new church in Missoula. The intial survey was conducted with Brother Robert Lai'rson and in company of Broether Conley Silsbyv. ^.s the result of this
survey and the number of New Testament Christians found who were

definitely interested we called a meeting to find out if they were

actually determined to have new church in Missoula with our help. On June. 7th-a group of interested persons met to discuss the possibilities of starting a new Christian Church in Missoula, Montana,
^s a result of the meeting it was decided to form the Central Christ

ian Church. Mr. Joe V/. Kaiser will be moving to the city of Missoula to commence work around the middle of August. The.Kaiser's through their mission will be active as the planters of this work for a per
iod of about three years. Ihiring this period the church will assume

all its ov/n local obligations end seek to do its utmost to provide for all the costs of a meeting place. The salary for the Kaiser's will beprovided by the mission during this period. Thus enabling the new church to concentrate on the program of providing a building
to meet i t s needs.

The meeting described above was called after Brother Kaiser

in compai^r v/ith Brother Robert Larsson and Brother Conley Silsby had
made a number of calls in the city of Missoula to determine the

actual interest of the people.

Since there v;as a really vital inter

est found and goodly number of Christians found who were concerned enough, the meeting was celled and the initial steps taken tov/ard the

planting of a new church, i^nother meeting is to be held on June 21st to make more definite plans for the actual starting date, meetingplace "etc. ^ church builidng that would be well suited to the. needs of a new congregation is available for a very reasonable figure and further investigation is being made to determine the possibilities of
obtaining this building.




The specific needs of the work of the Western Christian

Mission are:

total addition of $200,00 pledged as

I. -

" " t"' "

'salary for the Kaisers. -lass, mission group or individual. Second: Housing Fund to purchase a horae for the


" / n y portion of this may "be,pledged "by a church,

; -

missionary family and provide off.ice end-work

. space.

Porvjarding -/^gent:

Mr J. Russell Harley

(ill gifts promptly receipted

23^-0 iJorth Ridge Rd.

Peinesville, Ohio

"by- our Forv^arding Agent) .

From: Joe and-Margaret Kaiser-

V/estei:n Christian Mission-(Church of Christ Mission) c/o Mr J. Russell Harley

23^1-0 Horth Ridge -Sd. .
Painesville, Ohio




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