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Literature Review

Human being is usually quite rational and makes systematic use of the available information (Fishbein, 1975). To predict and understand an individuals purchasing pattern, focuses should be on the inuences of relevant factors on the behavioral intention, and that can be viewed as the immediate determinant of the action. A persons behavioral intention is determined by two factors - individuals attitude and the individuals perception towards the society (Shim, 1989). (Shim, 1989) To measure consumer attitudes toward domestic and imported clothing is strongly inuenced by the level of involvement. The luxury concept is quite difficult to define because it represents a social context (Nueno, 1998) that follows a cultural evolution. However, from an analysis of the literature (Amatulli, 2009), two main category of reasons for luxury goods consumption emerged out are as follows: one is external motivations, social and interpersonal; and the other one is internal motivations, subjective and reserved. In finding the determinants of customized product purchasing, studies by (Bardakci, 2005) show that a large proportion of consumers in UK & Turkey are willing to pay extra to own a new car exactly meeting their needs and preferences. Away from the daily life pressures today consumers are seeking quality, value and desirable environment (Soriano, 2002). In food industry, the growing affluent and educated society there is a demand of safe and better food quality to consume. The factors that can create the consumers purchase intentions towards their food purchasing behavior are such as safety, freshness, storage, preparation, consumption, price, packaging, and place of purchase (Rhr, 2005). Quality and safety are two important factors in consumers perception and hence making decision associated with choice of food (Grunert, 1997). As the perception of consumer is getting low, it is reasonable to suppose that the overall chances to induce the intention to purchase the product will be a regressive task to the marketer. According to (Creyer, 1997), real purchase behavior can be an alternative to measure the intention to purchase by consumers. The increasing competition has pushed companies to become more efficient in processing, reorganize management, develop new products, and explore new markets in order to meet the needs and wants of consumers (Avermaete, 2003). The advantages of technological innovation are low costs, convenience, flexibility and safety (Alexander, 1999).

Alexander, J. (1999). Customer service 2010: technology of the future. Foodservice Research International , 11 ((1)), 1-14. Amatulli, C. (2009). Il lusso esteriorizzato e il lusso interiorizzato. Cacucci, Bari. Avermaete, T. V. (2003). Determinants of innovation in small food firms. European Journal of Innovation Management , 6 ((1)), 8-17. Bardakci, A. a. (2005). A comparison of customers readiness for mass-customization: Turkish vs British customers. European Business Review. Creyer, E. a. (1997). The influence of firm behavior on purchase intention: Do consumers really care about business ethics? Journal of Consumer Marketing , 14 ((6)), 421-433. Fishbein, M. a. (1975). Belief, Attitude, Intention and Behavior: An Introduction to Theory and Research. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA. Grunert, K. (1997). Whats in a steak? A cross-cultural study on the quality perception of beef. Food. Food Quality Preference , 8 ((3)), pp 157-174. . Nueno, J. a. (1998). The mass marketing of luxury. Business Horizons , vol 41 (No. 6), pp. pp. 61-8. Rhr, A. L. (2005). Food quality and safety Consumer perception and public health concern. Food Control , 16, pp 649-655. Shim, S. M. (1989). Attitudes toward imported and domestic apparel among college students: the Fishbein model and external variables. among college students: the Fishbein model and external variables , Vol. 7 (No. 4), pp. 8-18. Soriano, D. R. (2002). Customerss Expectation Factors in Restaurants. International Journal of Quality & ReliabilityManagement , (8/9) (19), pp 1055-1067 .

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