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Youth ministry at Cornerstone Community Bible Church!

Always Growing
As we head into another beautiful fall, and get ready for another fantastic year of 5:16 Youth Group at Cornerstone Community Bible Church, I wanted to introduce you to our new way of bringing important information to you in an organized and easy-to-read format. So first and foremost, welcome to the 5:16 Insider our newsletter! So what has been going on at youth group all Summer? We have now completed our study of the Gospel of Mark and through the lessons this past year, we have studied several important concepts such as evangelism, serving, parables, who Jesus was, why we need a Savior and what it means to build a relationship with God. We have seen some impressive spiritual growth and I look forward to seeing the youth continue to grow as we head into another year. As we progressed through Mark we also saw the number of youth attending grow and we are now to the point numerically that we are close to losing our small group intimacy. So beginning September 8th we will be changing our meeting schedule around slightly to allow the High School and Middle School students to meet separately for Youth Group while not taking up another night of their week. The revised meeting schedule is tentative, we will see how things go and adjust if needed. Both groups will still eat together and both will continue to meet on Sundays. I invite you to look at the rest of the Insider now, look at the new schedule and feel free to contact any of the youth leaders if you have questions (there is contact information inside). Be blessed and have a great month!

Important Dates
(More Info on pg. 3)

HS/MS Separate Groups
(Times in News Section)

Fall Fun Night @ Judys 5:30 PM

Painting Service Project @ Church 10:00 AM

Whats Inside
News Coming Up @ 5:16 Birthdays Special Dates Calendar Contact Information




New Sunday 5:16 Youth Group Meeting Schedule (Begins September 8th): High School Meal Middle School 3:30 5:45 PM 5:45 6:15 PM 6:15 8:30 PM

We Are Looking For Service Opportunities Starting this fall and into Winter we will be looking for service projects/jobs the youth group can work on to raise some money which will be used to purchase gifts for families this Christmas. If you know of any service opportunities in and around the Mediapolis community please let them know we are available and let us know where we can work!

Birthday information removed in online version.
Dont see your birthday here? Make sure we have your basic information on file!

Coming up @ 5:16
A monthly lesson overview
Here is a look at what we will be studying this month...
Friends Take a look at the relationships in our life. We will define what makes a relationship a healthy one based on the example Christ gives in His relationship with us. Life-Map Before dating and relationships we have to figure out who God wants us to be, what is most important and how a relationship will fit into Gods plan for our life. Dating? - Am I ready to date? Am I allowed to date? These are some of the questions we will look at alongside what the Bible has to say about who we should marry. Heart Guard - We will look at the dangers of becoming emotionally and physically attached to someone before you are ready and what God has to say on guarding our hearts. Mental Check - Before we put ourselves in the situation where we might fail we need to check our mindset: Are we striving to remain pure or thinking, How far can I go?

Important Dates
You saw them on the cover, but what are they all about?? 9/8 On September 8th we will split our High School and Middle School youth into two separate meetings. Only the youth in High School will come 3:30 to 5:45 and Middle School youth will come at 5:45 until 8:30. From 5:45 until 6:15 we will eat dinner and then as the High Schoolers take off, the Middle School youth meeting will begin. If you have questions, need help with rides or anything else, please call one of us. 9/14 Fall Fun Night is going to be at Judys house at 5:30. We will play some games, have some special surprise activities and of course: hot dogs!! This will be for both High School and Middle School students, their friends and make sure you bring a folding/camping chair to sit by the fire! End time somewhere around 8:30/9. 9/28 Some of the stuff around the outside of the church need to be painted and that is the perfect opportunity for the youth to lend a hand! Come in clothes that can get painted on. Project begins at 10 AM, and we will likely be done around 1 or 2 PM. Lunch will be provided. **In case of bad weather this project will be rescheduled.** 11/17 It is a ways away, so plan now and make sure not to miss it!! On this Sunday we will not be having normal youth group, instead we will be having a night for Parents to come with their youth (small children welcome also) for a Thanksgiving meal together as one group. We will be playing an awesome game of Parent vs. Youth trivia. The Turkey and Trivia starts at 5:00 PM.


Call us for rides, if you have questions, or for anything else: Email and Phone information removed in online version. If you would like to talk to the pastor of Cornerstone, call or email: Email and Phone information removed in online version.
If you do not already follow us on Facebook, you should look up 5:16 Youth Ministries and Cornerstone Community Bible Church and don't forget to hit LIKE!

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