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CHO A2 Lexique franco-anglais CLE International, 2012

Augmentation (n.f.) Augmenter (v.) Cancer (n.m.) Chiffre (n.m.) Climat (n.m.) Correspondre (v.) Dvelopper (v.) Devenir (v.) Diminuer (v.) nergie (n.f.) volution (n.f.) Futur (n.m.) Guerre (n.f.) Hsiter (v.)

Increase To increase Cancer Figure, number Climate To correspond To develop To become To reduce Energy Evolution, change Future War To hesitate

Mtier (n.m.) Nourriture (n.f.) Opinion (n.f.) Optimiste (adj.) Paix (n.f.) Partie (n.f.) Ptrole (n.m.) Population (n.f.) Quotidien (n.m.) Relation (n.f.) Riche (adj.) Terre (n.f.) Transporter (v.) Vivement

Job, occupation, trade Food Opinion Optimistic Peace Part Oil, petroleum Population, people Daily Relation, relationship Rich Earth, ground To carry, to transport Vivaciously

Autant Nommer (v.)

As much To name, to list, to appoint

Salaire (n.m.)

Wages, pay, salary

Choix (n.m.) Chmage (n.m.) Cong (n.m.) Contrleur (n.m.) Coup (n.m.) Courage (n.m.) Cration (n.m.) Dranger (v.) conomie (n.f.) Gestion (n.f.)

Choice Unemployment Holiday, vacation Ticket inspector, controller Blow, stroke, knock Courage Creation To disturb Economy Management

Sinquiter (v.) Justement (adv.) Laboratoire (n.f.) Proposition (n.f.) Qualit (n.f.) Rflchir (v.) Ressources

To worry Just, justly, precisely Laboratory Proposition, suggestion Quality To think Human resources Retirement Specialized

humaines (n.f.pl.)
Retraite (n.f.) Spcialis (adj.)

Administration (n.f.) Administration

Formation (n.f.) Former (v.) Gnral (adj.) Incident (n.m.) Ingnieur (n.m.) Institut (n.m.) Laque (adj.) Mlanger (v.) Niveau (n.m.) Obligatoire (adj.) Pauvret (n.f.)

To move forward, to progress Future Avenir (n.m.) Stock exchange Bourse (n.f.) 1. Executive 2. Frame Cadre (n.m.) Notebook Cahier (n.m.) To count Compter (v.) Connaissance (n.f.) Knowledge To cut Couper (v.) To spend Dpenser (v.) Difficulty Difficult (n.f.)
Avancer (v.)

Cultural background, education To form, to shape, to train General Incident Engineer Institute Secular To mix Level Compulsory Poverty

CHO A2 Lexique franco-anglais CLE International, 2012

Doctorat (n.m.) Droit (n.m.) Enseignement (n.m.) tape (n.f.) tudier (v.) Exister (v.) Extrait (n.m.) Final (adj.)

Doctorate, PhD Law, right Education Stage, stop To study, to learn To exist Extract, excerpt Final

Primaire (adj.) Religion (n.f.) Respecter (v.) Runir (v.) Second (adj.) Signe (n.m.) Solution (n.f.) Technicien (n.m.)

Primary Religion To respect To join together Second Sign, mark Solution Technician

Ajouter (v.) Ambulant (adj.) Baguette (n.f.) Capable (adj.)

To add Itinerant Baguette, stick, chopstick Capable, able

Manquer (v.) Mmoire (n.f.) Observer (v.) Personnel (n.m.) Plante (n.f.) Produire (v.) Ramener (v.) Se renseigner (v.) Rparateur (n.m.) Sal (adj.) Socit (n.f.) Suffire (v.) Tlviseur (n.m.) Vitamine (n.f.)

To miss, to lack, to be short of, to fail Memory To watch, to observe Workforce, staff, personnel Plant To produce To bring back To make enquiries Repairer Salted Society, company To be enough Television, TV set Vitamin

Commercial (adj.) Commercial Commercialisation Marketing

Commercialiser (v.) Diriger (v.) Emploi (n.m.) Sennuyer (v.) Fabrication (n.f) Financier (adj.) Garde (n.m.) Gardien (n.m) Lieu (n.m.)

To market To manage Job, employment To be bored Production, manufacture, made in... Financial Guard Guard Place

Marque (n.f.)

Brand, mark

Sduisant (adj.)

Attractive, seductive

Armoire (n.m.) Cosmtique (n.m.) Couramment Disponible (adj.) Entretien (n.m.) tonner (v.) Exact (adj.) Exemple (n.m.)

Wardrobe Cosmetic Fluently, common Available 1. Maintenance 2. Interview To amaze, to surprise Exact, correct, accurate Example

Exprience (n.f.) Franchement Horreur (n.f.) Nul (adj.) Plaire (v.) Plutt Responsable (n.m.) Sexy (adj.)

Experience Frankly, honestly Horror Null, nil, hopeless, rubbish To be attractive Rather Person in charge Sexy

CHO A2 Lexique franco-anglais CLE International, 2012

Veuillez agrer mes... Amliorer (v.) Architecture (n.f.) Btiment (n.m.) Catgorie (n.f.) Chmeur (n.m.)
Domaine (n.m.) Dure (n.f.)

Agrer (v.)

Sincerely yours To improve Architecture Building Category Unemployed Domain, field Duration

Mdiathque (n.f.)

Media library Minimum Half Engine, driving force Net, neat, clear Opportunity, chance, occasion Pole Fulfilment, achievement, realization (Salaried) employee Security Feeling Social Care Trade union

Minimum (adj.) Moiti (n.f.) Moteur (n.m.) Net (adj.) Occasion (n.f.) Ple (n.m.) Ralisation (n.f.)

Expression Expression (n.f.) Fonctionnaire (n.m.) Public service employee, civil servant To administer, to manage Strike Grve (n.f.) Impressionner (v.) To impress Indpendant (adj.) independent Attached, enclosed Joint (adj.)

Salari (n.m.) Scurit (n.f.) Sentiment (n.m.) Social (adj.) Soin (n.m.) Syndicat (n.m.)

To accuse, to blame, to charge Alimentation (n.f.) Diet, food, food distribution To authorize, to allow Autoriser (v.) Biscuit, cookie Biscuit (n.m.) Cannon, gun Canon (n.m. Bell Cloche (n.f.) Anger, rage Colre (n.f.) Covered, clouded Couvert (adj.) 1. To forbid Dfendre (v.) 2. To defend Distributeur (n.m.) Vending machine, dispenser To use, to employ Employer (v.) Smoke Fume (n.f.) To keep, to look after Garder (v.) To put on weight Grossir (v.)
Accuser (v.)

Imiter (v.) Juge (n.m.) Local (adj.) Mre (n.f.) Mur (n.m.) Outil (n.m.) Peindre (v.) Portrait (n.m.) Pourtant Procs (n.m.) Rcration (n.f.) Rgle (n.f.) Transformer (v.) Vache (n.f)

To imitate, to copy, to mimic Judge Local Mother Wall Tool To paint Portrait Yet, even so Trial, lawsuit Playtime Rule To transform Cow

lection (n.f.) Gramme (n.m.) Inscurit (n.f) Municipal (adj.) Peser (v.)

Election Gramme, gram Insecurity Municipal To weigh

Poids (n.m.) Policier (n.m.) Recruter (v.) Seulement Voter (v.)

Weight Policeman To recruit Only To vote


CHO A2 Lexique franco-anglais CLE International, 2012

Piste (n.f.)

Track, trail

Authorization, permission Extraordinaire (adj.) Extraordinary, amazing

Autorisation (n.f.) Hirondelle (n.f.) Loger (v.) Parfumerie (n.f.)

Prototype (n.m.) Reportage (n.m.) Rvolution (n.f.) Secteur (n.m.)

Prototype Report, reporting, reportage Revolution Sector

Swallow To live at, to stay at perfumery

To administer, to manage Candidate Candidat (n.m.) Communiste (adj.) Communist Deputy, M.P. Dput (n.m.) To divide Diviser (v.) Education ducation (n.f.) To elect lire (v.) Finance Finance (n.f.) Gouvernement (n.m.) Government List Liste (n.f.) Law, rule Loi (n.f.) Majority Majorit (n.f.) Minister Ministre (n.m.)
Administrer (v.)

Outre-mer Parti (n.m.) Pouvoir (n.m.) Prfet (n.m.) Prsident (n.m.) Prsidentiel (n.m) Province (n.f.) Regrouper (v.) Socialiste (adj.) Succder (v.) Union (n.f.) Voix (n.f)

Overseas Party Power Prefect president Presidential Province, country To bring together Socialist To succeed Union Vote, voice

Arrt (n.m.) Atelier (n.m.) Automobile (n.f.) Bourse (n.f.) Chane (n.f.) Chance (n.f.) Dbat (n.m.)

Stop, halt Workshop Automobile, car Stock exchange Chain, line Luck, chance Debate

Interview (n.f.) Mto (n.f.) Meurtre (n.m.) Moto (n.f.) Mystre (n.m.) Psychanalyste (n.m.) Rapporter (v.) Rcent (adj.) Scne (n.f.) Slection (n.f.) Srie (n.f.) Sommaire (n.m.) Suite (n.f.) Tlcommande (n.f.) Zapper (v.)

Dessin anim (n.m.) Cartoon Direct Direct (adj.) 1. Direction 2. Direction (n.f.) Enquter (v.) vnement (n.m.) Familier (adj.) Fou (adj.) Incomprhensible

Interview Weather forecast Murder Motorbike Mystery Psychoanalyst 1. To bring back 2. To yield 3. To report Recent Stage, scene Selection Series Summary Following, next Remote control To zap

management To investigate Event Familiar Crazy, mad, insane Incomprehensible Information, news

Information (n.f.)

CHO A2 Lexique franco-anglais CLE International, 2012

Comdien (n.m.) Doucement

Comedian, actor Slowly, gently



Admirer (v.) Arracher (v.) Article (n.m.) Baobab (n.m.) Branche (n.f.) Commencement (n.m.) Descendre (v.) Dieu (n.m.) lenvers Escalier (n.m.) tonner (v.) Feuille (n.f.) Fleur (n.f.) Formidable (adj.) Fort (adj.)

To admire To root out, to tear out, to snatch Article, item Baobab Branch Beginning To go down, to come down God Upside down, in reverse Stairs To astonish, to amaze Sheet, leaf Flower Great, wonderful Strong

Honneur (n.m.) Invention (n.f.) Lever (v.) Orgueilleux (adj.) Plantation (n.f.) Planter (v.) Plateau (n.m.) Producteur (n.m.) Punir (v.) Racine (n.f.) Sentir (v.) Sourire (v.) Toast (n.m.) Vers

Honour Invention To raise, to lift Proud, arrogant Planting To plant Tray Producer To punish Root To smell, to feel To smile Toast 1. Towards 2. Around

Avoir lieu (v.) Apprcier (v.) Baisse (n.f.) Cur (n.m.) Comparer (v.) Condamner (v.) Copie (n.f.) Culture (n.f.) Dclaration (n.f.) Ensuite Essentiel (adj.) Fminin (adj.) Gnreux (adj.) Gouverneur (n.m.) Humour (n.f.) Informer (v.) Inondation (n.f.)

To happen, to take place, to occur To estimate, to appreciate Drop, fall, decline Heart To compare To condemn, to sentence Copy Culture Declaration, statement Then Essential Feminine, female Generous Governor Humour To inform Flood

Intrt (n.m.) Nombreux (adj.) Page (n.f.) Participant (n.m.) Prciser (v.) Prsent (adj.) Rcemment Record (n.m.) Rglement (n.m.) Sauf Simplicit (n.f.) Tissu (n.m.) Titre (n.m.) Se trouver (v.) Valoir (v.) Vers (posie) (n.m.)

Interest Numerous Page participant To specify, to make clear present Recently Record Regulation, rules Except, save, apart from, unless Simplicity Tissue, fabric, cloth Title To be located, to be found To be worth, to cost Verse

CHO A2 Lexique franco-anglais CLE International, 2012

Aise ( l) (expr.) Auditif (adj.) Bagage (n.m.) Baisser (v.) Balbutier (v.) Construction (n.f.) Dpendant (adj.) Emporter (v.) Explication (n.f.) Illuminer (v.) Jeter (se) ( leau)

(To feel) at ease Auditory, hearing Baggage, luggage To lower, to fade, to decline To babble, to stammer Construction, building Dependent To take away, to carry away Explanation To light up To leap (into the water) The following day

Maximum (n.m.) Mme Orthographe (n.f.) Proche (adj. /n.) Rflchi (adj.) Renseigner (v.) Reporter (n.m.) Retenir (v.) Sonore (adj.) Spontan (adj.) Test (n.m.) Traduction (n.f.)

Maximum Same, even Spelling, orthography Near, nearby, close to Well thought-out To give information to To postpone To hold back, to retain Loud, sound Spontaneous Test Translation

(v.) Lendemain (n.m.)

Leon (n.m.)


Promettre (v.)

To promise

Au fait (expr.) Barbecue (n.m.) Boulot (n.m.) Chemine (n.f.) Courant (au-de) (expr.) Double (adj.) Galerie (n.f.)

By the way Barbecue Work Chimney, mantelpiece Well-informed Double Gallery

Gte (n.m.) Informatique (n.f.) Marchand (adj.) Obliger (v.) Pantacourt (n.m.) Remarquer (v.) Tenue (n.f.)

Room, home Information technology Shopping, commercial To oblige, to force Capri pants To notice Dress, appearance

Accepter (v.) Accorder (v.) Agence (n.f.) Agence

To accept, to agree To grant, to give Agency Marriage bureau Farmer Elsewhere Except, apart, aside To go deeper In advance Single, bachelor Field Consideration, esteem To contact, to get in touch with Cordially, kindly

Former (se) (v.) Fuser (v.) Grce Immigration (n.f.) Intention (n.f.) Internaute (n.) Lancer (v.) Numrique (adj.) Occuper (un lieu) (v.) Permettre (v.) Positif (adj.) Renatre (v.) Respectueux (adj.) Salutation (n.f.)

To form, to learn To jet, to fly Thanks to Immigration Intention Net surfer To throw Digital, numerical To occupy To allow Positive To come back to life Respectful Regards

matrimoniale (n.f.)
Agriculteur (n.m.) Ailleurs part (expr.) Approfondir (v.) Avance (par) (expr.) Clibataire (n.) Champ (n.m.) Considration (n.f.) Contacter (v.) Cordialement

CHO A2 Lexique franco-anglais CLE International, 2012

Ct (n.m.) Dehors (adv.) Dvou (adj.) Discuter (v.) Distinguer (v.)

Side Outside Devoted, faithful To discuss To distinguish

Semblable (adj.) Sincre (adj.) Square (n.m.) Veuf (n.m.)

Alike Sincere Square Widower

Accent (n.m.) Ancrer (v.) Attirer (v.) Attraction (n.f.) Avoir lieu (v.) Bal (n.m.) Bataille (n.f.) Celtique (adj.) Chne (n.m.) Cor (n.m.) Courir (v.) Couronne (n.f.) Course (n.f.) Dfil (n.m.) Dguiser (v.) Dgustation (n.f.) Discussion (n.f.) Fdral (adj.) Fest-noz (n.m.) Flchette (n.f.) Foire (n.f.)

Accent To anchor To attract Attraction To happen, to take place, to occur Ball, dance Fight, battle Celtic Oak 1. Corn 2. Horn To run Crown Race Parade, march 1. To dress up 2. To mask Tasting Discussion Federal Breton festival Dart Fair

Folklore (n.m.) Importer (v.) Jet (n.m.) Lancer (v.) Lutte (n.f.) Majeur (adj.) Mange (n.m.) Maquiller (v.) Masque (n.m.) Orchestre (n.m.) Province (n.f.) Rater (v.) Renouveau (n.m.) Rire (v.) Sans doute Spectaculaire (adj.) Stade (n.m.) Succs (n.m.) Taureau (n.m.) Vainqueur (n.m.) Valle (n.f.)

Folklore To import 1. Throw 2. jet To throw Struggle, fight Major Merry-go-round To make up, to disguise Mask Orchestra Province To miss, to fail Revival To laugh 1. Most probably 2. undoubtedly Spectacular Stadium, stage Success Bull Winner Valley

Cano (n.m.)


Rivire (n.f.)


Cuillre (n.f.) Dconcentrer (v.) Dsagrable (adj.) Faire plaisir (v.) Fin (adj.) Moche (adj.) Particulier (adj.) Recette (n.f.)

Spoon To distract, to devolve, to dilute Disagreeable To please Thin, fine, subtle, delicate Ugly Particular, private Recipe

Rsister (v.) Retrouvaille (n.f.pl.) Sauce (n.f.) Secret (n.m.) Servir (v.) Tranche (n.f.) Truffe (n.f.) Valoir (mieux) (v.)

To resist, to withstand Reunion Sauce Secret To serve, to be used (as, for...) Slice Truffle To be worth

CHO A2 Lexique franco-anglais CLE International, 2012

Ail (n.m.) Amande (n.f.) Amer (adj.) Armistice (n.m) Arroser (v.) Bol (n.m.) Bouillir (v.) Bouteille (n.f) Calendrier (n.m.) Canard (n.m.) Carafe (n.f.) Casserole (n.f.)

Garlic Almond Bitter Armistice To water, to drink Bowl To boil Bottle Calendar Duck Carafe Saucepan To heat up, to warm Pressure cooker To stick Commemoration Basket Knife To cook Cooking, baking To cut, to carve Residence To have at one's disposal Emotion, feeling Spice 1. To wipe 2. to endure To spread Bean Foie gras Stride Fork Fresh Raspberry To fry Pancake To inflate, to swell Drop

Huile (n.f.) Hutre (n.f.) Ingrdient (n.m.) Laurier (n.m.) Lumire (n.f.) Moule (n.f.) Moutarde (n.f.) Muguet (n.m.) Nappe (n.f.) Oie (n.f.) Oignon (n.m.) Parcours (n.m.)

Chauffer (v.) Cocotte-minute

Pte (n.f) Percer (v.) Persil (n.m.) Piquer (v.) Placer (v.) Pole (n.f.) Poivre (n.m.) Poivrer (v.) Poudre (n.f.) Poule (n.f) Retirer (v.) Rveillon (n.m.) Saladier (n.m.) Saupoudrer (v.) Seau (n.m.) Sec (adj.) Sel (n.m.) Serviette (n.f.) Talent (n.m.) Tasse (n.f.) Thym (n.m.) Trou (n.m.) Verser (v.) Victoire (n.f.) Vinaigre (n.m.)

Oil Oyster Ingredient Laurel Light Mussel Mustard Lily of the valley Tablecloth Goose Onion 1. Route 2. career, (school) record Pasta To pierce Parsley To prick To place, to put Frying pan Pepper To pepper Powder Chicken (hen) To remove, to take off Christmas Eve, New Year's Eve (Salad) bowl To dust, to sprinkle Bucket Dry Salt Napkin, towel Talent, skill Cup Thyme Hole To pour Victory Vinegar

Coller (v.) Commmoration

Corbeille (n.f) Couteau (n.m) Cuire (v.) Cuisson (n.f.) Dcouper (v.) Demeure (n.f.) Disposer (v.) motion (n.f.) pice (n.f.) Essuyer (v.) taler (v.) Fve (n.f.) Foie gras (n.m.) Foule (n.f.) Fourchette (n.f.) Frais (adj.) Framboise (n.f.) Frire (v.) Galette (n.f.) Gonfler (v.) Goutte (n.f)

Assurer (v.) Bien (n.m.) Cap (n.m.) Chercheur (n.m.) Cheval (n.m.)

To assure Well, good, right Cape Researcher Horse

Jury (n.m.) Mmoriser (v.) Originaire (adj.) Presse (n.f.) Pulvriser (v.)

Jury To memorise To originate from Press To pulverise, to spray, to smash


CHO A2 Lexique franco-anglais CLE International, 2012

Cl (n.f.) Destin (n.m.) quivalent (n.m.) Gain (n.m.) Garde-robe (n.f.) Haras (n.m.) Influencer (v.) Insolite (adj.) Invisible (adj.)

Key Destiny Equivalent Gain, profit Wardrobe Stud farm To influence Unusual Invisible

Quand mme Rciter (v.) Recruter (v.) Rve (n.m.) Sociologue (n.m.) Somme (n.f.) Superbe Table dhte (n.f.)

Even though, all the same To recite To recruit Dream Sociologist Sum, amount Superb Fixed full course meal

Accompagner (v.) Amener (v.) Pilote (n.m.)

To go with, to accompany To bring Pilot To push

Raccompagner (v.) Rallye (n.m.) Reculer (v.)

Pousser (v.)

Sponsor (n.m.)

To walk, take or drive somebody back Rally To move back, to postpone, to lose ground Sponsor

Antiquaire (n.m.) Autodidacte (adj.) Carnivore (adj.) Crocodile (n.m.) Dedans Dgonfler (v.) Dessus (au-de)

Antique dealer Self-educated Carnivorous Crocodile Inside To deflate Above, over it, on it

Gonfl (adj.) Hsitation (n.f.) Montgolfire (n.f.) Reine (n.f.) Scrabble (n.m.) Serpent (n.m.)

Puffed-up, inconsiderate Hesitation Hot-air balloon Queen Scrabble Snake

Abstrait (adj.) ne (n.m.) Applaudir (v.) Art (n.m.) Artistique (adj.) Atterrissage (n.m.) Attraper (v.) Blague (n.f.) Caricature (n.f.) Chou (n.m.) Coloriste (n.m.) Comique (adj.) Dfaut (n.m.) Descendant (n.m.) Douanier (n.m.) Entourage (n.m.) Exploiter (v.) Exposer (v.) Frapper (v.) Huissier (n.m.) Humoriste (n.m.)

Abstract Donkey, ass, idiot To applaud Art Artistic Landing To catch Joke Caricature Cabbage Colourist Comical Defect, flaw, lack Descendant Customs officer Entourage To exploit To exhibit, to display To hit, to strike 1. Bailiff 2. Usher Humorist

Ignorance (n.f.) Ironie (n.f.) Moquer (v.) Mouvement (n.m.) Nfaste (adj.) Priode (n.f.) Personnalit (n.f.) Phare (n.m.) Pinceau (n.m.) Plaisanter (v.) Possder (v.) Queue (n.f.) Regard (n.m.) Rvler (v.) Taquiner (v.) Terminal (n.m.) Terminer (v.) Toile (n.f.) Tragdie (n.f.) Tremper (v.)

Ignorance Irony To mock Movement Noxious, harmful Period Personality Lighthouse, beacon Brush To joke To possess, to own, to have Tail, rear, queue Glance, look To reveal To tease Terminal To finish Web, canvas, cloth Tragedy To soak

CHO A2 Lexique franco-anglais CLE International, 2012


Ambition (n.f.) Annuaire (n.m.) Autorisation (n.f.) Blouse (n.f.) Carton (n.m.) Casque (n.m.) Clandestin (adj.) Comportement

Ambition Phone book, yearbook Authorization, permit Overall, blouse Cardboard Helmet Illegal Behaviour Understanding, comprehension Cord, string, cordon Creativity, creativeness Cook Curiosity Elegance Balance, equilibrium Gaiety, cheerfulness Generosity Grey

Honntet (n.f.) Intolrance (n.f.) Jouet (n.m.) Langage (n.m.) Maillot (n.m.) Ordre (n.m.) Parole (n.f.) Passisme (n.m.) Pessimisme (n.m.) Pratique (adj.) Rayon (n.m.) Rflexion (n.f.) Rejeter (v.) Rose (adj.) Sociable (adj.) Spontanit (adj.) Tapis (n.m.) Timidit (n.f.)


Honesty Intolerance Toy Language Bathing trunks, swimming costume Order Speech Backward-looking attitude Pessimism Practical, convenient, handy Ray, beam, radius, shelf, department Thought, remark, reflection To reject, to refuse Pink Sociable Spontaneity Carpet Shyness

(n.f.) Cordon (n.m.)

Crativit (n.f.) Cuisinier (n.m.) Curiosit (n.f.) lgance (n.f.) quilibre (n.m.) Gait (n.f.) Gnrosit (n.f.) Gris (adj.)

Affirmer (v.)

To assert

Cause (-de) Exploration (n.f.) Explorer (v.) Grotte (n.f.) Pnible (adj.)

Because Exploration To explore Cave Painful, tiresome

Perdre (se) (v.) Salir (v.) Splologie (n.f.) Surprise (n.f.)

To lose To (make) dirty, to soil Speleology Surprise

To board, to approach, to tackle So, as, that way Ainsi To chat Bavarder (v.) Bouquet, bunch Bouquet (n.m.) Chre (bonne) (n.f.) To eat well Complement, remainder, Complment additional On the other hand Contre (par) Cover, blanket Couverture (n.f.)
Aborder (v.) Dsorganiser (v.)

Manire (n.f.) Manifeste (adj.) Naturellement Revanche (en-) Soigneusement Store (n.m.) Sujet (n.m.) Taire (v.) Tas (n.m.)

Way, manner Obvious Naturally Revenge Carefully Blind, shade Subject To conceal, to say nothing about Pile, lots of

To disorganize

CHO A2 Lexique franco-anglais CLE International, 2012

Firmly Fermement Hors-duvre (n.m.) Starter Impolite, rude Impoli (adj.)

Indiscret (adj.) Instantanment Intervenir (v.) Lgume (n.m.)

Tas (un- de) Tmoignage (n.m.) Transmettre (v.) Valeur (n.f.) Volet (n.m.) Volontiers

Indiscreet, inquisitive Instantly To intervene Vegetable

A lot of Testimony To transmit, to pass on, to hand over Value Shutter 1. Willingly 2. With pleasure

Au-del Aventurier (n.m.) Arriver (v.) Bout (n.m.) Cabane (n.f.)

Beyond Adventurer To succeed, to reach, to come to A bit of, the end, a bit of Hut

Inventaire (n.m.) Librer (v.) Mt (n.m.) Mdiatique (adj.) Objectif (n.m.) Observation (n.f.) Ouvrage (n.m.) Pninsule (n.f.) Peupl (adj.) Plante (n.f.) Polaire (adj.) Probablement Rame (n.f.) Rejoindre (v.) Risque (n.f.) Rocheux (adj.) Sauter (v.) Scientifique (n.m.) Solitaire (adj.) Tmoigner (v.)

Inventory To free, to release Mast Media library Objective, goal, aim, target Observation Work Peninsula Populated Planet Polar Probably 1. Oar 2. Underground train To join Risk, hazard Rocky To jump, to leap Scientist Lonely, solitary To testify, to give evidence Attempt To attempt, to tempt Mark, trace Sled, sleigh, sledge Trapper Only, solely, exclusively Sail Wilful, voluntary, volunteer Will

Circle Cercle (n.m.) Collaborateur (n.m.) Associate, contributor,

Courant (n.m.) Crabe (n.m.) Crustac (n.m.) Dcourager (v.) Dpasser (v.) Dramatique (adj.) Dresser (v.) chec (n.m.) chouer (v.) Encourir (v.) nergique (adj.) Enlever (v.) Essai (n.m.) Expdition (n.f.) Faillir (v.) Fauve (n.m.) Fiction (n.f.) Filmer (v.) Flore (n.f.) lot (n.m.) Inconscient (adj.) Indiquer (v.)

collaborator Current, trend Crab Crustacean, seafood Discourage To overtake, to surpass Appalling, dramatic To erect, to raise, to put up, to tame Failure To fail To incur Energetic To remove, to take off Test, trial

Expedition Tentative (n.f.) To nearly... on the verge Tenter (v.) of... Big cat Trace (n.f.) Fiction Traineau (n.m.) To film Trappeur (n.m.) Flora Uniquement Islet Unaware To point, to indicate
Voile (n.f.) Volontaire (adj.) Volont (n.f.)

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Anguished Angoiss (adj.) Stupid Bte (adj.) Dbrouiller (se) (v.) To manage to Crazy, mad Dingue (n.m.) Electricity lectricit (n.f.) To move away loigner (s) (v.) Test preuve (n.f.) To worry Faire (sen) (v.)

Fentre (n.f.) Garage (n.m.) Inquiet (adj.) Mcanique (n.f.) Panique (n.f.) Port (n.m.) Rassurer (v.) Vraiment

Window Garage Anxious, worried Mechanics Panic Port To reassure Really

To announce Annoncer (v.) To beat, to defeat Battre (v.) Celebrity Clbrit (n.f.) Championnat (n.m.) Championship Comptition (n.f.) Competition Concurrent (n.m.) Competitor Contingent, quota Contingent (n.m.) Cyclist Cycliste (n.m.) To date Dater (v.) To declare Dclarer (v.) To distribute Distribuer (v.) Drug use Dopage (n.m.) Sport number worn by a Dossard (n.m.)
dition (n.f.) lancer (s) (v.)

Presence To foresee, to forecast, to plan, to anticipate, to expect Entirely, completely Main, principal Entirement Principal (adj.) Around, about Platform, quay, Environ Quai (n.m.) embankment Horse riding To go up, to go back quitation (n.f.) Remonter (v.) up Favourite Bank, shore Favori (n.m.) Rive (n.f.) To be among, to appear Tlspectateur (n.m.) T.V. viewer Figurer (v.) (on a list) Ton, tonne Jogging Footing (n.m.) Tonne (n.f.) Tournament Hippodrome (n.m.) Racecourse Tournoi (n.m.) Most of To trace, to draw La plupart Tracer (v.) Widely, greatly Violence Largement Violence (n.f.) Malhonntet (n.f.) Dishonesty
Prsence (n.f.) Prvoir (v.)

competitor Publishing, edition To rush, to dash

Marathon (n.m.) Marquer (v.) Match (n.m.) Mdia (n.m.) Mener (v.) Minceur (n.f.) Nation (n.f.) Organisateur (n.m.) Parmi Patinage Planche (n.f.) Plonge (n.f.) Pratiquer (v.)

Marathon To mark Match Media To lead Thinness, slimness Nation Organizer Among Skating Board Diving To practise, to do

Accrocher (v.) Ampoule (n.f.) Appareil (n.m.) Aspirateur (n.m.) Baignoire (n.f.)

To hang Bulb, phial, blister Machine, device, apparatus Vacuum cleaner Bathtub

Lave-vaisselle (n.m.) Dishwasher Detergent Lessive (n.f.) Washing, linen, items Linge (n.m.) Lit (n.m.) Mnage (n.m.)

of laundry Bed Cleaning, housework,


CHO A2 Lexique franco-anglais CLE International, 2012

Bouton (n.m.) Bricolage (n.m.) Bricoleur (n.m.) Complmentaire

Button Do-it-yourself D.I.Y. D.I.Y. man, handyman Complementary To sew 1. Knife, fork and spoon 2. place setting To clear away, to rid Hard, harsh, tough Equality Interview, discussion, maintenance To peel To hang out, to stretch out, to spread out Sink Oven Ideal To impose Inside, interior Kit Washbasin, washbowl Washing machine

Meuble (n.m.) Miroir (n.m.) Nettoyer (v.) Poubelle (n.f.) Poussire (n.f.) Ranger (v.) Rare (adj.) Rfrigrateur (n.m.) Repassage (n.m.) Repasser (v.) Rsoudre (v.) Sale (adj.) Sol (n.m.) Sondage (n.m.) Surgel (n.m.) Tche (n.f.) Tirer (v.) Vaisselle (n.f.) Vider (v.)

household Furniture Mirror To clean Dustbin Dust To tidy, to put away Rare Fridge, refrigerator Ironing To iron To solve, to resolve Dirty, filthy, nasty Ground, floor, soil Poll, survey Frozen food Task, job, mission To pull The dishes To empty

(adj.) Coudre (v.) Couvert (n.m.)

Dbarrasser (v.) Dur (adj.) galit (n.f.) Entretien (n.m.) plucher (v.) tendre (v.) vier (n.m.) Four (n.m.) Idal (adj.) Imposer (v.) Intrieur (n.m.) Kit (n.m.) Lavabo (n.m.) Lave-linge (n.m.)

Appartenir (v.) Aucun Banc (n.m.)

To belong to None Bench, seat

Nimporte Saluer (v.)

Any... (it doesn't matter) To greet, to say hello to

Avertir (v.) Colocataire (n.m.) Compter sur (v.) Confiance (n.m.) Domicile (n.m.) Fier (se) (v.)

To warn Co-tenant To rely on, to count on Confidence, trust Place of residence, home, address To trust

Locataire (n.) Mfier (se-de) (v.) Rparation (n.f.) Sentir (v.) Tout lheure

Tenant, lodger To distrust Repairing To smell, to feel Later, earlier, in a while

Alimentary, (of, for) food Alimentaire (adj.) Rainbow Arc-en-ciel (n.m.) Candidature, candidacy Candidature (n.f.) Career Carrire (n.f.) Should this happen Cas chant To cohabit Cohabiter (v.) Conformisme (n.m.) Conformity,
Contenter (se) (v.)

conventionality To make do with

Licencier (v.) Limiter (v.) Manuel (n.m.) Mentir (v.) Modle (n.m.) Montant (n.m.) Perfectible (adj.) Pharmacien (n.m.) Pourvoir (v.) Prcarit (n.f.)

To fire, to dismiss To limit Manual, textbook To lie Model Amount, sum Perfectible Pharmacist, chemist, druggist To provide, to equip Precariousness

To fear Craindre (v.) Dlocalisation (n.f.) Off shoring

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Dgouter (v.) Dplacer (se) (v.) Dpourvu (adj.) Efforcer de (s) (v.) lite (n.f.) Embauche (n.f.) Estimer (v.) tiquette (n.f.) Examiner (v.) Fusion (n.f.) Injustice (n.f.) Innovation (n.f.) Insatisfait (adj.)

To drip To move, to travel Lacking in To endeavour to do, to try one's best to Elite Hiring To estimate Label To examine Fusion, melting Injustice Innovation Unsatisfied

Qualifi (adj.) Rconcilier (se) (v.) Requrir (v.) Restructuration (n.f.) Revenu (n.m.) Satisfait (adj.) Scurit (n.f.) Souhait (n.m.) Spcialiste (adj.) Synonyme (n.m.) Systme (n.m.) Usine (n.f.) Vedette (n.f.)

Qualified, skilled To reconcile To require Restructuring, reorganisation Income Satisfied Security Wish Specialist Synonymous System Factory, plant Celebrity, star

Lying on Allong (adj.) Aluminium Aluminium (n.m.) Silver, money Argent (n.m.) Broom Balai (n.m.) Concrete Bton (n.m.) Wood Bois (n.m.) Brick Brique (n.f.) Brosse dents (n.f.) Toothbrush Desk Bureau (meuble) (n.m.) Coffee maker, coffeepot Cafetire (n.f.) Sofa, settee Canap (n.m.) Square Carr (n.m.) Centimetre Centimtre (n.m.) Hi-fi system Chane hi-fi (n.f) Chair Chaise (n.f) Champion Champion (n.m.) Bedside Chevet (n.m.) Chest of drawers Commode (n.f.) Conglateur (n.m.) Freezer Cotton Coton (n.m.) Duvet Couette (n.f.) Cushion Coussin (n.m.) Cube Cube (n.m.) Leather Cuir (n.m.) Gas cooker Cuisinire gaz (n.f.)
Cuivre (n.m.) Diamant (n.m.) Dimension (n.f.) Drap (n.m.) Embarrasser (v.) Enchre (n.f.) tagre (n.f.)

Fer (n.m.) Gant (n.m.) Halogne (adj.) Hauteur (n.f.) Illustration (n.f.) Laine (n.f.) Largeur (n.f.) Longueur (n.f.) Marbre (n.m.) Marqueur (n.m.) Matelas (n.m.) Matire (n.f.) Mtal (n.m.) Micro-ondes (n.m.) Millimtre (n.m.) Or (n.m.) Oreiller (n.m.) Pelle (n.f.) Plastique (n.m.) Plomb (n.m.) Porcelaine (n.f.) Prcieux (adj.) Recouvrir (v.) Rectangle (n.m.) Recueil (n.m.) Rideau (n.m.) Robot (n.m.) Savon (n.m.) Textile (n.m.) Traversin(n.m.) Triangle (n.m) Velours (n.m.)

Iron Glove Halogenous, halogen Height Illustration Wool Width Length Marble Marker Mattress Matter, material Metal Microwave Millimetre Gold Pillow Shovel, spade, dustpan Plastic Lead China, porcelain Precious To cover, to re-cover Rectangle Collection Curtain Robot Soap Textile Bolster Triangle Velvet

Copper Diamond Size, dimension Sheet To embarrass Auction Shelf

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Collier (n.m.)


Avertir (v.) Billetterie (n.f.) Cabaret (n.f.) Compter (sur) (v.)

To warn Ticket office Cabaret To rely, to count

Consulter (v.) Fric (n.m.) Rparation (n.f.) Taper (v.)

To consult, to check Money Repair, repairing To knock, bang, slam, beat, type, clap, hit, slap ...

Abonnement (n.m.) Subscription, season

ticket Shelter Abri (n.m.) Benefit, welfare, Allocation (n.f.) allowance Approvisionner (v.) To supply To press, to push Appuyer (v.) Gross, raw, rough Brut (adj.) To calculate Calculer (v.) Notebook, book Carnet (n.m.)
Charge (n.f.) Chauffeur (n.m.) Clavier (n.m.) Clturer (v.) Comparer (v.) Confidentiel (adj.)

Mobile (adj.) Obtenir (v.) Opration (n.f.) Ouvreuse (n.f.) Plombier (n.m.) Pourboire (n.m.) Pourcentage (n.m.) Prlvement (n.m.) Recharger (v.) Reu (n.m.) Rcuprer (v.) Relev (de compte) Remise (n.f.) Renouvellement

Moving, removable To obtain Operation Usherette Plumber Tip Percentage Withdrawal, debit, sample To reload, to refill, to recharge Receipt To get back, to save, to recover (Monthly) statement Discount Renewal Withdrawal Sales Tax Property tax Button, key To touch Wages Payment Label, sticker, tax disc Transfer

Charge, burden, responsibility, load Driver Keyboard To enclose, to fence To compare Confidential overdrawn To spend To put down, to deposit Deposit, warehouse To desire, to want, to wish To save In principle, in theory Ticket office (Income) tax To insert

Dcouvert () (n.m.) Without cover, Dpenser (v.) Dposer (v.) Dpt (n.m.) Dsirer (v.) conomiser (v.) En principe Guichet (n.m.) Impt (n.m.) Insrer (v.)

Retrait (n.m.) Solde (n.m.) Taxe (n.f.) Taxe foncire (n.f.) Touche (n.f.) Toucher (v.) Traitement (salaire)

Versement (n.m.) Vignette (n.f.) Virement (n.m.)

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To act Agir (v.) Archologue (n.m.) Archaeologist Artisan, craftsman Artisan (n.m.) Attach Attach (n.m.) Bibliothcaire (n.m.) Librarian Butcher Boucher (n.m.) Baker Boulanger (n.m.) Building site, roadworks Chantier (n.m.) To click Cliquer (v.) Commerant (n.m.) Shop, shopkeeper Concepteur (n.m.) Designer Consultant Consultant (n.m.)
Diplomate (n.m.) conomiste (n.m.) Efficace (adj.) Entraner (v.) Entreprenant (adj.) Environnement

Diplomat Economist Efficient To drag, to sweep along Enterprising Environment

Grocery shop Garage manager, mechanic Honest Honnte (adj.) Gardener Jardinier (n.m.) Mason Maon (n.m.) Marketing Marketing (n.m.) Joiner Menuisier (n.m.) Soldier Militaire (n.m.) Way, means Moyen (n.m.) Multimedia Multimdia (n.m.) Pastrycook Ptissier (n.m.) To profit, to take Profiter (v.) advantage Psychologue (n.f./m.) Psychologist Jigsaw puzzle Puzzle (n.m.) Restaurant Restaurant (n.m.) Sociologist Sociologue (n.m.) Designer, stylist Styliste (n.m.) Down-to-earth Terre terre (adj.)
picier (n.m.) Garagiste (n.m.)


Officier (n.m.) Malgr

Officer In spite of

Malheureusement Tellement

Unfortunately ... so much ...

Wing Aile (n.f.) Ambassadeur (n.m.) Ambassador

Avouer (v.) Batterie (n.f.) Btise (n.f.) Bloquer (v.) Communication Constat (n.m.) Deviner (v.) Embter (v.)

Enfoncer (v.) Faire exprs (v.) Jurer (v.) Maladresse (n.f.) Ministre (n.m.) Reprocher (v.) Tarder (v.) Tourne (n.f.) Valoir la peine (v.)

To admit, to confess Battery, drums Stupidity To block, to freeze Communication Report To guess To bother


To drive in, to sink in To do something on purpose To swear Blunder, clumsiness Ministry To reproach, to blame To be a long time coming Round, tour To be worth

Acclrer (v.) Angle (n.m.) Assurance (n.f.) Bnficier (v.) Cambrioler (v.)

To accelerate, to speed up Angle, corner Assurance, confidence, insurance To benefit To burgle

Freiner (v.) Garer (v.) Heurter (v.) Incendie (n.m.) Matriel (adj.)

To slow down, to brake To park To hit, to strike Fire, blaze Material


CHO A2 Lexique franco-anglais CLE International, 2012

Causer (v.) Ci-joint Conducteur (n.m.) Constater (v.) Contribution (n.f.) Corporel (adj.) Couvrir (v.) Croiser (v.) Dgt (n.m.) Dmarrer (v.) Doubler (v.) Endommager (v.)

1. To cause 2. to chat, to Maternit (n.f.) talk Attached, enclosed Pare-brise (n.m.) Driver Permis de conduire (n.m.) To notice Renverser (v.) Contribution Corporal, physical, bodily To cover To meet, to cross Damage To start up 1. to double 2. to overtake To damage
Rouler (v.) Serrure (n.f.) Souscrire (v.) Stationner (v.) Vhicule (n.m.) Vieillesse (n.f.) Violemment Vol (n.m.)

Maternity Windscreen, windshield Driving licence To knock down, to reverse, to spill To roll, to drive The lock To subscribe To park Vehicle Old age Violently 1. Robbery 2. flight

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