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Accidental, incidental, fortuitous Current, present Actuel (adj.) To adopt Adopter (v.) To address Adresser (v.) Antique Antique (adj.) Attempt, attack Attentat (n.m.) Avalanche Avalanche (n.f.) Bomb Bombe (n.f.) Midsummer heat, a Canicule (n.f.) scorcher Catastrophe (n.f.) Catastrophe, disaster Chef-duvre (n.m.) Masterpiece Citizen Citoyen (n.m.) Conscription (n.f.) Conscription To consider Considrer (v.) Cyclone, hurricane Cyclone (n.m.) (Time)difference, time Dcalage lag (horaire) (n.m.) Decade Dcennie (n.f.) Death Dcs (n.m.) Accidentel (adj.) Destruction (n.f.) Dtruire (v.) Dvaster (v.) Dirigeant (n.m.) Discours (n.m.) craser (v.) Embraser (v.) ruption volcanique (n.f.) Excessif (adj.) Destruction, damage To destroy To devastate, to ruin Leader, ruler Speech To crush To set ablaze Volcanic eruption Excessive

Exploser (v.) Explosion (n.f.) Fianc (n.m.) Gigantesque (adj.) Glissement (n.m.) Illuminer (v.) Justifier (v.) Millnaire (n.m.) Natal (adj.) Noyer (v.) Orage (n.m.) Orfvre (n.m.) Origine (n.f.) Paix (n.f.) Passage (n.m.) Peuple (n.m.) Poursuivre (v.) Subsister (v.) Supprimer (v.) Tempte (n.f.) Terrible (adj.) Tremblement de terre (n.m.) Trembler (v.) Tsunami (n.m.) Tuer (v.) Victime (n.f.) Volcan (n.m.)

To explode Explosion Fianc, engaged Gigantic, huge Shift, sliding To light up To justify Millennium Native To drown Thunderstorm Goldsmith, silversmith Origin Peace Passage People To pursue, to continue To survive, to subsist, to remain To get rid of, to cut out Tempest, storm Terrible, terrific, great Earthquake To tremble, to shake Tsunami To kill Victim, casualty Volcano

Grue (n.f.) Prcdent (adj.) Reproduire (v.)

Crane Previous To reproduce, to copy

Suivant (adj.) Vieille (n.f.)

Next Old woman

Bnfice (n.m.) Confrence (n.f.) Dlocaliser (v.) Dsordre (n.m.)

Profit, benefit Conference Off shoring, relocate Disorder, untidiness

Ennuyeux (adj.) Indiffrent (adj.) Mobilisation (n.f.) Passer (se-de) (v.) Rdaction (n.f.) Vente (n.f.)

Effectivement (adv.) Indeed, effectively To bawl out Engueuler (v.)


Boring Indifferent Mobilization To manage without, to go without Editorial office Sale


Assassinat (n.m) Assassiner (v.) Attaquer (v.) Aube (n.f.) Auteur (n.m.) Aux alentours de Bagarre (n.f.) Braquer (v.) Brler (v.) Cagoule (n.f.) Clbrer (v.) Circuler (v.) Crne (n.m.) Crime (n.m.) Dlit (n.m.) Drober (v.) brit (n.f.) chapper (s) (v.) clater (v.) Emparer (v.) Empoisonner (v.) Enlvement (n.m.) Entrainer (v.) Exagrer (v.) Faon (n.f) Fait divers (n.m.)

Assassination To murder To attack Dawn Author Round, around A fight To point, to aim To burn Hood (with eye-holes) To celebrate To circulate, to move Skull Crime Offence To steal Drunkenness To escape To blow up, to explode To seize To poison Removal, abduction, kidnapping To drag, to train To exaggerate Manner, way News in brief

Fusil (n.m.) Grivement Ignorer (v.) Impression (n.f.) Intermdiaire (n.m.) Interpeller (v.) Kidnapper (v.) Loup (n.m.) Mirabelle (n.f.) Mordre (v.) Mouton (n.m.) Noyade (n.f.) Ombre (n.f.) Pistolet (n.m.) Propos (n.m.) Ravager (n.f.) Rsurrection (n.f.) Revolver (n.m.) Ridicule (adj.) Squence (n.f.) Sifflet (n.m.) Tmoin (n.m.) Tribunal (n.m.) Troupeau (n.m.) Vraisemblablement

Rifle, gun Seriously To ignore Impression Intermediary, middleman To stop for questioning To kidnap Wolf Mirabelle To bite Sheep, mutton Drowning shadow, shade Pistol, gun Words, subject To devastate Resurrection Revolver Ridiculous Sequence Whistle Witness Court Herd In all likelihood

Apercevoir (v.) Bonheur (n.m.) Bord (-de) Boule (n.m.) Bousculer (v.) Cachette (n.f.) Camra (n.f.) Charger (v.) Cime (n.f.) Confronter (v.) Croyance (n.f.) Crotte (n.f) Cours (au-de) Dcder (v.) Disparaitre (v.) chelle (n.f.)

To glimpse, to see Happiness On board Ball To jostle Hiding place Film camera To load Summit, peak, top To confront, to compare Belief, faith Dropping During the course of To die, to pass away To disappear, to vanish Ladder, scale

Lapin (n.m.) Lumineux (adj.) Maldiction (n.f.) Manuscrit (n.m.) Parapluie (n.m.) Patte (n.f.) Phnomne (n.m.) Poignet (n.m.) Porte-bonheur (n.m.) Relax (n.m.) Reprise (n.f.) Salire (n.f.) Silhouette (n.f.) Superstitieux (adj.) Surveillance (n.f.) Tantt

Rabbit Luminous Curse, malediction Manuscript Umbrella Paw, foot Phenomenon Wrist Lucky charm Relax Resumption, taking back, recovery Salt cellar Silhouette, outline Superstitious Surveillance, supervision Sometimes ... sometimes ...


cran (n.m.) Effet (n.m.) pave (n.f.) toile filante (n.f.) trange (adj.) Existence (n.f.) Fantme (n.m.) Geste (n.m.) Horoscope (n.m.) Humain (n.m.) Incroyable (adj.)

Screen Effect, outcome Wreck Shooting star Strange, odd Existence Phantom, ghost Gesture, movement Horoscope Human Unbelievable, incredible

Terrasse (n.f.) Thorie (n.f.) Tournage (n.m.) Transparent (adj.) Trfle (n.m.) Tromper (n.m.) Tromperie (n.f.) Vgtal (adj.) Vertigineux (adj.) Virage (n.m.)

Terrace Theory Filming Transparent Clover, trefoil, clubs To deceive Deception Plant, vegetal Breathtaking, vertiginous Turn, bend

Avoir lair (v.) Certitude (n.f.) Douter (v.) criture (n.f.) Fier (adj.)

To look like, to seem Certainty To doubt Writing Proud

Plaisanterie (n.f.) Probable (adj.) Rver (v.) Risquer (v.) Sembler (v.)

Joke Likely, probable To dream To risk, to venture To seem

Absolument (adv.) Banal (adj.) Basilique (n.f.) Bijou (n.m.) Bref Commission (n.f.) Coup (n.m.) Exiler (v.) Front (n.m.)

Absolutely Banal, trite Basilica Jewel Brief Commission, committee Blow, stroke, shot, go, punch, trick To exile Forehead, brow, front

Maitrise (n.f.) Photographie (n.f.) Rdacteur (n.m.) Rendre compte (v.) Reprendre (v.) Rvlation (n.f.) Vrification (n.f.) Vrifier (v.) Vernissage (n.m.)

Mastery, control Photography Writer, editor To give an account, to justify To retake, to get back, to resume, to start again Revelation Check, verification, control To check Preview, private viewing

Abandonner (v.) Accoucher (v.) Antrieur (adj.) Asperge (n.f.) Atteindre (v.) Botte (n.f.) Cataracte (n.f.) Collectionneur (n.m.) Combl (adj.) Commmorer (v.) Consommation (n.f.) Convenir (v.) Couche (n.f.) Dformer (v. Dsir (n.m.) Dessin (n.m.) Distinctement

To give up, to abandon Multiple (adj.) To give birth Nature morte (n.f.) previous, prior Nympha (n.m.) Asparagus Obsession (n.f.) To reach Occurrence (en-l) Boot, bunch Oprer (v.) Cataract, waterfall Ophtalmologue (n.f/m.) Collector Oser (v.) Contented Pntrer (v.) To commemorate Perfectionner (v.) Consumption Provocation (n.f.) To agree upon, to suit Refuge (n.m.) Layer, stratum Rptitif (adj.) To distort, to deform Reprsentant (n.m.) Wish, desire Reprsentation (n.f.) Drawing Distinctly Reprsenter (v.) Respect (n.m.)


Multiple, numerous Still life Water lily Obsession As it happens To operate Ophthalmologist, eye specialist To dare To enter, to penetrate To perfect, to improve Provocation Refuge Repetitive Representative Representation, performance To represent Respect


Enceinte (adj.) voquer (v.) Excuter (v.) Expert (n.m.) Exprimer (v.) Fixer (v.) Flou (adj.) Inaugurer (v.) Infrarouge (adj.) Motif (n.m.)

Pregnant To evoke, to reminisce To execute, to fulfil Expert To express To fix Fuzzy, blurred To inaugurate Infrared Reason, motive, motif, pattern

Restauration (n.f.) Rvolte (n.f.) Sculpter (v.) Sculpteur (n.m.) Sculpture (n.f.) Surprendre (v.) Signification (n.f.) Symboliser (v.) Tulle (n.f.) Typique (adj.)

Restoration Revolt To sculpt Sculptor Sculpture To surprise Meaning, significance To symbolize Tulle Typical

Annexe (n.f.) Atypique (adj.) Baptiser (v.) Btir (v.) Bnvole (n.m.) Biscuiterie (n.f.) Bordure (n.f.) Canal (n.m.) Chapelle (n.f.) Chemin de fer Cirque (n.m.) Classer (v.) Consacrer (v.) Convoiter (v.) Dfense (n.f.) Dmolir (v.) Dmolition (n.f.) Dynastie (n.f.) clairer (v.) Empire (n.m.) Empreinte (n.f.) riger (v.)

Additional, annexe, appendix Atypical To baptize, to name To build Volunteer Biscuit factory Edge, border Canal, channel Chapel, clique Railway, train Circus To file, to classify, to sort To devote, to consecrate To covet Defence, forbidden To demolish Demolition Dynasty To light Empire Footprint, fingerprint To raise, to erect

Genre (n.m.) Glorieux (adj.) Identique (adj.) Imagination (n.f.) Industriel (adj.) Inspirer (v.) Mriter (v.) Migrant (n.m.) Oubli (n.m.) Plongeur (n.m.) Prestigieux (adj.) Proximit (n.f.) Ramasser (v.) Reconvertir (v.) Remettre (v.) Rnover (v.) Rparer (v.) Revue (n.f.) Sauver (v.) Tombeau (n.m.) Vouer (v.)

Kind, type, sort, genre, style Glorious Identical Imagination Industrial To inspire To deserve, to merit Migrant Oblivion, omission, forgetting Diver, dishwasher Prestigious Proximity, local, vicinity, nearness, nearby To pick up To retrain, to convert To put back, to hand over To renovate, to restore To repair Magazine, review To save, to rescue Tomb, grave To devote, destined to, doomed to

Gang (n.m.) Pas (n.m.)

Gang Step

Soudain (adv.)



nerv (adj.) Espion (n.m.) Faire le point (v.) Fichier (n.m.)

Irritated Spy To take stock (of the situation) File

Honte (n.f.) Refaire (v.) Tiroir (n.m.) Sauvegarder (v.)

Shame To do again Drawer To safeguard

Abriter (v.) Arc de triomphe


To shelter Arc de Triomphe Archaeology National Assembly To bomb, to bombard Town Catholic Bell-tower Hill Conquest Coup d'Etat Court, courtyard Crisis To release, to deliver Domination To dominate To rise, to stand Druid During Collapse Erection, construction, edification Building Emperor To invade Husband Gothic To guillotine Herbalist, herb doctor

Invasion (n.f.) Issu (de) Lgende (n.f.) Libration (n.f.) Mas (n.m.) Mineur (n.m.) Monarchie (n.f.) Monastre (n.m.) Mousquetaire (n.m.) Noblesse (n.f.) Nourrir (v.) Orgue (n.m.) Paisible (adj.) Protestant (n.m.) Provenir (v.) Rassembler (v.) Rcital (n.m.) Rforme (n.f.) Renaissance (n.f.) Rvolutionnaire (n.m.) Ruine (n.f.) Rural (adj.) Soldat (n.m.) Soigner (v.) Spirituel (adj.) Troglodyte (n.m.) Troupe (n.f.) Vestige (n.m.)

Archologie (n.f.) Assemble nationale (n.f.) Bombarder (v.) Bourg (n.m.) Catholique (adj.) Clocher (n.m.) Colline (n.f.) Conqute (n.f.) Coup dtat (n.m.) Cour (n.f.) Crise (n.f.) Dlivrer (v.) Domination (n.f.) Dominer (v.) Dresser (se) (v.) Druide (n.m.) Durant (prp.) croulement (n.m.) dification (n.f.) difice (n.m.) Empereur (n.m.) Envahir (v.) poux (n.m.) Gothique (adj.) Guillotiner (v.) Herboriste (n.m.)

Invasion To derive from, born into Legend Liberation Mas (Southeast France type of house) Mineworker, minor Monarchy Monastery Musketeer Nobility, nobleness To feed, to nourish Organ Peaceful Protestant To come from To gather, to collect, to assemble Recital Reform Renaissance, revival Revolutionary Ruin Rural Soldier To nurse, to treat, to look after Witty, spiritual Troglodyte, cave dweller Troop Remnant, vestige

Autorit (n.f.) Bouquin (n.m.) Davantage (adv.) Dlire (n.m.)

Authority Book More, some more Delirium

Pianiste (n.m.) Procurer (v.) Ralit (n.f.) Rebelle (adj.)

Pianist To provide Reality Rebel



Discipline (n.f.) prouver (v.) Farouchement


Fraternel (adj.) Gamin (n.m.) Hair (v.) Lorsque (conj.) Nostalgique (adj.)

Discipline To feel Fiercely, savagely, definitely Fraternal Kid To hate When Nostalgic

Regret (n.m.) Sensation (n.f.) Solidaire (adj.) Sort (n.m.) Trouble (adj.) Virer (v.) Voyou (n.m.)

Regret Sensation, feeling To show solidarity Fate, destiny, lot Blurred, equivocal, murky To turn, to fire, to change colour Lout

Emmener (v.)

To take (along, with, away, to ...)

Secteur (n.m.)


Accs (n.m.) Dcevoir (v.) Espionner (v.) Injoignable (adj.) Renvoyer (v.)

Access To disappoint To spy Unavailable, can not be reached To send back, to dismiss

Sensible (adj.) Signature (n.f.) Souponner (v.) Standard (n.m.)

Sensitive, noticeable Signature To suspect Standard

Accomplir (v.) Approximatif (adj.) Biographie (n.f.) Biotechnologie (n.f.) Bouquiniste (n.m.) Bracelet (n.m.) Compositeur (n.m.) Cot (n.m.) Descente (n.f.) Diversit (n.f.) migrer (v.) Enrichir (s) (v.) Envoi (n.m.) talage (n.m.) teindre (s) (v.) Exclusion (n.f.) Formalit (n.f.)

To accomplish, to achieve, to fulfil Approximate Biography Biotechnology Second-hand bookseller Bracelet Composer Cost Going down, descent, raid Diversity To emigrate, to migrate To grow richer, to become rich Sending, consignment Display To go off, to fade away Exclusion Formality

Frler (v.) Gnraliste (n.m.) Gorge (n.f.) Hritier (n.m.) Martyr (n.m.) Mtisse (n.m.) Monotone (adj.) Moral (avoir le -) (v.) Peine (n.f.) Propre (adj.) Racisme (n.m.) Rgime (n.m.) Rsidence (n.f.) Sexisme (n.m.) Souffrir (v.) Urgent (adj.)

To brush, to come very close to General practitioner Throat Heir Martyr Mixed race Monotonous (In good) spirits, morale Grief, sadness, sentence Clean Racism Diet, regime, system Residence Sexism To suffer, to endure Urgent


Adapter (v.) Agressif (adj.) Agriculture (n.f.) Anctre (n.m.) Angoisser (v.) Bon march (adj.) Centenaire (n.m.) Chauffage (n.m.) Chirurgien (n.m.) Consommer (v.) Conformer (v.) Dsertique (adj.) Dicter (v.) Distrait (adj.) Durer (v.) clairage (n.m.) levage (n.m.) voluer (v.) Exiger (v.) Fondre (v.) Frquenter (v.) Gaspiller (v.) Geler (v.) Glaciaire (adj.) Imprudent (adj.)

To fit, to adapt Aggressive Agriculture, farming Ancestor To worry, to be in anguish Cheap Centenarian, centenary Heating Surgeon To consume, to eat, to drink To adapt, to mach, to make standard Desert To dictate, to read out as dictation Absent-minded To last Lighting Animal husbandry, rearing, breeding To evolve, to change, to mature, to develop To require, to claim, to demand To melt To frequent, to go out with To waste To freeze Glacial Imprudent, careless

Justice (n.f.) Maladroit (adj.) Mare (n.f.) Matriaux (n.m.) Mgalopole (n.f.) Mode (n.f.) Mondialisation (n.f.) Modifier (v.) Norme (n.f.) Obse (adj.) Pnaliser (v.) Prime (n.f.) Progrs (n.m.) Protger (v.) Puissant (adj.) Rchauffer (v.) Refroidir (v.) Scnario (n.m.) Temprature (n.f.) Utilisation (n.f.) Vague (n.f.) Vent (n.m.) Vivable (adj.) Virtuel (adj.) Zone (n.f.)

Justice Awkward, clumsy Tide Materials Megalopolis Fashion Globalisation To modify, to change, to alter Norm, standard Obese To penalize Bonus, allowance, premium, subsidy Progress, To protect Powerful To heat, to warm up To cool, to get cool Scenario, script Temperature Use, utilization Wave Wind Bearable Virtual, potential Zone

Condition (n.f.) Except (adj.) Fonction (n.f.)

Condition, requirement Except, apart from Function, post

Navette (n.f.) Spatial (adj.) Spationaute (n.m.)

Shuttle Space, spatial Spaceman

Baie (n.f.) Beaut (n.f.) But (n.m.) Chasser (v.)

Bay, berry Beauty Aim, goal, purpose To hunt

Promoteur (n.m.) Proprit (n.f.) Remporter (v.) Renoncer (v.)

Promoter, developer Property, estate, ownership To win, to take back To give up, to renounce


Chasseur (n.m.) Dpendre (v.) pargner (v.) tang (n.m.) Extension (n.f.) Interroger (v.)

Hunter To depend on, to be answerable to To save, to spare Pond Extension

Sauvage (adj.) Superficie (n.f.) Talentueux (adj.) Tant mieux (loc. adverb.)

Wild, savage Surface area

To interrogate, to question, to ask, to inquire Seal Phoque (n.m.) Meadow, grassland Prairie (n.f.) Prdcesseur (n.m.) Predecessor

Talented, gifted So much the better, just as well, good for sb Too bad for sb, never Tant pis (loc. mind adverb.) Tlprojecteur (n.m.) Home theatre, home cinema Tourisme (n.m.) Touriste (n.m.) Urbanisme (n.m.) Tourism Tourist Town planning

Aboutir (v.) Affronter (v.) Agroalimentaire (adj.) Alimenter (v.) pre (adj.) Armement (n.m.) travers (adv.) Capacit (n.f.) Centrale nuclaire (n.f.) Chimique (adj.) Colleter (se) (v.) Comptitif (adj.) Concentrer (v.) Coopration (n.f.) Crotre (v.) galement (adv.) norme (adj.) Exigence (n.f.) Ferroviaire (adj.) Filiale (n.f.)

To end (up, at, in) to lead to, to result in To face Food-processing, agribusiness To feed, to supply, to sustain Harsh, fierce, rough Arming Through, across Ability, capability, capacity Nuclear power station Chemical To fight, to collar Competitive To concentrate Cooperation To grow Equally Enormous, huge Requirement Rail, railway Subsidiary

Gaz (n.m.) Globe (n.m.) Main duvre (n.f.) Maintenir (v.) Milliard (n.m.) Moderniser (v.) Mutation (n.f.) Ncessit (n.f.) Nougat (n.m.) Pharmaceutique

Gas Globe Labour, manpower To maintain, to keep, to uphold, to hold Billion To modernize Mutation, change, transformation Necessity, need Nougat Pharmaceutics, pharmaceutical Plain Rim, perimeter, surround To robotize, to automate Healthy, sane, sound, safe To satisfy Solid, hard, robust, strong To boast Telecommunication Vine

Plaine (n.f.) Pourtour (n.m.) Robotiser (v.) Sain (adj) Satisfaire (v.) Solide (adj.) Targuer (v.) Tlcommunication (n.f.) Vigne (n.f.)


propos de Bachelier (n.m.) Bague (n.f.) Brevet (n.m.) Briller (v.) Calcaire (n.m.) Cartouche (n.f.) Chaleur (n.f.) Cocarde (n.f.) Constitution (n.f.) Coq (n.m.) Correspondance (n.f.) Dcrocher (v.) Discrimination (n.f.) D (tre-) (adj.) lever (v.) Emballage (n.m.) Emblme (n.m.) Encre (n.f.) numrer (v.) ternuer (v.) Expriment (adj.) Filire (n.f.) Fonctionnement (n.m.)

Concerning, about, regarding Student who has passed the baccalaureate Ring Diploma, certificate, licence, patent To shine Limestone Cartridge Heat Cockade Constitution Rooster, cock Correspondence To take something off the hook Discrimination Owed To raise, to elevate Packaging Emblem Ink To enumerate To sneeze Experienced, practised Channels, network, connection Functioning, working

Imprvu (adj.) Imprimante (n.f.) Insecte (n.m.) Insigne (n.m.) Machin (n.m.) Maigrir (v.) Mle (n.m.) Mr (adj.) Noble (adj.) Opter (v.) Permanence (en-) (loc. adv.) Pur (adj.) Privilgi Raison (n.f.) Refroidir (v.) Relever (v.) Rentable (adj.) Robinet (n.m.) Stabilit (n.f.) Territoire (n.m.) Traine (-la) (loc adv.) Triomphe (n.m.) Unit (n.f.)

Unexpected, unforeseen Printer Insect Insignia, badge, emblem Whatshisname To get thinner Male Mature, ripe Noble To opt, to choose Permanently Pure Privileged Reason To cool To lift up, To notice, to record Profitable Tap Stability Territory To lag behind, to drag behind Triumph Unit, unity

Consquence (n.f.) Consquent (par) Graine (n.f.)

Consequence, repercussion As a result, consequently Seed

Provoquer (v.) Puisque (conj.) Sorte (de-que) (conj.)

To provoke, to cause, to induce Since, because So that, in such a way that

Adjoint (n.m.) Comit (n.m.) Dmocratie (n.f.)

Assistant Committee Democracy

Ptition (n.f.) Prvenir (v.) Silencieux (adj.)

Petition To prevent, to warn, to inform Silent, quiet,



cologique (adj.) olienne (n.f.) Menacer (v.)

Ecological, green Windmill To threaten, to menace

Sourd (adj.) Tout fait (adv.)

noiseless Deaf Absolutely, certainly, perfectly, fully

Adhrer (v.) Administratif (adj.) Agir (s) (v.) Ais (adj.) Alli (n.m.) Amphi (thtre)

Approuver (v.) Aspiration (n.f.) Attente (n.f.) Autonomie (n.f.) Bandana (n.m.) Barrire (n.f.) Bloquer (v.) Bouddhiste (n.m.) Capital (adj.) Colonial (adj.) Dcentraliser (v.) Dcouler (v.) Dnoncer (v.) Dsigner (v.) Devancer (v.) Devise (n.f.) Distinction (n.f.) lecteur (n.m.) Enseignant (n.m.) tablir (v.) Exclure (v.) Fdration (n.f.) Financer (v.) Force (-de) (adv.) Fraternit (n.f.)

To adhere to, to become a member Administrative To act, to behave Easy, well-to-do Allied Lecture hall, amphitheatre To approve Aspiration ambition, longing Expectation, wait Autonomy Bandana, kerchief Barrier, fence To block, to wedge Buddhism Vital, crucial, capital Colonial To decentralize To follow from, To denounce To point at, to indicate, to single out To arrive ahead, to outdistance Currency, motto Distinction Voter Teacher To establish To exclude Federation To finance By dint of Fraternity, brotherhood

Garantir (v.) Hymne (n.f.) Indpendance (n.f.) Indivisible (adj.) Juif (n.m.) Musulman (n.m.) Ostensible (adj.) Oter (v.) Phase (n.f.) Prioritaire (n.f.) Protecteur (adj.) Providence (n.f.) Race (n.f.) Ratifier (v.) Rectorat (n.m.) Referendum (n.m.) Rorganisation (n.f.) Rsistance (n.f.) Revendiquer (v.) Snat (n .m.) Scolaris (adj.) Stable (adj.) Suppression (n.f.) Synonyme (n.m.) Taux (n.m.) Tandis que (conj.) Trait (n.m.) Trancher (v.) Tricolore (adj.) Visible (adj.) Voiler (v.)

To guarantee Hymn, anthem Independence Indivisible Jew Muslim Conspicuous, clear To take off, to remove Phase, stage Having priority Protective Providence Race, breed To ratify Education office Referendum To reorganize Resistance To claim Senate At school Stable Elimination, abolition Synonym Rate While, whilst, whereas Treaty To slice, to cut, to decide Three-coloured (French) Visible To veil



Anorexie (n.f.) Canin (adj.) Centre ar (n.m.) Confortable (adj.) Cultiver (v.) Dfaite (n.f.) Dsobir (v.) Destiner (v.) Dfier (v.) Dborder (v.) Dictature (n.f.) Disposition (n.f.) Faucheur (n.m.) Filiforme (adj.) Gamme (n.f.) Gntique (n.f.) Illgal (adj.) Insulte (n.f.) Interdiction (n.f.) Juger (v.)

Anorexia Canine Holiday activity centre Comfortable, cosy To cultivate Defeat To disobey To intend something for somebody To challenge To overflow Dictatorship Layout, aptitude, tendency Reaper, mower Threadlike Scale, range Genetics Illegal, unlawful Insult Ban, forbidden, no... To judge

Luxe (n.m.) Maigre (adj.) Mais (n.m.) Matre (n.m.) Mannequin (n.m.) Militant (n.m.) Minibus (n.m.) Modique (adj.) Pirate (n.m.) Poursuite (n.f.) Prsence (n.f.) Prouver (v.) Ragir (v.) Retouche (n.f.) Sable (n.m.) Surfer (v.) Terrain (n.m.) Tout de mme Transgnique (adj.) Tribunal correctionnel (n.m.)

Luxury Thin Corn, maize, sweet corn Master, teacher Mannequin, model Militant Minibus Modest Pirate Pursuit, chase Presence To prove To react Alteration, retouching Sand To surf Ground, soil, plot of land, field Steady on! all the same, even so Transgenic Criminal court

Collection (n.f.) Color (adj.)

Collection Colourful, brightly coloured

Originalit (n.f.) Raccourcir (v.)

Originality To shorten

Centaine (n.f.) Choc (n.m.) Consigne (n.f.) Coque (n.f.) Dconseiller (v.) Dgradation (n.f.)

Drogation (n.f.) Dispenser (v.)

Hundred, about a hundred Shock, impact, crash, collision Lockers, checkroom, instructions Cockle, shell, skiff To advise against Degradation, gradation, damage, deterioration, wear and tear Dispensation, exemption To exempt somebody

Goter (v.) Mare (n.f.) Obir (v.) Pcher (v.) Taguer (v.) Tolrer (v.)

To taste Tide To obey To sin To tag To tolerate

Tract (n.m.) Vendeur (n.m.)

Tract, leaflet Seller, salesperson



En option Facultatif (adj.)

from As an option, extra Optional

Vitre (n.f.)

(Window) pane

Abonn (adj.) Accder (v.) Actuellement (adv.) Arrondissement


Subscriber To accede to, to rise to At present, nowadays District Assistance By, near, from, compared to Calculation, arithmetic To entail, to include Concerned Conciliatory Defective, faulty Date of payment Fixed Hotelier, hotel manager Interruption, cut, termination, breaking off Unforgettable Juridical Mediator, intermediary, gobetween

Mensuel (adj.) Naturalisation (n.f.) Office de tourisme Oriental (adj.) Orienter (v.) Parvenir (faire) (v.) Plainte (n.f.) Prfrable (adj.) Rclamation (n.f.) Reconnaissant (adj.) Remboursement

Monthly Naturalisation Tourist office Oriental To orientate, to direct To succeed in doing, to manage to do Complaint, moan Preferable Claim, complaint Grateful Reimbursement, repayment, refund Postponement, transfer Responsibility To beg the favour of, to solicit, to request Tourist office Theme Face


Assistance (n.f.) Auprs de (prp.) Calcul (n.m.) Comporter (v.) Concern (adj.) Conciliateur (n.m.) Dfectueux (adj.) chance (n.f.) Fixe (adj.) Htelier (n.m.) Interruption (n.f.) Inoubliable (adj.) Juridique (adj.) Mdiateur (n.m.)

Report (n.m.) Responsabilit (n.f.) Solliciter (v.) Syndicat dinitiative (n.m.) Thme (n.m.) Visage (n.m.)

Agglomration Charger (v.)


(Urban) agglomeration To load, to ask somebody to ... Traffic, circulation Air conditioning To conceive, to imagine, to see, to understand Crche, child-care centre, day nursery Cycle (track)

Mnager (v.) Municipalit (n.f.) Ordure (n.f.) Panne (n.f.) Parfaitement (adv.) Priphrie (n.f.) Piton (n.m.)

To spare, to use with care Municipality Refuse, garbage, rubbish Breakdown, cut, "out of order" Perfectly, faultlessly, definitely Periphery, outskirts Pedestrian

Circulation (n.f.) Climatisation (n.f.) Concevoir (v.) Crche (n.f.) Cyclable (adj)


Dchet (n.m.) Durable (adj.) change (n.m.) lever (v.) Engager (v.) Enrayer (v.) pais (adj.) quipement (n.m.) viter (v.) Foyer (n.m.) Humanitaire (adj.) Idal (adj.) Intgrer (v.) Intervention (n.f.) Membre (n.m.)

Waste Durable, enduring, lasting, long lasting Swap, trade, exchange To raise, to breed, to erect, to elevate To engage, to invest, to commit, to slot To halt, to check Thick Equipment, facilities, infrastructure To avoid, to stand out Home, hearth, focus Humanitarian Ideal To integrate, to assimilate, to enter Intervention Member

Pionnier (n.m.) Prvention (n.f.) Redevance (n.f.) Responsabiliser (v.) Solidarit (n.f.) Solitude (n.f.) Soutien (n.m.) Stationnement (n.m.) Taxer (v.) Tiers (n.m.) Tri (n.m.) Usager (n.m.) Voie Volume (n.m.)

Pioneer Prevention Dues, fees, tax, royalties To make people aware of their responsibilities Solidarity Solitude, loneliness Support Parking To tax Third, third party, outsider Sorting out, picking out, selecting User Road, way, route Volume

Collectivit (n.f.) Communaut (n.f.) Coupable (adj.) Coquillage (n.m.) Dlicieux (adj.) Dmissionner (av.) Enfin (adv.)

Community (local authorities) Community (organization) Guilty, culprit Shellfish, shell Delicious To resign At last, in short, after all, come on

Insister (v.) Mler (v.) Prcis (adj.) Prfecture (n.f.) Rgler (v.) Rciproquement

To insist To mix Precise, accurate, specific Prefecture, To resolve, to pay, to set, to adjust, to settle One another, each other, vice versa

Accoster (v.) me (n.f.) Amuse-gueule (n.f.) Bnir (v.) Bizarrement (adv.) Calcium (n.m.) Cardiaque (adj.) Convivialit (n.f.) Drouler (v.) Diriger (v.) corce (n.f.) Embarquement

To accost, to go up to Soul Appetizer, nibbles To bless Oddly, strangely Calcium Cardiac, heart Conviviality, userfriendly To unroll, to unwind, to uncoil To lead, to manage, to run, to guide Bark, peel Boarding, embarkation

Magnsium (n.m.) Massage (n.m.) Mosaque (n.f.) Pntrer (v.) Prtre (n.m.) Radis (n.m.) Rellement (adv.) Rhumatisme (n.m.) Rajeunir (v.) Romantique (adj.) Royal (adj.) Son (n.m.)

Magnesium Massage Mosaic To enter, to penetrate Priest Radish Really Rheumatism To look younger Romantic Royal Sound

(n.m.) choB1.1LexiquefrancoanglaisCLEInternational,2012

Fasciner (v.) Feutre (n.m.) Flotter (v.) Guerrier (n.m.) Guitare (n.f.) Herbe (n.f.) Improviser (v.) Louper (v.)

To fascinate Felt-tip (pen), felt pen, felt To float Warrior Guitar Grass To improvise To miss

Souper (n.m.) Source (n.f.) Sulfate (n.m.) Tatouer (v.) Temple (n.m.) Unir (v.) Vtu (adj.) Villageois (n.m.)

Dinner, supper Source, spring Sulphate To tattoo Temple To unite, to combine Dressed Villager

Acqurir (v.) Bavarder (v.) Camlon (n.m.) Code (n.m.) Compatriote (n.m.) Comportement

To acquire, to obtain To chat, to talk Chameleon Code Compatriot, fellow countryman Behaviour

Dbrouiller (se) (v.) Diplomate (n.m.) Nostalgique (adj.) Rigide (adj.) Risquer (v.)

To manage, to cope, to make do, to get by Diplomat Nostalgic Rigid, strict To risk Purely

Purement (adv.)

Applaudir (v.) Brique (n.f.) Dfil (n.m.) Dguis (adj.) Embouteillage


To applaud, to clap Brick Parade, march, fashion show Disguised, in fancy dress Traffic jam

Faade (n.f.) Gant (adj.) Marionnette (n.f.) Obligatoire (adj.) Sculpt (adj.)

Faade, outward appearance, front wall Giant Puppet, marionette Compulsory, obligatory Sculpted, carved

Aggression, assault Agression (n.f.) Blackmail Chantage (n.m.) Conventionnel (adj.) Conventional, conformist Depression, Dpression (n.f.) depressiveness Droulement (n.m.) Course Legislation Lgislation (n.f.) Offensive Offensive (n.f.)

Officiellement (adv.) Provocation (n.f.) Rmunration (n.f.) Sacro-saint (adj.) Supplier (v.) Ultimatum (n.m.) Vir (adj.)

Officially Provocation Remuneration, payment Sacrosanct, sacred To implore, to beg Ultimatum Sacked, thrown out, kicked



Aval (n.m.) Bnfice (n.m.) Coincer (v.)

Concentrer (se) (v.) Consultation (n.f.) Dmarche (n.f.)

Downstream, downhill, support, authorization Profit, benefit To corner, to nab, to catch out, to put on the spot, to stick, to wedge, to jam To concentrate Consultation, consulting, browsing

Marge (n.f.) Nappe (n.f.) Prtendre (v.)

Margin Tablecloth To claim

Rat (adj.) Rsister (v.) Faire une scne (loc. verb.) Sceptique (adj.) Type (n.m.) Visiblement (adv.) Voyante (n.f.)

Gait, walk, steps, procedures To chain, to put in Enchaner (v.) chains, to link up pouvantable (adj.) Awful, dreadful Illusionnisme (n.m.) Illusionism, conjuring tricks Awkwardness, blunder Maladresse (n.f.)

Failed, spoilt, missed To resist, to withstand, to stand up To make a scene Sceptic, sceptical Guy, man, type, kind Obviously, visibly Fortune-teller



Confrontation To clear, to take off To unwind, to unroll To dissolve To imprison

Engager (v.) Gouvernante (n.f.) Matresse (n.f.) Manifester (v.) Paralyser (v.)

Dbarrasser (v.) Drouler (v.) Dissoudre (v.) Emprisonner (v.)

To engage, to start, to commit, to bind, to insert, to hire Housekeeper, governess Mistress To demonstrate, to show, to express To paralyse

Angoisse (n.f.) Appartenance (n.f.) Arracher (v.) Atroce adj.) Avrer (v.) Dlateur (n.m.) parpiller (v.) Flot (n.m.) Fou rire (n.m.) Fraudeur (n.m.)

Anguish, angst, anxiety Dependence, membership To root out, to tear out Atrocious, horrifying Known Informer To scatter Flood, stream, torrent A fit of the giggles (guilty of) fraud, cheat (smuggler, tax evader)

Inaudible (adj.) Infernal (adj.) Infiltr (adj.) Possession (n.f.) Rpertori (adj.) Surveillance (n.f.) Tas (n.m.) Terrifiant (adj.) Tordre (se) (v.) Traquer (v.)

Inaudible Infernal, hellish Infiltrated Possession Listed, indexed Supervision, surveillance Pile, heap, a lot of Terrifying, amazing To twist To track, to hunt down



Acharnement Assorti (adj.)


(Futile) perseverance, determination Assorted, matched To swallow Make feel guilty To digest Malfunction, malfunctioning To graze, to come close to touching

Improductif (adj.) Laxiste (adj.) Mettre part (v.) Perptuation (n.f.) Redoublement

Unproductive Lenient, soft, lax, laxist To put aside Perpetuation Repeating a year at school, redoubling To resolve, to solve

Avaler (v.) Culpabilisateur Digrer (v.) Dysfonctionnement


Rsoudre (v.)

Frler (v.)

Accidentogne (adj.) Acquisition (n.f.) Aggraver (v.) Amnageable (adj.) Aveugl (adj.) Cannibaliser (v.) Capacit (n.f.) Cornet de glace

Agent increasing the risk of accident Acquisition To aggravate Easy to transform, flexible, convertible Blinded To cannibalise Capability, capacity, ability Ice-cream cone Custom

Dcret (n.m.) plucher (v.) Indiffrence (n.f.) Indignation (n.f.) Lancement (n.m.) Obsolte (adj.) Unification (n.f.) Vecteur (n.m.) Victime (n.f.)

Decree To peel Indifferent Indignation Launch Obsolete Unification Vector, carrier Victim

Coutume (n.f.)

Amer (adj.)


Manie (n.f.) Piqre (n.f.) Rentabiliser (v.) Somme (n.f.) Vernis (n.m.) Verrue (n.f.) Vigilance (n.f.) Virus (n.m.)

To make sleepy Assoupir (v.) Concentration (n.f.) Concentration Cramp Crampe (n.f.) To relax, to soothe, to Dlasser (v.) refresh Dmangeaison (n.f.) Itch Detestable, hateful Dtestable (adj.) To evacuate, to drain vacuer (v.) off

Mania, obsession, habit Prick, sting, injection To make profitable Sum Varnish Wart Vigilance Virus

Figuier (n.m.) Gonflement (n.m.)

Fig tree Swelling

Vitamine (n.f.)


Allure (n.f.) Assassiner (v.) Estomac (n.m.) Extrmiste (n.m.)

Pace, speed, look To assassinate, to murder Stomach Extremist

Gilet (n.m.) Rvolutionnaire Ulcre (n.m.)


Waistcoat, vest Revolutionary Ulcer

Abus (n.m.) Angine (n.f.) Appendicite (n.f.) Artre (n.f.) Asthme (n.m.) Ausculter (v.) Bourr (adj.) Cardiaque (adj.) Cardiologie (n.f.) Colonne vertbrale (n.f.) Convalescence (n.f.) Cte (n.f.) Dnicher (v.) Dentiste (n.m.) Dermatologue (n.m.) Dsinfecter (v.) Dissuader (v.) Douleur (n.f.) chographie (n.f.) quit (n.f.) vanouir (v.) ventail (n.m.) Fivre (n.f.) Froncer (v.) Gratter (v.) Grippe (n.f.) Gyncologue (n.m.)

Abuse Angina, sore throat Appendicitis Artery Asthma To auscultate, to sound the chest Pissed, bombed Heart, cardiac Cardiology Backbone, spinal column Convalescence Rib, coast, slope To find, to discover Dentist Dermatologist To disinfect To dissuade Pain Ultrasound scan Equity To faint Fan, range Fever To frown To scratch Flu, influenza Gynaecologist

Homopathie (n.f.) Infarctus (n.m.) Intoxication (n.f.) Nause (n.f.) Nerf (n.m.) Opration (n.f.) Ophtalmologue

Homoeopathy Heart attack, infarct, infarction Poisoning Nausea Nerve Surgery, operation Ophthalmologist, eye specialist To optimise Speech therapist Osteopath Dressing, bandage Paediatrician Pip, seed, trouble Precept Psychiatrist Psychotherapist Radiologist Rheumatologist Cold, fever To gnaw, to wear away Temple Blood pressure, tension, voltage Doctor Ulcer Urgency Urticaria, nettle rash

Optimiser (v.) Orthophoniste Ostopathe (n.m./f.) Pansement (n.m.) Pdiatre (n.m.) Ppin (n.m.) Prcepte (n.m.) Psychiatre (n.m./f.) Psychothrapie (n.f.) Radiologue (n.m./f.) Rhumatologue
(n.m./f.) (n.m./f.)

Rhume (n.m.) Ronger (v.) Tempe (n.f.) Tension (n.f.) Toubib (n.m.) Ulcre (n.m.) Urgence (n.f.) Urticaire (n.f.)



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