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Instiuctoi: }eff Allieu
Class Neetings: TF 2:1u-S:2S, 4u7 BW
0ffice Bouis: TF 1u-11am anu by appointment in BW 12S7
Contact me: 212.772.S17u oi jeff.allieuhuntei.cuny.euu
Class Blog Site: http:faulkneihuntei.woiupiess.com

0+$,*"*7 8(9:;%+<

By the enu of the semestei, stuuents who have successfully completeu the couise will:
! Bave a bioau unueistanuing of Faulknei's life anu woik, with a special focus on the foimal
piopeities of his fiction anu the aic of his wiiteily uevelopment fiom the 192us to the 4us.
! uain a context foi the aesthetics anu politics of Faulknei's woik, foi example, its ielationship to
othei examples of the moueinist novel, its engagement with issues of iace, genuei, anu
sexuality, anu its engagement with the histoiy of the South in the Civil Wai anu Reconstiuction.
! Bone theii wiiting skills anu especially close ieauinganalytic skills in caieful engagement with
foimally uifficult piose.
! Leain to engage an auuience of peeis as well as a bioauei public oially anu in wiiting, using
web-baseu platfoims such as WoiuPiess anu wikis.

=;(,<+ >:?+@(#+ ABBC+<"@+< 9?+ *;D+#<E $## ,+$@"*7< $,+ $D$"#$C#+ D"$ 9?+ F+C "* 4G@HI

uate ieauings wiiting
Week 1 Intiouuction to Faulknei's life anu woik
8Su Intiouuction, iequiiements, assignments anu thumbnail of !"# %&'() *()
+"# ,'-.
0ptional ieauing: Nalcolm Cowley, intiouuction to /&-+*01# ,*'12(#-

Week 2-4 !"# %&'() *() +"# ,'-.
9S TSAF: I: "Benjy"
Faulknei, "Intiouuction to TSAF"
Blog post #1
96 No class: holiuay
91u TSAF: II: "Quentin"
91S No class: holiuay
917 TSAF III: "}ason"
Caiolyn Poitei, fiom 34114*5 ,*'12(#-, ch 1 (S9-S4, iest optional)
Blog post #2
92u TSAF Iv: "Bilseynaiiatoi"
Faulknei, "Appenuix to TSAF"

Week S-7 67 8 9*. :.4(;
924 AILB 1-S2 Blog post #S
927 AILB SS-1u4
1u1 AILB 1uS-1SS
1u4 AILB 1S6-2uS
1u8 AILB: finish Blog post #4
1u11 Neet in libiaiy: uetailslocation TBA
Week 8-11 94;"+ 4( 6';'7+
1u1S No class: holiuay
1u18 LIA, chs 1-S meuium wiki #1
1u22 LIA, chs 6-8
1u2S LIA, chs 9-11 Blog post #S
1u29 LIA, chs 12-14
111 LIA, chs 1S-16 meuium wiki #2
11S LIA, finish
118 Take-home miuteim: uetails TBA miuteim
Wk 12-1S 607*1&5< 607*1&5=
1112 AA, chs 1-2 Blog post #6
111S AA, ch S
1119 AA, ch 4 Long wiki pioposal
1122 AA, ch S
1126 AA, ch 6 Long wiki biblio
1127 AA, ch 7
12S AA, chs 8-9
126 AA, wiap-up Long wiki uue
Week 16 >& :&?(< @&7#7
121u "Was," "The Fiie anu the Beaith"
121S "The Beai" Poitfolios uue

Six blog posts of 4uu-8uu woius + infoimal commenting on otheis' posts
Niuteim exam (essay- anu shoit-answei-baseu takehome exam)
At least thiee shoit, two meuium, anu one long entiy in oui Yoknapeuia (encyclopeuic wiki site)
0R, a longei ieseaich papei on a topic of youi own uevising baseu on oiiginal ieseaich (1u-12 pp.)
iegulai attenuance anu paiticipation in all uiscussions

I will give uetaileu guiuelines foi the blog posts, exam, anu encyclopeuia entiies sepaiately. Youi
giaue will be calculateu as follows: blogging (2S%); miuteim (2u%); encyclopeuia entiies (4u%);
paiticipation (1S%).

L '-! /-.-JL0 M80N=N->K

a) -#;*-)4(; A1*;4*-475
Buntei College iegaius acts of acauemic uishonesty (e.g. plagiaiism, cheating on examinations,
obtaining unfaii auvantage, anu falsification of iecoius anu official uocuments) as seiious offenses
against the values of intellectual honesty. The college is committeu to enfoicing the C0NY Policy on
Acauemic Integiity anu will puisue cases of acauemic uishonesty accoiuing to the Buntei College
Integiity Pioceuuies.

b) -#;*-)4(; 7+')#(+7 ?4+" )47*0414+4#7
In compliance with the Ameiican Bisability Act of 199u (ABA) anu with Section Su4 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 197S, Buntei College is committeu to ensuiing euucational paiity anu
accommouations foi all stuuents with uocumenteu uisabilities anuoi meuical conuitions. It is
iecommenueu that all stuuents with uocumenteu uisabilities (Emotional, Neuical, Physical anuoi
Leaining) consult the 0ffice of Accessibility locateu in Room 1124 East to secuie necessaiy acauemic
accommouations. Foi fuithei infoimation anu assistance please call (212-772-48S7) TTY (212-6Su-

c) -#;*-)4(; *++#()*(B# *() A*-+4B4A*+4&(
I uo take attenuance anu expect you in class each uay. Failuie to attenu will significantly impact youi
giaue; moie than foui unexcuseu absences will iesult in a failing giaue. I'm a ieasonable peison, so
*1?*.7 get in touch via email 4( *)C*(B# if you neeu to miss class. I become less ieasonable with
excuses that come aftei the fact. Noi is being theie enough: you have to come piepaieu to put away
the phones anu uistiactions anu engage the texts iigoiously. I will embaiiass you if you aie texting oi
otheiwise engaging in uistiacteuuistiacting behavioi.

u) -#;*-)4(; +#B"(&1&;.
We will use thiee majoi web iesouices in this couise: a couise blog, a couise wiki, anu the couise
Blackboaiu site. I plan to use Bb only foi its giauebook function; we will use the blog to shaie infoimal
iesponses to texts anu foi any announcements fiom me about the couise; finally, we will use the wiki
to builu a fiee anu open iesouice foi ieaueis of Faulknei calleu D&2(*A#)4*: as its name suggests, it
will be a Wikipeuia-like encyclopeuia to help ieaueis navigate Faulknei's fictional woilu. We will also
use email foi communication. It is theiefoie a basic iequiiement foi you to have a functioning Buntei
email account anu to check it fiequently. I also stiongly piefei that you use youi Buntei email auuiess
foi all couise-ielateu coiiesponuence: getting email fiom youi peisonal accounts, with hanules like
numbnutzS4 oi uaiealcontenua (both ieal examples), cieates spam filtei pioblems anu is just plain

O;;)<:|available at Shakes anu Co. (9S9 Lexington Avenue); all othei texts aie available via blog sitej

!"# %&'() *() +"# ,'-.
67 8 9*. :.4(;
94;"+ 4( 6';'7+
607*1&5< 607*1&5=
>& :&?(< @&7#7

** all above titles aie Faulknei's novels (uuh); if you shop aiounu, make suie to get the vintage
euitions "coiiecteu" by Noel Polk to ensuie coiiect pagination.

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