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Photography Club smcphotographyclub@gmail.com Pre-Health Association smcpha@gmail.


Spirit Club smccheerclb@aol.com

Purpose: To allow students the opportunity to meet and network with other students interested in photography with whom to seek advice and feedback. Purpose: To aid students in getting into health professional schools.

Purpose: To promote school spirit on campus and to support the athletic teams of Santa Monica College.

Pre Law Society lawclubsmc@gmail.com

Student Nurses Association (SNA) snasmc@gmail.com Purpose: To provide support and education for students in the nursing field. Meetings held on Bundy Campus, 3rd floor conference room. Student Veterans Association (SVA) smcsva@gmail.com UNICEF at SMC smc.unicef@gmail.com
Purpose: Raise awareness & promote successful transitions into academic life.

Purpose: to expose and discuss legal issues affecting us in the world today, and to help give future legal professionals insight and knowledge about aw schools and careers.


Psychology Club, SMC smcpsychclub@gmail.com

Purpose: Promote psychology, educational enrichment & personal development.

Purpose: To raise students' awareness on child survival on behalf of UNICEF.

Reading Club smcreadingclub@gmail.com Red Cross Club

Vietnamese Student Association VSA) SMC.VSA@gmail.com

Inter-Club Council

Purpose: to promote literacy and have discussions on current and classic literature. RedcrossclubSMC@gmail.com Purpose: Spread the merits of disaster preparedness, basic health training, and community service, while working towards worldwide health goals.

Purpose: to promote awareness of the Vietnamese culture and to advocate for te cultural, educational, political, and social welfare of the Vietnamese culture.

Respiratory Therapy Club


Purpose: Promote Respiratory care and education.

Robotic Club, SMC smcrobotic@gmail.com

Purpose: forwarding technology through the education of designing, building, and programming.

Rotaract Club, SMC smcrotaract@gmail.com

If you are interested in starting a new club, just follow these simple steps:
Find at least five students, plus yourself, for a total of six (6) Find a full-time FACULTY member or classified
MANAGER to serve as your clubs advisor. currently enrolled SMC students, with a current A.S. Sticker, who are interested in forming the club.

Santa Monica College

The ICC is an organization within the Associated Students of Santa Monica College that exists to support student clubs on campus.



Purpose: Promote leadership, community service and networking skills.

*Club meets 2nd & 4th Tuesday/month.

Skeptics Club, SMC smcskepticsclub@gmail.com

Purpose: To explore, discuss and debate claims and issues of pseudoscience, the paranormal, fringe science and extraordinary claim of all kinds using critical thinking, free thought, rationally and skepticism.

Complete the club registration packet on our website, usually

available in the middle of August 2013, print it and submit all forms to the A.S. office front desk.

Attend a Club Orientation offered by an A.S. Counselor. Attend bi-monthly ICC meetings to become and maintain
an officially recognized club. Officially recognized clubs will have access to the services of the Associated Students office and may apply for funds allocated by the Associated Students.

Example Club List

No clubs during summer session.
about the middle of September.

Associated Students Office

Cayton Center Room # 202 (Above the Cafeteria)
Phone: (310) 434-4250


SUMMER OFFICE HOURS Monday -Thursday : 8:30am - 5pm Friday: 8:30 am -1pm

social sciences.

Alpha Gamma Sigma Honor Society alphagamma.smc@gmail.com American Sign Language Club asl@smcatgmail.com Anthropology Club smcanthroclub@gmail.com Art Club, SMC smcartclub.com/contact-us

Purpose: Promote leadership, academic excellence and cultural enrichment.

Creative Writing Club smccreativewritingclub@gmail.com Purpose: Support and promote the use of imagination and emotion in writing and to come together o hone abilities and make writing enjoyable Dentistry Club smcdentistryclub@gmail.com
Purpose: To prepare the students for a career in the field of dentistry. Meeting will provide info about course requirement and admission for dental school along with guest speakers and professionals

I.D.E.A.S of SMC Improving Dreams Equality Access and Success of SMC ideas_of_smc@yahoo.com Purpose: To provide a support for underrepresented students at SMC. International Student Forum isf.smc@gmail.com
Purpose: To share various cultures, heritages, and taste of different countries.

Purpose: Promote deaf awareness and the usage of American Sign Language.

International Youth Fellowship (IYF) iyfsmcollege@gmail.com

Purpose: To discuss anthropology related themes.

Desi Club (South Asian Association) desiclub12@gmail.com

Purpose: To create mutual understanding through global fellowship in order to form the basis of a bright and healthy society.

Purpose: To bring art to the campus and surrounding community.

Purpose: to bring south Asian communities together and enhance cultural awareness among our peers.

Japanese English Language Association (JELA) wearejela@gmail.com Kapisanang Pilipino kapisanangpilipinosmc@gmail.com Korea Campus Crusade for Christ smckccc@hotmail.com Korean Transfer Guidance Email pending

Association of Latin American Students (ALAS) alas_of_smc@yahoo.com Astronomy O3 Club astronomyo3club@gmail.com

Purpose: Strive for educational, cultural, social, and political empowerment.

Early Childhood Education Prof. Development Professional Development (ECEPD) ecepdc@gmail.com Eco Action Club ecoaction.club.smc@gmail.com Energy Innovation Team (EIT) eit123@gmail.com English Improvement Club weloveeic@gmail.com

Purpose: To help Japanese students make international friends. To introduce non-Japanese students to the Japanese language and culture.

Purpose: To educate and motivate early childhood educators.

Purpose: To promote Filipino culture and tradition to the SMC students.

Purpose: Promote astronomical science/studies & discuss current astronomical events & theories.

Purpose: To raise awareness about the environment to students, faculty & staff.

Purpose: To learn the Bible and spread the gospel to all.

Basketball, SMC smcbasketballclub@yahoo.com

Purpose: To give students an opportunity to play basketball on campus.

Purpose: To provide a group of people that would like to share ideas about innovating energy efficient products

Beta Omega Beta Honor Society betaomegabetasmc@yahoo.com Bicycle Club smcbikeclub@gmail.com

Purpose: To help student transfer to top UC systems. Offering free tutoring, presentations from transferred students and other help.

Purpose: to recognize and promote scholastic and academic achievement. To build leadership skills and social networking opportunities.

Purpose: To introduce western culture to foreign students.

Math Lab Club (MLC) smc.math.lab.club@gmail.com M.E.Ch.A mechaofsmc@gmail.com

Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance (FMLA) smcfmla@gmail.com Film Club SMCollegefilmclub@gmail.com Future Alumni Club (FAC) smcfuturealum@gmail.com Gender Sexuality Alliance smcgsa@gmail.com GeoClub Thompson_cara@smc.edu Geography Club, SMC CAL_GEOG@gmail.com

Purpose: To familiarize and facilitate the use of resources at the math lab.

Purpose: To promote feminism and feminist activism for the betterment of women.

Purpose: To promote cycling as a progressive mode of transportation and advocate for a supportive cycling community on campus.

Purpose: To foster students in higher education through self-determination. To retain our culture & history, maintain ties with the Chicano community.

Black Collegians Club blackcollegians_club@yahoo.com Brazilian Club brazilianclubsmc@gmail.com

Purpose: Provide SMC filmmakers to collaborate on projects, meet up, and stimulate through modern film appreciation.

META (Media Empowerment Through Analysis) smcmeta@gmail.com Music Industry Club musicindustrysmc@gmail.com

Purpose: To keep black students aware of the opportunities around them.

Purpose: To provide students with opportunity learn Brazilian culture and political issues concerning Brazil and its global position.

Purpose: To promote school spirit while boosting SMC student and alumni identity in support of the SMC Alumni Association, current students and the college a large.

Purpose: An inner-city youth, outreach group working with middle & high schools to foster independent opinions & enrich minds to produce a generation of critical consumers & creators of socially responsible media.

Business Analysis Club businessanalysis.smc@gmail.com Chabad SMC chabadsmc@gmail.com

Purpose: To explore issues of gender and sexuality in a safe environment.

Purpose: To examine the role of media in the music industry. Explore challenges, & rewards through real life experience. Students will also learn how and discuss the ways the music industry operates.

Purpose: To increase knowledge in business and personal finance using mathematical and statistical analysis.

Purpose: To discus and study geologically related subjects as well as fundraising & volunteering in the community.

Muslim Student Association (MSA) msaSantaMonica@gmail.com My Geek Review News Team mgrsmc@mygeekreview.com

Purpose: To promote interfaith dialogue and understanding within the diverse SMC community.

Purpose: To give students access to Judaism on their own level.

Chamber Music Club Smc.chamber.music.club@gmail.com Chemistry Club (SMC ) chemistryclubsmc@gmail.com


Purpose: To create a relationship with the Cal. Geographic Society of America

Purpose: Provide students with opportunities to rehearse perform pieces from chamber music repertoire.

German Club the.germanaustrianswissclub@gmail Purpose: to promote German language and culture. Graphic Design Club smcgdc@hotmail.com HILLEL, SMC smchillel@gmail.com
Purpose: To serve as a forum and center of creativity and networking for all interested and invested in graphic design.

Purpose: To help students practice journalism in a fun, friendly and professional environment.

Pan-African Student Union (PASU) unionpanafrican@gmail.com PERSIANversion secretary@PERSIANversion.org

Purpose: Promote diversity and cultures within the African Diaspora.

Purpose: Promote awareness of the relevance of chemistry in modern society.

Club Avanti club.avanti.smc@gmail.com Club Grow

Purpose: Providing support to Iranian and Persian students in adapting to life in the US.

Purpose: To provide an open environment for any level Italian speakers to converse and to spread awareness about Italian culture.

Purpose: Jewish Student Association on Campus.

Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society (PTK) santamonica4ptk@gmail.com Plastic Free SMC Plasticfreesmc@gmail.com

Purpose: Promote scholarship & service for honor students.

Purpose: To maintain and teach students how to grow their own food at the SMC organic Learning Garden.

History Club, SMC smchistoryclub@yahoo.com

Purpose: To promote a general appreciation for history, the humanities, and the

Purpose: To spread awareness of plastic pollution to students and to reduce the daily plastic use by SMC students.

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