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July-Sep 2013

A s e le ct i o n o f p u b l i c at io n s t h a t h i g h l i g h t s st u d ie s , r e p o r t s a n d o t h e r do c u m e nt s o n t o p i c s a n d is s u e s o f r e l e v a n ce fo r t h e C a ri b b e a n , w h i c h c a n i n f o r m a n d c o n t r i b u t e t o t he po l i c y d i a l o g ue , fo r m u l at i o n an d i m p l e m e n t a t io n pr o ce s se s . Food Security and Agricultural Development FCDL Policy Paper, Alternatives to Food Import Dependency Uwe Hoering, 2013 This publication explores the issue of food security and presents several successful initiatives as exemplars of recommended approaches to reducing (quantities of) food dependence - specifically in the Least Developed Countries (LDCs). It explores the debate between restriction and trade liberalization as a means of mitigation; the issues of food security in rural communities, and the redefining of eating habits which have caused a shift in the native agriculture of some countries. The publication also provides insights into how small scale farmers can drive solutions in agricultural development and food security. The main advantages of small scale farming as compared to industrialized farming and imports being; the proximity to the local markets, the ability to cater to the local taste and lower cost of production. It is also a useful resource in better understanding the current shift in agricultural policy which allows for countries to prioritize food security by investing in domestic production. http://www.globe-spotting.de/fileadmin/user_upload/globe spotting/agriculture/Alternatives_to_Food_Import_Dependency_web-3.pdf E-Mail: info@fdcl.org Internet: http://www.fdcl.org Food Security and Agricultural Mitigation in Developing Countries: Options for Capturing Synergies Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. October 2009 This publication explores the ongoing effort to meet the multiplicity of issues that surround the agricultural sector as it strives to meet future food needs of a growing population. It addresses links between climate change mitigation and adaptation as it relates to land-based agricultural practices in developing nations by demonstrating that climate change and food security are deeply interrelated issues that warrant integrated planning. The publication then presents a number of examples on best-practices for doing so: using climate change mitigation and adaptation to support agriculture planning, as well as suggested ways to move forward with implementation, and synergies and trade-offs in developing strategies for addressing climate change and food security concomitantly. It is a useful reference for policy makers with an interest in the areas of policy formation, issues mitigation, financing, country-specific implementation, and creating necessary dialogue for shared solutions. http://www.fao.org/docrep/012/i1318e/i1318e00.pdf Email: Climate-change@fao.org Small is Successful- creating sustainable livelihoods on ten acres or less Ecological Land Cooperative 2011 A challenge to the conception that to be a successful farm is equated with being large, this publication provides useful details and shows how feasible it is to build successful sustainable land-based enterprises on 10 acres or less. Eight (8) such examples are compiled in this work which also shares research findings that may serve as guidelines towards developing a successful small enterprise. This publication targets perspective small holders and organizations seeking land-based livelihoods., and addresses key features of success including value adding, attention to detail and diversification of both crops and products to derive maximum returns on enterprise http://ecologicalland.coop/sites/ecologicalland.coop/files/Small_is_Successful.pdf Contact: http://www.fcrn.org.uk/

July-Sep 2013
Food Security and Agricultural Development Promoting ITC Based Agricultural Knowledge Management: to increase production and productivity of smallholder farms in Ethiopia. UNDP Ethiopia 2012 Ethiopias Growth and Transformation Plan is the subject of this publication which explores how that country is working to improve among other things, the national food security and particularly, to increase smallholder farming productivity. Ethiopias plan seeks to double agricultural production in three strategic directions: scaling up best practices, expanding land under irrigation and promoting the cultivation of high value crops. The publication points to the importance of knowledge management in and the importance of ICTs in the future of agricultural production once pre-requisites of cost-effectiveness, innovation and ease of access to farmers are satisfied. While its focus is on Ethiopia, the information has relevance and applicability to other countries that are committed to increasing food security and reducing poverty. Specifically pertaining to knowledge management providing examples of successful ICT-based interventions in other developing nations. At the very least, the work stimulates dialogue surrounding productivity and smallholder farmers and makes for very interesting reading in the use of ICT-based interventions for agricultural knowledge management. http://ecologicalland.coop/sites/ecologicalland.coop/files/Small_is_Successful.pdf Contact: http://esa.ifpri.info/

Traceability is Free : Competitive Advantage of Food Traceability to Value Chain Management Gooch, M. PhD, Sterling, B., Aug. 2013 This publication challenges the idea that traceability often increases costs and is in some way a burden to business. By articulating alternatives to traditional thinking on traceability, this work demonstrates how a welldesigned traceability system can be used as a tool for measuring sustainability when implemented along the value chain, and can provide necessary competitive advantage. The publication emphasises that ICT-based traceability can be used to generate long term financial success as well as addressing issues of lowering recall scope, food and heath safety issues, with attendant positive impact on costs. The publication also offers goals for well-developed traceability systems and provides several successful examples. http://vcm-international.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Traceability-is-Free-A-Different-Look-at-FoodTraceability-Aug-13-2013.pdf Contact: info@vcm-international.com A New Global Partnership: Eradicate Poverty and Transform Economies through Sustainable Development United Nations, 2013 This UN report looks at development beyond the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). It is essentially a framework for what sustainable development could look like post 2015. The report brings together social economic and environmental issues with specific focus on environmental degradation and climate change, under five transformative shifts: Leave no one behind- an aim to eradicate poverty and enable every individual the basic human rights; Putting sustainable development at the core- a call for social inclusion in and structural change in tackling climate change issues; Transformation of economies for jobs and inclusive growth; Building peace through effective governance; and a Global partnership, where there is a unity among citizens of the world working to achieve these common goals. The report is an important read for government agencies NGOs and other developmental organizations to stimulate discussion on the current issues and challenges of sustainable development in a changing world. http://www.un.org/sg/management/pdf/HLP_P2015_Report.pdf

July-Sep 2013
Food Security and Agricultural Development Global Food Losses and Food Waste The Swedish Institute for Food and Biotechnology and the FAO, 2011 This study highlights the relationship between food waste and food security. It examines the correlation between management of food waste along the supply chain and the reduction in production volumes needed to sustainably feed a growing population. In comparing medium to high-income countries with low-income countries, the study shows that there are significant differences in both the amount of waste as well as the point along the food chain at which the majority of waste occurs. It addresses the causes of food waste in both categories and gives suggestions for interventions to prevent food losses in each instance. There are a number of useful theories explored which can be used for further research in investigating the ways in which food waste management can mitigate food insecurity. http://www.fao.org/docrep/014/mb060e/mb060e00.pdf C o n t a c t : Publications-Sales@fao.org /copyright@fao.org Report on the Caribbean Green Economy Conference 2013 This conference report pinpoints the challenges faced in the development of the Green Economy in the Caribbean. The conference brought together national and regional representatives and policy makers under the theme Green Economy as a vehicle for Sustainable Development and Poverty Eradication in the Caribbean. The specific geo-political and environmental challenges within the Caribbean region were addressed. Options for developing the Green Economy as well as the economic benefits it may yield were presented. The conference served as a platform for developing the way forward through the exchange of ideas and shared solutions.


Food and Agriculture in Ethiopia Dorash, P. and Rashid, S. 2013 This book challenges the idea of an impoverished Ethiopia. It explores Ethiopias economic success in sustained growth of its agricultural sector, through a combination of appropriate programs and progressive policies. It also identifies areas that can be further developed to contribute to additional poverty reduction. While the book speaks explicitly to Ethiopia, their methodology in driving the agricultural sector forward is an excellent model that may be used to develop the agriculture sector in other nations, particularly developing nations. http://www.ifpri.org/publication/food-and-agriculture-ethiopia Contact: ifpri@cgiar.org

July-Sep 2013
Food Security and Agricultural Development A global assessment of offshore mariculture potential from a spatial perspective Aguilar-Manjarrez, J. , Jenness, J. and McDaid Kapetsky, J. 2013 Working on the premise that mariculture or offshore aquaculture is an underutilized resource that is capable of significantly contributing to global food security, this paper presents some interesting assumptions of the development of offshore mariculture - what it will look like and where it will be developed. It also identifies nations with the potential for offshore mariculture development. The paper concludes with suggestions on how best offshore aquaculture can be managed sustainably. The publication aims to promote an interest in open ocean mariculture as a means of supplementing the worlds food supply.

http://www.fao.org/docrep/017/i3100e/i3100e.pdf Contact: publications-sales@fao.org Info: http://www.fao.org/publications/en/ Facing the Challenges of Climate Change and Food Security: the Role of Research, Extension and Communication for Development. Leeuwis, c., and Hall, A. 2013 Climate change brings with it the need for adaptation mechanisms particularly when dealing with factors affecting food security. This is the premise of this report. It is based on case studies done in Bangladesh, Bolivia, DR Congo and Ghana and highlights the need for support in the area of climate change adaptation. It emphasizes that successful adaptation requires technical change at the farm level, reformed policy, governance of agricultural production and value chain and natural resource management. This publication may prove particularly important for agricultural extortionists with regard to the provision of innovation support services for climate change and mitigation. http://www.fao.org/docrep/018/i3334e/i3334e.pdf Contact: copyright@fao.org Info: http://www.fao.org/nr/research -extension-systems/informres/en/ The FOME Zero ( Zero Hunger) Program As the world continues to grapple with hunger and food insecurity, searching for solutions to one of todays major issues, this publication reviews the success of the implementation of The Fome (Zero Hunger) program in Brazil. Brazil has accomplished the UN Millennium Development Goal of reducing extreme poverty by half. The publication also contains an outline of the instruments used in meeting the challenges presented, as well as recommendations for other countries dedicated to accomplishing similar goals. It can be a useful reference for policy makers and governments seeking to implement programs aimed at alleviating food and nutrition insecurity. http://www.fao.org/docrep/016/ap339e/ap339e.pdf Info: http://www.fao.org/documents/en/docrep.jsp

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